
Common Cultures: Artistic, Caravan, Collegiate, Cosmopolitan, Despotic, Enlightened, Forsaken, Frontier, Imperial, Itinerant, Magitech, Magocracy, Natural, Nomadic, Rural, Theocratic, Warrior, Wild

Ancestry Traits

Size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. 30 ft.

Feat (3 points).
You gain one feat of your choice.
Skill (1 point).
You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.

Paragon Options

Blood of Kings

Across the multiverse, humanity finds itself at the center of many legends, empires, and prophecies. You gain the following benefits:

Diehard Survivor

Foes of humanity may see them as ants, but humans are equally difficult to eliminate. Humans, in their stubbornness, can even pull themselves back from the brink of death to fulfill their dreams. You have the following traits:


You are filled with a determination that can draw the unreachable within your reach.

When you make an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can do so with advantage. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest. If your roll on one of the d20s is a natural 20, you regain one expended use of this ability.

If you are below half of your maximum hit points when you use your final use of this ability, you may instead treat the result of the d20 roll as a natural 20 instead of rolling advantage. If you do, you do not regain the expended use of this ability.

Ingenious Focus

Your keen focus is able to persist through even the most extreme circumstances. When you fail a Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration, you can use your reaction to gain a bonus on the saving throw equal to your spellcasting ability modifier, possibly turning the saving throw into a success. You keep this bonus until the end of your next turn. You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

Sojourner's Fortitude

Your people's indomitable traveler's spirit allows is one of your greatest strengths. You gain the following benefits: