Wizard: Conjurer

Original Source: Player's Handbook

Conjuration Savant

2nd-level Conjurer feature
Choose a 1st-level Conjuration spell from the Wizard spell list. Add this spell to your spellbook in addition to the spells you normally learn each level. Whenever you gain the ability to cast Wizard spells of a new level, you may choose another Conjuration spell from the Wizard Spell list of that level or lower and add it to your spellbook at no cost.

Additionally, gold and time you must spend to copy Conjuration spells into your spellbook is halved.

Lastly, a creature that you summon or create with a conjuration spell gains temporary hit points equal to twice your wizard level.

Minor Conjuration

2nd-level Conjurer feature
As in the Player's Handbook

Benign Transposition

6th-level Conjurer feature
As in the Player's Handbook except now costs a bonus action instead of an action.

Focused Conjuration

10th-level Conjurer feature
As in the Player's Handbook

High Summoner

14th-level Conjurer feature
You gain the ability to empower your conjuration magic to new heights. After you spend mana to cast a conjuration spell, you can increase the level of the spell by a number equal to your proficiency bonus. The spell must be of a level you can cast.

Once you have increased the level of conjuration spells you cast by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus in this way, you cannot do so again until you finish a Long Rest.