Lor'themar Theron

Art by Blizzard Entertainment, Inc
- Species
- High Elf
- Gender
- Male
- Height
- 6'04"
- Hair
- White-blonde
- Location
- Bulwark
- Status
- Alive
Lor'themar is very intense and pretty committed to ensuring a tragedy such as the Troll Wars never befalls Quel'Thalas again.
During Lor'themar's career, he served in every branch of the military of Quel'thalas, attaining the rank of Ranger-Captain in the Farstriders and Commander in the Guardians of the Eternal Spring. He eventually served as a Mage-Guard, defenders of the Magistrate and the Sunstrider dynasty, until the assassination of Anasterian Sunstrider, which decimated the ranks of the Mage-Guard. He was named commander of the Mage-Guard after Kael'thas's coronation. After the Second Troll Wars, he refined their training regiment and honed their skills, transforming the ancient order into the Spellbreakers of today.
Chapter Three: The Scales Tip
Chapter Five: Civil War
During the showdown between Uther Menethil, Velameestra Windrunner, and their companions with the rogue bronze dragon Thaxdormu, the conflict dove through snippets of the timeline as it was "supposed" to be. One of these scenes showed Lor'themar, Rommath Pyrewing, Aethas Sunreaver and a contingent of other blood elves as they broke into a Magister's Terrace that was in complete disarray to face down Kael'thas Sunstrider at the height of an extreme degree of fel corruption at the head of the Sunwell from whence he was attempting to summon a powerful demon. However, this scene was one that had not come to pass in the present timeline.
Lor'themar, along with Sylvanas Windrunner, was stationed at the Bulwark following the invasion of the orcish Horde through the Eastweald where he served to organize the elven military and serve as regent in exile in the absence of Kael'thas Sunstrider while he was aiding with the elven Northrend expedition. He was glad for Kael'thas's return when the king returned along with Rommath Pyrewing and, much to his surprise, Velameestra Windrunner to speak on the future of their people. He displayed a healthy amount of caution when it was revealed that Kael'thas had in fact died at Deatholme, only to return as the first san'layn and that the rumors of vampyrs amongst the elven people were undoubtedly true.
However, as a counter to Sylvanas's more critical eye, Lor'themar presented a more open-minded viewpoint in the discussion that followed, especially as Velameestra revealed evidence the Scarlet Crusade were corrupt at their core and would undoubtedly subjugate the elven people regardless of if they denounced their undead brethren or not. He was angered at the notion of their people being used, and also asked for the input of Esara Verrinde, who temporarily was standing in for Kilnar Goldensword in her absence, and Liadrin Everpost, who stood in place of Vandellor Everpost as his place on the Convocation had not yet been filled. After their assessment, he ultimately decided it was a path that was at least worth considering.
He also agreed that the deal Kael'thas had made with Uther Menethil in regards to the elves lending their aid against Daval Prestor in exchange for Uther helping to remove the Scarlet Crusade was a wise one, as regardless both entities were problems that the elven people would have to contend with. When Uther and Gilveradin Windrunner were called in to speak as well, he offered a formal apology to Gil as it had been made clear the former-Farstrider was not an enemy of their people that Daval Prestor had presented, even though Sylvanas stated the warrant for his arrest would remain active as a cover, much as the confirmation of undead amongst the elven people would be kept a secret until the Scarlet Crusade was dismantled.
Rommath had shared the preliminary legislation that Velameestra had written up as a concept, and Lor'themar agreed the young woman had the groundwork for something great to be built.
Appeared In
Chapter Three: The Scales Tip
Chapter Five: Civil War
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Five (Alternate Timeline)
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Six
- Lor'themar lost his eye during the assassination of Anasterian to the blade of a troll which nearly took his life.