
Art by
- Species
- Eredar
- Gender
- Female
- Height
- 7'02"
- Status
- Alive
Burning Legion
Velhari, born Velhira, was a draenei born on the Genedar shortly before it crashed on Draenor. A promising vindicator in her youth, she succumbed to the Legion's temptations and joined Exarch Othaar when he betrayed his people and formed the Sargerei.
After Socrethar was slain, she took command of the Sargerei, claiming the moniker of Tyrant for her exploits in subjugating her former countrymen.
Coming soon.
Coming soon.
Chapter Three: The Scales Tip
Velhari served as one of the primary Legion representatives when Arthak called the first formal meeting of the Clipped Wing coalition to discuss how the Thalassian Resistance below Silvermoon would be handled. She had an active role in defending against the ambush that the Resistance launched on the meeting, where she teamed up with Azgadaan who would inquire about the potential for tutelage under her in the aftermath. She expressed she was not wholly opposed to the idea before she returned to Quel'danas to report back to Shaspira.
After the report, Velhari was assigned the duty of dealing with Sinestra's "pets" in the form of eliminating the rogue members of the Dragonmaw Clan that were loyal to her. She reconvened with Azgadaan and his companions to do so, where they swiftly decimated the Dragonmaw and skarvyn forces that opposed them. She took some degree of amusement in watching Azgadaan leap onto the back of a rylak during the fight and get swept into the air, even expressing to Levia to not run to his aid as she wanted to see how he handled himself. Azgadaan was knocked unconscious and thrown to the ground, though was ultimately alright.
Following the immediate aftermath of the battle she stated that Azgadaan's strength was admirable, though he would do well to not underestimate his opponents. Azgadaan asked her to leave the embarrassing bit out of her report, and she simply responded that her report would reflect the matter in its entirety and that the mission was accomplished, before she took her leave.
Chapter Four: Homecoming
Chapter Five: Civil War
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Five (Vision)
- [Horde] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Seven
- [Horde] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Eight
Appeared In
Chapter Three: The Scales Tip
- [Horde] Chapter Three: Session Three
- [Horde] Chapter Three: Session Four
- [Horde] Chapter Three: Session Five
- [Horde] Chapter Three: Session Six
Chapter Four: Homecoming
Chapter Five: Civil War
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Five (Vision)
- [Horde] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Seven
- [Horde] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Eight
Coming soon.