

Illysanna Ravencrest

The Illidari are an elite faction of demon hunters that have taken the ideals and techniques of Illidan Stormrage and forged them into a united force. They are specialized hunters that focus on combating and destroying Burning Legion forces wherever they may be found, and frequently use the power of the fel against them.


Following the death of her father and the Sundering, Illysanna Ravencrest wanted revenge for all that the demons had taken from her. And while she disagreed with most of Illidan's methods, she realized that what secrets he had uncovered would be the key to striking back at the Legion. So she and a small group of like minded night elves sought to reverse engineer the techniques Illidan had been observed using during the war. After centuries of research they were successful, and the end result was dubbed a demon hunter.

Over the past 10,000 years, the Illidari have been quietly seeking knowledge, contacts, and recruits. While most demon hunters have been kaldorei, the organization had begun to branch out. Nyxxa was the first satyr demon hunter, and recently there were numerous high elves that joined. They even have a murloc now.

Only recently has Illidan Stormrage met the Illidari. As of now he serves as Lord Hunter, and acts in a figurehead sort of role. Illysanna leads the Illidari, as she has for the entirety of the organization's existance.


The key to unlocking demonic power lay in devouring a demon, body and soul, then binding it within oneself. A demon is caught and defeated, then once devoured the hunter and demon engage in another battle inside the hunter's mind. Once defeated again, the demon hunter receives a vision of the total might of the Burning Legion. All the worlds they have burned or brought to heel, the might of the armies at their call, and the ruthlessness of their methods. In the process of seeing this, the hunter burns out their own eyes. Should they survive this process, and not be driven mad, they next awaken with newfound power and fel motes where their eyes once were.

Though the ritual has been honed over the years, the death rate of recruited hunters is very high. There are many places where during the training and the ritual itself where things can go wrong.

Jace Darkweaver, a highborne mage, engineered both the binding and tattooing process. Additionally, he developed a technique of simplifying magic sigils to make it easier for the more martially inclined Illidari to use magic. Though careful study he narrowed the process down to the use of five glyphs, as well as a simple magic circle. Novice hunters memorize all five and a personal magic circle in order to create sigils to cast their spells.

The HuntUsed for vision and divination spells.Detect Magic, Enhance Vision, Detect Evil and Good, Hunter's mark, Dark MetamorphosisThis sigil that represents the Illidari.
FlameRepresenting chaos and used to channel fel and offensive magicMana burn, Mana break, Immolation Aura, Blade Dance, Chaos Nova, Eye Beam, Dark Metamorphosis 
ShadowRepresenting void and used to channel shadow and defensive magicNetherwalk, Dark Metamorphosis 
ChainsUsed for binding magicDark MetamorphosisMainly used by master hunters
DevourUsed for stealing magic or soulsMasochism, Devour Soul 

Known Members

Illidari High Elf Alandien Shadowfury Illidari Trainer of Infiltration Alive
Illidari High Elf Altruis Shadowsong Illidari Agent Alive
Illidari High Elf Belath Dawnblade Alive
Illidari High Elf Elarisiel Bloodwrath Illidari Master Hunter Alive
Illidari High Elf Elerion Bladedancer Alive
Illidari High Elf Feronas Sindweller Alive
Illidari High Elf Illysanna Ravencrest Leader and Founder of the Illidari Alive
Illidari High Elf Izal Whitemoon Alive
Illidari High Elf Jace Darkweaver Illidari Mage Alive
Illidari High Elf Kor'vas Bloodthorn Illidari Agent Alive
Illidari High Elf Leotheras Nightwatch Alive
Illidari High Elf Loramus Thalipedes Illidari Agent Alive
Matron Mother Malevolence Illidari Infiltrator Alive
Illidari High Elf Needle Illidari Master Hunter Alive
Illidari High Elf Netharel Terrorblade Illidari Trainer of Martial Arts Alive
Satyr Nyxxa Murkthorn | Nhemai Illidari Emissary, Former Night Elf Sentinel Alive
Illidari High Elf Sirius Ebonwing Alive
Illidari High Elf Theras Hellbourne Illidari Trainer of Discipline Alive
Illidari High Elf Zaeneas Emberlight Farstrider Alive
Illidari High Elf Zaria Shadowheart Alive

Former Members

Caria Felsoul Servant of Kil'jaeden, Former Member of the Illidari Alive