[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Fifty-Five

Appearing Characters: Aelthalyste Everpost, Alleria Windrunner, Annibeth Lansing, Anya Eversong, Arator Windrunner, Arellas Fireleaf, Arthas Menethil, Belmont, Benedictus, Benjamin Warde, Darion Mograine, Dorgar Stoenbrow, Elissa Cross, Esara Verrinde, Fellari Swiftarrow, Ferren Marcus, Finnall Goldensword, Genn Greymane, Gilveradin Windrunner, Giramar Windrunner, Halduron Brightwing, Harlan, Harthal Truesight, Herod, Holla Sunshield, Invar One-Arm, Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil, Kael'thas Sunstrider, Korloff, Liadrin Everpost, Lirath Windrunner, Lor'themar Theron, Loralen Nightseeker, Maraad, Mariella Warde, Maxwell Tyrosus, Mia Greymane, Morra Starbreeze, Motah Tallhorn, Natalie Seline, Nathanos Marris, Nazgrim, Orman, Rekshak, Remnii, Renault Mograine, Rhonin Windrunner, Riff, Rommath Pyrewing, Sally Mograine, Samia Inkling, Seria, Sylvanas Windrunner, Taelan Fordring, Teemo Manabrake, Thal'ena Dawnseeker, Theo'remar Goldensword, Turalyon Windrunner, Uther Menethil, Vaelastrasz, Valea Twinblades, Velonara Dewflow, Vereesa Windrunner, Yana Bloodspear, Zabra Hexx, Zagarra

October 30th

With the help of Samia, the group headed to the staging ground to join up with the other forces that were preparing for the battle. Rekshak had informed them the Warsong would meet them at their camp, and Nazgrim thanked the group for their aid and pledged he would repay his debt to them with steel.

The group reappeared not far from the base of the hill the Scarlet Monastery was constructed on. They could see the very tips of the monastery’s spires up over the cliff side. The forward camp that had been established was at the base of the path. Fortifications had been erected up the long path, as the Scarlet Crusade had clearly fortified the approach with barricades, and there were also siege weapons erected in the high cliffs.

The major camps represented in the fighting forces were the forces of Lordaeron, the forces of Quel’Thalas, the Argent Dawn, a small elite force of mage-hunters from Venetia, and various independent forces such as the Aurum Blades. There was a tenseness over the area, as there were Crusaders watching from various vantage points. They glimpsed Benjamin Warde speaking with Mariella Warde, who was actually his cousin, along Jaina, both Arthases, the Scales of Azeroth, and many other familiar faces. Even Benedictus was there setting up the first aid camp along with Mia Greymane.

Uther approached his kingly father as he was speaking with Genn sorting out logistics. Genn assured Arthas that they would get fortifications in place, and Arthas thanked him for his experiences. Genn pointed out Uther had arrived and then set off with a greeting. Genn said it was only right that given Uther helped him reclaim his kingdom, that he help Uther reclaim his. He put a hand on his shoulder as he passed by.

Arthas smiled at Uther.

Arthas Menethil says: Glad you could make it, Uther. I’m glad things went well with the orcs.
Uther Menethil says: Unexpected surprises, but I think the most desirable outcome was reached.
Arthas Menethil says: I’m counting on you to make sure things stay peaceful. We have a bit of a powder keg between these groups…
Uther Menethil says: I think I’ll be able to keep it under control. I got grandfather Daelin to compliment a troll!

Arthas laughed.

Arthas Menethil says: Then I don’t know if there’s much you can’t accomplish.
Uther Menethil says: And you, father? How are you feeling?
Arthas Menethil says: I’ve been reading through the Libram of Justice again. It’s strange. It’s almost like I forgot everything I had already learned. I don’t… I know this is the right course of action, and I’m done dwelling on if there’s something I could have done earlier or changed. At the end of the day, there’s no sense dwelling on it. All we can do is prepare for tomorrow.

Uther felt an intense mixture of connection and nostalgia as he looked upon his father.

Uther Menethil says: That book is awfully good for that, isn’t it?
Arthas Menethil says: It is! You might think it silly, but… what actually helped me get through it… it’s almost like I was imagining Uther reading it to me. As if his voice was still connected to it somehow. The words just manifested in my mind like that. Then again, maybe that’s just how I made sure I was paying attention.
Uther Menethil says: I spoke with him.
Arthas Menethil says: …You did?
Uther Menethil says: At the temple. I had help. But we called, and he answered.
Arthas Menethil says: What did he say?
Uther Menethil says: He certainly seems to believe you and mother have done a fantastic job with me.
Arthas Menethil says: I have to agree with him on that. I have a lot of regrets. A lot of things I wish I could have done differently. But if there were three things that I know that I never made a mistake on, three things I can look at with nothing but pride and joy, it’s you and your sisters. I’m glad that the old man thought the same.

Uther felt a tightness in his throat.

Uther Menethil says: Speaking of old men, I thought you could use your walking stick.

He produced Light’s Vengeance and held it out to him.

Arthas Menethil says: I suppose it is time to take it up again, isn’t it? I’ve been… using a ceremonial sword in the meanwhile, but blades never really fit me, you know?

Arthas hefted the weapon in his hands.

Arthas Menethil says: You took good care of it, Uther.
Uther Menethil says: It took good care of me.
Arthas Menethil says: You know, the Lightbringer gave this to me. When I was sworn into the Silver Hand. The fact an Uther is giving it back to me again… I feel like there’s some sort of significance there. I hope he can forgive me someday. Because you made it so that he’s now the second most important Uther in my life.

Arthas pulled Uther into a hug.

Arthas Menethil says: I don’t know what’s going to happen between me and the other Arthas and whatever the future holds for us, but… thank you, Uther. For being my son.
Uther Menethil says: Thank you for being my father.

Later that evening, there was a small contingent with the banner of Andorhal, and Annibeth Lansing herself with some of her militia was leading it. Nathanos, Velonara, and Loralen were also with them, flanked by Nathanos’s hounds.

They overheard a small fight between Sylvanas and Nathanos, as she had commanded him not to come. Loralen was also wearing a porcelain mask over half of her face.

Riff had charged to Seria the moment he saw her, and she quickly realized that in the few weeks he had been gone, his true form had grown noticeably longer. He gave her a big hug and said he had missed her. He then launched into what he had done, as he and his group had traveled all over where the plague was spread.

Riff says: It was amazing! I never knew the world could be changed like that! There’s so much. There will be a lot to do. So many people to help!

Seria had sheer pride on her face as he continued to talk to her about everything they had done and what he had learned. Apparently even when Vaelastrasz had breathed fire over the blighted area, it didn’t heal. Seria then took Riff to formally introduce him to Zabra Hexx. Riff asked Zabra, unprompted, if he knew any stories about Hakkar.

Seria also showed Riff the dagger she had purchased, and his eyes immediately became transfixed on it. She explained what it was, and his hand started to reach out for it slowly. He was acting strangely, and Seria swiftly pulled the dagger, which had trembled in her hand, away. Riff snapped out of the trance.

Riff says: Um… what were you saying? Sorry, I think I spaced out for a second.
Seria says: Are you alright?
Riff says: Yeah! Why, is something wrong?
Seria says: You were acting strange.
Riff says: …Oh. Sorry if I worried you. I just think I was… I don’t know. It’s like I was remembering a dream.

Seria asked if he wanted to talk about, and Riff considered but said he didn’t want to right then. He asked if something was wrong with him, and Seria said there wasn’t, so he suggested they go back and talk to “Grandpa Zabra”.

That evening, Gil gathered up the Windrunner family for a check in. There was a tension in the air, and Vereesa was attempting to keep things light, but there wasn’t much levity to be had. It had a distinct vibe of “the calm before the storm”. Sylvanas and Alleria were both fletching arrows with their backs facing each other. Nathanos was lurking along the edges of the group near Sylvanas. Turalyon was tending to his armor and his weapon. Rhonin was translating more journal entries from Vel and ensuring her belongings that she might want were safe. Esara was laying her head on Lirath’s shoulder, and Lirath was staring intently at the fire and looked like he hadn’t slept in days. Giramar was also present, but he was going to be helping at the camp with the first aid medics and running messages. He was quietly feeding his squirrel familiar next to his dad.

Gil was a bit of a loss of how to approach the situation, and Vereesa approached Gil to ask how he was.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: I didn’t think I was doing that well… but I think everyone else’s tensions are much higher.
Vereesa Windrunner says: Everyone’s worried for tomorrow. And for good reason. I don’t think there’s anything we can do tonight to make things better. Trust me, it won’t be for lack of trying. But we’re here, and we’ll be together. And hopefully by this time tomorrow, we’ll have everyone back. I don’t think things will be alright until we get our kids back. All of them. But… right now just being here is plenty.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I wish there was some kind of magic word to say…
Vereesa Windrunner says: That could make everything better?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Yeah.
Vereesa Windrunner says: I’ve been looking through the dictionary.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Do you know how many languages we know between us? I can’t believe there’s not a word.
Vereesa Windrunner says: If only. Belore, if only. It’s not easy, and sometimes it’s not words that make things better. Sometimes it’s actions, and sometimes it’s just time. But dammit, if I didn’t agree with you. If I could snap my fingers and make everyone laugh and smile, I’d break my fingers doing it.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I wish things didn’t need to be so hard.

Vereesa looked at Lirath.

Vereesa Windrunner says: That said, I don’t think your father would be opposed to your company. It’s not a competition, but if it was… Lirath might be a contestant for the one that is having the hardest time right now.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: You’re… probably right.

Gil walked over and sat down next to Lirath.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: Hey. We’re going to bring her home.

Lirath continued staring at the fire, but he nodded.

Lirath Windrunner says: I just… wish… with all my heart, that the two of you could just be safe. That’s the only thing I ever wanted my entire life. Was for you to grow up and be safe. And… it doesn’t matter how much I pray and hope and sing, I know it won’t ever be the case. And I can’t do anything to prevent that. There will always be more fights. Always another reason to take up the bow. I just wonder how many more sleepless nights I’m going to have… petrified. Terrified of… getting bad news. Of learning that we weren’t able to save them. That there’s nothing we could do. If I could give my life to bring happiness to all of you, I would in an instant, but I know that’s not how this works. Despair and misery… it’s not a transaction. No matter how much I sacrifice… you’ll always be in danger. We’ll save her tomorrow, yes, I know, but how long until something else happens? Until something else I’m powerless to stop threatens the two of you? I’ve lost Vel twice. Will the third time be for good? I just… I just want it all to end.

Lirath collapsed in on himself and started to cry. Gil put an arm around his father’s shoulders.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: I know I can’t promise we’ll be safe… but as long as we are alive, we have hope. As long as we keep going, we can make things better for others at least. We’re not alone in this.

Lirath looked at Gil with a sad smile, his eyes wet with tears.

Lirath Windrunner says: Hope… hope is so hard. It’s so heavy to carry. Because hope is just optimistic uncertainty.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: But it’s also all we have, right?
Lirath Windrunner says: No. It’s not.

Lirath put an arm around Gil’s shoulder and leaned his head against his.

Lirath Windrunner says: It’s not.

Esara smiled and put a hand on Lirath’s knee. Vereesa sat down next to Gil and put her arms around him and Lirath. A cloak draped over Lirath’s shoulders, as Alleria had leaned her back up against her brother. Turalyon sat down nearby and placed his hand next to Alleria’s hand, who wrapped her pinky around his. Sylvanas moved over and sat down near the group as she tossed another bit of wood into the fire. Vereesa grabbed her hand. Nathanos shifted closer to Sylvanas, watching, and Giramar’s squirrel nestled into Gil’s lap. Giramar sat down next to Sylvanas. He smiled up at her, and she couldn’t help but smile back and muss up his hair. The ground around them swirled to life with violet magic as Rhonin erected a [Tiny Hut] over all of them. He sat down next to Giramar and patted his knee. The stars were still visible overhead through the translucent force. Constellations danced on the surface, depicting happier times: the Windrunner sisters in an archery contest, Gil holding a bow for the first time, the birth of Giramar and Galadin, the day Gil became a Farstrider, the day Vel graduated from the Kirin Tor, marriages for everyone, when Vel and Gil were first born. Each one danced across the dome.

Rhonin Windrunner says: We’ll have more. We’ll have more.

Also that night, Elissa came to find Uther as he was getting ready to go to bed. She greeted him softly, and she said she wanted to come and check on him as everything had been really hard.

Uther Menethil says: It certainly has. But I appreciate you looking after me.

Uther looked tired.

Elissa Cross says: He’s really up there? Arator I mean?

Elissa looked up at the hill.

Uther Menethil says: He is.
Elissa Cross says: Do you think we can reach him?
Uther Menethil says: Yes. I have to believe that who he is now is a person he had to become.
Elissa Cross says: Yeah…
Uther Menethil says: And with no amount of honeyed words can Miss Sally remove who he truly is.
Elissa Cross says: Yeah. I want to believe that, anyways… I just… I don’t think that he… I don’t think he realizes he’s not alone.

Uther’s shoulders dropped.

Uther Menethil says: How could he realize? It is a bitter thing. To feel abandoned. Quite frankly… Vel was more than capable herself… but when I put myself in Arator’s position, there was so much taken, and he had no one at his side. Elissa, I believe that we survived the things we did because we were together. No matter how impossible things seemed, we were still together. Victor. Arator So many of us were alone for far too long.

Uther hung his head, but then looked at Elissa with tears in his eyes.

Uther Menethil says: I need to get him back.

Elissa grabbed Uther’s hand.

Elissa Cross says: We’ll get him. We’ll get him, and we’ll get Vel, I promise.

Uther chuckled quietly.

Uther Menethil says: Honestly, I’m surprised Vel hasn’t broken out already.
Elissa Cross says: Yeah… I bet she’s probably tried… but it’s okay. We can help. We’ll make sure. Um… I wanted to tell you something. I’m still trying to figure it all out, but… we… when we were in the Eastweald, we, um… we f-found my dad…

Her expression was conflicted, but not bad.

Uther Menethil says: I see.
Elissa Cross says: He… the plague went right over where my old home was. We found him, and we couldn’t help everyone, but we did get him… he’s in Andorhal. Recovering. He wanted to come, but he’s… it’s only been a few days. And I have no idea what my mom will say when she sees him. I don’t even know what I’m going to say… but he’s back. He’s back. But that’s… just another reason we need to rescue Vel! He wants to thank her. For a few reasons. But… maybe I could introduce Arator to him too… if he would want that… once all this is done. He has so many people to meet. He has to meet Seria, and Riff, and so many more…
Uther Menethil says: He will.
Elissa Cross says: Yeah. But one thing at a time. And we should get some rest. It’s going to be a long day.
Uther Menethil says: Elissa, would you like to know what I said to king Kael’thas when I went to meet him in Northrend?
Elissa Cross says: Yeah. What did you say?
Uther Menethil says: Well, given his condition, he was suspicious. The banners I flew were ones that had previously declared him and his kind a threat. And I asked him what he thought it meant to be alive. I explained I ate and I slept and my lungs drew breath… and I slept and ate and shat. But I don’t believe any of those things are necessary for the things I enjoy about being alive. I feel alive because I love. Because I laugh. Because I care. Because I speak with others, and listen when they speak back to me. Feeling for yourself and another. That is what I believe it is to be alive.
Elissa Cross says: That’s really beautiful, Uther. Live. Laugh. Love. It’s great advice for anyone really.
Uther Menethil says: What has happened to your father will change, certainly, and finding out how to navigate those changes are for you and him to figure out together. As an easily discardable piece of advice, I think that journey becomes easier if you approach it from a place of your father not being gone and now being back. It’ll be him, but he doesn’t draw breath and his heart doesn’t beat. He doesn’t need to sleep. Have you ever doubted that he loves you?

Elissa shook her head.

Uther Menethil says: Of course not. It’s scary because all change is. But like all other challenges, face them together.
Elissa Cross says: Thanks Uther.
Uther Menethil says: Thank you too, Elissa.
Elissa Cross says: I think you’re going to be a really great dad.

For a few moments, the stress of that weight washed over him instead.

Uther Menethil says: Is it strange I’m more terrified of that than the coming battle?
Elissa Cross says: That’s fair! Well, one battle at a time then!
Uther Menethil says: One battle at a time indeed. And I can take comfort in knowing the one directly ahead of us is of a sort I am very familiar.
Elissa Cross says: Yeah.

A look of determination crossed their faces as they thought of what needed to be done the next day.

October 31st

The next day, the last groups of the offensive arrived. They awoke that morning to the sound of horns and orcish war chanting. There was tension as the orcs made their way into the camp. The elves and the orcs eyed each other warily.

Lor’themar and Kael’thas met the Warsong as they entered, and Lor’themar called Uther over as he could speak the orcish tongue. He requested Uther act as translator, and he then regarded Rekshak and Nazgrim.

Lor'themar Theron says: Warlord Rekshak. I am Lor’themar Theron, supreme commander of the forces of Quel’Thalas gathered here, and acting regent of our government in exile. Though we fight on the same battlefield this day, we are not allies, and though your freedom is being bought with steel, know this is anything but forgiveness, orc.
Rekshak says [orcish]: Of course, warchief. I understand.
Lor'themar Theron says: Good. Then I look forward to seeing what your Warsong clan is capable of. We have experienced your ferocity on the receiving end before, I expect you to perform as admirably against our mutual enemy.
Rekshak says [orcish]: And you as well, small-teeth. Your prowess on the battlefield and eye for strategy is known to me as well. The Amani trolls speak your name with fear. I look forward to seeing how worthy of that reputation you are, Theron.
Lor'themar Theron says: It goes without saying that should you break our covenant, we will respond with lethal force.
Rekshak says [orcish]: The same goes for you.
Lor'themar Theron says: Then we have an understanding.

Lor’themar offered his hand to Rekshak, and the orc took it.

Lor'themar Theron says: With that matter settled, yours is the final force. If you would bring your contingent officers with you to the command tent, we can discuss our approach.

Rekshak nodded and the information was passed through his number.

Representatives of each of the major groups gathered to discuss the plans for that night. A heavy rain coated the camps with snow and sleet, but the storms broke in favor of heavy winds.

Lor’themar had erected a rough map of the surrounding area at the center of the tent. He welcomed everyone to the war front and stated they would begin their march on sundown. The monastery was well defended by natural fortifications, and the only way up the hill was by a singular path, but there were also cliff faces that could be scaled by those capable of vertical climbs.

Rommath Pyrewing says [telepathically]: Once the vanguard has drawn their attention on the main causeway, I can ensure those who have less concern with gravity can outflank them.
Sylvanas Windrunner says: Our scouts have registered a dilapidated guard tower with a fair amount of attention on it. We’ll need to use caution if you seek the western path, and the southern path is lined with siege equipment. I have no doubt they’ll try to counter you with oil and holy water.
Rommath Pyrewing says [telepathically]: Then we will need to ensure we aren’t seen.

Maxwell pointed at the map and said the bulk of the forces needed to go up the main path, which was narrow. The Crusade had the high ground, but they would not be able to fill the pass with numbers. He believed the Crusade still outnumbered them, but the number was less than two to one. The monastery itself was also not a fortress, and he didn’t believe it would be a prolonged siege. He believed it could be captured by sunrise, and they were expecting a new moon that evening, which would benefit the orc and elf forces and the Crusade’s own light sources would work against them.

He also expressed Zabra was most familiar with the monastery, and Darion’s brother was a commander. He asked if they had any insights, and Zabra offered there were very few ways to enter the ground outside the main gate unless they could vault themselves over the walls. Darion said his brother would likely not be a part of the vanguard, as he and the Grand Inquisitor would likely be in the most fortified location: the chapel at the heart of the monastery. From there, it was likely they would be providing support through magic. They needed to be stopped.

Rommath Pyrewing says [telepathically]: That will all be for naught if we fail to bring their wrathcaster to justice. Arellas Fireleaf is still an accomplished mage. I would not be surprised if he has contingencies and escape routes set up utilizing his teleportation gifts. If he is allowed to go unmolested, he may have a way to allow the Mograines to escape. That cannot happen. He is our priority target, even before the others.

Tyrosus nodded and asked if anyone knew where he might be. Rommath suggested he would probably have taken control of the libraries in the monastery, and Zabra confirmed he was familiar with a specific area that seemed most likely. It was wasn’t far from the chapel. Rommath said his primary objectives were rescuing their captured ambassador as well as capturing or destroying the wrathcaster.

Maxwell Tyrosus says: Uther, you and your companions have proven yourselves time again. Can we count on you to provide support to our main objectives?

Uther offered a confident smirk.

Uther Menethil says: Even in the face of these assembled forces, I don’t think you could stop us.
Maxwell Tyrosus says: I had a feeling! Then your forces will approach in the van with us. We’ll punch our way through and keep their forces as occupied as possible. As you fight forward, you can aid the Grand Magister and the infiltration forces as they liberate the captives and neutralize the wrathcaster. From there, make your way to the chapel. Any of our forces that can join you will secure the area and carve a path to the main doors.
Aelthalyste Everpost says: We should be careful. To my knowledge, Sally Mograine is an extremely capable priest. I have no doubt she has magic that will be troublesome to some of us.
Rommath Pyrewing says [telepathically]: Should such magics be cast, we’ll need to dispel them quickly, lest they ravage our forces.

Zabra snapped his fingers and said there were places in the temple that were sanctuaries. However, all things considered, the Scarlet Crusade were squatters. He had lived there for two decades. He felt it was safe to say that he could call the place his home and he welcomed them all in.

Kael’thas smirked.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says: You have my thanks, Master Zabra. Would you mind extending that generosity to a handful of others in our contingent?
Zabra Hexx says: Of course. It would be my pleasure.

Liadrin said they all had their places and plans.

Nazgrim says [orcish]: Your ambassador.

He looked at Kael’thas, and Uther stepped in to continue translating.

Nazgrim says [orcish]: Do you think the Warsong chieftain is in the same place?
Rommath Pyrewing says [telepathically]: If I would to wager a guess, I assume so.
Nazgrim says [orcish]: Then the Warsong will attempt to rush to the self-same place.
Rommath Pyrewing says [telepathically]: Lovely. Then I count on your assistance. Or at least... your distraction.

Liadrin pushed that the situation was not one in which no quarter should be given, as anyone that surrendered or took up blades against the Crusade should be given the opportunity to aid them. Likewise, taking as many members of the Crusade alive they could would be advisable, as they were expecting a wholesale slaughter, and doing so would just damn their names in the eyes of the populace.

The operation would begin at sundown.

Gil asked Samia for the Demon Soul back, as he could use it as a catalyst for magic to put people asleep. Samia relented, but told him not to push himself. Gil tried to joke it off, but Samia grabbed him by the collar and told him to say it. Gil promised he wouldn’t.

Uther hefted Marrowgar’s former weapon, Bryntroll the Bone Arbiter, as he decided to use a weapon of the undead against those that feared them.

That evening, everyone prepared to launch the siege. Uther rode to the front atop Radiant, Bryntroll grasped in his hand as he did a pace ride up and down the lines.

Uther Menethil says: Up that hill are cowards. The only way they know how to survive is to paint the world in shadow and tell their children to stay close to the Light. Their Light. Their reasons. Their judgments. Because in the darkness, there are monsters. But that’s not true. We can prove that it isn’t true. In the dark there is discovery, there is possibility, there is freedom once someone has illuminated it. And this will be the last night that their darkness persists.

Uther turned to look toward the monastery.

Uther Menethil shouts: MOGRAINE! DAWN IS COMING!

The forces joined him in a bone-chilling roar and they charged for the hill. Elves charged on foot and on hawkstriders. Orcs were on foot and dire wolves. The allied forces were easily a couple hundred. They saw the barricades of the Crusade, and fighting would start within moments.

But then... they also saw the beginning of crucifixes along the pathway, looming in the dark. There were gasps and murmurs as upon which they saw the charred, blackened bodies of vampyrs erected, having clearly been left to burn in the sun.

A bright light illuminated from the highest point of the cliff. In the air above them, they saw Sally Mograine herself with a small attachment of warriors and soldiers.

A silent pall fell over the battlefield. Sally stepped forward. There was a figure in front of her that was being held by an armored individual with a massive axe hefted over their shoulder. The axe was orcish in appearance, and it was recognized by the Warsong as Gorehowl: Garrosh’s axe.

Sally Mograine says: You have called for me, Uther Menethil, and I have answered.

She nodded to the man at her side, who ripped the hood off the chained man on the ground. It was revealed to be Taelan Fordring, who was battered and beaten.

Lor’themar cleared his throat.

Lor'themar Theron says: Grand Inquisitor Sally Mograine. I am Lor’themar Theron, supreme commander of the forces of Quel'Thalas. It has come to my understanding that you have in your custody an ambassador of Silvermoon. I humbly request you return her to her people, or we will be forced to take action. You have thirty seconds to comply.
Sally Mograine says: Who are you to make demands of me? You, who defends monsters living in our very midst, who marches here with green skinned horrors seeking to claim lives of the good people of Lordaeron.
Lor'themar Theron says: Twenty seconds.
Sally Mograine says: I will give you each this one and only opportunity. Those who seek to repent in the Light, throw down your weapons and turn over the abominations who parade themselves around the sin’dorei claiming to be their king and their leaders. Turn your backs on the orcs that have stolen your homelands, and you will be shown the mercy of the Light.
Lor'themar Theron says: Ten seconds, Miss Mograine.

Sally scowled as she looked at the gathered crowd.

Sally Mograine says: None of you? All of you have decided to name yourselves as traitors? Every last one of you would rather side with vampyrs? Aliens? And heretics? Then you leave me no choice. Your dawn has already come. And I will ensure that when the sun rises over Lordaeron, the crimson sky will be free of monsters and traitors like you.
Uther Menethil says: For the record, I agree with you about the traitors! There will be no more come morning!
Lor'themar Theron says: Zero.

Lor’themar gave a signal, and Halduron Brightwing called out a command. Arrows sailed through the dark sky, and there was a blur as a bare-chested man with a shaved head appeared and grabbed an arrow that had headed straight for Sally. Rhonin and the others attempted to grab Taelan from the portal with magic, but the spells hit on a shield of magic. Arellas Fireleaf stepped out, preventing them from breaching the gap.

The champion with Gorehowl grabbed Taelan.

Taelan Fordring shouts: You dare speak of treachery!? You are all a mockery of the Light! My death will buy you nothing! I will haunt you for the rest of my existence, and you will all pay for the moment you turned on me! Damn you all! Damn you!

Gorehowl fell, and Taelan’s head hit the ground. The wall of force opened to allow his head to tumble from the cliff, and it lit ablaze with holy fire.

When it hit the ground in front of them, it shattered into burning ashes.

Kael’thas Sunstrider shouts: DAMN YOU!

Kael’thas’s eyes ignited with fire, and the skies opened up. A meteor slammed into the cliffside, but at the last moment Arellas teleported them away. The rocks shattered from the impact. Kael’thas raised his hands again, his eyes crimson, as the sky swirled with more meteors.

Rommath rushed forward and grabbed Kael’thas wrist.

Rommath Pyrewing shouts [telepathically]: KAEL’THAS. STOP! If you level that monastery, what do you think the others will say? If you leave nothing but a smoking crater, will there be anything for our case? And do you truly think Velameeestra would survive? Or anyone else they have captive? Use your brain! Think for a moment!

Kael’thas looked at Rommath, and then closed his eyes.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says: You’re right, Rommath. You often are, as it turns out. The last thing I would want to do… is give them all the benefit of a swift and painless death. No. No that won’t do at all.

Kael’thas turned toward the Scarlet Crusaders that were now mounting a defense.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says: No, I will make sure they bleed and suffer for every one of our people they have harmed!

There was a sound of bones cracking and flesh shifting as he stepped into the darkness. They watched as his form began to grow. His fingers grew sharp claws and his cloak unfurled into great wings, his eyes bright and burning crimson.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says: I will bleed them for every inch of flesh they have carved from my people, and I will tear their hearts from their chests with my own claws!

A long set of horns grew from his head and his jaw grew numerous more fangs.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says: They will know why I am called the Crimson King, and they will beg for mercy! On this I swear! If they want to see a monster, I will show them a monster!

Kael’thas took off into the sky and flew directly into the battle amidst the battle. Fire streaked from him, and the image of Al’ar careened from the sky behind him and rained fire on the Scarlet Crusaders.

There was a moment of shock from Lor’themar, who looked at Rommath.

Lor'themar Theron says: Has he always been able to do that?

Rommath shook his head.

Rommath Pyrewing says [telepathically]: No.

Rommath leaped into the air and transformed into a bat to take off after Kael’thas.

Lor'themar Theron shouts: All forces! Charge!

Lor’themar held up his sword and the forces began to charge. Uther took up the front, and Lor’themar leaped in front of him with his blade partially drawn. He disappeared as he rushed forward and he proceeded to use [Steel Wind Strike], decimating a dozen Scarlet Crusaders at the head of the vanguard.

Lor'themar Theron shouts: You’re making this easy for me! No more politics! No more tip-toeing around! Just hot steel and magic!

Uther continued to charge through the throng on radiant, his axe cleaving back and forth. Radiant kicked Scarlet Crusaders as they fought their way up. Hot oil was spilled off the upper cliffside, and Radiant’s wings unfolded. Uther used his shield to block the hot oil and redirect it. He looked over and saw Jaina levitating, her eyes aglow. She was floating within a water elemental, controlling it from within.

Spears of ice rained down and imprisoned an entire group of crusaders in the ice. With her other hand, she washed barricades aside. Another horse, Indomitable, landed next to Radiant and king Arthas swung Light’s Vengeance around.

Arthas and Uther each called each other’s names and ducked under each other’s swings as they smacked crusaders on each other’s flank. Then there was a howl, as wild Arthas in his worgen form leaped down wielding two axes and started to spin around in a storm of blade and fang. The two Arthases ended up back-to-back and started to cover each other.

Seria roared and turned into a bear. She and Riff charged through several groups of soldiers and started to assault the ballista. One of the ones she missed rounded on her, and shot at her. She ducked under the bolt, but then it slammed into Riff. There was a moment of panic, but the bolt shattered on him, as he was immune to nonmagic damage. Riff sprouted wings and his eyes began to bleed as he puppeted the crusaders and forced them to push the ballista off the cliff.

As the fight started, Maraad whistled and summoned his elekk. Remnii pulled out her crystalline figure and summoned the unicorn contained within it, which Remnii got on and started to ride side-saddle. Natalie stepped from a nearby shadow, her body wreathed in darkness. She used powerful psychic magic to wrest an entire group of crusaders to their knees.

Liadrin rode through on a hawkstrider with deep crimson feathers, her sword drawn.

Gil summoned a massive illusory dragon, realizing there was not going to be room for the creature inside the monastery. It soared along the battlefield and knocked out groups of crusaders with poisonous mist that sent them to sleep.

Rhonin was riding behind his wife on the back of a hawkstrider as he fanned a bunch of runic circles around him.

Rhonin Windrunner says: I call this one the multi-ball!

He shot out a powerful [Chromatic Orb] that started to jump around a bunch of crusaders, knocking them all to the ground.

Vereesa Windrunner says: Rhonin, take over for me!
Rhonin Windrunner says: What!? Okay!

Vereesa leaped off the hawkstrider as Rhonin grabbed the reins. Vereesa took aim at an animated suit of armor that glowed with holy fire. The arrow exploded into vines that bound the armor in place. Sylvanas and Nathanos, who were fighting back to back against the armor, took their shots. Sylvanas drove her blades into the armor, and magic scintillated around her as she ordered her Farstriders to fire. Mist materialized into Alleria, who unleashed an arrow right through the center of the construct’s helm. Turalyon jumped off a nearby cliff, his broken blade glimmering with Light, driven into the chest of the armor.

Remnii conjured a [Crown of Stars] and hurled the motes at various enemies as she charged through the throng of battle. The crusaders retaliated with their own holy fire, but T’uure bathed her in light as her own radiance protected her. One of the crusaders threw their weapon down in surrender, and another was swiftly knocked out by Benjamin Warde.

Belmont and the mage-hunters swiftly took out several mages with expert precision. Orcs bellowed a warcry as the Warsong started to storm the barricades. Garona deftly ran around the battlefield, using poison to knock people out.

Elissa reared back on Daisy as she raised her ring in the air and brought shooting stars raining down on her enemies. Running, on foot, beside her was Morra Starbreeze, who was launching various spells at any others that Elissa missed. One of the Scarlet Crusaders tried to trip Daisy up with a bola, but she leaped over the bola and landed perfectly, free of the restraint.

They saw a half dozen Finnalls take to the field as she used her mirages to fend off crusaders. Theo’remar backed her up with fire, and he looked warily up in the sky. An ear-piercing screech could be heard overhead, and hundreds upon thousands of bats and ravens filled the sky and started to pour into the monastery. They could see Kael’thas diving through the sky, which was blackened with the creatures of the night. Al’ar released streams of fire over one corner of the field.

At that moment, holy radiance spilled over the battlefield and blasted them with holy light that the group grit their teeth and charged through. A radiant winged form floated in the air in front of them: a guardian of faith that had been summoned in front of the bridge to the monastery. The entrance to the grand vestibule was less than 200 feet away.

Before them were scores of soldiers, prepared to stop them. On the other side of the guardian of the faith, before the fountain, was none other than the Ashbringer. He pointed his blade toward them.

Ashbringer says: Prince Uther Menethil. Lay down your weapon. We can give you the help you need. No more blood need be shed this day.
Uther Menethil says: Arator, please… I’m sorry. I’m sorry we weren’t here for you. This… I understand why you made this choice, but we’re here. We have each other again. This hatred… this isn’t you. It’s never been you.

The Ashbringer’s grip tightened on his blade. There was a moment of hesitation.

Ashbringer says: Take them alive. The vampyr’s corruption has borne deep, but they may still be saved.

From the crowd of soldiers, a half-elf woman with a brilliant shield stepped forward. Several others also stepped from the crowd. A paladin with a winged helmet and called to Uther they would save him from himself. A weapon master stepped forward, as well as a woman with two short blades. There was a large broad-shouldered stromic man with six different swords on his person. On the balcony was an older gentleman with a warpriest’s garb called for a swift conclusion to the conflict, and a dwarf with bright red hair and a crimson helmet.

Above all of them was the champion that had executed Taelan Fordring, Gorehowl hefted on his shoulder. The rest of the group’s allies surged forward to fend off the grunts as the part itself took on the champions of the Scarlet Crusade. (Harlan, Harthal Truesight, Holla Sunshield, Valea Twinblades, Orman, Dorgar Stoenbrow, Herod, Ferren Marcus)

In addition, Gil and Seria saw a woman and a man hiding in the bushes (Yana Bloodspear and Invar One-Arm), and Seria caught sight of an elven archer (Fellari Swiftarrow) on the parapet in the distance.

Uther’s weapon and shield shone with holy radiance. Seria roared and charged toward the guardian of faith. A blast of radiant energy swept over her, and she opted to focus on keeping the guardian of faith trained on her. She soaked two hits, and the magic dissipated. She then focused her sights on the Ashbringer.

However, at the last second Hight Protector Holla Sunshield pushed Arator away, taking the attack instead. Holla moved forward and swung her mace up at Seria and tried to shield bash her away.

At that moment, Motah Tallhorn dropped in on High Abbot Ferren Marcus from Vaelastrasz’s back. The High Abbot was pinned down by Motah, who tried to assure him that he wasn’t trying to hurt him, but it was in a language the abbot didn’t understand. He struggled, but was unable to break free.

Armsmaster Harlan charged at the giant bear and pushed her off Holla and the Ashbringer. Yana Bloodspear attempted to ambush Seria, but Seria had seen her coming. Yana drove her spear into the ground and spun around it, kicking Seria in the side with the blades on her boots. She then jumped away from the bear. Valea Twinblades followed up on the attack with her twin blades. She kicked up into the air and grabbed a pouch that she threw in Seria’s face. There was a burst of powder that started to itch at Seria’s eyes, but she shook her head and cleared the powder away. Valea scowled as she landed two ineffective strikes and then backed off.

Fellari Swiftarrow took aim, and an arrow slammed into Seria’s side–dazing her.

The Ashbringer took a step forward, and his armor glowed with a bright golden light. The air around him started to glow. He then started to pick up speed as he headed right for Uther. He leaped into the air.

Ashbringer says: Fear not! I can help you!

He brought his sword down, and Uther brought his shield up to block it. He shoved the shield aside, and then struck again, Uther raising his axe to meet the second strike. Holy magic pulsed through the pair of them as the Ashbringer pushed more holy radiance into his weapon.

Uther Menethil says: Arator, stop this! Listen to me! Listen to my voice! Vel hasn’t done anything to me, she didn’t even try! And she didn’t do anything to you other than try to be there for you in the way she could! We are not your enemies!

The holy fire washed over Uther, and he felt a searing pain as the blade exploded in furious light. He threw himself in the way of the cone of light, and he felt himself burning in the holy radiance of Ashbringer.

Uther Menethil says: This isn’t why we joined the Silver Hand! It wasn’t to hunt people or hurt people, it was to save them! It was to protect them!

As the Ashbringer looked up at Uther, he lowered his weapon a bit and took a step back. His grip loosened, and as the holy radiance dissipated, he still felt the pain searing him. He felt a sting on his face, but he barely noticed. However, as Gil looked up at Uther, he saw the mark that was left from the act of sacrifice.

Elissa looked over and gasped, and Remnii called out in concern, as a burn scar covered one of Uther’s eyes, leaving one brilliantly gold.

Uther Menethil says: I don’t care what you do to me, I don’t care what it takes. A day. A month. Burn me for a year, I’m not going to hurt you and I’m not going to let you hurt anyone else!

Uther could see the doubt creeping into Arator’s conviction.