Professor Putricide

Art by Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.


Undead Human
Burst into fragments of glimmering light following a devastating strike by Uther Menethil using Light's Vengeance during the raid on Naxxramas.
Glowing yellow
Purple, wild and balding

Known Languages Common

Affiliations Cult of the Damned

Professor Putricide was a scientist in the Cult of the Damned employed by Heigan Capless, and he was responsible for a great deal of horrors, including the plague of undeath.


The Professor was a very clearly undead man whose body had severely decayed and left his arms nothing but bones. He was balding with only remnants of wild, purple hair on the sides of his head, and he was completely missing his lower jaw, which left his tongue lolling wildly from his throat. While he was capable of speech, it was likely he did so with magical aid. He had glowing yellow eyes behind a pair of fitted goggles, one of which was covered by a thick magnifying lens.

While Putricide was a genius, he had no limitations to his pursuit of knowledge and experimentation, and would experiment just for the sake of discovering what would occur. He had no semblance of ethics, which in turn spawned horrifying abominations and discoveries.


Chapter Five: Civil War

After Lance Beckett returned to the Capless Feather Grains warehouse in Venetia along with a disguised Uther Menethil, his presence earned a degree of suspicion from the workers there. It was eventually discovered that he had returned as an undead, but he had his lucidity, which was beyond the scope of expectation. As a result, he was placed in the custody of Putricide so he could discover what sort of anomaly had interfered with the expected direction of the experiment.

During his initial musing over Lance, Putricide noticed the scrying sensor sent by Velameestra Windrunner and promptly dispelled it.

The mad professor was later encountered in the sprawling necropolis of Naxxramas when the party managed to make their way to his laboratory in the Plagueworks. Initially, he attempted to stop them with a trap by sealing off the door and triggering the Causeway to start to collapse behind them, but on Velameestra's orders, Seria was able to dispel the magical glyph trap on the sealed door, and the combined efforts of Uther, Gilveradin, and Seria were able to nearly break it down before Putricide opted to open it at the last moment. He promptly released all of his experiments to aid against the intrusion, and the party's companions took care of the swarms of undead and stitched horrors while they opted to focus on Putricide and his most prized creations: Gluth, Grobbulus, Festergut, and Rotface. Putricide activated the effects of his laboratory, and everyone within it had their matter temporarily shifted into one of four states—solid, liquid, gas, and ooze—which offered their own strengths and weaknesses against other transmuted creatures. He further transmuted his form to gain whatever advantage he could muster using a smattering of vile concoctions. While he put forth a valiant effort to fend off the intruders, his creations were unable to protect him.

Death (October 18th, 633)

Uther was able to get under the protections of Festergut and struck Putricide directly in the chest with the hammer Light's Vengeance. The sheer force of the blow, and the holy energy he channeled through it, shattered the mad professor into glimmering light. The destruction of the scientist caused the states in the lab to return to normal.

Appeared In

Chapter Five: Civil War


Greeting Lance Beckett and spying Velameestra's scrying sensor
Good morning, Mister Beckett! I’d ask if you slept well, but it seems that’s not possible anymore! Curious that. Curious that.
You are quite an interesting specimen! The plague took hold, but you have your sanity! How curious! Never to worry. I know you must be frightened, but we’ll get to the bottom of this peculiarness! But! Before that.
Hm. Not sure who this is. Perhaps a mage lord, or a friend of yours? Well. No matter. Nevertheless, I can’t have you stealing company secrets, so I’ll have to politely ask you to leave!
Welcoming the party to Naxxramas
Well well well! Look who stumbled their way into Naxxramas! It seems like we have some intruders sneaking about all over the place! Now what are you hoping to accomplish here? You know what? It doesn’t matter! You can’t be allowed to interfere with my plans! After all, my newest subject and I are having a great time bonding! Do you want to stay hello?
Wouldn’t you just die for me? Just keel over and die?
Good news, everyone! While you were breaking down my door, I perfected the plague!
Rotface! Festergut! My boys, come out and play!
Bad news everyone….
