Local Templates


Display titles in stylized column blocks.

(:if false:)
(:template first:)
(:template each:)
(:div class="note" style="padding:10px;width:31%;float:left":)
!!! [[{=$Group}/{=$Name} | {=$Titlespaced}]]
(:pagelist group=cultures fmt=#blocks count=6:)


Display for feats.

(:if false:)
(:template first:)
|| width=100% cellpadding=5
||!Name ||!Prerequisite(s) ||!Summary ||!Category ||! Source ||
(:template each:)
||'''[[{=$Group}/{=$Name} | {=$Titlespaced}]]''' ||''{=$:Prereq}'' ||{=$Description} ||{=$:Category} || {=$:Source} ||
(:pagelist group=feats fmt=#feats count=6:)
Ace PilotMakes one more effective at piloting and maneuvering vehicles.NewHB
ActorCharisma 13 or higherGives proficiency or expertise in Performance or Deception and improves your ability to mimic people or creatures.AlteredPHB
Agent of Order9th level, connection to the Plane of OrderGives resistance to force damage and a special attack that can restrain an opponent when hit.AlteredUAWOTM
Natural Weapon MasterA natural weapon trait, such as a Bite or Claw attack, or the ability to gain one easily with a class feature, such as Wild Shape or Predatory StrikesImproves natural weapons and makes them them more speedy and effective.NewHB
AlertGives a bonus to initiative and prevents you from being surprised.AlteredPHB
Therianthropy: Alpha Beast9th level, Skinwalker featReduces a therianthrope's vulnerability, increases their resistances, and blesses them with an ability based on the type of their curse.NewHB


Outputs the spell page titles along with the denoted spell information.

(:if false:)
(:template first:)
(:table class="sortable" width=100%:)
(:head style="width:300px":)Name
(:head style="text-align:center;width:50px":)Ritual?
(:head:)Casting Time
(:template each:)
(:cellnr class="listicon":)Attach:Icons./Spell{{=$FullName}$:School}.png"School of {{=$FullName}$:School}"
(:cell style="white-space:nowrap":)[[{=$Group}/{=$Name} | {=$Titlespaced}]]
(:cell style="text-align:center":)(:if2 equal '{=$:Ritual}' 'Yes':)'''[+✖+]'''(:else2:)(:if2end:)
(:cell style="white-space:nowrap":){{=$FullName}$:CastingTime}
(:cell style="white-space:nowrap":){{=$FullName}$:Components}
(:template last:)
(:pagelist group=Spells $:Level=Cantrip fmt=#spell count=6:)
Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Source
School of Evocation Acid Splash 1 action VS 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 211, SRD
School of Evocation Black Candle 1 action VM Touch 1 hour UGTTP: Shadowfell
School of Abjuration Blade Ward 1 reaction VS Self Instantaneous PHB 218
School of Evocation Booming Blade 1 action SM* Self 1 round TCE 106, SCAG 142
School of Evocation Caustic Strike 1 action SM* Self 1 round Homebrew
School of Necromancy Chill Touch 1 action VS 120 feet 1 round PHB 221, SRD


(:if false:)
(:template first:)
(:table class="sortable" width=100%:)
(:template each:)
(:cellnr style="white-space:nowrap":)[[{=$Group}/{=$Name} | {=$Titlespaced}]]
(:cell style="white-space:nowrap":){=$Description}
(:template last:)

(:pagelist group=Ancestries name=-RecentChanges,-Ancestries fmt=#ancestry count=6:)
Name Description
Aasimar Aasimar come from many different ancestries and many different walks of life, but they have all been touched by celestial influence and are believed to be the chosen of gods.
Animal Hybrid Animal hybrids are created by genetically or magically splicing parts of other creatures onto an existing individual, creating unique combinations and adaptations in the process.
Avian Avians encompass many different feathered humanoids that resemble anthropomorphic, winged birds such as aarakocra, or combinations of bird and man such as harpies—each with their own unique traits and cultures.
Bugbear Bugbears are hairy goblinoid that possesses traits that are reminiscent of bears and are known for their strong and lanky builds.
Catfolk Catfolk encompass many different furred humanoids that resemble anthropomorphic felines such as leonin or tabaxi—each with their own unique traits and cultures.
Centaur Centaur possesses the upper bodies of humanoids and the lower bodies of powerful horses, which enables them to have the abilities of horse and rider both.