Illysanna Ravencrest

Art by Peach Mimosa
- Titles
- The Slayer
- Species
- Illidari Night Elf
- Gender
- Female
- Height
- 6'09''
- Eyes
- None, instead replaced with glowing green motes of fel energy
- Hair
- Violet, long and straight
- Skin
- Dusky lilac
- Status
- Alive
Known Languages Common, Darnassian
Affiliations Illidari
† Kur'talos Ravencrest | Father
The Legion will fall, even should the Illidari be called upon to sacrifice everything.
Illysanna Ravencrest was formerly the heir to the Ravencrest legacy as the sole daughter of Kur'talos Ravencrest. However, following his death during the War of the Ancients and the Sundering that followed, her life was left in upheaval. While she had disagreed with the approach of Illidan Stormrage, she found merit in his methods, and together with some of her closest companions, they were able to reverse engineer the process of consuming demons, and thus became the first Illidari.
Illysanna was a tall, well-built woman with dusky lilac skin and straight, well-maintained violet hair. Her tattoos were similarly purple. While she was a competent and stern leader, she was also notable vain, a trait that was made worse by the influence of the succubus queen Sagrada that became her inner demon. As a result, she was frequently adorned in fine jewelry and sparse clothing, and she spent a great deal of time preening when she was not otherwise taking care of more important matters.
The Slayer, Illysanna Ravencrest, is the founder and leader of the Illidari. She was the daughter of Kur'talos Ravencrest, a prominant figure in the Kal'dorei Rebellion. She started the organization at the conclusion of the War of the Ancients with the purpose of furthering the techniques developed by Illidan Stormrage. Given Illidan was imprisoned following the war, Illysanna needed to piece together the information that was left behind.
Following the Sacking of Silvermoon, Illysanna under the guise of "The Slayer" contacted Nyxxa as she was imprisoned in Lorderon via the Dream spell. After Nyxxa had reported what had happened, the Slayer gave Nyxxa the new assignment to find Broxigar and to keep an eye on his son, Arthak Saurfang. She also warned Nyxxa of the traitor Caria Felsoul. She offered Nyxxa a way to escape her imprisonment and suspicion from the Legion. Nyxxa accepted, thus the Slayer used the dream spell to kill her and had one of her contacts on Argus rewrite Nyxxa's memories so that she thought she had been killed during an assassination attempt on Jaina Menethil.
The next time Nyxxa spoke with the Slayer was once again by Dream on New Years Eve. Here she revealed her identity to Nyxxa as Illysanna Ravencrest, as well as the importance of Broxigar concerning the War of the Ancients. She also informed Nyxxa to meet the Illidari where it all began- in Black Rook Hold.
Chapter Five: Civil War
- Snapshot: My Illidari
- [Horde] Chapter Five: Session Seven
- [Horde] Chapter Five: Session Eight
- [Horde] Chapter Five: Session Nine
- [Horde] Chapter Five: Session Eleven
- [Horde] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Five
- Interaction: Demonic Diplomacy
- [Horde] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Six
- [Horde] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Seven
Appeared In
Chapter Two: Casting Dice
Chapter Three: The Scales Tip
Chapter Five: Civil War
- Snapshot: My Illidari
- [Horde] Chapter Five: Session Seven
- [Horde] Chapter Five: Session Eight
- [Horde] Chapter Five: Session Nine
- [Horde] Chapter Five: Session Eleven
- [Horde] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Five
- Interaction: Demonic Diplomacy
- [Horde] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Six
- [Horde] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Seven
- Her inner demon is a succubus queen