[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Seventeen

Appearing Characters: Archiereus, Bardam, Elissa Cross, Gairan, Gelbin Mekkatorque, Gilveradin Windrunner, Gulan, Jakur, Kelsey Steelspark, Liiraluma, Motah Tallhorn, Ordos, Osu, Ressa Shadeshine, Riff, Samia Inkling, Seria, Teemo Manabrake, Temujin, Thal'ena Dawnseeker, Tread Sparknozzle, Urdur, Uther Menethil, Vaelastrasz, Velameestra Windrunner, Zagarra

Time-Lost Day 6

Riff looked over to Seria with a serious look on his face.

Riff says: I’m… I’m sssorry I volunteered myself without asking you first, but I want to do this. Is it alright if I do this?

Seria nodded.

Seria says: I’m proud of you for doing that.

Riff smiled.

Riff says: If I can help these people suffer just a little less… I had to do something. And this sssseems like something I’m supposed to do. I can’t explain it. It’sss like… I feel it in my… in every part of my body. Something calling to me. It’s weird… I never felt it like that before. Not thisss strongly.
Seria says: Auntie Z would say it’s because you were raised right.

Riff smiled and he came over to hug Seria, who hugged him back.

Ressa Shadeshine says: I’ll introduce you to a few of the people in charge around here. They can get you pointed to where you can start whatever work you have in mind.
Riff says: Thank you.

Ressa smiled.

Ressa Shadeshine says: No. Thank you. Believe it or not, you’re one of the first people to actually offer a solution. I don’t know if you’ll succeed, but I wish you the best.
Riff says: I don’t know what I’ll be able to do either, but I know there’ssss something. There has to be.
Ressa Shadeshine says: You seem confident. And young. Disappointment is something I’m used to.

Riff furrowed his brow.

Riff says: I won’t disappoint you.

Ressa smirked.

Ressa Shadeshine says: That remains to be seen, kid.

She looked up at Seria.

Ressa Shadeshine says: But you got spunk, and I can appreciate that.

The lift reached the ground level again and they stepped out of it. Another group of leper gnomes made their way over and Ressa, in gnim, explained the situation to them with Riff and asked them to find people that were experiencing middle of the road symptoms. She assured them that they didn’t sense any hostile intent, but warned them to keep an eye on him.

Riff introduced himself and then looked back at Seria.

Riff says: I’ll see you again soon. I’ll come back when we figure out if it works. Before we get started on anything else. I’ll be safe, I promise. And if they try anything funny I’ll just fly away!
Seria says: You know how to reach me.

Riff and Seria exchanged one more hug before Riff looked to the rest of them and told them to make the Death Adders proud. Uther threw the Death Adder sign back at him as Seria reached into her bag and retrieved some string. She took one of the tusks off her necklace and threaded it around the strong that he tied around his neck.

Riff says: Are you sure? I know how important this is to you, mada.
Seria says: This is also important. She’ll be watching you.

Riff gave her another hug and he headed over to the other gnomes. His body shifted into the form of a gnome with teal-green skin.

Riff says: There! Now maybe I won’t scare people!

The guards exchanged baffled looks, but then shrugged and directed Riff elsewhere.

Ressa Shadeshine says: We’ll take good care of him here. Something tells me that, uh… that you don’t need to worry about him. If I were to wager a guess, he’d be too afraid he’d be scolded by you if he caused problems.

Seria nodded. They headed out of the compound.

Ressa Shadeshine says: I know the general vicinity of where we believe Rustbolt is, but you’ll have to take the reins as far as getting back.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I imagine we should find out what the protocol for this is.
Ressa Shadeshine says: Yeah. I imagine Kelsey would have a conniption if I just showed up unannounced. She is with Rustbolt, isn’t she?

Vel didn’t answer, but she had opened her spellbook to flip through to the sending spell so that she could get the preliminary incantations in her mind.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: Vel, what are you doing?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Referencing the sending spell.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Oh. I’ll take care of it.
Velameestra Windrunner says: …You can do that too now?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Yeah, it was a useful trick to pick up.

Vel closed her spellbook.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Inform her that we can teleport if that would be the most efficacious way to do this.
Gilveradin Windrunner says [sending]: Kelsey, this is Gilveradin. We are coming back with a guest, talks went well. What is protocol? We can teleport if that works best.
Kelsey Steelspark says [sending]: Shit. Give me five minutes and make your way back to Kinndy’s circle. We’ll make sure contamination protocols are in place.

Gil informed them that they could use Kinndy’s circle, but they wanted a few minutes to prepare.

Ressa Shadeshine says: I do hope they’re bringing cake. It’s been a while since I had one.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: No, they're bringing water. You’re not averse to being wet, are you?
Ressa Shadeshine says: You know, you really should be careful when you ask a woman that.

Ressa laughed. Elissa didn’t get the joke and she and Seria exchanged looks while Luma snorted. Ressa leaned up against the side of the tunnel.

Ressa Shadeshine says: You know, I understand, but it’s a bit of a bummer having such an unwarm welcome prepared. I know we haven’t been on the best of terms, but…
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I can have them warm up the bottles for you.

Ressa laughed.

Ressa Shadeshine says: You’re a sweetheart.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Have you teleported before?
Ressa Shadeshine says: No, I can’t say that I have. At least not, well, with whatever you’re using. Short range here and there.
Velameestra Windrunner says: It may be wise to hold on to someone.
Ressa Shadeshine says: Worried I may get sick?

Vel chuffed at the macabre humor.

Velameestra Windrunner says: More I wouldn’t want your first impression to be sprawled on the ground.
Ressa Shadeshine says: You’re right. That would be quite embarrassing. I do have a reputation to uphold, after all.

Ressa put her gas mask back on, and they teleported back to Kinndy’s teleportation circle. Ressa was a tad dizzy, but she was largely alright. As they appeared, there were several fully suited up contamination officers with sprayers as well as regular firearms in case it was some sort of trick. They looked at the group.

Gnome Soldier says: Stand by for decontamination. Ah… Miss Morrowsworn, take a step aside.

Vel nodded and took a step away from the group as they sprayed the entire group down. Vel instead got waved down by a device that seemed to be capable of registering disease, and Kelsey commented that the enchantment she had imbued seemed to be working very well.

Ressa Shadeshine says: Good thing I didn’t wear my white shirt. Good to see you all again. Kelsey! You’re looking fabulous.
Kelsey Steelspark says: Ressa. It’s truly been too long. Or perhaps not long enough.

There was a moment of the two eying each other up as there was clearly a history.

Kelsey Steelspark says: So. What are the circumstances around your arrival, Ressa? I imagine it has stipulations. Care to fill me in?

Ressa explained everything that had occurred and what had been agreed to be discussed.

Kelsey Steelspark says: Heh. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that Silco is trying to disrupt our tenuous peace. Does he expect this written statement before or after?
Ressa Shadeshine says: After. So that everyone we liberate in the city can hear as well.
Kelsey Steelspark says: Well. I suppose it’s just a matter of speaking with Mekkatorque.

She looked to the other guards.

Kelsey Steelspark says: Not a word of this to anyone. Understand?

The guards nodded hesitantly.

Kelsey Steelspark says: Good.

She looked to the rest of the group.

Kelsey Steelspark says: You all did pretty good. I’m not certain if handing this elemental to Silco is preferable, but if that’s what we need to get the afflicted pointed in the right direction, it’ll do.
Ressa Shadeshine says: Is that all we are to you? Afflicted? Livestock to throw between you and Mechagon?
Kelsey Steelspark says: Ressa, that’s not what we are talking about. We don’t want to watch out backs on multiple fronts. You understand that more than most.
Ressa Shadeshine says: Of course, Miss Steelspark.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Is… there going to be an issue?

Kelsey clenched her fist a few times.

Ressa Shadeshine says: Of course not. I’m here to discuss the future of the ceasefire, and I can’t imagine the leader of intelligence would compromise something like that. Would she?
Kelsey Steelspark says: No. I wouldn’t. Despite what my better judgment might be telling me. But the safety of our people comes first. You don’t have to worry about me starting trouble.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I just wonder why some people were chosen, I suppose.
Ressa Shadeshine says: Do you doubt my qualifications, Master Windrunner?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I’m sure you’re qualified. I just feel like that wasn’t the only reason.
Ressa Shadeshine says: Perhaps not.

Kelsey looked over to the guards, which included Captain Sparknozzle.

Kelsey Steelspark says: See to it that Ressa is taken over for a physical examination. We should ensure that she is hale and healthy with whatever medical equipment we have. This is the first time that one of Thermaplugg’s followers have been in Rustbolt. We can’t have any risk.
Tread Sparknozzle says: As you say, Miss Steelspark. Ressa Shadeshine, if you’ll follow us?
Ressa Shadeshine says: Of course. Lead the way, Captain Sparknozzle.

The gnome furrowed his brow and led Ressa away to the medical ward.

Kelsey Steelspark says: I guess it’s up to us to break the news to Mekkatorque. He doesn’t know about this… so I suppose it’s good for me to explain that. I didn’t want to get his hopes up, or ask for permission.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I can respect that. You have… a history with Miss Shadeshine, yes?
Kelsey Steelspark says: Walk and talk.

As they headed out, Kinndy met Kelsey and asked if she was alright, as she had seen the afflicted walk out. Kelsey explained it was the first step to a potential ceasefire, and asked Kinndy to ensure people didn’t panic. Kinndy agreed and said hello to the group before she hurried off. As they walked, Kelsey spoke up again.

Kelsey Steelspark says: Yeah. To answer your question, Zelda, we have a history. We were partners when we worked for Mechagon. She caught the pox, the affliction… whatever you want to call it… on one of her assignments. Mechagon’s decontamination was severe, so she fled. We had a complicated relationship. Needless to say, we didn’t see eye to eye, and sometimes she thought she could lead the intelligence agency better than I could. Sometimes I thought she was right, but she knew almost as much as I did, and if this ceasefire goes well… I have a feeling she’ll be a valuable asset.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I suppose two insights on the complex would be useful, even if one is more outdated.
Kelsey Steelspark says: Yeah. We’ll be able to get a blueprint of the modern complex. Things have changed. But one of our friends on the inside might have intimate knowledge about the city’s construction. But having their first hand knowledge and expertise will undoubtedly prove valuable. They’ve been living in the tunnels, after all. Even if they know your faces from what footage they picked up, you’re all a group of relative unknowns. I intend on keeping it that way. You’re our aces in the hole, you might say.

They headed over to Mekkatorque’s quarters, and once again they entered. Mekkatorque entered to greet them before long.

Gelbin Mekkatorque says: Ah. Miss Steelspark, it’s good to see you. I hope everything is going well.
Kelsey Steelspark says: It is, High Tinker, perhaps more well than you may realize. There’s something I’ve been working on, along with a few friends. I thought it might be a good time to bring you up to speed.

Gelbin smiled.

Gelbin Mekkatorque says: Are you finally prepared to tell me about the Rustbolt Resistance, Miss Steelspark?
Kelsey Steelspark says: So… you know about it?
Gelbin Mekkatorque says: My dear, of course. I would remind you that though they have been heavily mechanized, these ears of mine are still quite functional. They’re exceptionally so. I… have known for some time. But… I was waiting for you to speak to me about it. I understand your fears. And you are right to have them. I do not approve… it is dangerous. And many of our people will die.
Kelsey Steelspark says: High Tinker–
Gelbin Mekkatorque says: But.

He raised a hand.

Gelbin Mekkatorque says: So too do I realize it is not my decision or responsibility to make these choices. I am here to guide the people of Rustbolt, to give them a safe haven, but… I understand that your fears… that our haven will be compromised… that it cannot remain safe… are very real.

There is a strange sound of mechanisms moving.

Kelsey Steelspark says: What are you working on?

Gelbin smiled, and he headed over to the machines that had started to move. Through the darkness, they saw a box with different gnomish mechanisms, and there appeared to be a hinged door that opened from it. The machines stopped, and pieces of papers were dispensed into the basin below it. Mekkatorque picked up the stack of papers and handed them to Kelsey.

Gelbin Mekkatorque says: If you would get Miss Clickspring and the others to dispense these to the people.
Kelsey Steelspark says: A… questionnaire?
Gelbin Mekkatorque says: I would gauge the opinions of the people here. Where they fall on this choice. Whether they wish to take up arms against Mechagon, whether they feel comfortable with an allegiance with the afflicted, and many more questions. Please collect them and have them returned to me so I can analyze the data.
Kelsey Steelspark says: Of course, High Tinker.

Vel noticed that the machine was a magitek device that could fabricate and copy an object in the top basin. He had been using it to copy a master copy. The questionnaire itself was a populace vote with scaled opinion options.

Gelbin Mekkatorque says: I will arrange a public recap of our voting once I acquire them. It shouldn’t take me long once they are collected to analyze the data, and then I’ll make an appearance after.
Kelsey Steelspark says: Are you sure, Gelbin?
Gelbin Mekkatorque says: I am, Miss Steelspark. Regardless of what the populace decides, I am proud of you for taking the initiative to protect our people, even if it is in ways I would disagree with. And I suppose all of you will want an explanation as to my involvement in the accusations levied against me by my old friend?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Context would be appreciated.
Uther Menethil says: Very much so.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Silco had a genuine sense of… betrayal when he was speaking to us. I didn’t detect any act in that aspect.
Gelbin Mekkatorque says: He has every right. The words are correct from his perspective, though it was not my intention to cause such suffering. I do not know from whence he acquired it, but a… complex super intelligence… the one we know as the Memory Interface and Master Information Regulator, Mimir, fell into his hands. It was a database with untold knowledge. Stories. Blueprints. Historical data on Azeroth. I believe that this intelligence hailed from it, though its nature goes beyond our understanding. Arcturus believed that it was sent to us. His veneration for it bordered on religious fanaticism. Eventually he claimed that it was the voice of our creator. I do not know the voracity of those claims, but… I do know that there was dangerous information within. The city of Mechagon was prospecting, but Arcturus demanded more. He plumbed the depths of Mimir and instilled it as an island intelligence. He expanded its ability beyond a simple interface. He sought information. Innovations. Weapons. Prototypes that went beyond anything we could have imagined. But we… we did not fully understand how these things could be created. The processes were dangerous. The materials required were risky to synthesize, and in doing so, there was an unfortunate amount of… consequences. The fallout that transpired… we found ourselves with an abundance of waste, and nowhere to dispose of it. We couldn’t destroy it. Not without creating further waste. So we tried to contain it.
Velameestra Windrunner says: The waste… is that the toxic pools in the poxlands?
Gelbin Mekkatorque says: Yes. The first parts of it. Our first containment unit was where the poxlands now are. But Arcturus demanded further progress. He was producing weapons. Trying to replicate phenomenon. Origination. Synthesis… eventually mechanization. With alarming rapidity, faster than we could safely construct the containment. Silco was the one responsible for the construction. And…

He sighed.

Gelbin Mekkatorque says: It was I that forced him to cut corners. To see that it was finished. Waste began to be stored, but it did not work. The place was breached. And began to infect the surrounding areas. When they beseeched Arcturus to do something, he simply refused. He said it was not safe, and if his work was unable to contain the waste, that the entire section of the city should become a dumping ground. People should leave. Infected people should be quarantined and sanitized. The resulting conflict saw the waste storage plants destroyed, and Silco’s rebellion began. I did not see… the depth of Arcturus’s madness. I stood by and allowed our kin to suffer. And in my desire and attempts at making peace and maintaining neutrality, I allowed myself to become complacent. I signed the warrant that led to the condition that many of our people are now afflicted with, so it is only right I go public when the time is right. I was considering doing so already. Silco has simply forced my hand. I will accept what punishment is given me. My people will be in good hands, especially if Prince Erazmin has done such good work on their behalf.

Mekkatorque surveyed the group.

Gelbin Mekkatorque says: Thus is the depths of my sins… I do hope you do not see me in a poorer light, but I would not blame you if you do.
Velameestra Windrunner says: …Thank you for telling us. It adds context that is… valuable. You have my condolences for the situation. But… the machines. The sanitizers. The hunter killers they were called, yes? They… spoke in a language other than gnim.

Mekkatorque nodded.

Gelbin Mekkatorque says: An old tongue… one that was spoken in the time before Mechagon. When our people first came to this island. It is the tongue of the Creators. And it is the tongue our language is derived from, in a distant manner. Not everyone knows it… but those that interface with old technology have kept it alive.
Velameestra Windrunner says: You mentioned origination and synthesis?
Gelbin Mekkatorque says: Origination is one of the techniques that was discovered in Mimir. It is a theoretical technique found within the consciousness. One that apparently the Creators were able to wield. In theory, it annihilates all biological life. It reverts everything to a blank slate, of sorts. Complete and utter destruction.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Wouldn’t that have destroyed their own creations?
Gelbin Mekkatorque says: There are tales… tales that say the first ancestors had skin of steel. That it was only over time that their bodies began to rust, wither, and eventually turn into flesh. If this is true… well… it is possible that this origination was a failsafe meant to destroy that which the creators had not shaped themselves. It is this obsession with our ancestors of steel skin that led Arcturus to abandon his flesh and bones… that our known history have always known. He wanted to build this mechanized utopia. And his attempts to create origination are his weapon against those that refused. Needless to say… he and whatever weapons he has developed cannot be allowed to reach the promised land. I fear what might occur if it were to do so.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And synthesis?
Gelbin Mekkatorque says: The ability to create… to imbue. The techniques of the Creators. It is said in our history that we were once created by a being known as Mimiron. It is where the acronym the memory interface derives itself from. A godlike program… an artificial intelligence that Arcturus would worship as if it were the creator himself. If he did indeed create the first gnomes, then it is thusly possible that more could be created. That other creatures could be created. Other servants. The depths of Arcturus’s desire to become as a god… truly knows no bounds.

Vel went back to her interfacing with the Tower of Ilgalar, and its purpose seemed to be disposal and destruction. It was supposed to get rid of things. She would have to take a closer look, but it was a damn solid hypothesis that it was the same process that the origination was.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I… see. This… Mimir? You mentioned it was an island intelligence. Is it isolated to one area, or has it spread through the entirety of Mechagon?
Gelbin Mekkatorque says: It has been spread throughout the entirety of Mechagon. Shielding one from its influence is difficult… the intelligence itself was centered within a centralized location. A direct terminal where the intelligence that was this force was found. Think of it like an elemental who can travel and experience anything in a large radius, yet its binding core is found in a single location. If that could be found or removed or disabled, then perhaps the Hunter Killers could be disabled en masse. But no doubt it will be well-guarded. I would expect, should the city fall under attack, King Mechagon will likely be in the same location that the Mimir’s database is located. It was originally on a disk. A wide tablet rent of stone yet seemingly indestructible. Nearly the size of a gnome.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Interfacing with it… is it magical or more direct?
Gelbin Mekkatorque says: Both. It cannot communicate with someone itself, but we developed a mouthpiece through which it can speak. Over the years, that interface has been spread much, much further. Its eyes and ears are now far and wide, and what was once a seemingly living intelligence, now listens to Arcturus’s command. I presume he has imposed his own edicts upon it. It is not impossible to hide one from the sensors that Mimir uses. The technological devices, which I’m certain, Liiraluma, you’ll get an in-depth understanding of, are similar to scrying sensors. They are just permanent.
Liiraluma says: I’m just taking all this in. I’ve heard of creation stories… but I guess I have time to ask. It may just be a difference in faith… how many cultures, of the people here, have a creation story. That someone created your people?

Gil recalled that the elves didn’t really have a full creation myth, but the big thing was that some of the more religious elves believed they were born of the sun. However, a lot of that myth was technically disproved by the revelation that they came from the kaldorei. However, Vel cited that ultimately that was disproved in some sense, as their ancestors were found to be the kaldorei.

The trolls and humans, likewise, had a theistic society, but the trolls believed they had just always been present. There were some very old tales of trolls facing forces of darkness, and tales of loa and celestial beings called the Travellers and similar, but Seria didn’t know many of the specifics. Most trolls had origination myths from loa.

Uther Menethil says: I think we were crawling around in the forest, then we had castles, and then my ancestor found the Light…

He didn’t know much else, other than some vague memories of stories of giants in old human myths.

Liiraluma says: I suppose we have time to dither… but I will keep it brief. I find the fact this world is a deeply theistic one fascinating, while the draenei didn’t have such things. It was commonly accepted that we evolved from a common ancestor of the talbuk. And that managed to work for it.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: So, wait, those just suddenly gave birth to you?
Velameestra Windrunner says: It was a long process, I’m sure.
Liiraluma says: Yes.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Where did the hands come from?
Liiraluma says: …It was a long process. At some point it happened. But where myth is common, there are threads of truth. My last thought is even living alongside the naaru, beings of light, we gained that relationship after. I would not call them a religious force. It’s a different thing. Atheistic spirituality? I don’t know. I would like to sit down and know more. At some point. But there’s something to it.
Gelbin Mekkatorque says: I believe you’re right. I believe there are many secrets in the promised land. When I was younger, I dreamed of uncovering some of them. But I’m a bit old now. However, if you can recover Mimir without destroying it, you may find some answers you seek. It would be more difficult, but it’s information contains as much beauty as it does baleful information. It is not knowledge that should be used lightly.
Liiraluma says: If I’m going to call Azeroth home, I want to know more.
Velameestra Windrunner says: We need to try and preserve it, as ultimately our way home lies within it, likely.
Gelbin Mekkatorque says: Indeed. In time, perhaps there will be a way to create a… more permanent way of leaving.
Liiraluma says: Thank you for humoring this tangent of mine.
Gelbin Mekkatorque says: I found it fascinating. It’s added to my notes.
Liiraluma says: Should I be worried?
Gelbin Mekkatorque says: No. It’s for my autobiography. I don’t know if I’ll publish it, but if my own stories and knowledge can serve to guide a young, inspired tinker like I was many many years ago, then that is a life well-spent.

Luma nodded.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I suppose we’ll give it a day or so for the votes to get gathered. Before we go and speak with this clan Ordon.

The group decided to wait until the votes were counted before going to speak with the fire-worshipping tauren-like clan.

Time-Lost Day 7

During breakfast, Luma spoke up to the party.

Liiraluma says: Hey. Before we all go and do whatever we’re going to do. I did want to bring up… I am not a… I’ve been alive for a long time, and I’m not a diplomat, but I did want to mention…

They looked at Uther, looking a bit droll.

Liiraluma says: I never want to hear, out of your mouth again, or any of you, that you’re just guys when dealing with harmful people! You may feel like just a guy, but I’ve never heard of a group of people that can just waltz into several issues and just fix them. It takes sacrifice. It takes rigor. It takes a lot, but also, you fixed Gilneas in like two weeks. I was in jail for ten years! Ten. Years! On your calendar. And you fixed it in less than a month! And now you’re here fixing problems, and I’m inclined to believe in you, and that makes me sick. If you call yourself little guys again, I will make a cruel and unusual punishment, in ways that you do not understand.

Uther was a bit slack-jawed.

Uther Menethil says: I am terribly sorry I have offended you, Luma… but… forgive me… I can’t recall what I’ve done.

Luma started laughing audibly.

Liiraluma says: Are you fucking kidding me? During the rising tension with Silco, which I understand, he was a dick bag. I didn’t like him. But your solutions should not work. But they do. Continually. And I, as an outsider, who has not been here as long, I feel that should not be leveraged against other people, as much as it should be… known that… this is unconventional. This is not to get a big head, but…

Luma’s eyes flickered over to Vel.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Ultimately, our collective abilities are… not mundane. By any means. Us being able to resolve such things shouldn’t… disparage the attempts of others, particularly when they see something as a solution. He… was getting mad, about that perception.
Uther Menethil says: I certainly didn’t mean to disparage accomplishments, I was simply trying to negotiate the freedom of the elemental. I promise, I understand that this is a breakfast table of what Marwyn would call Big Damn Heroes.
Velameestra Windrunner says: No, it’s less disparaging what we can do, and more the fact we can accomplish something does not mean what we bested isn’t an ace for other people. I believe that was what Luma was trying to emphasize.
Liiraluma says: For all the escalated tones, I’m not actually mad. I simply… it seemed… potentially… I don’t understand the elemental, and I believe it was wise to negotiate its freedom. But there is… watching how one speaks when someone has so much power, and it’s a careful game. I do not know if that was struck accordingly. I worry about how ambitious big words and big promises can be. When things are taken as a challenge when someone truly believes in something, I would also worry about Silco’s reaction. Finding out the hard way after saying something too big for… I don’t know.
Uther Menethil says: I apologize about that. I’ll speak with him.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I… don’t even know if an apology is needed, as the situation resolved itself. But people like Silco think like I do. He’s looking at things objectively. He’s also looking for an advantage he can get out of a situation. Coming at him from a moral high ground isn’t… something that will work.
Uther Menethil says: Well. I haven’t quite given up on that tactic yet. But I do owe him an apology.
Elissa Cross says: It certainly can’t hurt!
Uther Menethil says: I allowed our first interactions with the afflicted gnomes to color my perception before I met him. A mistake I am not keen to repeat.
Liiraluma says: Oh I thought he was a total dickbag. But at the same time, I admire his conviction!
Gilveradin Windrunner says: He’s laying the problems of an entire people at the feet of one person.
Liiraluma says: That also!

Luma continued to shovel food into their mouth.

Velameestra Windrunner says: A man like Silco is dangerous for the fact he’s intelligent. He’s not going to see things in neat distinctions of what is moral and what is not. He’s looking out for his people, and that is his primary objective. It… gets difficult approaching someone from the mindset of…

Vel chewed on her words for a moment, the topic starting to get unexpectedly close to home.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Acting like… wrongs should simply be put aside for what is perceived as the greater good does not change the fact that those wrongs still hurt.
Uther Menethil says: There has been pain, and there has been grief. If I’m being perfectly honest, I don’t know what I would have done, had I been in Silco’s position. It sounds like he did everything he could to do right by his people and his morals, and his king failed him. Abandoned him. And then tried to exterminate him as though he was a problem. I am fortunate I have not been subject to such failure, and because I have not, I cannot say what it would do to me. But he loves his people. And that is the ground both of us stand upon. And I think that will be a fine way in.

Vel played with the tip of one of her fangs with her tongue, clearly in thought, but she nods, and doesn’t say anything further.

Liiraluma says: That was all I had!

Luma gave Uther a genuine smile.

Time-Lost Day 8

For the first time in a long while, Mekkatorque made an appearance to a crowd of cheers.

Gelbin Mekkatorque says: It’s wonderful to see all of you. I would share with you the results I’ve correlated from the surveys we’ve done. First off, I would like to thank each and every one of you for sharing your opinions with such… colorful language in some cases.

There was some laughter.

Gelbin Mekkatorque says: Your candor keeps Rustbolt free, independent, and beautiful, and I thank you for the chuckles some of the responses elicited from me. First, the most pressing question was whether or not the people of Rustbolt believed we should take up arms against the city of Mechagon. It appears, with a resounding vote of 99.87%, the people were in agreement that Rustbolt should take a stand against Mechagon.

There was a loud chorus of cheers, and someone asked who voted against it.

Gelbin Mekkatorque says: That may have been on me. One of the circles was not fully filled, but it may be a full 100%. 88.3% believe they can aid in the coming conflict, though others were willing to maintain the safety of Rustbolt in what ways they can. This will not be a compulsory service, by any means.

Comfort levels with the leper gnomes were lukewarm, but desire to help them was reasonably high. There were a group of guards that had taken bets on the results. As far as the Ordon clan, throwing them at the problems was in very high support, even though trust was very low.

The entirety of the Scales accompanied the group when they went to deal with Clan Ordon. Before long, they started to see, up on a high ridge, the silhouettes of the Ordon Monastery. The entirety of the monastery was covered with scrap and skulls. There were lower rises and steps that seemed to have no direct path, but there were areas the monastery could be scaled. All over the ground were signs of violence. There was charred earth, bashed mechanics, and bones of gnomes and, occasionally, tauren. There were great robotic monstrosities that were impaled with spears and with symbols of ash, vehicles and weapons were ripped to pieces, serving as a poignant keep out sign. There were even bones of a dragon that had been present for a long time.

Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: Well. These people seem nice. Do you think they’ll offer refreshments?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I don’t know if I trust their idea of refreshments.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: So. Do we have to climb this thing?
Uther Menethil says: That does appear to be the way of it.
Liiraluma says: If they are tauren, there has to be a way up there.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: Vaelastrasz, could you fly me up?
Vaelastrasz says: I don’t know how safe that would be. These people are prepared for war.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I think they’re prepared for a lot of things.
Vaelastrasz says: Regardless, we’d probably be a lot safer if we–

A long ballista bolt impaled itself between Vaelastrasz and the rest of the group. It was adorned with feathers and bone, and the feathers were actively burning. Luma started laughing nervously.

Liiraluma says: That’s kind of awesome.

They looked up on the edge of the ridge, and they saw a great ballista with big smoking braziers. There were tauren-like creatures near it, and they saw other tauren step up onto the ridges holding a menagerie of weapons. However, they weren’t quite tauren as they knew. They were shaggier, and their horn structures were bigger, and their faces were also different, with bowed snouts.

Many of them were adorned with armor of scrap metal. A female stepped forward. She was carrying a large staff that was blazing like a massive torch that seemed to be ever burning.

Yaungol Watcher shouts [yaungol]: Who are you?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Vel, don’t be concerned. But they want to know who we are, either because they want to know who they are killing, or so they don’t kill us. It’s hard to say.
Velameestra Windrunner says: …I heard.

Translations were being made over the telepathic bond.

Yaungol Watcher shouts [yaungol]: State your names before we kill you.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Well, that answered that.
Gilveradin Windrunner shouts: We’ve come to prove your worth. Because a fight is on the horizon.
Yaungol Watcher shouts [yaungol]: So you are a fool then. Our fight never ends. Who are you to question the strength of clan Ordon? Who are you to question the strength of yaungol?
Uther Menethil says: Ooo. Say enough words, the result will prove our worth. Then set yourself on fire.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Oh. That’s good, Uther.
Motah says: …I don’t think these guys wants to pick flowers.
Gilveradin Windrunner shouts: Another born of flame!

Gil used [Control Flames] to pull the flames off the ballista bolt and coat his body with it. The yaungol started to murmur among themselves, and the female yaungol lifted her hand.

Yaungol Watcher shouts [yaungol]: Impressive, outsider. There are few who walk this land who can endure the heat of the flames. You, at least, have earned my respect.

She looked at the rest.

Yaungol Watcher shouts [yaungol]: But your companions seem weak. But we will not kill you. Yet. Speak, small one. What is this battle you speak of?
Gilveradin Windrunner shouts: You can know about this war, if you prove worthy enough for it.
Yaungol Watcher shouts [yaungol]: You have fire not only on your flesh, but your soul! I like you. Very well, we will do what we can to prove ourselves worthy of whatever tale you have. I presume you seek to speak with our god?
Gilveradin Windrunner shouts: You presume a lot, for someone unproven.

The yaungol laughed.

Yaungol Watcher shouts [yaungol]: Verl well! Ordos the Burning One waits in our monastery! You simply need to ascend the steppes. We, humble warriors, will prove our best to provide a challenge for you on your ascent. But a mighty warrior such as you, I presume, will have nothing to fear from our flaming arrows. We will see if the same can be said of your companions.

She turned to the others.

Yaungol Watcher shouts [yaungol]: Brothers and sister of clan Ordon! These outsiders have spirit! Let us test them, as they test us! Let it commence!

The yaungol releases an ear-piercing roar of preparedness.

Yaungol Watcher shouts [yaungol]: The Galyn Nadaam shall begin when you ascend these steppes! Do so swiftly, with fire in your hearts, and perhaps we will fail to prove ourselves in the first place!

All the yaungol move aside and prepare weapons, spells, and other armaments to challenge the group.

Vel activated her bladesong and ran straight up the steppes as she then summoned a [Wall of Force] at the top of the steppes to give the others cover. Meanwhile, Zagarra raced up the side and called out the advantageous handholds. Samia followed and molded the earth to create cover for other people.

Uther put a hand on Elissa’s shoulder.

Uther Menethil says: It’s time to walk with the Light.

He ran for the steppes and began to climb alongside Elissa. Elissa used [Bless] across the party. One of the archers fired down at Uther, but it completely missed.

Gil used [Summon Dragon] and called for the summoned creature to draw aggro away from Vaelastrasz. The draconic spirit dove through the sky amidst the arrows. Thal’ena used magic to create vines and use minor teleportation to make it easier to climb up the side of the steppes.

Luma fired up at one of the ballistas and managed to heavily damage it as they clambered up the side. Teemo followed after them using her rocket boots. Luma also got shot at, but they were able to deflect the shot.

Seria shifted into a huge flying creature and just scooped up Motah and flew them straight up to the top. The yaungol fired at them, but it also missed as it broke through her displacement ability. Motah also was nicked by an arrow, but he encouraged Seria to keep flying.

The yaungol shoved rocks down the side, but Vel was able to block three of the bounders with her wall of force. The yaungol picked up that there was magic afoot and adjusted before they pushed more boulders down. Elissa was clipped by one of the boulders.

Vel continued racing up the side and opened up a [Sleet Storm] on the yaungol, which helped cover Samia from a shot as the rime kissed the arrows. Zagarra opted to just dash up the rest of the steppe and clamber over the top. Elissa and Uther also hurried up the side as quickly as they could. They raised their shields to block the arrows that were raining down on them.

Gil caught up to Thal’ena and used [Dimension Door] as his draconic spirit covered them. They managed to clear the top. Luma, likewise, grabbed Teemo and used [Dimension Door]. More rocks and pyroclastic flows tumble down the side of the steppes, but they miss completely.

Samia continued to slowly climb, and Vel realized everyone else had teleported. She quickly raced up after Samia and grabbed her hand, and used [Dimension Door] as well.

Uther and Elissa continued to climb up the side amidst a rain of arrows, and a pyroclastic flow came seeping down the side. Boulders and the like also tumble down the side, but they were able to sweep themselves out of the way of most of it.

Uther Menethil says: Are you alright?
Elissa Cross says: Yeah! But I’m going to smell like smoke for weeks.
Uther Menethil says: We’re almost to the top!
Elissa Cross says: Yeah, I’m right behind you!
Uther Menethil says: After you.

They decide to go together and they manage to get themselves up the rest of the way. They were met by the female yaungol that had been speaking with them. She surveyed the group and observes the minimal damage they had taken.

Yaungol Watcher shouts [yaungol]: We were an unworthy challenge after all. You showed great skills in ascending this mountain. You have earned my respect, but I am but a humble warrior of clan Ordon. If you wish to experience a true challenge, then follow me into the sanctuary.

The group followed her into the monastery. It was a fortress of steel, stone, scrap, and bone. The sky itself started to burn in the colors of the sunset, and the magic of the place was clearly emanating from the entire fortress. An immense amount of magical energy was coming from the place, and whoever the god was, was clearly a big deal. It didn’t seem to be an illusion, it was actually a physical manifestation of his power. Many of the yaungol that had failed to injure the group hacked off their braids and burned them.

They started to see more and more yaungol in the monastery, as well as many of their priests. There were warriors undergoing a ceremony rite, and they were getting branded with the symbol of their clan. One priest was in a brazier, fire fully consuming their body. Vel winced.

It was an epicenter of strength, warfare, and fire.

As they passed beyond the gate, they entered an open-air courtyard. The walls were mounted with skulls and steel trophies, and the scaffolding made an amphitheater of sorts. Seated in a large throne build of scrap and bone on a ledge was another yaungol, but this one was easily close to 20-30 feet tall had he been standing. He had a heavy, blackened iron nose ring, and two black, obsidian horns were jutting from the sides of his head. His fur was burning, fiery coals, and his mane was ablaze with otherworldly flames, and his flesh was blackened and charred as if he was constantly ablaze. Near him was another yaungol who appeared to be an elder male with a staff that was made of super-heated metal.

There were dozens of yaungol around the amphitheater watching them. They could feel the heat radiating off the fiery yaungol, and he leans forward and makes gestures with his hands that they were unfamiliar with. It was a form of signing, but it was a language none of them could understand.

The elder, however, translated in their own languages.

Speaker Gulan says [yaungol]: Watcher Osu, you bring strangers before Ordos, the Burning One. Who are they who stands before a god.
Watcher Osu says [yaungol]: These outsiders walk amongst flame and steel, and yet still they seek your audience, oh great one. They walk unscathed amongst the fire, and claim a great battle is to be had. They have proven themselves thus far, and they seek a worthy challenge. I have brought them here, so that you can provide a more ample challenge than my unseasoned warriors.

There was more speech from the speaker, and Ordos looked at the group.

Speaker Gulan says [yaungol]: You believe your strength in besting these young warriors is enough to stand before me?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: That is the goalpost we were given.
Speaker Gulan says [yuangol]: So it was.

Ordos was in a perpetual wince, like teeth gritting through pain, and he almost seemed to grin.

Speaker Gulan says [yaungol]: Very well. We will grant you a challenge more worthy of those Watcher Osu has brought before me. But what of this great war you speak of?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: The creators of the mechanical creatures that have brought you very little sport, I assume…

He looked at a small hunter killer that was h

Gilveradin Windrunner says: They have intentions to create a weapon that will remove anything with flesh.
Speaker Gulan says [yaungol]: If they seek to remove flesh, they are fools to not rely on fire. It is more effective than the trinkets they send against us.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: This is far more insidious. And as fellows of flesh, we seek your aid.
Speaker Gulan says [yaungol]: You seek the aid of Ordos the Burning One?

The god leaned forward and made a rasping sound. In his mouth, it was obvious the entirety of his mouth was also on fire, and it seemed his vocal chords could not function.

Speaker Gulan says [yaungol]: So you seek to war against this weapon, and you hope to add the strength of Ordon to yours?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: We do. If we can prove we deserve it.
Speaker Gulan says [yaungol]: You know our ways well, it seems. Very well. If you have impressed my watcher, then you will have the opportunity to watch me. You will participate in the Galyn Nadaam.

It was translated as the games of fire.

Speaker Gulan says [yaungol]: Prove yourself. Should you succeed, then our axes will not be turned against you or your allies, for now. Should you impress me, perhaps I will even lend my strength directly. Do you agree to these terms, outsiders?

Gil grinned.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: I welcome your challenge.

Ordos smiled.

Speaker Gulan says [yaungol]: Very well.

Ordos gestured to the corner of the amphitheater.

Speaker Gulan says [yaungol]: Go. Stand in that corner of the proving grounds. The strongest among you will face our greatest champions. Should you best them, then you shall earn my attention, and perhaps my respect.

Ordos frowned and signed more.

Speaker Gulan says [yaungol]: Who amongst you will participate? The six of your greatest warriors, step forward.

The party stepped forward, as did Zagarra.

Speaker Gulan says [yaungol]: The rest of you have been given the honor of bearing witness to the Galyn Nadaam alongside Ordos.

Ordos gestured to the scaffolding, and Elissa wished the group luck before she headed off. Teemo gave them a thumbs up and assured they had it. Samia said she ensured that foul play will not occur, though she doubted the people here were capable of it, and Thal’ena expressed she was glad she didn’t have to participate. Vaelastrasz told them not to die, and that the dragon queen watch over them.

Speaker Gulan says [yaungol]: Good. Six of our greatest champions shall meet you on the battlefield.

He started to speak out names, and the warriors stepped forward. A dark furred warrior with a keen-edged longblade stepped forward first: Flintlord Gairan. Then a yaungol with bright orange-blonde fur garbed in high priest attire stepped forward: Archiereus of Flame. Then there was a brownish-red furred yaungol with a mane of silver hair. He was older, seemingly, and he had powerful pyromantic energy wreathing him: Urdur the Cauterizer. Then three more stepped forward, and they were wearing identical outfits and had similar white hair that looked as if it was burned. Each of them held a long blade, and light orange and violet fire wrapped around their blades: Jakur, Temujin, and Bardam, Champions of the Black Flame.

Samia Inkling says [telepathic bond]: There’s no way… you all need to be extremely careful. Those three are wielding shadow flame. I don’t know how or why they would do something so insanely reckless. But those blades are incredibly dangerous.
Gilveradin Windrunner says [telepathic bond]: Sounds like those are the first ones to deal with.

Samia’s eyes were piercing through the three shadow flame wielders.

Speaker Gulan says [yaungol]: You outsiders are unfamiliar, so allow us to explain. Once the battlefield has taken shape, there will be twelve ovoos around the battlefields. Many will activate at variable intervals, and maintaining control will be the most direct way to succeed. Claiming an ovoo by focusing your attention will enable you to claim one point. You may also claim a point by cutting down one of your opponents. There are no restrictions as to what techniques you use. Bring about all your strength to bear, and let your passion burn like the fires of the sun itself.

There was the sound of a loud gong.

Speaker Gulan says [yaungol]: Bring out the kiln of anointing!

A heavy kiln was brought out between the two teams.

Speaker Gulan says [yaungol]: We will anoint you with the ashes of Ordon. This will allow you to fight with all your fury. Fight with every ounce of strength you have, and should you fall to your foes’ blades, be reborn in the ashes.

The kiln was lit, and a priest said a prayer over it.

Ordon Priest says [yaungol]: Through flame is my blade tempered, through flame is my flesh cleansed! Victory to Ordos! Glory to Ordon!

The priest stepped forward and was conflagrated, and within moments he was gone. Vel was staring in wide eyed horror as the warriors stepped forward and anointed themselves. Luma also looked horrified as the others stepped forward.

Speaker Gulan says [yaungol]: You will be given the blessing of flame. You may fight beyond your mortal limits, and claim the ovoos of Ordos for yourself.

As the ashes were smeared on Vel’s face, she felt her regeneration cease to work, and she got the sense that no healing would function in this fight.

Speaker Gulan says [yaungol]: Take your places on either side of the arena. And I will shape the battlefield for your coming conflict.

The ground began to crumble and shift and melt into a basin about 30 feet beneath the platforms, and there were burning pitch, super heated scrap metal, and other such debris. Around the battlefield were twelve mounds of bone, scrap, and braziers.

The two teams took to opposite sides, and charred horn of a yaungol was brought to Ordos. He blew through it, and there was a loud, resounding sound that indicated the battle had begun. Three ovoos activated.