You grew up without truly having a home and have wandered great distances, integrating into various cultures without truly choosing one as your own.
Skill Proficiencies: You have proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Convince, Deception, Insight, Perception, Society, or Streetwise.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language.
Motive and Reason (Major)
The reason why you have a home away from home tells a unique life story. Choose one of the following:
The reason why you have a home away from home tells a unique life story. Choose one of the following:
- Homeland Seeker. Stories of a lost magical homeland are constantly on the minds and lips of your community. These tales guide you in your search. Choose one of the following skills: Arcana, Nature, or Religion. You can always choose to use Charisma when making a check with Society or the chosen skill.
- Labor Migrant. You, or your ancestors, came in search of honest work or because your skills were in demand. You are proficient with one skill of your choice.
- Shadow Exile. You left your homeland under mysterious circumstances, such as punishment for a crime or exile, self or otherwise. You always know the result of your Deception, Precision, Stealth, and Streetwise checks.
- Refugee. By great misfortune, you and many others left your homeland so that you might survive. Choose one of the following skills: Insight, Investigation, or Perception. You can always choose to use Charisma when making a check with the chosen skill.
Kind Stranger (Major)
The first time you interact with a creature that does not recognize you, you gain an Advantage on the first Charisma check you make. This trait does not work on groups if at least one person in a group recognizes you.
The first time you interact with a creature that does not recognize you, you gain an Advantage on the first Charisma check you make. This trait does not work on groups if at least one person in a group recognizes you.
Wanderer (Minor)
You are a wanderer by trade. You can read, speak, and write one additional language of your choice. Additionally, choose one of the following options:
You are a wanderer by trade. You can read, speak, and write one additional language of your choice. Additionally, choose one of the following options:
- You have proficiency with an artisan tool of your choice.
- You have proficiency with disguise kits or forgery kits.
- You have proficiency with an instrument of your choice.