Sazzmi Gentlehorn

Art by
- Species
- Satyr
- Gender
- Female
- Eyes
- Bright blue
- Hair
- Bright pink, long, thick, wavy; fur fades into purple
- Skin
- Pinkish-purple
- Status
- Alive
Known Languages Common, Darnassian
Sazzmi Gentlehorn was a satyr that lived in the Blackwald. She had successfully deceived the Gilnean harvest witches into believing she was a spirit called the Witchwood Piper, but her true identity was ousted by Velameestra Windrunner and Tol'vas Moonshadow. While the Blackwald showed no direct signs of fel corruption despite satyrs being innately corrupting, it was believed her constantly roaming presence over the millennia had influenced the dark atmosphere of the wood.
Sazzmi was a thin, lithe satyr with pinkish-purple skin and thick, hot pink hair that was typically pulled back into a half-braid. Her fur faded from pink into purple, and she had a pair of long golden-brown horns that erupted from her head.
Like most satyrs, Sazzmi was rather capricious and manipulative, as she spent many years deceiving local Gilneans so that she could benefit from the offerings they gave her. However, she hated what she was as well as other satyrs, and did what she could to stay as far away from them as possible. She was largely harmless, and despite her deception, she did engage in acts of good will, such as lead lost children back to their homes or warn Gilneans of potential dangers in the Blackwald.
After her true identity was outed, she showed remorse for the deception, and was legitimately grateful that the Gilneans decided to let her continue helping instead of chase her from the wood she had come to call her home.
Sazzmi was born sometime after the War of the Ancients, and she showed a talent for arcane magic, which, at that point, was feared and distrusted by the kaldorei people. Some people close to her tricked Sazzmi into becoming a satyr as they convinced her it was the only way she could avoid being locked away forever, and that they wanted to do something good in the world. However, it was all a lie, and it quickly became evident that the satyrs just wanted to restart the old war.
Once she discovered the truth, she left, and did whatever she could to avoid other satyrs and simply be left alone. She had lived in the Blackwald before the Gilneans even settled Gilneas.
Chapter Five: Civil War
Sazzmi, under the guise of the Witchwood Piper, had gotten many offerings from the harvest witch druids and the more superstitious Gilneans that had come to take shelter in the Blackwald, as they believed her to be a guardian spirit of the wood and pleasing her would earn them her protection. While Sazzmi had no control over the wood itself, she had lived there for a very long time and had a skill for arcane magics, thus she was able to maintain such an illusion, and would, in fact, engage in shows of protection such as leading lost children out of danger or warning of roaming dangers. Thus, when Uther Menethil and his companions arrived in the Blackwald to extend their aid, the worgen druid Celestine offered to take those who were interested to leave offerings for the Piper so that they too could gain her blessing.
Uther along with Velameestra Windrunner and Tol'vas Moonshadow decided to accompany Celestine. The druid guided them through the wood by following the sound of music, which Celestine explained was a hallmark of the spirit. When Celestine left her offerings, which were a variety of treats as well as sheafs of paper, many of the papers folded themselves into the small shapes of animals and began to flit about as a voice thanked them for their offerings and observed the strangers they had brought into her wood. Tol'vas had assumed that the forest spirit was likely a nymph, but this didn't seem to be one, and Velameestra also observed that the magics powering the folded paper creatures was more akin to what arcane magic was capable of. When the Piper declared she wanted proof that Tol'vas was a friend of the Blackwald and not one of Alpha Prime's cultists, Tol'vas opted to summon Valorinn, as a spirit affiliated with the Emerald Dream would likely recognize his presence. However, the Piper seemed to panic, and urged them leave with her blessing.
Velameestra and Tol'vas were immediately suspicious of the sudden shift in behavior, and Tol'vas picked up a familiar scent of musk and heavy perfumes that drew his focus to a tree. Velameestra requested the opportunity to meet the forest spirit personally, as she was curious, and the Piper claimed she had no physical form as she was the wood—a notion that Tol'vas promptly denied as he had met many forest spirits in his life. Tol'vas and Velameestra approached the tree, which prompted Sazzmi to attempt to flee, invisible. However, Velameestra dispelled the invisibility, which revealed Sazzmir for what she actually was: a satyr.
Using teleportation magics, Velameestra and Tol'vas immediately closed on Sazzmi, who immediately begged for her life and for them to not hurt her. She claimed that she wasn't doing anything wrong and she was just trying to live in the wood, and that she wasn't a forest spirit at all and had no sway over the Blackwald, she just had lived there for a very long time. Velameestra opted to turn Sazzmi's fate over to Celestine, as she and her fellows had been the ones that the satyress deceived, and Celestine decided to take pity on the demon and requested that Sazzmi continue to help them like she had been. Sazzmi agreed, and Celestine further added that she would also need to speak to Darius Crowley, but if Crowley decided that he didn't want a demon roaming amongst them, Celestine would ensure that Sazzmi would be released safely back into the wilds.
On the way back to the encampment, Tol'vas and Velameestra questioned Sazzmi, and she admitted that she had actually be tricked into becoming a satyr and she hated what she was and did whatever she could to chase other satyrs away. The other druids at the camp were immediately on alert when a satyr walked into their midst, but Tol'vas was able to talk them down, and presented the suggestion that the Ritual of Balance they developed could potentially be altered to contain a satyr's corruption. It was an intriguing enough idea that the other druids were willing to consider it.
Ultimately, Darius Crowley decided to give Sazzmi a chance, and after Liam Greymane came to the Blackwald to witness the worgen and the Ritual of Balance for himself, she offered her aid in the fight against Alpha Prime, whether that be joining them in the attack on the city or helping to protect the noncombatants that would be left behind. When Tol'vas again returned to the Blackwald to entreat with the denizens of the Emerald Dream for aid, he decided to bring Sazzmi with him back to Greymane Manor, as he felt her trickery and talent for illusions could potentially be useful in uncovering and then ousting the black drakonid they believed to be active in the small town. When suspicions fell on Hiram Creed and his Blackhowl Company, Sazzmi disguised herself as a Gilnean woman and gathered up a few camp followers to lure a few of the Blackhowl mercenaries away so they couldn't immediately reinforce Creed if he called for backup.
Appeared In
Chapter Five: Civil War
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session One
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Five
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Six
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Seven
- Sazzmi had a set of panpipes that are magical in nature. Mechanically, they were a combination of pipes of haunting and pipes of the sewers, though were capable of charming a menagerie of small animals, not just rats.