[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Ten

Appearing Characters: Altruis Shadowsong, Arthak Saurfang, Emmigosa, Gilveradin Windrunner, Kalecgos, Khadgar, Mordenaku, Motah Tallhorn, Nethrandamus, Nyxxa, Runas, Samia Inkling, Senegos, Sol'chi, Stellagosa, Tarecgosa, Teemo Manabrake, Telagos, Thal'ena Dawnseeker, Thura Saurfang, Vaelastrasz, Zagarra, Zar'Kaa

November 8th

The group went to find Telagos before they left on their mission to the Azurewing Repose.

Telagos says: Good afternoon, everyone! I was informed you wanted my assistance?
Nyxxa says: Yes, we heard you were interested in visiting the Azurewing Repose?
Telagos says: Yes. I heard stories about it. I wanted to go for a long time. Let me more properly introduce myself.

Telagos closed his eyes and allowed some of his visage to release. He smiled, some patches of blue scales now visible.

Telagos says: My name is Telagos. I am a blue dragon, as you surmised, but I do not know any of the dragons at the location you are going to. I’ve heard stories of them, but little else. But I would be glad to provide what assistance I can, and try to pave the way to peaceful negotiations, as it were.
Nyxxa says: I would appreciate that greatly. If we can prevent blows, I would utilize that.
Telagos says: I don’t have much influence, but at least traveling with one of their kin may stem hostilities.
Nyxxa says: We have a history of helping some blue dragons in Outland. Would that be helpful?
Telagos says: I’m sure! Who?
Nyxxa says: Kalecgos and Tyrygosa.
Telagos says: The princess? Goodness. That would be valuable indeed. I don’t know Kalecgos, but Tyrygosa is one of the daughters of our leader.
Nyxxa says: Well, that’s good news.
Sol'chi says: They were engaged or something, right?
Telagos says: Well good for him! He must be talented indeed to catch the eyes of the princess!
Nyxxa says: Anything you’d recommend when it comes to approaching?
Telagos says: Well, the Repose is one of the many places where young dragons are reared. They are protective and secretive. If the words are to be believed, the area is teeming with ley energies, making it exceptional to rear young given the absence of locations like those in the Broodlands… the patriarch I know is an ancient wyrm named Senegos. Outside the aspects themselves, he is one of the most ancient if not the most ancient among dragon kind. Provided, of course, he lives, though I have not heard anything that would suggest otherwise. If legends are to be believed, he is a genial dragon. I can’t say as to his response to outsiders, especially of the fiendish variety.
Nyxxa says: That makes sense.
Telagos says: I don’t mean to discourage you! As long as we get the opportunity to explain, I’m sure we will be alright. Especially if you name drop the princess.
Nyxxa says: Do you think it would be better if we stopped outside the Repose?
Telagos says: Yes. It would be better if they find us. Plus we need to seek out the place. It’s well guarded and layered with illusion I’m sure. But if we find our way bumbling about, I’m sure one of their guardians will find us.
Nyxxa says: How does everyone else feel about that?
Sol'chi says: Works for me.
Zar'Kaa says: Think I’m on board. But if we’re traveling through this area and dispel an illusion, would they be offended?
Telagos says: They would certainly take notice! I suppose it depends on the complexity of the illusion.
Nyxxa says: If we could get their attention without meddling, I think that would be best. The area seems to be on lockdown. If we arrive and don’t try to be stealthy, they’ll likely notice.
Telagos says: Yes. Hatcheries like this are very important, so strangers will draw their attention, hopefully without the need of poking and prodding.
Zar'Kaa says: Works for me.
Telagos says: if there are any further questions, I’d be happy to answer what I can.
Nyxxa says: If you’re coming with us, we can always ask.
Telagos says: Of course! Feel free to stew on any questions. I’ll be happy to answer them when possible.
Zar'Kaa says: I’m just surprised there were dragons on this… Outland?
Arthak Saurfang says: Not natively. Though we have similar creatures.
Zar'Kaa says: Interesting.
Sol'chi says: Maybe we’ll tell you the story on the road. It involved a nasty, old black dragon.
Telagos says: I’m certainly interested in hearing as well.
Nyxxa says: Of course. Sol, is your vehicle ready?
Sol'chi says: Yes it is! While we’re flying I can explain. Perhaps give some visuals.

They go to load up Sol’s vessel and reconvene with the others that were going with them. Nethrandamus stared at Telagos for a long time. Telagos asked if he could help him, and he admitted he had never met another dragon before. Telagos admitted he didn’t know he was a dragon, and asked what flight he was a part of. Neth said he didn’t know.

Nyxxa says: They gave themselves a name, if you want to know. But it’s up to you if you want to use it.
Telagos says: What do they call themselves?
Nyxxa says: Netherwing.
Telagos says: These are the ones you assisted with the azure princess and Kalecgos?
Nyxxa says: Yes. Sol will tell you about it.
Telagos says: Pleasure to meet you, my young friend!
Nethrandamus says: Yeah. You too.
Nyxxa says: Which, Neth, would you like to hear that story as well?
Nethrandamus says: Yeah. I wouldn’t mind meeting them someday, but we had enough to do. I didn’t want to slow dad down.

Altruis ruffled his hair.

Altruis Shadowsong says: After we figure everything else out, why don’t we go back and visit them?
Nethrandamus says: Yeah. Okay. I can stay with you though, right?

Neth looked at Altruis and Altruis assured him that he could and ruffled his hair again.

The group took off in Sol’s vehicle and began to fly their way over the edges of Val’sharah. The deep, rich forests veered out in every direction. As they looked down, they could see smatterings of night elf villages and the like. However, the lush green gradually faded as they got further from the heart of Val’sharah. By the end of the day, they saw the thickets begin to thin out and become mountainous with patches of snow. They could see a lot more ancient highborne ruins and rocky cliffs that looked like they were shaped by a great blade that cleaved down through and created a colossal river.

Nyxxa recalled some stories of Azsuna from Driana, including references to the large ruined city that was now lost in its haunted cycle. The ruler of the city was a beloved ruler named Farondis, who everyone had a crush on back in the height of the city. Some of the ruins they passed over might have been the edges of that kingdom that fell.

They found a good place to set the vessel down at a schism of massive mountains, and they opted to rest for the evening and finish their search the next morning. Arthak spent the evening catching up with Thura, as she was one of the ones that had come along.

September 9th

The next day they moved the vessel closer to the area they believed the Repose was located in, and hid the vehicle before setting off to poke around in hopes of being found. Nyxxa wandered around trying to seek out some of the illusions that would mark the beginning of the blue dragon territory. She found a few things that were strange and ended up finding some shrubbery that had lavender-green leaves covered by an illusion. She found more and more of the bushes, and even the water of the stream was covered by an illusion that masked its true color. Zar’Kaa looked for any tracks he could find, and he found some that were unlike those of any creature he had seen. They were quite claw-like, almost like a crocodile’s, but that wasn’t an exact match. There were other footprints that looked somewhat humanoid, and the hoofprints of a tauren, and chunks of bark were torn off the trees.

Sol looked for any potentially dangerous traps, and he found a few glyphs of warding layered in the illusions. Most of them were for spells like sleep, hold monster, or suggestion that would serve as deterrents, but there were probably others as well.

They could tell they were getting close. At least to something. However, they were going to likely have to rely on them being found. As Nyxxa flitted through the trees, she sensed something that drew her attention upwards, and there was a pulse of distant magic. For the briefest second, Nyxxa swore she saw three blue dragons flying downwards and touching down about a half mile away.

She recognized one as Kalecgos, and one they recognized as Mordenaku. However, the other one with them was slightly smaller, but she was not Tyrygosa. There was also a rider on Kalecgos’s back.

However, at that moment, from a different direction, they heard a dragon’s roar. It was not the roar of a large dragon. It was the roar of a small dragon, though it was impressively loud. It was a declaration that she wasn’t going to let anyone touch her baby sibling, as if she was shouting at someone.

It was not far away.

They decided to veer toward the sound of the younger dragon’s roar, and they then started to hear the sounds of movement and howls of hunger and desire. They broke through a clearing and found themselves at a beautiful ley stream. At the very center, on a small piece of land surrounded by water, was a very young dragon. She had a crown of small, jagged horns, and was no larger than a large dog. She was standing on her back legs with her claws out, and a protective field of arcane energy was surrounding her. Behind her was a blue dragon’s egg.

All around her were strange, humanoid beings. They were ragged and bent, with long ears, but their bodies were malnourished and their skin tight with long, distended claws. Their clothes were tattered, and their hair thin. There were dozens of them. They were panting and slavering as they were drawn towards the young dragon and the egg.

Zar’Kaa ran for a tree that had fallen into the stream and tried to break it free to undam the flow of the water in hopes of washing some of the withered away. Unfortunately, it proved harder than he anticipated. With his second strike, however, he lifted his axe and started to hack away at the tree. It broke through, and there was a spark of magic that caused a small, localized magic reaction. There was suddenly a blast of arcane energy, but Zar’Kaa was able to avoid the epicenter of the blast. The water flowed freely and began to wash several of the withered away. Zar’Kaa had never seen anything like these creatures before, but recalling Shinfel’s notes, he couldn’t help but make parallels to the draenic Lost Ones.

Arthak and Nyxxa also recalled the strange, decrepit, withered elves Gul’dan had imprisoned in his lab. They were different, but there were some similarities.

Zar’Kaa ran at the nearest swarm and started to hack several of them to pieces.

Sol conjured his magic and used [Reverse Gravity] across the area. He was able to exclude the young dragon and the egg. Three of the swarms go shooting into the air.

Sol'chi says: They should be safe for now! Arthak, could you just kill those guys that are still hanging on?

Arthak got large and then ran at the swarm of withered that had not been caught up in the gravity well. With a series of cleaving strikes, he was able to decimate the swarm. He then looked toward one of the swarms in the gravity well and launched himself into the air after them. He decimated nearly the entirety of the second swarm, and Sol bobbed into the air next to him.

Telagos and Nethrandamus in their draconic forms were grabbing withered out of the air. Neth was just shaking some individuals while Telagos was apologizing before releasing his breath weapon over another swarm.

A handful of withered were surveying the gravity well. One stepped in and immediately was sent sailing into the air. Another one was shoved in and, again, went sailing upward. The few that remained down below watched, trying to figure out what to do.

The swarm that Zar’Kaa had dove into turned their attention to Zar’Kaa and began to claw over him. As their teeth sunk into his flesh, he felt a pulse of magic, and then pain. Zar’Kaa impaled the withered and tossed him away, but his vision went blurry as he became dazed.

Nyxxa pulled out her fans and used [Unearthly Chorus]. Two of the swarms of withered look at Nyxxa as she started to dance and try to distracted them. They started to head toward her instead of the dragon. Meanwhile, Arthak finished off the swarm of withered next to him.

More withered approached from all sides.

At that moment, a blonde elf on the back of a small, sinuous red dragon swooped in. He fired three shots from his bow at the three closest swarms. There was a gout of flame from each arrow, and the swarm around Zar’Kaa was promptly incinerated. The sinuous dragon dove at the nearest swarm and clawed at it with fiery talons.

Withered started to surround Nyxxa and sway around her as they eyed her up.

Emmigosa says [draconic]: Who the heck are all you people!?
Nyxxa says: We’re here to help! I’m with the Illidari.
Emmigosa says [draconic]: I don’t know what that is but alright!
Nyxxa says: Diplomacy!

Emmigosa continued to maintain the concentration on her shield but opened her jaws and fired a [Frostbolt] at a withered swarm, though it went wide.

Emmigosa says [draconic]: I meant to do that!

Some of the withered tackled Nyxxa, but it broke apart one of the mirror images she had conjured instead of connecting with her. Meanwhile, another swarm of withered went running for the elf that had just arrived.

Nyxxa says: Welcome Gilveradin, I didn’t expect to see you here!
Gilveradin Windrunner says: What the hell are you doing here?
Nyxxa says: Emissary work!

Nyxxa was able to lure two of the swarms of withered away from the battlefield, effectively sending them on a wild goose chase.

Sol grabbed Arthak’s giant hand and spun him around as he used [Vortex Warp], which rematerialized Arthak next to two swarms of hovering withered. However, as his eyes went skyward, he saw another dragon that burst out of the canopy. It was a large red dragon that careened down sideways, and on his back was a female elf. Her eyes scanned the battlefield, and then pivoted over to Arthak.

She had long black hair, and her expression contorted in absolute rage. She held out a hand, and a [Sunfire] exploded from her palm that struck Arthak, and the two withered swarms. Arthak was able to avoid the brunt of the radiant explosion, but the withered were not as the fire spread through them. Arthak cleaved through both swarms and then looked up at the dark-haired elven woman and gave a nod. The dragon was sweeping around with another pass.

Gilveradin backflips into the reverse gravity well and used [Conjure Volley] as he was swept up into the air. One of the swarms scraped at him, but there was a pulse of magic that broke the connection the withered had made.

He shot an arrow into the air and a rain of arrows fell down on the swarms of enemies below. The withered that remained started to flee in every direction, and the withered that were up in the air also clearly no longer wanted to be there and would likely flee the moment the reverse gravity was released.

Sol got ready to use [Vortex Warp] on Arthak to get him in a better position to release the spell. The red dragon dove down, it became clear the dragon was getting ready to release a swathe of fire. However, the exact moment it was released, Arthak was magically teleported out of the way. Sol then used [Feather Fall], and the red drake caught Gil as they dropped to the ground. However, Sol did not catch himself with the spell–though Gil did use feather fall to catch him instead.

At that moment the large red dragon landed with a roar and a look of contempt that was only matched by the outrage of the elf on his back.

Vaelastrasz shouts: You! The blade that you carry. You are their warchief!
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes.

The dragon roared again.

Vaelastrasz shouts: Then it was by your order that the Scholarly One was displayed like a trophy!
Arthak Saurfang says: No. That was the previous warchief.

The dragon looked at Arthak, and the elf hopped off the dragon’s back.

Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: But the same can’t be said about my father, can it? Arthak Saurfang.
Arthak Saurfang says: Likely not. Who is your father?

Rage flashes in Thal’ena’s eyes, and at that moment, Arthak had the realization of the similarities.

Arthak Saurfang says: … Thalorien Dawnseeker. Your father.

Thal’ena looked over at Gil.

Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: You know who this man is, right?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: One of many orcs.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: Then no one would miss him!

Thal’ena looked around the gathered group.

Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: The rest of you stay out of this!
Nyxxa says: Wait!
Zar'Kaa says: Kid I don’t think you want to do this.
Nyxxa says: We are here for peaceful parley, not for this. Let us speak.

Thal’ena’s hand was on fire and she glared daggers at Nyxxa.

Arthak Saurfang says: I have something for you. If you would choose to carry forth, you will want it. I’ve been saving it for you.

Arthak withdrew Quel’delar and slid it over to Thal’ena. She caught the blade and took a step backwards to take up the weight.

Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: What do you think you’re doing?
Arthak Saurfang says: Fulfilling a promise.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: A promise to who?
Arthak Saurfang says: The memory of a good man.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: How… how DARE you! You didn’t even know him!

She pointed the sword at Arthak with both hands.

Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: You knew nothing about him when you cut him down!
Arthak Saurfang says: I learned some as I did, and I found out more after. He fought and died bravely. I wished to understand the man I slew.

The sword was trembling as Thal’ena’s eyes darted between Arthak, and Gil, and everyone else. She clenched her teeth.

Arthak Saurfang says: If you wish to do this, I will ask my comrades to not interfere.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: I don’t understand this. I won’t let you get in my head!
Arthak Saurfang says: Very well. I am truly not trying to get in your head. The choice is yours. If you want vengeance, then here it is. Though… respectfully, I would advise that I don’t think you’re ready for this yet.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: I…

She looked around, and realized that she had no desire to fight Arthak one on one.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: Thal’ena, lower the blade.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: Why!? He took everything from me! From us! He doesn’t deserve anything!
Zar'Kaa says: You may be right. I for one can’t say what the warchief deserves. I’ve only just met him. But just now, he was fighting to protect your allies. Whatever his sins, that’s got to count for something.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: What do you know about anything!? I don’t even know who you are! You don’t know anything about my life! None of you do!

Thal’ena allowed the weight of the blade to drop it to the dirt. Gil looked quickly at the troll and then glanced at Arthak.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: Thal’ena, we need to back off. It’s not a good position.
Arthak Saurfang says: Pick your moment. He’s right. This is not it.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: I don’t… need you… to tell me… I don’t need you to tell me when my justice is owed to me! You don’t get to tell me that!
Arthak Saurfang says: And I am not. I’m telling you that if you try now, you will die. You are not ready.

The red dragon crooned toward Thal’ena gently.

Vaelastrasz says: They are right, Thal’ena. These are not our lands. We cannot bring this strife to the Repose. Your words are true and you deserve that justice, but I don’t want to lose you either. I don’t think anyone would.

Thal’ena sank down and buried her face in her hands.

Nyxxa says: We were here to meet with those with the Repose. We weren’t going to trespass though. We are familiar with Kalecgos and he is familiar with us. I saw him earlier, if he could speak to our sincerity.
Emmigosa says [draconic]: I still don’t trust any of you! I’m not going anywhere until someone else shows up!
Gilveradin Windrunner says: We’ll wait here with you then.
Emmigosa says [draconic]: Yeah! You will!
Nyxxa says: You’ve done a very good job protecting your sibling.

Emmigosa puffed up her chest proudly, and a strange mechanical, chopping sound could be heard overhead. As they looked up, a contraption with sleek, steel panels floating through the air. There was a dark-skinned human on board with two long black wings and a small black draconic creature flying nearby. The strange device was being piloted by a goblin. She spoke through a loudspeaker.

Teemo Manabreak says: There you are, Gil! You found the egg! And a bunch of other people!

In the seat behind her was a large tauren, and also a familiar orc: Zagarra. The orc’s brow raised as she saw Arthak, and there was a small smirk.

A blue dragon arrived with them. She was elegant and looked to be about the same age as Telagos. The scrappy young dragon looked up at her.

Emmigosa says [draconic]: Stella!

The small blue dragon collided into the larger one and they tumbled in the air briefly before she was able to land with the hatchling. She had curved crystalline horns and a circlet around her forehead.

Stellagosa says [draconic]: I’m so glad you’re safe, Emmi. What were you thinking?
Emmigosa says [draconic]: I wanted to save the egg!
Stellagosa says [draconic]: You shouldn’t go off alone! You’ll… never know what strangers you’ll encounter.
Sol'chi says: If it wasn’t for her the egg probably wouldn’t be in one piece.

The flying machine set down nearby.

Stellagosa says: Indeed! That seems to be the case. I do not know who you are, strangers…
Nyxxa says: I am emissary Nyxxa Murkthorn of the Illidari. I have reason to believe the dragons here have been scrying on my people, and I am here to parley.
Emmigosa says [draconic]: It is true. They did help. I would have handled it! But they made it easier.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Her spellwork was impressive.
Stellagosa says: Is that true?

The larger blue dragon gradually transformed into the guise of a blue-haired elven woman. She looked at Gil.

Stellagosa says: What say you, Dragonheart? It seems there is a history here.

Stellagosa looked over at Thal’ena, who was shrouded by Vaelastrasz’s wing.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: That history is complicated, but Nyxxa does claim to be an emissary, and they helped to protect the egg.
Stellagosa says: Very well. I will bring you back to the Repose if you believe these outsiders can be trusted… enough. Grandfather can speak with you. I don’t know the Illidari, but I believe I know the incident you refer to you.
Nyxxa says: I would ask for what you mean?
Stellagosa says: We’ve seen people similar to you. I didn’t know they had a satyr.
Nyxxa says: I’m an exception. We have another Illidari here.

She looked at Altruis.

Altruis Shadowsong says: I only just recently returned, but I understand your people have bene watching ours. We don’t want to be enemies.
Nyxxa says: This group here also aided the dragons Kalecgos and Tyrygosa on Outland.
Stellagosa says: Tyrygosa?
Telagos says: They speak true, my lady! Telagos. Pleasure. I can vouch for them, for what little that means! Yes!

Stellagosa looked around the group.

Stellagosa says: Well. If there was doubt of your tail, from what I understand Kalecgos was planning a visit soon. We can ask him ourselves. I ask one thing, however.

She looked at Arthak.

Stellagosa says: Whatever feud you and the reds have shall not continue here. Is that understood?

She then looked at the red dragon.

Arthak Saurfang says: I bear no grudge, my lady. And I intend no harm.
Vaelastrasz says: We shall abide by your rules, mistress.
Stellagosa says: Good! Then I suppose we should get this egg back to the Repose.
Emmigosa says [draconic]: Wait! Auntie Stella… there’s one more thing. There was another one. I ran into him. He’s the one who led me to the egg. I don’t know where he went. He disappeared.
Stellagosa says: Is that true? Well… maybe we should look around the area and see if this individual can be found. Did he attack you? Are you alright?
Emmigosa says [draconic]: I am. He was talking. He didn’t attack me like the others.
Stellagosa says: He spoke to you?
Nyxxa says: What are they, precisely?
Stellagosa says: They are poor and unfortunate creatures. They were elves once. But… their addiction to magic and their inability to sate their cravings transformed them. They are a problem around these areas and around Suramar. I don’t know their origins, but they have attacked our kind in the past. We nearly lost young to them, so gifted with magic… before they can defend themselves they are ideal targets. But that one that spoke to you. I never heard of such a thing.
Emmigosa says [draconic]: I’m not lying! He said he saw where the egg was. But then he disappeared.
Sol'chi says: Back on Draenor, now Outland, the draenei were hit with the Red Mist and were turned into krokul and then became Lost Ones like these creatures… some of those Lost Ones can be coherent at times. So I’m wondering if this might be similar.
Stellagosa says: Well I suppose we should try and find this individual.

Zagarra had made her way over to Arthak. Teemo had headed over to Thal’ena and was trying to comfort her. The tauren was sitting and watching, and the human mage was not trying to draw attention to herself.

Zagarra says [orcish]: I wasn’t expecting to find you here, Arthak.
Arthak Saurfang says [orcish]: Likewise. I was curious as to where you went, but this is not what I theorized.
Zagarra says [orcish]: I figured it wasn’t.

Zagara crossed her arms.

Zagarra says [orcish]: Warchief, huh?
Arthak Saurfang says [orcish]: Warchief.

Arthak raised his molten hand, and Zagara glanced in interest.

Arthak Saurfang says [orcish]: Warchief isn’t the same position, however.
Zagarra says [orcish]: Few things are.
Arthak Saurfang says [orcish]: I share power with Garrosh. And Go’el.

Zagara chuffed.

Zagarra says [orcish]: So your coups butt heads against each other?
Arthak Saurfang says [orcish]: I took his coup.
Zagarra says [orcish]: I’m sure he loved that.
Arthak Saurfang says [orcish]: I gave him a consolation prize.

Suddenly, most of the group heard some rustling in the bushes behind them. A lot of eyes turned in that direction, and Stella raised a hand and cast [Hold Person]. There was a humanoid creature similar to the other entities, but his face was not as sunken, and his body not quite as wretched. He face planted into the water as his body seized.

Stellagosa says: Or he’ll make himself known to us.

The elf started to gurgle.

Arthak Saurfang says: He’s drowning.
Stellagosa says: You don’t need to rush. I’ll release him before he downs.
Nyxxa says: Didn’t he help!?
Stellagosa says: That’s what he said.

Sol pulled the elf up out of the water, and he was speaking in a language that seemed to be a derivative of the elven language, but then he switched to darnassian.

Withered Elf says: I’m on your side! Please! I was coming out to offering my thanks for chasing those creatures away!

Stellagosa released her spell.

Stellagosa says: My dear friend says that you guided her to the egg. Now how did you know where it was?
Withered Elf says: I saw them sneaking out and tracked them in hopes of finding one of your number so you could save the poor unfortunate life before it was snuffed out. And it worked! I found this brave young dragon that was up to the task! I am so very glad she was!

They could tell the man had an underlying desperation to the lie the man was telling.

Arthak Saurfang says: He’s lying. And afraid.
Nyxxa says: If you want something, I suggest you be honest.
Withered Elf says: I want nothing! I was just, uh, out of the goodness of my heart trying to help the blue dragons!

Stella walked into the water and the water started to freeze around her feet.

Stellagosa says: On numerous occasions some of our young have been attacked by a mysterious and strange man. They were all drained of their energies. You wouldn’t know anything, would you?
Withered Elf says: No! Of course not! I would never!
Stellagosa says: is that so? Then you would not mind coming tot he Repose and telling such a thing to my grandfather, would you? I promise he won’t devour you if you’re telling the truth.
Withered Elf says: Okay! Okay! It was me. I’m sorry. I promise I wasn’t trying to hurt anyone. I was just trying to help, but anything I tried to approach, they chased me off… I’m just… so… I can… I just need help. And I don’t know where to get it. So I borrowed one of the eggs and thought I could help save it… I promise I didn’t want any bad to happen! I didn’t think so many would show up. I think they heard her roar and came running! I just wanted to…
Stellagosa says: I think that’s enough. Clearly you’re a buffoon, but I heard enough, so you’re coming with us. I want you to explain all of this to grandfather. He’ll decide what to do with you.
Withered Elf says: Of course! Of course! Your mercy is… shall I kiss your feet?
Stellagosa says: No. Get up and stop groveling.

The man stepped hesitantly on the ice that Stella had created. He tested his weight, and then stepped, and crashed through it and into the water. He popped up again and acknowledged he deserved that.

Withered Elf says: My name is Runas, by the way! What was yours? I believe I missed it.

Stella didn’t respond.

Runas says: A woman of secrets! I appreciate that!
Sol'chi says: It’s a pleasure to meet you, Runas. The truth will help you more than hinder here.
Runas says: I’m starting to get the sense.
Nyxxa says: Speaking from experience. It’s funny. Looking at you is like looking in a mirror.
Runas says: You’re far too kind! If I was half as put together as you I would be in business! If you have any tips or tricks I’m a bit… desperate. A kindred spirit is a welcome sight to behold in such… cold and lonely times.
Nyxxa says: So long as you’re honest, I want to help.
Runas says: The time of Runas’s betrayal are… at least a few minutes behind us. You won’t get any lies from me any longer! I assure it!
Arthak Saurfang says: Another stray, Nyxxa.
Sol'chi says: For Shinfel, it might be good to gather specimens? They look remarkably similar to some of the other elves…

Nyxxa then looked at Gil.

Nyxxa says: It’s good to see you again.

Nyxxa expanded her voice across the telepathic link.

Nyxxa says [telepathic bond]: Velameestra made it explicitly clear that Gilveradin cannot know she’s alive.
Arthak Saurfang says [telepathic bond]: Who is this?
Nyxxa says [telepathic bond]: Her brother. I ask that all you respect that for her sake, and for her safety.

Stella opted to walk with the group as she led them toward the Repose. The red dragon, however, looked at Gil and informed him that they would meet up with him later, as Thal’ena and himself needed fresh air. Teemo offered to go with Thal’ena, but the elf assured that she would be fine.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: We can talk later.

Thal’ena shot a glance at Gil and she seemed a bit mad, but she nodded, and the two of them left.

Arthak Saurfang says: Gilveradin Windrunner, correct?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Yes. That’s… that’s me.
Arthak Saurfang says: Magister Runesight spoke of you.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I’m sure I have a glowing review.
Arthak Saurfang says: An inaccurate one.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Incompetence?
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes. Also… you should be made aware. I am the one that killed your uncle Sylvos.

Gil froze in his tracks.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: …I see. I’ll be completely honest, no one has confessed to the murder of my kin before. I don’t know how to progress here.
Arthak Saurfang says: I don’t think there’s a right or wrong way to do that. But you deserve to know.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I understand some things are unavoidable in a war.
Arthak Saurfang says: True. But my condolences. He died well. Bravely.

Stella had went to fetch the egg, and Telagos offered to carry the egg instead. He assured her that he would take it with the utmost care, and Stella relented to allow him to help before she called to Emmigosa to keep an eye on Runas. Emmigosa growled, and Runas jumped.

There was a distinct awkwardness in the air. Teemo broke the silence by introducing herself as Teemo Manabreak.

Sol'chi says: I’m Sol Murkthorn. Pleasure to meet you. You look haler and healthier than last I saw you. I scryed on you.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Ah. After my family died? Yeah.
Zar'Kaa says: Zar’Kaa of the Darkspear Tribe. You aren’t with one of the cartels?

He looked at Teemo.

Teemo Manabreak says: Nah. Independent. We’ll leave it at that. The big guy in the back is Motah. Say hi Motah! And the quiet one over there is Samia.
Samia Inkling says: Nice to meet all you.
Sol'chi says: You both as well.

Stellagosa formally introduced herself as Stellagosa, and the younger one said she was Emmigosa.

Emmigosa says [draconic]: You guys are pretty tough!
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Not as tough as you.
Emmigosa says [draconic]: Obviously!
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Zar’kaa you’re Darkspear?
Zar'Kaa says: Yeah.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I don’t remember seeing you when I met with them.
Zar'Kaa says: That depends where you’ve met them.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: The fight with Zalazane.
Zar'Kaa says: Ah, yeah. We aren’t there anymore.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Not to assume you know all trolls, but are Rai and Zulfli’jin okay?
Zar'Kaa says: Well. Zulfli’jin is chieftain, and Rai is a lot better than he used to be. If it will bring you any comfort to know, Zalazane is done for. We saw to that.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: He came back again!?
Zar'Kaa says: Yeah. And he lost again. But it seems like this time it’s for good.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Surprised he managed that twice.
Zar'Kaa says: Bastard was crafty. But like I said, I think it’s done this time. If that brings any comfort.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: It was comfort I didn’t know I needed!
Zar'Kaa says: Now you have it. Funny you met my people before. I haven’t always been around. Usually away from the tribe, but I don’t remember seeing you either.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: That makes sense, honestly. I had only passed through a few times. Rai traveled with us for a bit.
Zar'Kaa says: Oh. Then you have my thanks for taking care of him. He’s a good man.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: He talked a council of elves into some matter of peace with your tribe.
Zar'Kaa says: Yeah. He wasn’t cut out to be a leader, but he knows diplomacy, and he has a good heart.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: World needs ambassadors too.
Zar'Kaa says: Yeah. Anyway, if you want to run into us again, you won’t find us on the Eastern Kingdoms.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I’m not surprised. It wasn’t kind to your people.
Zar'Kaa says: No.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I’m glad they’re safe.
Zar'Kaa says: Yeah. thanks. I appreciate you asking.

Gil grins.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: I suppose you don’t have many elves that care.
Zar'Kaa says: Perhaps.
Nyxxa says: We have news about the one thing you asked about. We found her.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Nori?
Nyxxa says: Bittersweet news.
Sol'chi says: Yeah. She’s doing alright.
Nyxxa says: She unfortunately doesn’t remember anything before Outland, where she is now. It was as I suspected. Sinestra took her before the portal collapsed. She was transformed and lost her memories. But she is happy. And she has a family.
Sol'chi says: If we have time, I can run you through what happened.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I’d be grateful.
Sol'chi says: Happy to!
Nyxxa says: She did leave us with a message to let you know she was happy.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I will be happy to deliver that to the rest of the red flight. Did she wish to be left alone, though?
Nyxxa says: I do not believe so. In fact, I believe I caught eye of her emissary earlier. But the Netherwing flight sought to speak with the other flights, but I believe that is well under hand.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Little for me to do then. Which is a relief.
Nyxxa says: You’ve been hanging in there?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: it’s simultaneously easier each day, but just as heavy.
Nyxxa says: Understood. I’m not a spy any longer, but I can be more candid, at least.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Ah, the second time we met, in the dream. I just wanted you to know there was no permanent damage done.
Nyxxa says: Glad to hear it. And it’s good to know that happened… now.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I got quite an earful.
Nyxxa says: Good! Well I’m glad it’s a lesson both of us learned and no permanent damage was done. Best way a mistake like that can be learned from.
Sol'chi says: Stick with the arcane dreams, yeah?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Out of my scope.
Sol'chi says: Not out of mine.
Nyxxa says: Yes, I can’t go in the dream. Not yet.

Telagos also informed Gil that it was good to see him again before focus turned on Runas again. Zar’Kaa asked about his condition, and Runas said that he needed to tell Stellagosa’s grandfather, but he could give an abridged version.

Runas says: Well. I am Runas. I was once a purveyor of goods in the city of Suramar until eventually I ran aground with the wrong people and was cast out! And now I live here. However, like everyone in the city of Suramar, I rely on the city’s wellspring of energy to sustain me, and now that I’m cut off, I’m forced to… make do.
Zar'Kaa says: Wait. Suramar is still a city?
Runas says: Yes!
Nyxxa says: What?
Runas says: Ah, yeah, it looks like a bunch of ruins, but that’s an illusion!
Sol'chi says: An illusion? What are they hiding?
Runas says: An entire city!
Nyxxa says: So an entire relic of the war that was thought destroyed but…

Nyxxa sighed.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: You have a well there?
Runas says: Yes! The nightwell! Which all the arcwine is created from!
Gilveradin Windrunner says: We had a sunwell!
Runas says: Oh! Do you have that with you?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: No. It was… destroyed.

Gil was trying not to look at Arthak.

Runas says: Shame. You don’t look like an elf I’ve seen before. Are you a strange highborne?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: A descendant of the higborne, I guess?
Runas says: Are you a mage?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Of sorts.
Runas says: You don’t have any magic you’re not hanging on to, do you? One friend to another?

Several people just offered their hands and Runas promptly drew a non-insignificant amount of magic from Sol and breathed a sigh of release. Runas thanked them.

Sol'chi says: How often do you need to feed like that?

Runas explained that he needed to feed so he didn’t become like the others, though he wasn’t sure what would happen if he ate too much. Runas mana tapped a few others and thanked them graciously and said that if any of them needed anything, he was their man.

Zar’Kaa said he wanted to look at him later, and Runas initially mistook that as flirting before he clarified that he wanted to look at his condition.

Gil then asked Nyxxa about Sinestra, and Samia added that the name Sinestra showed up in no records of broodmothers she knew of, despite her size and clear age. Samia was clearly thinking really hard, as Sinestra was quite large, and Arthak suggested she could have changed her name.

Samia Inkling says: Certainly. Sinestra is likely an alias.
Arthak Saurfang says: She had a passion for altering other lifeforms. Experimentation. Does that… narrow that down?
Samia Inkling says: I don’t know. If she was as large as you say she is, she iss likely very old, old enough to be perhaps one of the oldest black dragons outside the aspect, but all those dragons should be dead. I can cross reference, but I don’t know.
Arthak Saurfang says: She and Mannoroth did know each other before Outland.
Samia Inkling says: That unfortunately tells me little. I don’t know much about demons.
Nyxxa says: He was active in the War of the Ancients.
Samia Inkling says: Well, that age is a given according to her size.
Sol'chi says: Would you recognize a face?
Samia Inkling says: I have not seen every dragon.

Sol created a major image of Sinestra.

Samia Inkling says: I’ve never seen her. I can’t promise that information will get back to you regardless.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: When we get out of the disturbance maybe you can contact Sabellian.

Samia shot Gil a glance as he used the name with a clear look of “why are you using names?” Sol, meanwhile, was asking Teemo about the contraption she had been piloting. Teemo said it was Margie, her aerial surveying craft. They compared notes of their crafts so Sol could show off his own.

They arrived at the Repose and everyone approached to check in on the egg, and Telagos handed the egg over to one of the dragonspawn, who tenderly cradled the egg as they took it to one of the ley hollows. They were informed that Kalecogs and his companions had arrived, including a mage from Dalaran. They were taken through a beautiful glade of arcane-infused flora and fauna, and they saw dragons and dragonspawn of many different ages, as well as a handful of drakonids. A small whelp ran by chasing some lightning bugs with a young drakonid. But then they saw the group and went and hid behind a nearby dragon.

The entire area was infused with magic.

Stellagosa says: Welcome to the Azurewing Repose.
Nyxxa says: It’s beautiful!
Stellagosa says: Gilveradin, if you wanted to follow with me, I believe grandfather wants to speak with you and your friends first. I’ll inform him of the rest of you if you’ll wait here. Feel free to look around. Just try not to cause any trouble.
Nyxxa says: Of course.

Stella led Gil and the rest of the Scales to speak with Senegos. As the warband waited, Nyxxa heard a familiar voice.

Khadgar says: Well dunk me in cold water and call me a murloc! I didn’t expect to run into you here.

Walking across the area was Khadgar.

Nyxxa says: So the mage was you then!

Nyxxa spread her wings and dashed in to hug Khadgar.

Khadgar says: It’s good to see you again too! I hope the wisdom ball has helped to guide you!
Nyxxa says: It has!
Khadgar says: Really! I hope it hasn’t caused you much trouble!
Nyxxa says: Just emotional!
Khadgar says: It does do that from time to time.
Nyxxa says: It's good to see you! Of course, this is where you were headed.
Khadgar says: I had some business to take care of, and Kalec was headed here, so I figured I’d stop by before we returned to Dalaran.
Nyxxa says: I see.
Khadgar says: it’s good to see you Nyxxa, and all of you! I heard you were all quite busy before you decided to return to this world. The wings and the magic you’re using. You’ve been busy, it seems.
Nyxxa says: I’ve been dabbling.

Nyxxa summoned some dancing lights.

Nyxxa says: It seems with the help of the arcane tattoos I’ve taken to it better.
Khadgar says: Fantastic news. And this truly incredible! There is wonder to be found in all magic, from the greatest incantations to the simplest cantrips.

He poked one of the lights.

Nyxxa says: High praise from you!
Khadgar says: I’m just a simple mage. But I’m glad a simple compliment have helped you. Where are my manners? Obviously you remember Kalec.

Khadgar turned to gesture to Kalec, who had caught up to them in his half-elven form. He smiled.

Kalecgos says: It’s great to see all of you. What brings you to the Azurewing Repose?
Nyxxa says: On behalf of the Illidari. There seems to have been a misunderstanding. I’ve been tasked to clear that up.
Kalecgos says: Well, it sounds like you already helped the Repose out.

The woman with them crossed her arms with a smile.

Smiling Woman says: So you’re the one that helped out Kalec and Tyri, huh? Name’s Tarecgosa. Pleasure to meet you.
Kalecgos says: One of the first things after we returned was finding her.
Tarecgosa says: Yeah, you went on an adventure and didn’t bring me? Some big brother.
Kalecgos says: I promise I’ll bring you on the next one!
Tarecgosa says: I know. I’m just messing with you.
Nyxxa says: Well, it won’t do to not give you the traditional Azerothian greeting.
Kalecgos says: Azerothian greeting?
Nyxxa says: The one that you taught Nori.
Kalecgos says: Oh! Right!

Kalec also gave Nyxxa a hug and greeted everyone.

Kalecgos says: Mordenaku came with us. He was hoping to meet some other dragons. I needed to consult with Senegos over some things. We figured we would take care of a few errands at once.
Nyxxa says: There are also troubles upon the island. We are here, Khadgar, for the reasons I told you we would be. We just have to handle some things first.
Khadgar says: That is certainly a problem. One that I am hoping I can assist in. If he was here, I wager Medivh would be the one offering his aid, but he’s been absent.
Sol'chi says: Still can’t find him?
Khadgar says: No. I haven’t been in contact with my sources. I’m hoping to reach out to them when we leave.
Sol'chi says: I hope you can find him.
Khadgar says: I hope so as well. We could use his expertise.
Sol'chi says: We do have some leads, but if you ever go south, be aware there is a huge sea demon in the water.
Khadgar says: To be expected. I’ll keep my eyes peeled if I don some swim trunks. Where are you operating out of?
Nyxxa says: I can give you that, but it is currently proprietary.
Khadgar says: We can talk later. If you’re heading back, perhaps I can tag along.
Nyxxa says: I know the Slayer does wish to meet you. And! Speaking of people that were found! I did speak to Illidan! I met him!
Khadgar says: Did you? Wow! He’s there as well?
Nyxxa says: For the moment. I don’t know if he will when we get back.
Khadgar says: Well. I might need to get his autograph.
Sol'chi says: Speaking of, I had a Khadgar hearthstone card, but it got disintegrated.
Khadgar says: That’s a shame! If you get another one I’d be happy to sign it. Are you new? A fan I see?
Sol'chi says: Yes and no. I’m Sol Murkthorn. I’ll leave it to you if you want to fill in the gaps, Nyxxa.
Nyxxa says: There are some more things I need to talk about later!

Zar’Kaa introduced himself as well. Kalec and Tarecogsa made some small talk with them for a while, but eventually Gil and the other Scales returned. They were with Mordenaku, who was now in his visage form.

Mordenaku says: My friends! I didn’t expect to run into you!
Nyxxa says: Seems we came to the same location!
Mordenaku says: Indeed! I came to Azeroth to meet dragons, and it seems right to meet one of the oldest, yeah?
Nyxxa says: Indeed!

Nyxxa glanced at Neth, and Altruis pushed him forward gently.

Nethrandamus says: Hello.
Mordenaku says: I don’t recognize you.
Nethrandamus says: My dad found me. I wasn’t… I haven’t seen another nether dragon.
Mordenaku says: Well I am honored to be the first. Have you ever looked in a mirror? Or seen your reflection? You have seen one. What’s your name?
Nethrandamus says: Neth. Nethrandamus.
Mordenaku says: A good name! I’m Mordenaku. That makes me your big brother or something! We’ll just go with that.
Nethrandamus says: Okay.

Mordenaku looked at Gil.

Mordenaku says: So you said you knew my mother then?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Before she changed, yes. Briefly. I didn’t get to spend more than a few months with her.
Mordenaku says: That’s amazing. I know that we come from vastly different things, but the fact I’m meeting people that knew my mother is blowing my mind! That this whole world is amazing! Have you seen the sun rise? It’s beautiful. No wonder you all want to protect this world so much! It’s full of so many beautiful things and so many people! I know that you and your people have to go, but someday I would love to be able to hear any stories about my mother, if only just to embarrass her later.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I have the perfect one!
Mordenaku says: I look forward to it! I can truly see why my mother and her people have this place burned into their memories even after everything. To those of you I have not met yet, I am the prince of the Netherwing Flight. I’m also here to tell you that master Senegos said he’s ready to speak with you. But no rush!
Nyxxa says: Of course. Thank you.

Khadgar glanced at Gil.

Khadgar says: Gilveradin Windrunner, right?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Yes. You look just like your card!
Khadgar says: I would hope so! It’s nice to meet you. I’ve been a friend of the family. You met Meryl, right?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Yes. I helped him recover Ebonchill.
Khadgar says: I thought so. My thanks for that. It’s great to put a face to the name. I… understand that the circumstances surrounding your place here are complicated. I just want you to know that I do not believe any of the rumors being circulated. For one, I’m well aware of the fact that the red dragonflight would not do such thing, but also, I don’t believe someone willing to help a stranger on the streets would do anything like that. I do wish you luck on your search for Krasus. And if you do find him, see that he reaches out to me. We need to discuss some things.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: His… visage?
Khadgar says: We have an understanding.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I see.
Khadgar says: I shan’t keep you. I understand you have dragons to find. I wish you the best of luck on your journey. But always remember, knowledge is power. Guard it well, will you?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Also dangerous.
Khadgar says: That it is!

The rest of the Scales were getting ready to leave. Meanwhile, Teemo was excitedly talking to Kalec. They were clearly friends. Thal’ena had also returned with another human with white hair, who was likely the red dragon in his visage form.

Arthak started to approach the Scales.

Arthak Saurfang says [orcish]: A shame it was a brief reunion, but good luck on your travels, Zagara.
Zagarra says [orcish]: Same to you, warchief. Maybe my journey may lead me back to the Horde, but I don’t know. Only time will tell.
Arthak Saurfang says [orcish]: We would be honored if it did. But if you have found your path, I am glad for it.
Zagarra says [orcish]: I have found a path. We will see where it leads.
Arthak Saurfang says [orcish]: Know that wherever it leads, you’ll have a place with the Horde. Should you wish it.

Zagarra nodded.

Zagarra says [orcish]: I’ll remember this, Arthak Saurfang.

Arthak gave her a nod, but then he turned toward Thal’ena.

Zagarra says [orcish]: Are you sure that’s a good idea, warchief? She’s a fiery one.
Arthak Saurfang says [orcish]: Perhaps not wise. But I made a promise.

Zagarra shook her head and chuffed.

Arthak approached the dark-haired elf. As he did, the red dragon stepped forward and blocked his way.

Vaelastrasz says: Don’t you think you’ve done enough?
Arthak Saurfang says: Perhaps. But I intend no harm. Then I’ll banish myself from her view, and hopefully her thoughts.
Vaelastrasz says: There are more ways to wound than with a blade, orc.

Thal’ena looked at Arthak with no small amount of contempt.

Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: What? What could you possibly want to say to me now?
Arthak Saurfang says: Lady Dawnseeker. I told you you were not ready for the vengeance you seek. But I could help you become ready.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: What do you mean by that?
Arthak Saurfang says: I could train you.

Thal’ena started to laugh.

Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: You have to be kidding me.
Arthak Saurfang says: I rarely kid.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: So what, after everything you’ve done, you expect me to believe you’re going to teach me how to kill you?
Arthak Saurfang says: What you believe is up for you to decide, but the offer is made, and standing. If you wish to follow this path, if the dawn you seek leads to me, then I would help prepare you for it. And should you not choose to take me up on it, know that when you come, when you seek me out, I will open the way for you. And we will resolve this.

Thal’ena looked at Arthak.

Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: I guess I should thank you for offering. Because now I know what kind of twisted person was responsible for killing my father. I don’t need anything from you.
Arthak Saurfang says: That is true.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: Now go. Get out of my sight.
Arthak Saurfang says: As you wish.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: And hope something else kills you before I do.
Arthak Saurfang says: I cannot hope. Be well, Thal’ena Dawnseeker. Until we meet again.

Thal’ena grit her teeth and watched Arthak walk away. Nyxxa looked at Gil.

Nyxxa says: One more thing, Gil, if you had a moment.

She offered Gil a hug, and he graciously took it.

Nyxxa says: Has your dream changed at all? The one you told me?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: The dream hasn’t, but the method may have.
Nyxxa says: But the end goal is the same? You still wish to create a place where everyone can belong?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: That would be the ultimately thing I could leave to this world.
Nyxxa says: Mend bridges and create peace, that sort of thing?

Gil tilted his head curiously.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: That’s part of it. Building bridges is kind of the first step, I suppose.
Nyxxa says: I’ve put some thought into what you said back then, and given my own experiences, I would leave you with some advice if you would hear it.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I’ll accept advice from anyone.
Nyxxa says: Then steel yourself, Gilveradin, for the agony it’s inevitably going to bring you. It’s a painful path.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: If it spares others the pain, it’s worth it.
Nyxxa says: Perhaps not even just for yourself. It’s very likely you may end up alone. And people hurting that you will be unable to help. I just thought it best to warn you.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: You’re not the first to say it. And you’re certainly not wrong.
Nyxxa says: Keep the course.

Nyxxa put her hands on his shoulders.

Nyxxa says: And take care of yourself. That is more important than you know.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Can’t do anything if I’m dead.
Nyxxa says: Right. Live well, Gilveradin, and die well.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I see you’ve been hanging around with the orcs for a while.
Nyxxa says: That’s not from the orcs. You have people to lead. Go on.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I’m sure we’ll see each other again. And maybe I’ll have a better answer when we do.
Nyxxa says: I’ll be glad to hear it.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Live well.
Nyxxa says: I intend to.

They embraced again before Gil turned to leave with his group. The warband was led to the chamber in which they would meet with Senegos. It was a beautiful chamber with a pool of arcane waters and lily pads floating upon it. There was a stone jutting into the pool.

Then they heard a deep, smiling voice.

Senegos says: And you must be the ones that helped little Emmigosa. I should thank you. Each and every egg in this place is an honored treasure, and you helped to save a life. For that, I am in your debt.

The stone started to move, and revealed a truly immense dragon, bigger even than Sinestra. Two bright blue eyes opened, and it seemed his size was closer to that of Tyranastrasz. He had a long mane of silver fur along his neck, chin, and throat, along with crystalline spines. His body was covered with arcane runes.

Senegos says: I am Senegos, patriarch of the Azurewing Repose. Please make yourself comfortable. I would have words and stories of all of you, and learn the tale of the trail that led you to my humble pool.