Arathi Highlands


Galen Trollbane
Forest Troll
Arathi, Common
Southeastern Lordaeron

It's said that the Old Ways have long passed into history, but others claim that if you listen closely, you can still hear the highlands speak.

The Arathi Highlands were a region in southeastern Lordaeron that was located east of the Hillsbrad Foothills and south of the Hinterlands. To the south was the Thandol Span, which was a large dwarven construction that bridged the gap between Lordaeron and Khaz Modan. It was once of the home of the first human empire of Arathor, which gave the region its name, though in modern day it became the kingdom of Stromgarde.


Chapter Five: Civil War

With the rise of High King Daval Prestor, the kingdom of Stromgarde was forced to contend with the terrorist movements of the League of Arathor under the leadership of Maighread Tàillear, the "One-Eyed Gryphon". Following princess Vittoria Trollbane's return to her homeland after the funeral of Uther Menethil, she was kidnapped by the terrorist leader—only to find out that Maighread was actually her mother, and she meant her no harm.

It was Maighread's claim that her former husband, Galen Trollbane, arranged for the assassination of his father, Thoras Trollbane, during the assassination of kings that started the Second Troll Wars. She had discovered the plot and Galen attempted to have her killed as well, which was how she lost her eye, and ultimately the League of Arathor sought to bring Stromgarde to a better future. When Uther and his companions made their miraculous return and came to Stromgarde to check on Vittoria, they got wrapped into the plot, as Vittoria wanted the truth of her father's involvement.

With the help of Maighread's friend, Aoibh Reòthadh, who was a coroner, it was decided they would try to get into the royal crypt so they could ask Thoras himself what happened using the death magic of Velameestra Windrunner. Aoibh was reticent to get involved, but relented on introducing the group to her mother, Faerlina, as ultimately she would have the means to get them into the crypt. On their way to the Red Widow, the group also discovered the presence of a warden of the binding circles named Chulainn, who they found spying on them while they examined the Circle of the Elements in the guise of a spiritual wolf. During their surprise altercation, the group heard a deafening screech in Kalimag, and Chulainn relented the information that someone was messing with the circles of binding. After taking the group to confer with his mentor, a mountain giant named Fozruk, it was revealed that the circles of binding actually kept an ancient elemental princess named Myzrael imprisoned beneath the highlands, and whoever was messing with the circles like sought to release her. The group promised Fozruk they would do what they could to help.

It was discovered the Syndicate was active in Stromgarde as Velameestra recognized one of the "special advisors" that were helping the Stromic guard at a checkpoint. This was further confirmed when they encountered none other than a disguised Aliden Perenolde meeting with Faerlina, and he similarly was suspicious of the group after word from his man reached him. However, during a clandestine meeting with the man, Velameestra was able to strike a deal with him that they would spare his organization in exchange for information about his other employer, Daval Prestor, who they were seeking to unseat. It was clear Aliden was gauging the best side his organization should be on to survive the coming war, and he offered a condition that he wanted to see what they did in Stromgarde, to which Velameestra agreed.

Vittoria was given a potion that Faerlina had brewed that allowed her to fall into a state of living death, and they fabricated a story that Aoibh had found her dead and had determined it had been poison. Galen was devastated and furious at the revelation his kidnapped daughter was being returned to him dead, and while he originally was going to hide the news from the people until he found the killer, Aoibh was able to convince him to make an announcement before the League of Arathor could, as he was suspicious they had been responsible for the death of his daughter. He decided he would do so in three days time, but demanded that his men hunt for any clues as to what had happened, including questing Aoibh more thoroughly.

While in the keep, Velameestra was able to identify several Syndicate members as disguised drakonids, which she reported to Aliden. He was not pleased about the revelation, but when the perceived traitors didn't come forward, he had them ruthlessly killed in a poison trap. Meanwhile, Gilveradin had spun stories of a returned princess that would usher Stromgarde into a new era, and Uther was able to speak with Danath Trollbane and let him in on the truth so that he could get them into the crypt without further impedement.



Subzones of the Arathi Highlands
Major Settlements Strom
Minor Settlements Hatchet RidgeWitherbark Village
Farmsteads Dabyrie's FarmsteadNorthfold Manor
Towers High Perch
Caves Drywhisker GorgeGalson's Lode
Points of Interest Circle of ElementsCircle of East BindingCircle of Inner BindingCircle of Outer BindingCircle of West Binding
Forests/Woods Witherbark Woods