Guardians of the Eternal Spring

The Guardians of the Eternal Spring made up one of the primary military forces in Quel'Thalas. They occupied the bulk of the elven infantry, and also served as guards, law enforcers, and other such roles to ensure the peace in the elf lands.


Known Members

High Elf Auric Sunchaser Captain of the Guardians of Eternal Spring Alive
High Elf Caeus Darill Captain of the Guardians of Eternal Spring Alive
High Elf Faltora Swiftheart Sergeant of the Guardians of the Eternal Spring Deceased
High Elf Kaelis Sunsoar Captain of the Guardians of the Eternal Spring Deceased
Illidari High Elf Kayn Sunfury Captain of the Guardians of the Eternal Spring, Former Member of the Thalassian Resistance Alive
San'layn Keleseth Graybrook Lieutenant and Blood Knight of the Guardians of the Eternal Spring Undead
Undead Elf Lana'thel Duskseeker General of the Guardians of the Eternal Spring and Matriarch of the Blood Knights Undead
High Elf Nallorath Evershield Bodyguard of Kilnar Goldensword Alive
San'layn Sangrias Stillblade Blood Knight of the Guardians of Eternal Spring Undead
High Elf Sevis Brightflame Member of the Guardians of the Eternal Spring, Former Member of the Thalassian Resistance Alive
San'layn Taldaram Evenstar Lieutenant and Blood Knight of the Guardians of the Eternal Spring Undead
High Elf Commander Thalorian Dawnseeker Commander of the Guardians of the Eternal Spring Deceased
Red Dragon Borel Skyfire | Tyranastrasz Former General of the Guardians of the Eternal Spring, Former Member of the Convocation of Silvermoon, Former Prime Consort to the Dragonqueen Deceased
San'layn Valanar Graybrook Lieutenant and Blood Knight of the Guardians of the Eternal Spring Undead