Last Crossing

Last Crossing is a small village that is located south of Quel'Thalas. It's named for the fact that it is the last trading outpost before actually heading into the elflands. However, in recent times, due to its proximity to the elflands themselves, it has started to become more fortified.


Chapter One: Matters of Life and Death

Last Crossing was nearly decimated by the undead servants of Zalazane and many of its denizens were captured. However, after Zalazane's defeat it started to be rebuilt.

Chapter Three: The Scales Tip


Appeared In

Subzones of the Eastweald
AndorhalBlackwood LakeBlackwood Reach (Garithos Estate) • CinderhomeDarrowmere Lake (Caer Darrow (Scholomance)) • DarrowshireFelstone FieldGreenwood (Greenwood Tower) • Hearthglen (Mardenholde Keep) • Lake MereldarLast Crossing (Fort Crossing) • Light's Hope ChapelThe Marris SteadNorthdaleNorthridge Lumber CampRedpine DellSorrow Hill (Uther's Tomb) • StratholmeThondroril RiverTyr's HandThe UndercroftQuel'Lithien LodgeZul'Mashar