[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Seven

Appearing Characters: Arthak Saurfang, Arzeth, Gul'dan, Imacu'tya, Jubei'thos, Lantresor, Levia Blackflight, Mayla Highmountain, Nesslyn, Nyxxa Murkthorn, Rak'Symma, Shara Bloodtotem, Sol'chi, Thisalee Crow, Thura Saurfang, Torok Bloodtotem, Velhari, Zar'Kaa, Zekhan

November 17th

As the group flew through the air, the skies were clear. The sun was bright, though distant, and it did little to take the chill out of the air. They passed over the Darkfeather Valley, and they could still see the scars of the previous battle, but even now there were small groups of harpies evident as they picked through the carnage and dismantled the effigies. There were also a handful of pyres where the slain fleshrender eagles were being burned.

As they ascended over the mountains, they saw the highlands and the dozens of small lakes that dotted the valleys. They had entered Bloodtotem territory, which was also the largest of the shu’halo territories as their tribe was also the most numerous. Large totems marked the boundaries of the territory, and they could see small hunting camps and villages all around the region. They could see a recent harpy skeleton displayed, almost like a challenge for the Crawliac to draw near.

Rak’Symma happened to glimpse something flit beneath the trees in an almost sleepy manner. It appeared to be an owl with brown feathers. However, it had two long, curled horns. As she looked at the creature, it wasn’t as if it didn’t belong there, but she had never seen something like it before. However, despite that, it felt familiar.

As she thought about it more, she recalled that she saw a similar creature in the tree in the strange dream she had. It had thinner feathers and was more intangible, but it was similar. This one appeared to be simply looking for a place to rest. For a moment, she felt as if another set of eyes had fallen on her. Rak’Symma swiveled around to look and saw nothing, but she almost heard the beat of wings, and could have sworn she saw a feather float through the sky, and a laugh in the wind.

As Rak’Symma turned her gaze down to the forest again, she had lost sight of the owl.

Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathic bond]: Glad the wildlife seems to be stable down here.
Zar'Kaa says [telepathic bond]: I imagine the Bloodtotem were adept at keeping the harpies away from their home.

Rak’Symma had abruptly banked, which drew the group’s attention.

Zar'Kaa says [telepathic bond]: Everything alright?
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: I may have picked up a follower.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathic bond]: Did you hear that too then?
Zar'Kaa says [telepathic bond]: Follower of what kind?
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: I haven’t decided yet.
Zar'Kaa says [telepathic bond]: Oh. Glad that clears it up.
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: I may have overstepped by accident.
Arthak Saurfang says [telepathic bond]: How so?
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: I learned how to do something new that I’m still learning how to do… and last night I had a conversation with Iskar.
Zar'Kaa says [telepathic bond]: Wait, serious?
Arthak Saurfang says [telepathic bond]: So you spoke with him. Alright.
Sol'chi says [telepathic bond]: Did he approach you here, or did he pull a Gul’dan?
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: Apparently, I approached him.
Sol'chi says [telepathic bond]: Oh. Huh.
Arthak Saurfang says [telepathic bond]: But not intentionally.
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: No.
Arthak Saurfang says [telepathic bond]: Interesting.
Zar'Kaa says [telepathic bond]: What did he want?
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: Mostly to talk about me.
Arthak Saurfang says [telepathic bond]: If you were the one that reached out to him, however unintentionally, what did you want? You asked me about his people.
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: He told me whatever I wanted to know. He was more than willing to divulge anything. It seems he has a fixation on gods.
Zar'Kaa says [telepathic bond]: What does that have to do with you?
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: My beliefs.
Zar'Kaa says [telepathic bond]: Strange. Gul’dan visits me first, then one of his allies you right after.
Arthak Saurfang says [telepathic bond]: She reached out to him though.
Zar'Kaa says [telepathic bond]: But not like that.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathic bond]: That is what they do.
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: I feel he may have eventually regardless.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathic bond]: Something you know you can do now. Are you intending on reaching out to him in the future?
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: If he intends on continuing to follow me I may just to chastise him.
Arthak Saurfang says [telepathic bond]: Are you sure it’s him?
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: No.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathic bond]: Whatever that was was ethereal in nature.
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: Most things don’t give me that feeling.
Arthak Saurfang says [telepathic bond]: it could be him observing. It could be something else. Still, thank you for being upfront.
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: I wasn’t entirely sure what I’d done or how to bring it up.
Zar'Kaa says [telepathic bond]: Well. You brought it up now. That’s all that matters.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathic bond]: If we should take a break, we should, if not we should move. Whatever it was, it’s not here anymore.
Arthak Saurfang says [telepathic bond]: It’s good to know. If you detect it again, Rak’Symma, let us know. We may be able to ascertain more in the moment next time. Regardless of what is following us, be wary of what may be waiting for us ahead.

They continued on, and Rak’Symma still had a feeling of annoyance, but there wasn’t anything else that occurred. Thura and Lantresor banked off to head to their meeting place with Dargrul’s people.

Zekhan says [telepathic bond]: Um. Rak’Symma. You mentioned, um… you mentioned that Iskar, the man who you spoke to, was interested in divinity, you said?
Arthak Saurfang says [telepathic bond]: And in Rak’Symma herself.
Zekhan says [telepathic bond]: You mean like Ohn’ahra, the wind spirit we helped. Correct?
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: Correct.
Zekhan says [telepathic bond]: Hm.
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: We also had a long debate about the morality of gods. It wasn’t a wholly unpleasant conversation, but he has a particular view.
Zekhan says [telepathic bond]: Not too unsurprising. I just wanted to make sure… our people keep similar gods. They are referred to as loa. Some of them are more like… powerful ancestral spirits? Others are powerful wild spirits not unlike Ohn’ahra. I have to admit, I don't know all of them. But I think I wanted to make sure in case we need to keep an eye out. If he’s looking for gods, he might come for the loa as well.
Zar'Kaa says [telepathic bond]: Make sure of what?
Zekhan says [telepathic bond]: Well, we already saw what he enabled the High Crawliac to do. I can’t say I’ve met a lot of loa, but she seemed powerful. I wouldn’t want him to come for our loa either.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathic bond]: I suppose that’s a good point too. It may be good to inform the druids of Val’sharah eventually.
Sol'chi says [telepathic bond]: Yes. That’s a very good idea. Keeping as many of them alive to fight the Legion would be a good idea.
Zar'Kaa says [telepathic bond]: It might help if you think on this, Zekhan. Which loa the man might be interested in and why.
Zekhan says [telepathic bond]: I’m not as much of an expert as some people. The loa, like the family, aren't here directly as much. At least not the most powerful. They’d be closer to the tribes. But even that would not prevent them from having a connection.
Zar'Kaa says [telepathic bond]: We’re here now, as are the Amani.
Zekhan says [telepathic bond]: True. But it would depend on if they chose to wander here or speak with the outsider loa.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathic bond]: Regardless, knowing how the Legion went about the war the last time… it might be a proactive plan for them to deal with them before they invaded again. While the number of wild gods dwindled then, they did do a number to the Legion.
Zekhan says [telepathic bond]: It's certainly interesting. Just being immersed in this and seeing so many perspectives and other stories. I’ll have a lot of questions to ask the others when we get back to the Echo Isles.
Zar'Kaa says [telepathic bond]: Hopefully not too long in the future.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathic bond]: That said, Rak’Symma, you did mention you debated with him on your beliefs, and I am curious what those are.
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: In what way?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathic bond]: I just think it’s interesting to learn other people’s beliefs.

Rak’Symma thought a bit before she answered.

Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: I know they exist. If I ever needed more proof than the wind beneath my wings, I was raised by one. We all saw one. You were transformed by one.
Sol'chi says [telepathic bond]: Huh.
Zar'Kaa says [telepathic bond]: Wait wait wait, what? You were raised by one?
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: That’s the skull I carry on my back.
Zar'Kaa says [telepathic bond]: Okay. That’s a revelation. Um. Holy shit.
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: The wild gods, the divinities, even the ones that are gone you can hear their echoes on the wind or see their trails in the great woods.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathic bond]: The kaldorei say the ones lost still sleep within the Dream. So that makes sense.
Mayla Highmountain says [telepathic bond]: The Dream. We have beliefs of that as well. I’m far from an expert, but there are some among the Highmountain who have a close connection with the wakanta, the wild gods like Ech’ero. They say they have visited this world and it is the grace of the wakanta that lets them take the forms of animals and speak with them. It’s beyond my understanding, but it sounds similar to that.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathic bond]: For the kaldorei it’s the dorenara. Much like the kaldorei, they have been entrusted with a duty. And each and every one of them see to those duties and the druids aid them. But I lost a lot of knowledge over the years. The Dream is a place that is theirs. It is a beautiful, sacred place.
Levia Blackflight says [telepathic bond]: Come to think of it, didn’t Li Li, that girl we met. She was talking about August Celestials? It kind of sounds similar. Maybe that’s their word for it.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathic bond]: Maybe everyone has a different word for it, but they are everywhere.
Arthak Saurfang says [telepathic bond]: The green dragonflight, I’ve been told, have it as their duty to tend to the Dream. I’ve been working on theories as to why that might be and what purpose it serves, but that’s musing for now.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathic bond]: All to say, that makes sense Rak’Symma.
Zar'Kaa says [telepathic bond]: Convoluted web these gods spin.
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: I wouldn’t say that. It’s simple when it’s splayed below you. They’re all here in little things.
Zar'Kaa says [telepathic bond]: Well, maybe it just gets more complex when you see the rest of the world.
Mayla Highmountain says [telepathic bond]: If it would help, I could introduce you to some of the druids when we return to Thunder Totem. I don’t know what they could divulge, but I know a few. A friend of mine from when I was a calf is one of them. If any of you are interested, we can see about introducing you later.
Sol'chi says [telepathic bond]: Are you saying every bear is a part of whatever wild god is a bear?
Arthak Saurfang says [telepathic bond]: Ursoc and Ursol.
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: A little bit. It’s what they represent. You can see that in their followers or the echos of their creations.
Sol'chi says [telepathic bond]: Are there any that are just plants?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathic bond]: That would be a question for the druids.
Zekhan says [telepathic bond]: That is interesting. Ursoc and Ursol they called them? Not every loa is kept by every tribe, but I know that the amani trolls keep a bear loa of their own. I believe his name is Nalorakk? I wonder if there’s a connection there.
Zar'Kaa says [telepathic bond]: Or if they’re just the same.
Arthak Saurfang says [telepathic bond]: Looking at it less spiritually, I’ve been considering the ideas that the wild gods and Dream is something of a blueprint for the natural makeup of Azeroth and other worlds. Ursoc and Ursol and this Nalorakk being the archetypal bear. The mother of eagles being the archetypal eagle, and so on and so forth. Sort of acting as a memory that everything can evolve from.
Zekhan says [telepathic bond]: So kind of like they are the first ones, and the others are their children?
Arthak Saurfang says [telepathic bond]: Children or variations on their theme.
Zar'Kaa says [telepathic bond]: You think there’s a Dream on every world?
Arthak Saurfang says [telepathic bond]: I think any world that has people, maybe.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathic bond]: A lot of worlds have a moon, so that makes sense.
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: That’s what Aviana was to the harpies.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathic bond]: You said was?
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]:: Aviana died in the war.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathic bond]: I see.
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: Along with many of the others.
Zar'Kaa says [telepathic bond]: You mean the wild gods?
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: When they fought to protect these isles.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathic bond]: That was also long before they were just the isles.
Arthak Saurfang says [telepathic bond]: I wonder if my father met her…
Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathic bond]: That was before the world was sundered, so I don’t think the broken isles were just isles then. It was the entire world.
Mayla Highmountain says [telepathic bond]: I have heard tales. Our histories speak of those times and the heroics of Huln Highmountain. The tales of when the earth shuddered, and many feared the mountain would sink into the ocean. But… it’s hard to imagine it actually happening. It’s always surprising to consider some people were alive.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathic bond]: I wish I could remember, but what I do remember is unpleasant.
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: All I heard are tales told as bedtime stories, and the tales Ebonhorn tells around the campfire.
Arthak Saurfang says [telepathic bond]: Very interesting.
Levia Blackflight says [telepathic bond]: Hey, if you ever wanted… I don’t want to pry, but, I mean… the one who raised you. If you wanted to share any stories, I’d love to hear it.
Arthak Saurfang says [telepathic bond]: Likewise.
Levia Blackflight says [telepathic bond]: But no worries on that. But I mean, if he raised you, you’re pretty cool, so I imagine he’s pretty cool too.
Sol'chi says [telepathic bond]: I’m sure there are interesting stories.

Rak’Symma didn’t say anything, as she had gone rather silent, and the topic was dropped.

After a few hours of travel, Torok’s Bluff had come into view. It was built into the side of one of the taller mountains present in the heart of Bloodtotem lands. It was functionally a fortress. They saw great totems depicting the fearsome badger that was their totemic animal. The lifts were heavily guarded, and to attack Torok’s Bluff would have been an ordeal that involved climbing multiple bridges that could simply be severed. To attack without aerial superiority would have simply been suicide. It almost looked like an open maw ready to devour any that attacked it.

Arthak got the sense that he could maybe take the fortress, but he would need a much more in-depth plan and it would require no small amount of sacrifice. Scaling the side of the mountain was possible, as was starving them out, but lining the sides of the cliffs were cannons and other weaponry that were painted to resemble badgers and black dragons. Arthak hummed approvingly.

Mayla Highmountain says [telepathic bond]: So. We’re going to probably not want to land in the middle of their territory. But we should be able to land at the base of the bluff and we’ll need to climb, but that seems wiser than transforming in the midst of them. I’d prefer they not draw their weapons.

The group descended and landed at the base of the bluff and transformed into their humanoid forms. A few Bloodtotem braves readied themselves, but once their forms appeared, the braves relaxed upon seeing Mayla.

Bloodtotem Brave says: Mayla Highmountain. You’re here to accept the chieftain’s challenge?
Mayla Highmountain says: Correct.

The brave blew a horn three times, and it was echoed twice up the mountain. He smiled as he cocked his head to the side.

Bloodtotem Brave says: A lot of people will be disappointed you got here so quickly. There were some good bets. Some people didn’t even think you’d show, but chieftain, you’ve given me quite the payout, so you have my thanks.

Mayla smiled.

Mayla Highmountain says: I’m glad I’ve not disappointed you. I hope I can do the same for your chieftain.
Bloodtotem Brave says: Go on and make your way up. He’ll be expecting you when you arrive.

They started to climb the bridges, and they noted that the lifts were not being used for a foreign dignitary, which was certainly a statement. Mayla noticed, but didn’t say anything.

Arthak Saurfang says: Frankly it’s better this way. Let them see you make it.
Mayla Highmountain says: I know the game he’s playing, but he forgot that I come from the Highmountain tribe. A climb like this is nothing.

Arthak smiled.

As they climbed, there were mostly neutral expressions and curiosity, though there was some genuine happiness Mayla arrived, while others offered sneers.

Two of the braves were talking to each other, and they had mentioned an “eclipse ring”. They then started to muse if they could fly in something called “eclipse”.

Another set of braves talked about how Torok was delaying some “other guests.”

Other tauren mused on whether the eclipse game would be as good as the last one, and one commented that they would probably “burn their hands off” as they “didn’t have the callouses for it.” But one commented Arthak looked like he had been on fire multiple times, and one of his hands looked like it was made of rock.

It also seemed like the populace didn’t know what to expect, but they were looking at Arthak slightly more than everyone else.

The bridges were extremely steep, and the air was thinner in a hot way. Sol started to sing loudly to increase morale, which appeared to annoy the Bloodtotem, but he wasn’t told to stop. He tried to encourage the Bloodtotem to join in, and gradually, the Bloodtotem seemed to stop being annoyed. One of the Bloodtotem had started to tap a hoof.

A brave told the group that the warchief was expecting them, and they were led into a central area. It appeared to be a war room with an overpass to protect it from the elements. Torok was sitting on a large throne-style chair with an elbow on his knee. A number of honor guards were also present and watching.

Mayla took a deep breath to center herself.

Mayla Highmountain says: Chieftain Bloodtotem, I thank you for opening your home to us. As promised, I am here to answer your challenge.

She withdrew Talonclaw and held it out.

Mayla Highmountain says: If you wish to have your seers look at it, they will find the blessing of Eche'ro and Ohn’ahra, renewed, after we liberated her from the High Crawliac. You also will find her flight will trouble your people no more.
Torok Bloodtotem says: There will be no need, Mayla. Your word is enough. Whether or not you are strong enough to lead Highmountain may be up for debate, but I know better than to question the veracity of your words. The honesty of the Highmountain tribe is known to me. And deception does not befit you. That is one thing I respect about you, Mayla, but we will see if you can earn the rest of my respect by the end of our contest.

Torok looked at the rest of the group.

Torok Bloodtotem says: And I see the outsiders have come with you. Good. It was my hope that you would see Bloodtotem hospitality as well.
Zar'Kaa says: We welcome it, chieftain.
Arthak Saurfang says: We’ve already enjoyed the climb.
Torok Bloodtotem says: It is brisk. We of the Bloodtotem believe that one can only understand what it is to protect and fight when blood surges through one’s veins. What better way?
Arthak Saurfang says: An apt metaphor and good exercise.
Mayla Highmountain says: I agree. It made the ascent of Thunder Totem seem simple in comparison.

Torok chuffed.

Torok Bloodtotem says: Your compliment is appreciated, Mayla, but your flattery will not help you.
Mayla Highmountain says: I didn’t expect it to.

Torok’s eyes go to Rak’Symma.

Torok Bloodtotem says: So. Sky Friend. That is what the eagle lovers of Skyhorn call you, yes?

Rak’Symma bowed her head.

Rak'Symma says: It is.
Torok Bloodtotem says: Congratulations. You’re the first living harpy to step on this bluff.
Rak'Symma says: Your patience is valued.
Torok Bloodtotem says: So what Mayla said is true. The High Crawliac has been slain? I assume by your presence that you played a claw in that.
Rak'Symma says: I did.
Torok Bloodtotem says: So what happens with the harpies now. Are you the new Witch-Queen.
Rak'Symma says: There will never be another Witch-Queen.

Torok smiled.

Torok Bloodtotem says: Very interesting.
Rak'Symma says: The harpies on the peak will not go unguided.
Torok Bloodtotem says: I would hope not. Then I suppose today is important for you as well.

He looked over at Mayla.

Torok Bloodtotem says: I presume that your friendship with our Sky Friend means that you hope to make friends with the harpies, of all people.
Mayla Highmountain says: That’s correct. And not just them. It is also our hope to bring peace to Highmountain and end this rebellion that Dargrul has started. We already reached out to him, and we are brokering a way to end this without further bloodshed. I understand that may be disappointing for you, chieftain, but it’s my hope I can prove it’s the wise course of action before An’she’s eye closes for the evening.

Torok furrowed his brow.

Torok Bloodtotem says: After everything he did, after slaying your father, you would offer peace to him?
Mayla Highmountain says: Yes, I would. And I would hope you would do the same. For Highmountain must stand together. Divided, it will fall.
Torok Bloodtotem says: We will see about that, Mayla Highmountain. I cannot say if you’ve become worthy of this leadership, but you’ve certainly grown yourself a backbone. It seems Eche'ro’s trial and purging the Haglands of the Crawliac have done that much. You have more fighting spirit than your father ever did.

Mayla furrowed her brow.

Mayla Highmountain says: Your words do me a kindness, but I kindly ask you do not disparage my father’s good name.

Torok nodded.

Torok Bloodtotem says: Ulan was a good man, even if we did not see eye to eye about how things should be done. You have my word that there will be no further talk. After all, we did not come to speak about the past. We came to speak about the future.
Mayla Highmountain says: Indeed. How is this going to work, Torok? We heard talk of eclipse. You must forgive me, I’m unfamiliar.

Torok smiled.

Torok Bloodtotem says: I imagined you wouldn’t be. It’s not something the other tribes would enjoy. But yes. You’ll be participating in a match of eclipse. You and your outsiders. Should you prevail, you have my word that the Bloodtotem will recognize you as the high chieftain of Thunder Totem and all of Highmountain. We will aid you in whatever path you decide to walk. I will be glad to offer to you my counsel on how best to deal with the drogbar, but as high chieftain you would have the final say. And if that means peace, so be it.
Mayla Highmountain says: And should be unable to claim victory in this contest?
Torok Bloodtotem says: Well. The Bloodtotem will have to consider alternatives to ensure Highmountain’s protection.
Mayla Highmountain says: Alternatives?
Torok Bloodtotem says: Correct.
Zar'Kaa says: Well. We better succeed then.
Torok Bloodtotem says: You had best try.
Mayla Highmountain says: So will we be testing our skills against you, chieftain?
Torok Bloodtotem says: No. You won’t. Rather, you’ll be playing against another team of outsiders. You aren’t the only one who has had unexpected guests in your home, Mayla.

Torok looked over to the side, and a beautiful shu’halo woman stepped forward. It was Shara Bloodtotem, Torok’s mate, who was clearly a powerful shaman. Behind her were three figures. The first, the tallest of the three, was a figure that they had not seen in some time. Her short brown hair was laying over her crimson horns, and her violet, black, and green armor was gleaming with unholy enchantments. Her bright green eyes scanned over them, before falling on Sol. It was Velhari. Her smile turned into a frown as she narrowed her eyes.

The second tallest figure was a tall crimson-skinned orc. He was shirtless even here, and he had heavy, black steel orbs around his neck. On his back was a vicious blade of bone with orange and red runes. It was Jubei’thos, the chieftain of the Burning Blade.

In the front of the group was a figure that was all too familiar. He had a ruddy cowl over his aging face, and his bright crimson eyes peered from the shadows. One of his arms was encased with a thick, steel gauntlet, while his other held a gnarled staff. It was the Shadowmaster, Gul’dan himself.

Arthak Saurfang says: Elder. Blademaster. Velhari. Good to see you all.

Arthak gave a shallow, but polite bow.

Gul'dan says: Likewise, Arthak. It’s been far too long.

His eyes scanned over to Zar’Kaa.

Gul'dan says: And Zar’Kaa, my boy. It’s good to see you in the flesh.
Zar'Kaa says: Gul’dan. I didn’t know if we would see each other in person.

Zar’Kaa extended a hand, and Gul’dan shook it. Zekhan looked at Zar’kaa, confused.

Zekhan says: Zar’Kaa… what’s he talking about?
Zar'Kaa says: I’ll explain later.

Zekhan furrowed his brow but nodded.

Arthak Saurfang says: Let me do introductions. Rak’Symma, Sol. This is Shadowmaster Gul’dan of the Stormreaver clan, lady Velhari of the Burning Legion, and Jubei’thos, blademaster and chieftain of the Burning Blade. I hope Iskar passed on my message, Shadowmaster.
Gul'dan says: He did. As well as your endeavors to the south.

Arthak looked at Velhari.

Arthak Saurfang says: I hope that the Lady–
Velhari says: Keep her mouth out of your lips, traitor.
Arthak Saurfang says: I hope they are both well.
Gul'dan says: Come now, Velhari. We are here as guests. It is only right that we entreat with our host’s fellow guests with due respect.

Velhari chewed on her lip and raised her chin, but said nothing more.

Arthak Saurfang says: I understand.

Mayla looked at Torok and frowned.

Mayla Highmountain says: So you condemn me for accepting the assistance of outsiders, but then invite them into your home? Demons and those who cavort with them?
Torok Bloodtotem says: And you do not?

His eyes flickered over to Sol and Nyxxa.

Torok Bloodtotem says: I am aware of the true nature of your companions.

Gul’dan smirked.

Torok Bloodtotem says: We do not fear fire, Mayla. And the fires demons command are not unknown to us. You are the one who has decided that the fate of Highmountain will rest in the hands of outsiders. We together will decide which outsiders that is.
Mayla Highmountain says: Very well, chieftain. If you’re so kind to explain the rules, as I’m quite unaware of them.
Torok Bloodtotem says: Of course. Eclipse is played with two teams of six individuals. Mayla, you and five of your outsiders is one. Gul’dan, I presume you have others in mind for the rest of your team?
Gul'dan says: Of course, chieftain.

Gul’dan lifted his gauntlet, and the glyphs upon it glow. He chants in eredun, and three summoning circles of fel magic appear. The first figure that appeared unfolded six arms, revealing a blue-skinned shivara: Imacu'tya, of the Fel Covenant

Imacu'tya says: I am at your command, Shadowmaster, and I will not disappoint.

A second blue-skinned entity with broad shoulders and wide wings appeared. Its head was wreathed in horns, and its mid-section also opened, revealing that its top and bottom halves were not connected with flesh, but instead roiling fel energy. It was a terrorfiend. He looked and saw Arthak.

Terrorfiend says: Ah! Arthak! It’s been some time! I have to admit, I’m a bit disappointed you didn’t bring the rogue princeling. I would have enjoyed feasting on his sorrow once again.

He cracked his neck, and Sol recognized it was Arzeth the Merciless, the terrorfiend responsible for devouring his elekk. He then pointed at Sol.

Arzeth says: You! Are you here on his behalf?
Sol'chi says: No. Not on his behalf. But I did hear what you did. You have a great throwing arm. Wish I was there.
Arzeth says: Don’t worry, you’ll see first-hand today.

The third figure, the smallest one, appeared. She was a beautiful, feminine figure. She had long wings behind her back.

Nesslyn says: I’m at your command–

Nesslyn then saw the group.

Nesslyn says: Awww, shit.
Arthak Saurfang says: Lady Nesslyn. It’s good to see you again.
Nesslyn says: Ah. Hey guys.

She seemed to shrink as she conjured a cloak over her shoulders.

Nesslyn says: I’d ask you to go easy on me, but I know how things have to go…
Arthak Saurfang says: Likewise.

Torok moved to the entrance of the cave.

Torok Bloodtotem says: The rules are simple. The first team to eliminate everyone on the other team is victorious. You strike the Eye of An’she and cause it to strike int them. The game will begin with a single Eye of An’she, but others will be added as the game progresses.

They followed Torok to a subterranean arena

Torok Bloodtotem says: Each team has one side of the arena. Feel free to use what elevation you desire. Once the game starts, you rush to the Eye of the An’she to claim it. You cannot pass the middle, but both teams can tread upon the line of the eclipse. This is the only area you can interact with the other team. You may grapple, you may wrestle, but you may not harm your opponent outside the Eye of An’she.

There was a stone sphere that was actively burning.

Torok Bloodtotem says: You may hold the Eye, but you may not throw it until it is passed. You must strike it with your feet or your horns. Strike the opponent without them returning it, and they are eliminate. Catch the eye, and one of your allies may return to the field. The game will cease once one team is entirely eliminated. Should you win, Mayla Highmountain, then I shall pledge the loyalty of the Bloodtotem to the Highmountain. However, should Gul’dan win, then I will see to it Highmountain stands, even if I must remove you to do it. Regardless, there will be no bloodshed in Torok’s Bluff. The victor may stay or go as long as they wish. The loser shall leave unmolested. Understood?
Gul'dan says: Of course, chieftain. I would not tread upon your hospitality.
Arthak Saurfang says: Likewise. In fact, elder, after this contest, do you have plans for this evening?

Gul’dan smiled and stepped forward. He shrugged off his cloak and cracked his shoulders and rolled his back. He stood up straight, revealing the spikes on his back jutted from his flesh.

Gul'dan says: I do. After all, after we have proven ourselves victorious, we have much planning to do.
Arthak Saurfang says: Well. Should we win, will you be interested in sharing a meal? We can catch up before things get complicated.
Gul'dan says: We shall see.

Everyone dropped their armor if they had it, as their limberness would serve them better. Zar’Kaa looked Gul’dan up and down, and smirked.

Zar'Kaa says: This should be a good match.
Gul'dan says: I would hope so. I do apologize, I have no intention of allowing you to win.
Zar'Kaa says: Nor do I.

Zar’Kaa smiled wildly.

Rak’Symma appeared to be rather mad at the situation that was unfolding.

Torok Bloodtotem says: Use whatever magic you desire, but you may not harm those on the other side. Though you may impede them. You may also not drag them onto your side of the field, but if you cross over willingly, then it will be as if you were struck by the Eye, and you will be eliminated.

As Arthak walked into the arena, he almost saw images of prior games being played as the earth spoke to him. Both sides enabled various defensive spells and abilities. Shara stepped forward and held out two globules of fire.

Shara Bloodtotem says: May these teams be judged against each other, and may An’she’s flame guide their victory. Begin!

She hurled the fire into the air, and the game began.

Arthak immediately charged forward and swept up the Eye before hurling it back at Zar’Kaa. Zar’Kaa snagged the Eye and then ran forward into the line of the eclipse. He kicked the Eye at Arzeth, which smacked the demon straight in the head. Arzeth snarled.

Arzeth says: That’s not fair!

Torok laughed.

Torok Bloodtotem says: Get off the field!
Zar'Kaa says: Now we see your good side!

The Bloodtotem in the audience started to laugh. Thisalee was cheering wildly in the crowd. Zar’Kaa backed up to duck behind cover again next to Mayla.

Mayla Highmountain says: Nice shot!

Nesslyn looked back and forth.

Arthak Saurfang says: You can do it, lady Nesslyn. Give me your best shot.

Nesslyn sighed and then fluttered over to the front of the field, looking at Arthak.

Nesslyn says: I’m REALLY sorry, but I need your help here.

She kissed her hand, and a heart appeared. She sent it towards Arthak as she tried toc harm him. Arthak smiled.

Arthak Saurfang says: I’d be happy to help you, lady Nesslyn, but off the field.

Nesslyn blushed in frustration, then rushed back under cover. Velhari leaped over cover and grabbed the Eye to pelt it at Arthak. Arthak looked at Nesslyn, who called to not target her, and Arthak opted to instead punch the Eye back at Jubei’thos. Velhari used [Guidance], but Sol used [Counterspell] to interrupt the spell. However, Jubei’thos was able to still strike the Eye back at Rak’Symma with his heel. It slammed into Rak’Symma, knocking her off the field.

Imacu’tya moved forward and prepared herself as Nyxxa raced over to the Eye. She grabbed it, but she decided to hold onto the Eye instead of hurling it back. She hid behind cover.

Gul’dan muttered an incantation in eredun. A foul wind swept across the ground, and an eruption of shadow magic clipped Mayla and Zar’Kaa as he cast [Confusion]. Zar’Kaa was able to resist, but confusion warped around Mayla.

Jubei’thos leaped off his platform and managed to grapple Arthak, who was then dragged into the line of the eclipse.

Arthak Saurfang says: So, how are things Jubei’thos?

Nyxxa popped out of being hidden and kicked the Eye right at Jubei’thos. Jubei’thos swung his foot around and slammed the Eye into Arthak. Jubei’thos then punched the Eye back at Nyxxa, but Nyxxa dodged beneath the Eye as Jubei’thos backed up.

Sol started a song as he then cast [Blessing of Kings] on himself.

Torok threw a second Eye into the battlefield. Zar’Kaa ran at the new Eye and punched it at Jubei’thos. Jubei’thos caught the Eye.

Arzeth says: Ha! Fuck yeah!

The terrorfiend re-entered the battlefield as Zar’Kaa ducked behind cover. Jubei’thos punched the Eye at Zar’Kaa, but Zar’Kaa caught the Sphere, getting Arthak back into the game. Zar’Kaa held out the Eye.

Zar'Kaa says: Don’t say I never did anything with you.

Arthak took the Eye and punched it at Jubei’thos with his elbow. It slammed into Jubei’thos, knocking him out. Arthak ran down after the Eye again and this time he hurled it at Velhari.

Arthak Saurfang says: Why are you angry with me, Velhari? It was your job to see me coming.

The Eye spun in Velhari’s hands for a moment, and it smoked. But then it slipped out of her hands, and she cursed loudly in eredun. She disappeared in a burst of flame and entered the stands with her arms crossed. The Eye bounced back to Arthak, and he passed the Eye to Nyxxa. Nyxxa also snagged the nearby Eye on the ground and then dipped behind cover.

Nyxxa popped out and slammed one of the Eyes at Gul’dan. However, it spiraled past him, missing. She punched the second Eye at Gul’dan, and she almost hit him, but it sailed past him. She ducked back behind cover.