Talath Dawnsworn

Art by


High Elf
March 15

Talath Dawnsworn is a childhood friend of Gilveradin and Velameestra Windrunner. He originally grew up in Windrunner Village, though eventually moved to Silvermoon in order to apprentice as a goldsmith, and then to Dalaran after accepting a "business offer" to watch over Vel's manor and cat in exchange for the means to start up his own business. He has been enamored with Velameestra since childhood.


Talath is remarkably average by high elven standards, though he is relatively muscular given the many hours he spends working metal and doing the various chores he had been assigned throughout his apprenticeship.


Talath is a gentle young man who always looks out for his friends in whatever ways he can. He takes a great deal of pride in his work, though lacks a bit in self-confidence. He's also a bit of a coward when faced with scary situations, and lives in constant awe of those that actively participate in adventurous situations.


Chapter Two: Casting Dice

Talath had received a letter from Velameestra with a business proposition entailing that she would provide living quarters and the means to start up a business in Dalaran in exchange for him caring for her cat and new manor during the times she was called away.

He picked up and moved to Dalaran immediately.

He continued to maintain Velameestra's estate while she was actively investigating the warlock threat in Silvermoon, and also aided in the investigating by forging fake moon keys which were used in a ploy to attempt to track the warlocks to their hideout. Unfortunately, while he was safely in Dalaran when Silvermoon was invaded, his parents had been in Silvermoon and were likely killed.

However, Velameestra's offer several months previous had likely been the sole reason he himself was still alive.

During the stress of the weeks following the displacement of the elves from their homeland, he accepted an (incredibly unexpected) proposition from Velameestra to effectively become "friends with benefits" as a means for them both to potentially help manage the stress they were under in the fallout from the invasion.

Chapter Three: The Scales Tip

Chapter Five: Civil War

Appeared In

Chapter Three: The Scales Tip

Chapter Five: Civil War
