
Garadar is a secret remnant of a Red Pox quarantine site in what remains of Nagrand. After the formation of the Horde and the passing of the plague, many orcs remained from various clans. The melting pot of different clan cultures has created a bastion of the "old ways." The politics of the Legion and the Horde are far away from the quaint village. Garadar also boasts the largest, and only remaining, population of Mag'har orcs. Garadar, too, provides a bastion for shamanic practices which had been outlawed by the Horde until year 532. The village was overseen by Greatmother Geyah until Draenor was transported into the Twisting Nether and Outland was formed.
The shamans of Garadar rallied together including Aggralan, Go'el's mate, to preserve the village as Draenor crumbled. Many of the village's powerful shamans, Greatmother Geyah and Aggralan included, are now petrified statues-- stoic reminders of the price Draenor's sundering took upon the once-whole world.
Kroll Gravenight is currently the village's defacto leader.
Formation: 582 - 591
The village was originally built in 582, 50 years before the true opening of the Dark Portal in order to quarantine victims of the red pox, who had contracted the plague at a recent Kosh'harg festival. Ner'zhul feared that the plague bearers would spread the disease to new victims and urged them to remain in Nagrand. One of the afflicted was the chieftain of the Frostwolf clan, Garad. While the thought of not returning home filled him with sorrow, he agreed to take charge of the afflicted, sending his son and only remaining heir [characters/Durotan] home to look after the Frostwolves. In a matter of weeks, the red pox consumed Garad. Though he had led his fellow victims for only a short time, he had earned their eternal respect, and the village was named Garadar in his honor.
Jorin Deadeye, Draenosh Saurfang, Garrosh Hellscream, Zaela, Kroll Gravenight were all sent to the Garadar quarantine village in their youth. At this same time, the daughter of the draenei's Prophet Velen, Remnii snuck out to aid the orcs in their plight against the Red Pox despite the rising tensions between the draenei and the orcs. Remnii visited seven or eight times before being spirited away by a number of Rangari scouts never to return to the village.
As a result of the successful quarantine and isolation, the orcs at Garadar were not affected by the fel energies that years later caused the skin of most orcs to turn green. They became known as Mag'har, or the "uncorrupted." Even if the true Mag'har attempt to drink of demon blood, they will fail to turn green whatsoever.
Post Red Pox: 591 - 631
Garadar was officially dissolved by the Horde shortly after the first, and failed, attempt to open the Dark Portal. After the blood curse was discovered as an innoculation for the Red Pox. Most orcs returned to their proper clans, however, a small population picked up and moved deep into the verdant hills of Nagrand, fully removing themselves from the outside goings-ons of the Horde.
New Garadar, still most often simply referred to as Garadar, was well-shielded from prying eyes with the help of the Ata'mal crystal, Leafshadow. After the sacking of the Draenic settlement of Telmor, Durotan saw that the crystal arrived in Garadar so that Leafshadow could not be used for nefarious purposes again, removing it from play for the rest of the orcish assault on the draenei. Leafshadow remained in Garadar, cloaking the hidden village, until Go'el removed the crystal and took it with him to Hellfire Citadel.
Go'el met his mate, Aggralan, in Garadar as well. While he still had to preform his duties as chieftain of the Frostwolves for the united Horde, they opted to raise their children in Garadar. Their twins Durak and Geya'rah were born and raised in Garadar. While Go'el visited as often as possible, the pair spent months at a time separated.
Campaign Start: 632
Go'el removed Leafshadow from Garadar, taking it with him to the war summit at Hellfire Citadel, removing the crystal from the village for the first time in over fourty years. After determining Garadar would be safe, as almost all Orcish attention was drawn to the promise of conquest on another world.
It was noted by Gul'dan that the Horde was aware of the great number of missing orcs that had been called back to their clans from the orginal settlement of Garadar. While he noted it as suspicious, he had little evidence to go on and did not care to follow up on the missing orcs.
Upon the opening of the Dark Portal to Azeroth, the shaman Kroll and Samaara informed the shamanically inclined members of the Ati-Kaso, Phaedra, Kaviir, Thelamis, and Dornaa about the hidden village. This was in response to Shaspira's threat to bring harm to the young and unbroken draenei, Dornaa, if Remnii did not cooperate with her wishes. Samaara imparted Leafshadow to the band and sent them on their way and far from the clutches of the Eredar Lady.
Under cover of chaos and with help from Leafshadow, the little band of Krokul set out across Draenor to find sanctuary in the mystery village.
Kroll returned to Garadar, through the Dark Portal, on the night of Arthak and Sadras' mating ceremony, citing that he felt Draenor's sickness and he needed to return to his home to help uncover why the ground was quaking. He finished his journey in time, before the shattering of Draenor.
Even later, drawing close to the end of 632, Go'el took a small warband back through the portal to Draenor to seek out the real Doomhammer. Of note, Sorak Thunderforged and his parents were among the party, Sadras was almost convinced to go as well but opted to stay behind with her mate. This journey brought Go'el and his warband back to Garadar shortly before the shattering, following Kroll.
Post-Shattering: 633 - Present
Upon arriving in what was left of Garadar, they found the many, powerful, shamans of Garadar turned to stone. Greatmother Geyah, Aggralan, Nahka, and many of the Greatmother's shamanic students stood their ground, petrified in poses of protection and power surrounding the village. They had poured their lives into protecting their home. As of mid-632, they still stand watch over the shattered world, unable to be cured by any conventional magics.
On the night of the sundering, the first known child of a krokul pair, Thelamis and Kaviir, was also born into Outland.
In Snapshot: Beukav'Aka it is learned that Dornaa and her party made it safely to Garadar only show the aftermath of tragedy. Go'el remains in Garadar, caring for his children and mourning Aggralan.
The hills of Nagrand hid Garadar well from the outside world. Some of the most lush farmland in all of Draenor, it provided well for the community, able to feed plenty of mouths with crops and game alike.
Shortly before the Dark Portal's opening, great tremors could be felt throughout the land. The shamans of Garadar made note of this great disturbance, as it upset both the elementals and the ancestors throughout the whole of the planet.
Partially ruined by the sundering of Draenor, Garadar now only stands whole because of the sacrifice of its shamans. Garadar now floats in the air due to the tectonic shifts of the shattering.
- Comprised of mostly orcs, Garadar's children are descendants, and former bearers, of the Red Pox. Mag'har orcs make up almost the entire population of the villagers, except the recently green Go'el.
- Five Draenei call Garadar their home, three krokul (Phaedra, Thelamis, and Kaviir), one unbroken (Dornaa), and an infant born of the mated krokul.