Anya Eversong

Art by
- Species
- San'layn
- Gender
- Female
- Status
- Undead
Anya Eversong was a ranger of the Farstriders and a very close personal friend of the Ranger-General Sylvanas Windrunner, to the point that she was effectively viewed as another sister by Sylvanas and it was not uncommon for her to even attend Windrunner family gatherings.
Chapter Three: The Scales Tip
- [Alliance] Chapter Three: Session Four
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 2)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 5)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 7)
Chapter Five: Civil War
Anya had been stationed in the Bulwark as the war between the Alliance and the Horde came to a near stand-still with the encroach of winter, where she continued to undergo various scouting missions in the service of the Ranger-General Sylvanas Windrunner. However, when she returned from scouting the blighted regions of the Eastweald caused by the plague released by Naxxramas, she bore grave news to her commander, as while she, Velonara Dewflow, Loralen Nightseeker, and Nathanos Marris had investigated the area, they were attacked by undead. Nathanos had managed to intervene to protect the other rangers, but he had been injured in the process and had rapidly fallen ill despite the efforts of the other rangers.
She had interrupted a small family gathering of the Windrunners to deliver the news in private, and Sylvanas and she had set off to recover Nathanos, Velonara, and Loralen, however, Sylvanas's niece, Velameestra Windrunner, had seemingly eavesdropped on the news and materialized right as they were preparing to leave. She stated she knew what the plague was as she and her companions had been contending with it, and her arrival was swiftly followed by Alleria Windrunner and Gilveradin Windrunner.
Sylvanas relented to allow them to accompany the duo, but as they approached the Marris homestead, they found Velonara dead in the middle of the road. Unaware of the danger, Sylvanas approached, but was swiftly knocked out of the way by Anya as Velonara revived into a feral undead and lunged at her former commander. Anya was scratched in the process, which had sealed her fate, and she remained to watch over her fallen companion while the rest of the group continued on to investigate what had become of Nathanos and Loralen.
Unfortunately, they too had become undead due to the effects of the plague, but were able to be reawakened with the aid of Velameestra's magics. Anya herself opted to become san'layn by Alleria's fangs, as she was doomed to become undead one way or another. In the efforts to keep more undead away from the Bulwark for the time being, Anya was ultimately assigned to accompany Kael'thas Sunstrider, Rommath Pyrewing, and Alleria to the Capital City of Lordaeron, as they were to join Uther Menethil and his companions in their return to speak with queen Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil and king Arthas Menethil about the findings of the Scarlet Crusade.
When the tribunal took place to call the Scarlet Crusade and various Lordane nobles into question, Anya was present along with Alleria Windrunner as an honor guard to Kael'thas and Rommath.
Appeared In
Chapter Three: The Scales Tip
- [Alliance] Chapter Three: Session Four
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 2)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 5)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 7)