
Art by Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.
- Species
- Abomination
- Gender
- Male
- Death
- Mauled to near death by Seria before he was ignited by radiant fire shot from the bow of Gilveradin Windrunner during a conflict on the Causeway of Naxxramas.
- Hair
- Bald
- Location
- Naxxramas
- Status
- Deceased
Patchwerk was a powerful abomination created within the halls of Naxxramas as both an experiment and a hulking protector to be sent on intruders.
Patchwerk was a large, grotesque creature that was patched together using pieces from multiple different corpses, which meant his body was riddled with stitches, scars, and mismatched seams. He had three arms, two of which were large and powerful, while the third was much smaller and attached to his upper back. His stomach cavity had been left open, which exposed his ribs and intestines, and he only had one working eye.
Like most abominations, Patchwerk was not capable of complex thought and most of his combat ability relied on hurling his massive girth around and following orders. He loved being able to "play" with people, and eagerly called out his desire to do so, though unfortunately his version of "playing" normally resulted in the death of his various playmates.
Chapter Five: Civil War
Patchwerk was called in by Jackson Razuvious on the Causeway of Naxxramas in an attempted ambush of Uther Menethil and his party. While the ambush failed, a conflict broke out, and Patchwerk barreled into the fight in order to "play" with the new arrivals to Naxxramas. When Razuvious ordered him to ignore collateral damage after most of the wight security forces were turned by Remnii, Patchwerk coughed up a cone of sludge from his exposed stomach that covered ally and enemy alive, and he also attempted to keep Gilveradin Windrunner pinned in the river of plagued ooze beneath the grates with his massive chain.
After Razuvious successfully beheaded Velameestra Windrunner and reduced her to mist, she opted to flow into Patchwerk's face where she distracted him enough that he used one of his hooks to try and wave her away. When Razuvious was killed by Gilveradin Windrunner, Patchwerk did not seem to realize what happened and simply exclaimed in glee that he was no longer there and he could now play. He coughed up more bile and continued to try and harass Gilveradin, but Seria started to rip and tear into the fleshy abomination and was able to successfully rip his cleaver from his hand and throw it into the thick river of plagued ooze below the bridge. One of Patchwerk's arms was torn off and reduced to an animated claw.
Death (October 18th, 633)
Patchwerk attempted to try and shove the wildshaped Seria into his exposed gut where his rib cage could chomp down on her, but he was unable to make any amount of headway before Gilveradin fired a flaming arrow and ignited the creature's putrid bile, which burned him from the inside out and left him nothing more than a charred corpse.
Appeared In
Chapter Five: Civil War
- Aggro
- Patchwerk want to play!
Little spider! Me play!
Fluffy kitty! Want play!
Razuvious is not here! Patchwerk play! - Anger at Seria taking his cleaver
- You took cleaver! Patchwerk no want to play with you anymore!