Jackson Razuvious

Art by Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.


Incinerated by a shot from Gilveradin Windrunner after taking substantial damage from a critical shot from Alleria Windrunner and the icy blowback from Velameestra Windrunner's ice barrier during a conflict on the Causeway of Naxxramas.
White, cut into a crew cut with well-trimmed sideburns

Known Languages Common

Jackson Razuvious was the captain of the security team employed by Capless Feather Grains in Venetia, and as a result he was a ranking member of Heigan Capless's Cult of the Damned.


Razuvious was an older man with white hair in a crew cut that extended into well-maintained sideburns. He frequently bore a scowl and a withering look, and his most iconic feature was the deep black-red tattoos that surrounded his eyes as a sort of mercenary mark.

Razuvious's demeanor was far from kind, and the only people he respected were his immediate superiors. He had no love for those under him, and would frequently take out aggression and frustration on the first person that happened to strike a nerve.


Chapter Five: Civil War

Razuvious was personally on duty during Uther Menethil's second night spent disguised as a new employee at the Capless Feather Grains warehouse, where he was explicitly tasked with keeping an eye on the new hire "Seamus" as he had happened to stumble into the restricted areas the night prior. However, as the night wore on, he got increasingly more and more frustrated, as he was unable to find evidence to justify his extreme suspicion that "Seamus" was something more than a simple laborer. He was enraged when Uther approached him and seemingly thought the reason Razuvious was watching him all night was because he was attracted to him, and got even further enraged when his scathing rejection seemingly went over the other man's head, to the point that he opted to beat another member of the security detail when they had the gall to laugh at the exchange.

However, Uther left the following morning otherwise unaccosted, as his role the second night was to simply serve as a distraction for the investigations being done by Velameestra Windrunner, who had infiltrated the warehouse disguised as a rat.

The following night, Uther and his companions returned to the warehouse and encountered Razuvious while disguised as mercenaries and movers placed in charge of safely escorting the wares Heigan Capless had purchased as the Silent Auction held at the estate of Harold Kirtonos. They emphasized they had been given orders to ensure the cargo got directly to where it was needed, and Razuvious ultimately relented, though secretly made plans with his men to ambush and kill the group once they got into Naxxramas. However, he had not recognized Uther as "Seamus".

After he directed the group to the Causeway to drop off the non-living cargo, he prepared himself and his men to attack, but to his surprise, the group appeared to have seen the attack coming, and there were also more of their number as Vel shifted out of her animal form and Seria took on a much larger bear form. Razuvious called for his men to attack, which caused Patchwerk to also join the fray, and Razuvious quickly closed on Uther upon realizing that he was, in fact, Seamus. However, in the process of a whirlwind strike, he managed to decapitate Velameestra and witnessed her body abruptly burst into mist just in time for Kael'thas Sunstrider, Rommath Pyrewing, and Alleria Windrunner to teleport into Naxxramas and join the fray.

With a battle cry, Alleria fired an arrow that struck directly in Razuvious's heart, but it did not kill him immediately. He continued to bark orders to those of his squadron that remained, and he made an attempt to swipe at the mist that was Velameestra as she flowed toward Patchwerk, but the strike triggered a [Contingency] spell that resulted in an eruption of icy magic that left his flesh frostbitten and frozen. Having realized he was on death's door, Razuvious focused on attempting to take as many of the group down with him, and he managed to grab Uther and shove him over to Remnii and Gilveradin Windrunner where he twisted into another whirlwind strike and then started to slam his blade down on Uther in a repeated attempt to bring the prince of Lordaeron low.

Death (October 18th, 633)

The man ultimately met his end after Gilveradin teleported behind him and fired a flaming arrow in the back of his skull, which incinerated his body and left him as no more than a pile of ash on his sword and armor. The greatsword was claimed by Velameestra after she reconstituted.

Appeared In

Chapter Five: Civil War


Razuvious used a CR 12 Warlord statblock, except he had access to all Combat Traditions and could maintain up to three stances at one time. His weapon was a vorpal greatsword.


Shooting down "Seamus" thinking he was attracted to him
Jackson Razuvious says: I don’t know where you got off thinking that a lowdown scum of the earth…. Dirt-eating laborer like you… could come up and start chatting with me. Like you were trying to pick up a date at the bar. Do you know who I am?
Uther Menethil says: I… I assumed you were important. Have I misread the situation?
Jackson Razuvious says: I would say you have, maggot. I’m not here to make friends with you. I’m here to make sure that the imbeciles that Capless Feather Grains employs to move shit do it without stumblefucking their way into places they aren’t supposed to be. And I understand you are the type of person that makes trouble when they breathe. So if you thought I was looking at you for anything else other than to ensure you don’t cause problems? You got another thing coming, Seamus.
Commanding Patchwerk
Patchwerk! Don’t worry about collateral damage!
Outrage at being shot by Alleria Windrunner
FIND HER! Damnable vampyrs!
