Belysra Starbreeze

Art by Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.
- Species
- Night Elf
- Gender
- Female
- Hair
- Violet
- Status
- Alive
Known Languages Common, Darnassian
Morra Starbreeze | Sister
Elissa Cross | Niece
Belysra Starbreeze was a night elf priestess of the moon that was jointly responsible for the creation of the Scythe of Elune, a powerful artifact that contained the power of the goddess Elune and the wild god Goldrinn.
Chapter Four: Homecoming
Chapter Five: Civil War
Belysra accompanied Tol'vas Moonshadow to Gilneas alongside Elissa Cross, Morra Starbreeze, Lyros Swiftwind, Talran Swiftwind, and Vassandra Stormclaw where they had made contact with a group of worgen in the Blackwald lead by Darius Crowley. The group of worgen had seemingly maintained their senses thanks to the influence of the moonwell in the area, and the group was collectively able to create a ritual with the help of the Scythe of Elune that could help the worgen find balance within themselves: which was thusly called the Ritual of Balance. She was one of the individuals that presided over the first attempt at the ritual, which was undergone by Tol'vas, and also bore witness to the reincarnation of Goldrinn, who became known as Valorinn.
The priestess continued to aid in efforts to get the worgen acclimated around the ancient tree Tal'doren, and when the remainder of Tol'vas's companions arrived and ousted the so-called "Witchwood Piper" as a satyr named Sazzmi Gentlehorn, she volunteered to help keep an eye on the satyr to ensure she didn't cause any trouble.
When Tol'vas approached the local Keeper of the Grove, Ceredwyn, with his intentions of awakening the still slumbering worgen so that they could aid in the fight against Alpha Prime, Belysra accompanied him and also observed the awakening of the druids after Ceredwyn's blessing was received.
Later on, on the eve before the assault on Gilneas City and Alpha Prime's forces, Valorn Stillbough returned with news that it had been discovered that Velinde Starsong had indeed been slain, as they had feared. She vowed that, once Alpha Prime was stopped, she would ensure that her mentor was put to proper rest. The following day, Belysra took an active role in the attack on the rogue worgen forces and also aided in healing the injured that were recovered from the battle lines.
Following the death of Alpha Prime, she was able to have a final moment with her beloved, Arvell, whose spirit had returned to aid Tol'vas in the final conflict. He had first manifested to her as a wolf made of radiant starlight before taking on a spectral appearance of himself, during whence the pair were able to share one last embrace before Arvell was fully able to find rest, the tyranny Ralaar Fangfire now ended. Belysra expressed a tear-streaked thanks to Tol'vas, the millennia's long conflict finally at its end.
Belysra later informed the party that she intended on returning to Kalimdor once she was able to put Velinde to rest, but she doubted it would be the last time they all spoke, and she informed Elissa that she wished to introduce her to her cousin—which the young half-elf was very excited about.
Appeared In
Chapter Four: Homecoming
Chapter Five: Civil War
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session One
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Six
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Eight
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Eleven