[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Three

Appearing Characters: Elgin Clickspring, Gelbin Mekkatorque, Gilveradin Windrunner, Liiraluma, Motah Tallhorn, Oki Overspark, Rat King, Ressa Shadeshine, Scabbs Cutterbutter, Seria, Uther Menethil, Vaelastrasz, Velameestra Windrunner

Time-Lost Day 190

One of the Tank Buster MK1s charged over at Uther and punched the paladin in the chest with a robotic fist. The Aerial Oppression Unit and lightning began to course around it which was directed at Luma and Vel. A sentry turret fired at Luma, and the canon blast amped up. A laser of lightning shot out from it, but Uther held out his arm, and there was a flash of holy light before his shield. A reflection of his shield appeared before the blast, deflecting it aside. Another Tank Buster ran for Luma’s turrets, but the one it attacked skittered out of the way. Luma commanded them to release fire in turn, and the Tank Buster’s metallic plates started to fall off.

Meanwhile, Luma locked themself into the charging station and got ready to interface with it the moment the opportunity arose.

Vel continued to deflect arcane bolts of energy as they were fired at her while Gil dove for cover to avoid a rain of shots from a sentry turret. The Aerial Oppression Unit started to activate its annihilation field. Luma took the opportunity to try and hack the system, and with lightning speed, they were able to overload the charging station with as much energy as they could manage. The annihilation field was immediately disrupted and the Aerial Oppression Unit sparked and fell to the ground hard. The protection on it faltered, and it was stunned.

Two of the W4LK1E-SH0CK13s began to overload with electrical energy, which zapped those around it. Seria was zapped, but she roared and charged for the Aerial Oppression Unit. A Tank Buster struck into her and was completely ignored. Seria ripped into the now vulnerable plating, tearing strips of metal and peeling metal from it.

Another Tank Buster slammed into Vel’s animated guardian as Uther charged at the Aerial Oppression Unit.

HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit says [gnim]: System Error. Beginning Reboot Process SSSSSSSS…

Uther slammed his axe into the armored plating and pressed it in as the super-heated edge of the weapon melted into the weakened armor. He slammed his shield into the nearby Tank Buster, but it held steady.

The sentry turret that Vel had damaged continued leaking and fired wildly after her as she ran past it and disappeared, using a [Steel Wind Strike] as she leaped off the tank she had been perched on. She sliced through three of the defensive robots and the Aerial Oppression Unit sparked as she sliced her blade through it. She reappeared amongst Luma’s turrets as she switched the command of her animated construct to attack the Aerial Oppression Unit. Its metallic fist crunched into the giant machine’s side.

Luma fired their disruptor rifle alongside their turrets and started to pelt the armor of the Aerial Oppression Unit.

Gil took a few shots at the Aerial Oppression Unit and was unable to find an opening. He grit his teeth in in frustration and drew energy from the Demon Soul, which was drawn into his bow. The shot of the crackling, yellow [Disintegrate] blew a massive hole straight through the Hunter Killer as his eyes glowed a crackling, gold and red.

His heart began to race wildly as emotions washed over him like a tidal wave. Dread, anxiety, and paranoia overwhelmed him as he looked around, his thoughts rushing as he considered the fact that they might take the Demon Soul from him and they might think giving it to him was a mistake. It waned after a moment, but the feeling was in the back of his head, and his heart almost hurt with how hard it was racing, driving him momentarily to one knee.

More reinforcements arrived as ports opened in the ground, releasing another Tank Buster and W4LK1E-SH0CK13.

Charging Station says [gnim]: Intruder alert. Activating anti-trespasser protocols.

Luma had put a redundancy put on the terminal to overload the teleportation protocol, and it sparked as Luma was able to slip around the forced-grasp.

Gil was awoken from his momentary anxiety attack as he heard a hissing sound. The tank beneath him had been pierced with an arcane bolt, and it rapidly released air as it began to explode. Gil dove out of the way as shrapnel rained around him.

Motah Tallhorn says: Look out belowwwww!

Vaelastrasz flew over the battlefield and spun into a barrel roll as Motah dropped on top of the Aerial Oppression Unit. He brought his club down on the massive machine. Now in critical condition, the Aerial Oppression Unit reactivated his defensive plating and hovered back up into the air as Vaelastrasz swept by to retrieve Motah.

The newly arrived W4LK1E-SH0CK13 sparked through Vel and Luma’s turrets as it established the electrical link between its fellows. Oki’s face was flashing across various monitors.

Oki Overspark says: You’re doing it! Just a little bit more and I should be able to deactivate the defenses!

The Aerial Oppression Unit charged and fired its repulsion field. Several of the reinforcement bots were blasted to pieces as the oppressive field swept through the battlefield.

One of the remaining Tank Busters slammed into Vel’s animated construct as the Aerial Oppression Unit fired wildly at Luma. Another Tank Buster tried to deck Luma in the face, but it slammed into the console instead. Yet another Tank Buster managed to slam its fist into Seria’s side as the Aerial Oppression Unit then started to fire up its cannon again. It launched the blast of energy. Vel’s eyes widened and she raised her sword and used it as a channel to absorb some of the energy with her song of defense. However, the rest overwhelmed her, and surged through her body as the animated guardian she had summoned broke apart.

Seria cleaved into the nearest Tank Buster with her claws, which burst apart as the Aerial Oppression Unit fired at Vel. She ducked and rolled out of the way of the arcane bolts. Uther managed to slam into a Tank Buster.

Tank Buster MK1 says [gnim]: Systems… failing…

It crumpled to the ground, defeated.

Vel ran back up onto the tank and tried to drive her sword into it. However, she was unable to get an opening until she pulled a dagger from her belt and slammed it into a crook between its plating.

Luma had continued to duck and weave behind cover as they waited for their opening to try and hack into the system again. More reinforcements were deployed.

Charging Station says [gnim]: Purging all intruders.

A shockwave went through the battlefield, overwhelming the group with a blast of arcane, necrotic, and holy energy. Luma was also teleported out of the charging station, but they used [Dimension Door] to get back into place as time was effectively reversed. One of the Tank Busters tried to punch them, but was unsuccessful.

Seria managed to cleave through two Tank Busters with a devastating strike of her claws. She nearly tore a W4LK1E-SH0CK13 completely apart. The mech opted to self-destruct, which caused an isolated explosion.

The annihilation field continued to expand, and Seria was blasted out of her wild shape form. Uther plowed through the remaining W4LK1E-SH0CK13 and then rounded on the nearest Tank Buster he could access. He knocked it to the ground with his shield. He then used [Flash of Light] on Seria to get her back to her feet. However, as the field continued expanding, Vel was overwhelmed and dropped to the ground.

While Luma was getting assaulted by Tank Busters, they managed to get back into the charging station and overloaded it. The Aerial Oppression Unit once again plummeted to the ground amongst a furious cacophony of draenic curses.

Gil fired off the shots he had lined up and his bow was wreathed with flames and arcane energy. The arcane energy rippled across it, and the systems started to shut down.

HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit says [gnim]: Power station, beginning reboot. Power station overloaded, beginning reboot process… Warning… warning… Error found… Warning…

The lights faded in the Aerial Suppression Unit.

Oki Overspark says: That did it!

He slammed a button, and all the reinforcements also were overloaded as Luma ran over to the edge of the platform and gestured violently at the HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit.

Liiraluma shouts: FUCK YOU! I GOT IT!

Luma then saw Vel nearly unconscious and very scorched and hurried over to help. They started to pat around Vel’s belongings and found a potion that they were able to feed to her.

Velameestra Windrunner says: …Thank you.
Liiraluma says: Yeah. No problem.

At that moment, Oki teleported to the roof.

Oki Overspark says: You did it! You actually did it! I didn’t think it was possible! That was exhilarating and I wasn’t even in the fight!
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Glad you enjoyed it.
Oki Overspark says: Mm. Right.

Oki explained that they would do what they could to aid the forces now that the Hunter Killer was shut down, and Elgin emerged with the projection of Gelbin.

Gelbin Mekkatorque says: Good work. Impressive teamwork, everyone, and excellent technical finesse, Liiraluma. Oki, Elgin, and myself will see to that the Arcforge’s processes will be disrupted. You can continue on your efforts to fend them off and continue on your way. All of gnomanity will be in your gratitude.

The group hunkered down to rest briefly. About halfway through, Scabbs Cutterbutter materialized.

Scabbs Cutterbutter says: Omega Squad, looks like you’ve been busy. I got an update. We started picking up strange readings from the Arcforge. We’re not sure what it means, but we’re looking into it. We think King Mechagon might be planning a counterattack. Thus far, nothing has changed, but keep your eyes and ears peeled. There’s no telling what comes next. Admin will be reporting back to us at the top of the hour. We’ll pass it along.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Understood.
Scabbs Cutterbutter says: Good hunting.

Scabbs set off and Vel had sat down next to her brother where they could quietly talk.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Are you alright?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Yeah. I’ll be fine. It was just… a bit more than I was expecting.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Alright. If you need anything from me, let me know, alright?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Yeah. I will.

Vel gave him a squeeze to his shoulder, and he gave her a weak, but genuine, smile.

After they had finished resting, they utilized the teleportation system to teleport to an abandoned section of the city beneath the city itself. There were ancient tunnels and decrepit pumping stations everywhere. There was a sour stench in the air.

They saw some explosives already planted, and eventually they were able to rendezvous with Ressa Shadeshine.

Ressa Shadeshine says: Well, finally ready to get your hands dirty.

Ressa looked over the group, who was rather scorched.

Velameestra Windrunner says: ...In a matter of speaking, I suppose.
Ressa Shadeshine says: I heard you were doing good work! I’ve overjoyed you decided to help us with this little task of ours.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Where do you need us?
Ressa Shadeshine says: This station is located right under one of the power stations under the Arcforge, but it hasn’t been used in several years. It’s still functioning in areas, but it’s obsolete. We need to get in, set up the explosives, and get to a safe distance. That said, there’s some automated defenses and haywired alert drones. I can’t be certain their signals are being watched, but it’s better safe than sorry. We need to get in, find the best locations, and set them off. Think you can help me?
Liiraluma says: In we go!
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I think we have the weirdly correct mix of skills to do that.
Ressa Shadeshine says: I was thinking the same thing.

Ressa directed them toward a power station, which periodically had lights flicker on and off. Most people seemed to have been evacuated, and there were defunct, broken mechs. It was effectively the slums of Mechagon, and there were canals with bright green goo oozing throughout. There were hulling bots that had deteriorated and were letting the fallout run.

Ressa Shadeshine says: If you’re worried about collateral damage, you don’t need to. We’ve moved everyone out, and we planted specialized storage containers. When the explosion happens, that gunk should flow right into them, and can be removed safely. If that was something that concerned you.

As the group examined the situation that they were presented with, Vel made note that there seemed to be rats of unusual size that were crawling throughout the area. She decided to approach one of them to see if she could get any further information on the area.

Rat of Unusual Size says: Hey! What, uh, are you doin’ here? You’re taller than usual. We don’t see folk as tall as you are. What’s up? What brings you down here? Are you here to make tribute to the king?
Velameestra Windrunner says: …The king?
Rat of Unusual Size says: Yeah. He runs the shots down here.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Is he also a rat?
Rat of Unusual Size says: Yeah he’s a rat. He’s the king of the rats. We call him the Rat King.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And you said tribute… where is he located?
Rat of Unusual Size says: Oh he’s located down here. At this throne.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Does his throne happen to be inside that station?

Vel looked over at the building that Ressa had identified as the target, and the rat followed her gaze.

Rat of Unusual Size says: Oh. You’re a smart one. How did you know that?
Velameestra Windrunner says: It is the biggest place in the area.

The rat muttered in acknowledgement.

Rat of Unusual Size says: Mm, yeah, that’s a good point. Yeah this whole area is crawling with all sorts of those bots and stuff, but they don’t bother us none.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I don’t suppose you have a safe passage we could follow to meet with your king?

The rat considers.

Rat of Unusual Size says: I dunno. What sort of tribute do you and your, uh, little friends here have? The Rat King is a… discerning collector, you might say.
Velameestra Windrunner says: He likes shiny things?
Rat of Unusual Size says: Well yes, of course, he’s discerning, okay. That’s part of what you would be discerning about, right?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Absolutely.
Rat of Unusual Size says: Yeah. I mean, who doesn’t like shiny things, right?
Velameestra Windrunner says: No, you’re right.
Rat of Unusual Size says: Like check this out!

The rat withdrew a small trinket that resembled a crinkled bottle cap of some kind.

Rat of Unusual Size says: It’s pretty shiny too.

Vel examined the bottle cap, and then snapped her fingers as she used [Prestidigitation] to clean all the dirt and grime from it. The cap shone even more brightly.

Rat of Unusual Size says: Ho ho! How’d you do that?!
Velameestra Windrunner says: I’m a woman of many skills.
Rat of Unusual Size says: Hmph. Shame you’re not a rat.

Vel raised an eyebrow slightly, and a small smirk crossed her lips as mist began to drift from her figure. She transformed into her white rat form.

Rat of Unusual Size says: Oh shit! You’re actually a rat! I thought you weren’t a rat, but look, you’re a rat, oh my goodness! Are you from a neighboring rat kingdom or something?!
Velameestra Windrunner says: I’m from somewhere very far away.
Rat of Unusual Size says: Wow. So a foreign dignitary rat!
Velameestra Windrunner says: You could say that.

The rat considered again.

Rat of Unusual Size says: Well. You might not even need a tribute really. I mean, it might still be good, but uh, I dunno. We’ve never had a rat ambassador come visit before!

Vel transformed back into her humanoid form and was able to produce some onyx stones and Gil had some black dragon scales that they could use for tribute. The rat’s eyes nearly bugged out at the amount of treasure they had to offer.

Rat of Unusual Size says: Can all of your friends turn into rats, or just you?
Velameestra Windrunner says: At least one other.
Rat of Unusual Size says: Well. If you can’t all turn into rats we’ll have to go by a non-rat mode. Just hang out with me and stay away from the river.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Understood.
Ressa Shadeshine says: Are you… all seriously talking to that rat?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Yeah. Can’t you?
Ressa Shadeshine says: No? And… the Rat King??
Velameestra Windrunner says: Apparently his throne is in the building. We are now engaged in political diplomacy.
Ressa Shadeshine says: Oh boy. Well. Don’t mention the party where we are trying to blow up his home!

Vel shifted back into her rat form. The rat guided them around the alarm bots expertly without issue and entered the pumping station. All through the center of it was a river of bright green gunk that was stagnant with bridges over it. A few of the lights blinked on and off. Gil provided a thought over the telepathic bond about Vel potentially framing herself as some sort of prophet that could lead the rats to a new promised land after bringing warning of destruction.

Ressa Shadeshine says: Okay. There’s definitely a few places we can put the explosives… but I guess we should figure out the rat king thing first.

The rat led them over the gunk, and there were bones all over sinking into the ooze. There were bones of rats, gnomes, and the corroded metal of mechagnomes and robotics that look like they were thrown in. There were signs in gnim all around that Vel was able to read.

One site seemed to be the pumping station main office. It was a place to load various things, though it did not seem to be an ideal place to install the explosives.

There was also a vehicle with several barrels of sludge, and the vehicle itself seemed to be still functioning, though it was locked.

The place they were being led to was a barrel of old containers that had been hollowed out and fashioned into a “palace” for the rats. There also seemed to be a power generator turbine that was used to spread power to and from the facility. The group squeezed inside and entered a complex of empty barrels.

The first thing that Vel noticed was that the rats seemed to be very sophisticated, and they seemed to be about as smart as griffons. The rat that had led them inside walked over to the others, and their eyes moved as if they were communicating telepathically. Vel was allowed in, but the rats asked the others to remain back. However, Gil shapeshifted into a kobold, which was effectively a humanoid rat. The rats were very confused for a moment and asked what Gil was, but he said he was with Vel. They were brought before a very, very large rat that was nearly medium sized. He was quite fat, and on his head was a crown of broken glass, forks, salvaged gems, and other similar debris. He was on a throne made of junk.

Rat King says: So! My loyal subjects tell me that you are foreign dignitaries of foreign lands. Is that true?
Velameestra Windrunner says: That is true. And to extend a show of good will, we have brought you tribute.

Gil stepped forward with the collection of gems and scales and dropped it on the ground before the Rat King. The crowned rat immediately leaped off his throne and chittered excitedly as he looked at the treasures and let the scales fall through his claws. However, he then stood up straight and got a hold on himself as he smoothed his whiskers back and sat back on his throne.

Rat King says: It seems you know a great deal about our customs here. Your delightful gifts have been joyfully accepted. Be welcome in the Rat King’s court!
Velameestra Windrunner says: Your hospitality is most appreciated. I was hoping to get an audience with his majesty because I wished to deliver a warning to him of the dealings up above.
Rat King says: A warning? Or a threat? Haha! I’m just kidding! No one that gave me such a beautiful tribute would ever do so simply to threaten me!
Velameestra Windrunner says: Of course not.
Rat King says: So what is your warning, my beautiful and generous guest?
Velameestra Windrunner says: There is a great danger coming from above. I’m sure his majesty has felt the tremors here, yes?
Rat King says: Yes yes, we have. The steel giants of those that dwelt here before. Those who carelessly discard all their treasures for us to collect. Like the one that came with you!
Velameestra Windrunner says: The small ones above are engaged in a war. One which is bleeding into this place. We are from a distant land that offers safety and a great deal more tribute to be found. I have come to extend the offer for your people to come with us, so that you can find safety.

The Rat King considered as he curled his whiskers with one of his paws.

Rat King says: We have known of the wars of the steel machines above, but they have never affected us down here. Indeed, it has simply given us more treasures and territory, historically speaking. Yet you say now that it threatens our domain?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I’ve seen the warning signs, your majesty. I’m a mystic from the promised lands. It is well within my abilities to see such things.
Rat King says: My subject did say he saw you take the shape of a tall two-legger…
Velameestra Windrunner says: Better to walk amongst them and hear the whispers in the heart of their own domain. If you would like me to prove it further to you, I can.

The Rat King grinned.

Rat King says: I believe I would much like to see these powers of yours firsthand!

Given the area was a more open room, Vel shifted back into her humanoid form. The other rats gasped and started to mutter about how the tales of the rat that brought them here were true (even though he frequently lied). She used [Prestidigitation] and with a wave of her hand, the tributes scattered about the room were cleansed so that they sparkled beneath the flickering light overhead, which was then extinguished before a bright outline of a rat skull appeared beneath the pile of tributes that she and Gil had offered. The gathered rats gasped audibly.

She shifted back into her rat form and gestured at the outline of the skull.

Velameestra Windrunner says: This is the sign of death that is coming for you.

The rats erupted in a chorus as they repeated “an omen!” and “an omen most ill!” The Rat King looked up at the light that was put out.

Rat King says: So this light too has been shut off! An ill omen indeed… perhaps there is something to this Oracle… this mystic from a distant land… you come to my court, you respect our traditions, and you provide a generous tribute while offering warnings to our own safety. Why? For what reason do you have to concern yourself with the Rat King’s court? Could you not simply wait for us to be exterminated, if this is true? At which point you could usurp me! Is that what you are trying to do?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Of course not, your majesty. I simply seek an allyship for the future.
Rat King says: So you would come to this place and aid us without us asking out of the kindness of your heart in the hopes of finding another ally…

The Rat King chuckled.

Rat King says: You are truly wise to have come here then! For I am a wise and generous king! This Promised Land you speak of… tell me of it.

Vel nodded and held out her paws as she used [Minor Illusion] to show a variety of treasures that could be found on Azeroth… including the image of a large wheel of cheese. There was another series of gasps as they beheld the cheese wheel.

Velameestra Windrunner says: As it would happen… my brother here has a great deal of experience with the cheeses of the land called Azeroth. After all, he was named earl and presided over them.

She gestured to Gil, who was still disguised as a kobold. The Rat King looked at Gil eagerly.

Rat King says: Is this true? You have presided over these wonderful specimens of cheddar and brie? Of swiss?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: That and so much more, sire.

The Rat King considered again, stroking his whiskers.

Rat King says: I believe the things you are saying to be true… this Promised Land and your intentions here to be pure… but there is something to this story that I am missing, I believe. There’s another reason that you’ve come to me. This war from up above… you’re involved in it, aren’t you?

Vel gestured with one of her paws at the symbol she had caused to appear on the ground.

Velameestra Windrunner says: …They say a white rat is an omen of death. At least, there are tales of such.

There were more chitters amongst the other rats.

Rat King says: O-of course! I knew that!
Velameestra Windrunner says: The death that I come to reap is not your own, your majesty, but the king of the small folk that walk the streets above. I would simply hate for you to get caught in the collateral damage of such a campaign.
Rat King says: Hm… I see.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Instead, I am giving you an opportunity to benefit.

The Rat King nodded.

Rat King says: So what do you require of the Rat King? You bring these omens, I assume you wish us to leave?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Gather that which is most precious and make for the surface. You’ll see the sign when it is time to pass beyond the veil.
Rat King says: Very well. We shall do so. But there are… stipulations that I would present as a counter-offer.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Of course.
Rat King says: And a warning I would grant to you. But first the stipulations.

The Rat King steepled his paws.

Rat King says: One. If uh… if I miss the sign, will you make sure that I can find it? This Promised Land full of cheese?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Of course, your majesty.
Rat King says: Two. Would you consider… staying and becoming a… royal vizier of sorts? Maybe, I dunno, help advise the Rat King on matters? Help guide him in times of strife and perhaps… in time… the two of us could get to know each other a bit and maybe we’ll hit it off a bit and I mean, um, uh, I’m not trying to, uh uh, imply anything! But um…

He cleared his throat.

Rat King says: It can be very lonely at the top.

Vel’s ears flicked.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I’m afraid, your majesty, that my services are otherwise occupied. However, there are a great many… eligible rat ladies… on Azeroth. I’m sure you’ll find your queen there.

The Rat King considered, and then nodded before he looked wistfully at the dim light overhead.

Rat King says: Very well. But, uh… you will give the Rat King more of your sage warnings when they arrive, yes? And your wisdom?
Velameestra Windrunner says: If we are allies, certainly.
Rat King says: Okay! Good! The Rat King has never had an ally so he’s not sure how this works…
Velameestra Windrunner says: We help each other.
Rat King says: Help! Help. Right. That reminds me… the warning! We will leave this place so that you can use it for your war and death, oh bringer of omen and darkness and that… cool skull that you put on the ground. But there is something you should know. They who dwell within this place must be aware and must give tribute of their own, for that is why the Rat King has built his court in this place, beyond the treasures that lie within. Without us, without our tributes to hold it back, the Gunker would wash over this land.

The rats gasped and repeated the name.

Velameestra Windrunner says: The Gunker dwells within the glowing ooze of the river?
Rat King says: Close my most-inscrutable Oracle! The Gunker *is* the river! Lost and forgotten, created by those who walk above. He rages. He waits. And when the time comes that not even our tributes will sate his insatiable hunger, he will devour all. Except for us! Because he likes us. Because we gave him tributes. But we can leave! But if we do, there won’t be anyone to give tribute to… the Gunker.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I appreciate the warning. I will be sure to make accommodations to deal with such a thing. I will leave you to your preparations.
Rat King says: Indeed! We have much to prepare! Much cheese to prepare to eat!

The Rat King approached Vel and took her paw.

Rat King says: I will remember this meeting for all of my life, great Oracle. Yes, all of my life.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And it will not be the last meeting we have, your majesty.
Rat King says: Yes! I look forward to your signs! I will read the stars!

Vel bowed her head as the Rat King turned to the other rats.

Rat King says: Come along, subjects, you heard!

The rats began to skitter around and gather any of their most precious treasures so they could evacuate the building.

Vel looked over at Gil.

Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathic bond]: Good idea.

She turned to walk back through the tunnel, her rat hands folded behind her.

Gilveradin Windrunner says [telepathic bond]: I don’t know, Vel, I feel a political marriage could benefit us too.

Vel sighed audibly over the telepathic bond. When she reached the end of the tunnel she shifted back to her humanoid form to address the rest of the group.

Velameestra Windrunner says: The rats are leaving. We should have adequate places for the explosives. There is a turbine inside that would be most advantageous, I believe. Also the… fallout river is a monster called the Gunker, which is something we should be aware of.
Ressa Shadeshine says: The… what?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: The river, it’s a monster.
Ressa Shadeshine says: They call it… the Gunker? Okay.
Velameestra Windrunner says: They were throwing tributes to it to keep it satiated. Once they leave, it will be an issue.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Do you think we can lure down a portion of their army and two birds one stone it?
Ressa Shadeshine says: The Arcforged army? That seems unlikely.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Well if they are going to hear rumors of explosives, they may check it out.
Ressa Shadeshine says: I… suppose we could try? But that would require us to somehow prevent the Gunker from attacking us as we are putting explosives around this place. If this thing is in fact sentient which… given what we’ve seen of the toxic sludge, I think is a very real possibility, I don’t think it would take kindly to us poking around. Unless we could provide satisfactory tributes, I guess.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: What were the rats offering?

Vel looked over at the bones and mechanical parts that were still floating in the ooze.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Looks like they were throwing sacrifices to it.
Ressa Shadeshine says: I’m not looking to sacrifice any of our people. Not yet anyway! …That was a joke.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I was hoping that was the case, but thank you for clarifying.
Velameestra Windrunner says: We could just kill whatever it is.
Ressa Shadeshine says: Likely that will need to happen one way or another.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Sooner rather than later would likely be better.
Ressa Shadeshine says: That said, we have a nice opportunity. Namely, we can wake it up with a nice ring of the bell. And, well, I might know just the thing. A place like this would have some form of sanitation. If we could reactivate the sanitation protocols, it would make the thing up, and we can try to get the drop on it.
Velameestra Windrunner says: That seems to be the best approach. And then I suppose the… Rat King will have another example of the Oracle’s foresight, I suppose.
Ressa Shadeshine says: You’re the Oracle of the rats now, are you?
Velameestra Windrunner says: It was a unique opportunity to make an unprecedented political ally.
Ressa Shadeshine says: You guys are a trip!
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Can you believe this isn’t even the weirdest thing we’ve ever done?
Ressa Shadeshine says: No. And yes. At the same time. In that case, our best bet is to position ourselves so we get the drop on this thing and find the sanitation means if they’re here.

Ressa looked over at Luma.

Ressa Shadeshine says: I heard you did a number at the charging station. Mind giving me a hand hacking into these systems?
Liiraluma says: Lets go!

Ressa and Luma looked around for a bit, and Luma picked out a place that looked promising. Ressa read some of the signage and nodded approvingly.

Ressa Shadeshine says: Sanitation! You got it in one.

The area seemed to have inactive sanitation bots as well as drums of sanitizing water that looked to be about the same size as sludge barrels. If they were able to reactivate the power, they could likely get the sanitation bots moving, but it would also probably wake up the Gunker in the process.

Vel was able to isolate the most likely area for the Gunker to manifest and Gil was able to locate a few points of interest. Namely, there were reservoirs that seemed to contain tanks of holy water that were used to clean out some of the fallout.

Uther and Seria stationed themselves by the tanks to rupture them open, and Gil also got on top of them to help while Vel climbed up onto the ceiling to keep herself out of the flow of holy water.

Luma and Ressa got into position with the sanitation protocols, and managed to summon several sanitation bots. As the protocol activated, an alarm started to sound, and various mechanisms activated.

Overhead Voice says [gnim]: Warning, warning, toxicity levels have exceeded safe guidelines. Activating sanitation protocols now.

They then heard warbling as a massive, green, sickly pile of gunk emerged from the river of sludge.

Overhead Voice says [gnim]: All personnel, please make your way to a safe fallout shelter so that we may undergo sanitation protocols.

The Gunker emerged from the sludge, and Gil used [Shillelagh] on his bow then brought it down on the containers of holy water. A stream of water flowed out over the Gunker, and Gil then shot it.

Sanitation sprays opened up across the complex and blasted Vel and the Gunker. Vel hissed in annoyance as the holy water seared over her flesh.

The sanitation bots charged forward and sprayed the Gunker with their sanitizing spray. Vel opened a [Sleet Storm] over the Gunker, which further reduced its ability to move away from the sanitation floods.

Uther hefted his axe and broke open another barrel of holy water. Seria also had taken her bear form and tore into another holding tank, and more water flooded over the Gunker.