[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Seven

Appearing Characters: Altruis Shadowsong, Aramar Thorne, Arthak Saurfang, Bakaz, Gramgun Laughingeye, Illysanna Ravencrest, Ivee, Jace Darkweaver, Leasan, Levia Blackflight, Murky, Nethrandamus, Nyxxa Murkthorn, Rak'Symma, Runas, Shinfel Blightsworn, Sol'chi, Vaerux, Vaesara, Velameestra Windrunner (Simulacrum), Yayo'jin, Zar'Kaa

November 30th

Early the next morning, as everyone was getting things ready for the journey ahead, Zar’Kaa gathered the warband together to inform them of the dream that happened with Gul’dan and the fact he had cut ties with the warlock.

Nyxxa exhaled in relief, but asked what led to the decision.

Zar’Kaa explained he had gained power and knowledge from Gul’dan, along with a confidant, but he had realized that in doing so he lost the trust of everyone he was allied with. He had also lost his title because of it. He had ultimately decided that what he gained couldn’t compensate for what he lost, and he simply couldn’t go forward with everyone waiting for him to do the next wrong thing.

Nyxxa offered her condolences for how things panned out, but Zar’Kaa shook his head and said he didn’t need her pity, even if he appreciated the sentiment. At the end of the day, he had dug his own hole. He just wanted to inform everyone that those ties were cut.

Nyxxa nodded and said she was there to listen if he ever needed to talk, and Zar’Kaa said he knew. Sol thanked Zar’Kaa for telling them, and for cutting those ties, as it put less strain on what could be shared. Plus it was a step in going forward, and that was always a good thing.

Later on, Zar’Kaa met with Illysanna, who was watching the training for the morning with Nyxxa. They exchanged pleasantries, and Zar’Kaa said he had a few last matters of business, including something he wanted to inform her of.

Zar'Kaa says: To make it brief, during our time in Highmountain, after we arrived, I was contacted by Gul’dan. He offered to teach me the ways of the fel and said that I had unrealized potential, that my allies were going to hold me back. He was convincing. I knew he had an angle, and I wanted to find out what that was, but I was also allured by his offer of power and knowledge. So after he contacted me the first time, I reached out to him again, and I began learning the ways of the fel. I thought I could glean useful information. Something that could help us turn the tide. While that could have borne fruit in time, I ended up doing more damage than I anticipated, so last night I ended that arrangement.
Illysanna Ravencrest says: I’m glad to hear it.
Zar'Kaa says: That being said, now you know. If this changes things for you going forward, I only wish to know how so. I made my choice, I’m willing to live with the consequences.

Illysanna glanced at Nyxxa and asked her what she thought, as she had already known. Nyxxa nodded. Illysanna asked if any further punishment was needed, or if Zar’Kaa was on a better path, and Nyxxa said she didn’t think further action was needed.

Illysanna Ravencrest says: Were I to be honest to you, Zar’Kaa, you would have been expelled from the hold shortly after you arrived. It’s only by the grace of dear Nyxxa you’re still here. I trust her judgment, and by her judgment have you and everyone been given opportunity to coexist, mistakes and all. If I were to be honest, you’re a complete and utter fool. The fact you believed you could play Gul’dan, who has deceived two entire worlds, is a ludicrous concept. But it is one I believe you have learned a lesson from, and that is worthwhile. And now that you no longer need to worry about leadership, you can focus on cultivating this seed from your arrangement with Gul’dan, as well as your other projects. One I believe you are much more suited toward than leadership.

Zar’Kaa grimaced.

Zar'Kaa says: Maybe for now. But you are correct. There is more I can do now, even if that’s not… leading the crew. What we’re up against is more important than what I have going on, and that’s… where my focus will be for now. And perhaps it won’t be the last time I foolishly aim too high… but at the very least, i won’t do it at the expense of my allies.
Illysanna Ravencrest says: See that you don’t. I understand you’ve also been showing an interest in the circumstances surrounding the waned, and their condition involving the Red Mist.
Zar'Kaa says: I have.
Illysanna Ravencrest says: May I ask what that interest is?
Zar'Kaa says: It began as one that was more academic, I suppose. I wanted to learn more about the Horde for myself and my people’s sake, and this seemed to be a point in their history. I began looking into it more given my background in medicine. As time has gone on, that interest has deepened. While I’ve been considering the possibility of what else we could learn about this Mist, and if we were to learn more, could we do something about the harm it caused. That’s an uncertain prospect, to say the least. I mean hell, I don’t know about the pathogen. But the knowledge I have gleaned from Gul’dan is useful, there’s no doubt about that. I’m willing to see where it leads. As for the Nightfallen, I’m curious to see if this applies to them as well. Once they cross the threshold to become withered, do they have the route to become cured. But if they cannot, I have to wonder what would happen if the Legion has to deal with them instead.
Illysanna Ravencrest says: As you might know, one of Nyxxa’s responsibilities is also to be looking into this. So it goes without saying, she’ll be looking into it. But I would also like to point out your path will cross that of the Reliquary expedition as well. You understand this, yes?

Zar’Kaa nodded with some level of chagrin.

Zar'Kaa says: Yes. I have considered that.
Illysanna Ravencrest says: Then you’ve also considered that you will need to work with Miss Windrunner on this project. I want to make something clear. The rules that have been established for this Legionfall are not to be used to push personal agendas. Are not to be used to pressure others. To force them toward personal or political agendas. I don’t know if that’s your goal, and frankly I don’t want you to tell me, because regardless, I’m not certain I’d believe you. But what I need from you is to ensure your goals, regardless of what they are, neither use the Illidari or Legionfall, nor cause more problems for us. Your personal interest in the Red Mist is all well and good, but you’re going to need to deal with the elves. The Waned is an affliction plaguing them, and right now their representative is Magistrix Goldensword. Considering Velameestra’s authority, you understand where I’m going with this. And that’s not even to speak to her personal grievances with the rest of the Horde as well.
Zar'Kaa says: I understand what you’re getting at, but I appreciate you spelling it out so clearly. How would you recommend I proceed?

Illysanna grinned.

Illysanna Ravencrest says: Do you want my honest opinion?
Zar'Kaa says: I do.
Illysanna Ravencrest says: Then you should get over it. Whatever issues you have with Velameestra, weigh them against your desire. You can’t have both of them. So if you hold a grudge against her for whatever reason it is? You’d best let go of it unless you’d prefer to let go of your interest. You can’t keep both.

Zar’Kaa breathed deeply, but nodded.

Zar'Kaa says: …alright. I don’t exactly know where to begin, but I will do something to begin… undoing the mess I caused.
Illysanna Ravencrest says: Wonderful. Then I’ll leave you to it.
Zar'Kaa says: Very good. Thank you for hearing me out.
Illysanna Ravencrest says: And thank you for sharing it.

Zar’Kaa extended a hand, and Illysanna returned it before looking at Nyxxa with a nod and a smile. As they walked away, Zar’Kaa thanked Nyxxa for having his back, even though he hadn’t merited it. Nyxxa said she had said before mistakes were inevitable, but it was important to let people learn from them, and she believed he had.

Zar’Kaa and Nyxxa went to go speak with Shinfel at her workshop, and as he entered he saw Shinfel, Runas, who was packing up things, Velameestra, who was also packing up things, and another figure, who was a green succubus and Shinfel’s assistant, Vaesara, who was wearing dark nurse attire. She was chatting away happily to Shinfel and Vel to some things that had occurred recently.

Shinfel turned as Zar’Kaa entered and greeted him.

Shinfel Blightsworn says: Congratulations on all the success you saw in Highmountain, I heard you stopped the world from crumbling. That’s very good.
Zar'Kaa says: Well, not me alone. I did ride on a giant worm. That was part of my contribution, but no, some of the others were a bigger help in that regard. But good to see you again too.

Zar’Kaa looked at Runas and said it was good to see him again too.

Runas says: I’ve been trying to be as big of a help as I could be around here!
Zar'Kaa says: Yeah, I’m sure you have.

He then looked at Vel, a tepid look on his face.

Zar'Kaa says: Velameestra.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Zar’Kaa.

Then he looked at the succubus and expressed he didn’t think they met, and Vaesara confirmed she hadn’t had the chance to have him as a patient yet. Zar’Kaa confirmed, and said he was a doctor himself, so he could patch up his own wounds.

Vaesara says: A shame!
Zar'Kaa says: …why is that a shame?
Vaesara says: Means there’s one less person I can patch up!
Zar'Kaa says: …I guess it’s nice to be helpful.
Vaesara says: If you ever have an especially bad injury, I can help you!
Zar'Kaa says: I see. As long as I don’t become an… experiment.
Shinfel Blightsworn says: She can be quite enthusiastic about experiments.
Vaesara says: But only if you want to be one! I can be convincing.
Zar'Kaa says: I’ll pass. But Shinfel, there's something I wanted to talk to you about what we talked about before.

Zar’Kaa handed over the notes on the Red Mist, and Zar’Kaa explained it was mostly theoretical, but there were possible origins she didn’t have in her notes. Shinfel confirmed, as her previous orcish associate didn’t know much about the Red Mist, but it was all very interesting.

Shinfel Blightsworn says: It just so happens we have a number of arakkoa that seem to have succumbed to the same curse right here in the Hold. Perhaps they’ll be willing to let me take a sample or two. I have already made some friends among them. Perhaps we can swap some secrets.

Zar’Kaa looked a tad uneasy. Vel had casually taken the notes from Shinfel after the other elf was done to take a look at them herself.

Zar'Kaa says: Yeah, um… in any case. Yeah. They might know plenty more about this curse of Sethe. And well, getting a sense of what caused the curse might be useful data. I’ll leave them with you. Feel free to share them with the Reliquary or anyone else that was interested.

Vel just looked at Zar’Kaa deadpan over the paper she was already reading.

Shinfel Blightsworn says: I was going to probably do that anyway, but that’s good you aren’t going to get mad at me. You promise you won’t get mad?

Shinfel smiled at him.

Zar'Kaa says: Um. Yeah. I won’t get mad.
Vaesara says: I wonder what Needle has to say about this. The way he handles a scalpel is inspirational!
Zar'Kaa says: But um, yeah, it’s best to share this around.
Shinfel Blightsworn says: Indeed. In the meanwhile, our tests with Runas have been quite enlightening.
Vaesara says: And he’s been such a good little patient, hasn’t he!
Runas says: Oh, um, yes! Absolutely!

Vaesara pinched Runas’s cheek. Zar’Kaa leaned over to Runas and asked if they cut him open.

Velameestra Windrunner says: …We don’t do vivisections, Zar’Kaa.
Vaesara says: Unless you want one!

Vaesara jokingly reached for a bonesaw. Zar’Kaa said he’d be interested in seeing the notes they had taken. Zar’kaa mused about catching one of the withered elves to bring them back so they could potentially looked at them closer, and Sol happened to pop in and said they could always teleport one into a cage, if they had one.

However, there was the matter of actually acquiring a cage that was portable and could hold one. Zar’Kaa asked how long the vortex warp spell Sol suggested would hold, and Velameestra said it was instantaneous translocation, so ultimately they wouldn’t revert back to their original position. She suggested the possibility of utilizing a demiplane, which Sol said he was capable of.

Though at the end of the day they needed to find the withered first.

Runas says: On that note, actually, I was curious about something. I heard that you were going back to my old stomping grounds! Hahaha! Out towards Suramar! And! And, and I also heard that the shield protecting the city is back down. So I was wondering, maybe, if you all–
Zar'Kaa says: You can come with us.
Runas says: Excellent! I promise I won’t slow you down. I can be a guide! Have friends in the city!
Zar'Kaa says: I was thinking about this too. You know the area. If and when we might have to infiltrate the city, you’re going to know how to do it.
Runas says: I would certainly make myself at your disposal! If that’s okay?

He looked a Nyxxa.

Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I’d like you to inform us of what you need before we leave.
Runas says: Right! I need magic. Just magic every now and then. We’ve luckily had a few supplements here. The Waned also require it, though it seems to be a lesser degree. Lady Goldensword was terribly generous in sharing some of their resources. I will just need that. And there are mana crystals all over that we can collect from time to time! I will try to be as little of a burden as possible.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I just want to make sure you’re okay.
Sol'chi says: Yeah, if you need mana, I can sometimes give you some at the end of the day, depending on if we get into rough circumstances. But Runas, I need you to tell us. Do you want to go there for any other reason? Anything that would pop up that would derail our mission?
Runas says: I honestly just… miss it. I’ve been an exile for… a very long time. I miss being able to sleep in a bed, and I miss being useful… and I miss some of my old friends. And now I hear there’s a commotion going on there, and I guess if I… I guess I was hoping to maybe make myself useful so I could… not be an exile anymore.
Sol'chi says: That makes sense.

Zar’Kaa was pretty sure he wasn’t telling the whole truth, but Nyxxa was certain that what he did have to say was not a lie.

Zar'Kaa says: We’re not going to make you go along, Runas, but it seems like your mind is made up, and it sounds like you have some objectives in mind. Which is good.
Runas says: My objectives are your objectives! And look, I already packed my things! Just in case…
Sol'chi says: If we’re there in Suramar, I think one of our objectives is to get a sample of this arcwine to figure out what they’re ingesting.
Runas says: That would be amazing! For scientific reasons, of course.
Sol'chi says: And I think getting some for you to help stabilize your condition would be good.
Runas says: Yes! And I know how to dodge the withered! I’ve been doing it for like 30 years now! And if we run into any other nightfallen I can teach them how to survive!
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I think we’re convinced. We need to speak with the rest of the group, but I don’t think they’ll have issues.
Runas says: Yes, of course, lead the way!

Nyxxa also updated Sol, Levia, and Jace about the Nesslyn situation, and Nyxxa asked Sol if he knew anything about getting a succubus out of a coven. Sayaad kept their secrets close at hand, and he wasn’t sure what the Coven of Bones would do, but he did expect that the connection with the coven would need to be broken by either the demon the connection was with, or with a more powerful demon, but it may potentially work differently with sayaad.

Nyxxa said she also wanted to reach out to Spinyl specifically because of the information she likely had about covens from the perspective of a Spinyl in a coven.

Jace Darkweaver says: That’s definitely interesting! Especially if she’s willing, I have a feeling I can find a way to break that, especially with help. But the possibility of the leverage the queen has is a problem, plus her current warlock. Killing him is top priority, but we would need to make sure she isn’t just defaulted back to the Nether. If her coven finds out her warlock is dead, she could be summoned back, and then she’d be outside our reach. You’d have to be quick. We need to make sure we can do these things at the same time, ideally.

Nyxxa asked if Jace could bind demons, and Jace confirmed. It was normally for shorter periods of time, but he could theoretically make it for something more long term. However he wanted to make sure Nesslyn knew he didn’t want to force her to do anything, but he could make sure such a device was ready before they got Nesslyn’s hopes up.

Levia said she could also likely bind Nesslyn as well, if needed, but she was all for sticking it to Runesight.

When they headed back, they ran into Velameestra with Runas, as well as Aramar. Aramar had Murky with him so Nyxxa could say bye to Murky as well.

Aramar Thorne says: Oh! Hey! Nyxxa! I wanted to talk to you real quick. Oh yeah, also–

He handed Murky over so Nyxxa could bounce him on his lap.

Aramar Thorne says: I was talking to some of the people who went out with you guys, and I heard the name Malus come up.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: That was the name you heard, right Sol?
Sol'chi says: I believe so, yes. Captain Malus.

Aramar grit his teeth and his fists.

Aramar Thorne says: Of course that son of a bitch is here.
Sol'chi says: Old friend?
Aramar Thorne says: Far from it? We crossed blades on Kalimdor. When I was traveling with Vel, actually.
Velameestra Windrunner says: He was working with a dreadlord.
Aramar Thorne says: Yeah, and I think he was working with more than one. But he has a crew he calls the Hidden. If it comes down to it, well, it seems your path is going to cross with his. And I want to be there if I can when you have to take him down. He’s my uncle.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Oh.
Aramar Thorne says: Yeah. I didn’t even know I had an uncle! So you don’t have to feel bad.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: As long as you are okay with fighting alongside demons and orcs…
Sol'chi says: Why was he chasing you?

Aramar reached down to his belt and withdrew the hilt of a sword. It didn’t have a blade. He flipped it in his hand effortlessly, but as he held it out, a blade of crystalized light materialized.

Aramar Thorne says: He’s looking for this.
Arthak Saurfang says: What is that?

Nyxxa translated.

Aramar Thorne says: The Diamondblade. My old man used to wield it. Now it’s in my hands. Malus’s real name is Silverlain Thorne. I don’t know if that’ll help you, but if you could be a thorn in his side, that would be great. I know it’s linked to this too.

He held up a compass with a matching crystal.

Arthak Saurfang says: Can I look at this?

Aramar hesitated, but then nodded and handed it over. As soon as Arthak’s eyes fell on the shard of crystal, he was gone, floating in a black, endless space. Everything he saw before him was a massive, bright light that consumed his entire field of vision. He felt a presence commune with him in that moment, and as his eyes adjusted, he felt infinitely small. It was the largest naaru he had seen in his entire life. Its voice, like a chorus of light, chimes, and sound, spoke his name. But then he opened his eye again and staggered back.

Arthak Saurfang says: Do you know what that is made of?
Aramar Thorne says: It’s a naaru, I think. I talked with Remnii and her old man about it a lot. She recognized it.
Arthak Saurfang says: Not a normal naaru.
Aramar Thorne says: I got the sense of that.
Arthak Saurfang says: I can see why your uncle wants that.
Aramar Thorne says: Yeah, and my father is connected somehow. I don’t really know. All I know is I’m pretty sure the Legion has him. Don’t know if I can do much about that now, but in the meantime, I can ensure Malus doesn’t get what he’s after. So I have a feeling he went after Greydon for these. Regardless, what I’m trying to say, if he causes trouble for all you, well, I make pretty good bait.
Arthak Saurfang says: Noted. How well do you know how to use that?
Aramar Thorne says: I’ve been practicing. And it definitely helps… I’ve had weird visions and they’ve given me some strange powers. I think they’re connected, and I got a handle on it. Plus last time I kicked Malus’s ass I guess.
Velameestra Windrunner says: He saved my life last time. He’s being humble.
Aramar Thorne says: Yeah…

The warband thanked him for sharing, and Sol thanked Aramar for getting to know his little brother as well. Aramar expressed he wasn’t sure he could beat Murky anymore with how much he’d been practicing his blade.

Arthak Saurfang says: …Murky has been practicing the blade?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Yup!
Arthak Saurfang says: …I see.
Murky says [nerglish]: I’m going to be a hero someday!
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: He’s been watching you train quite intently at points, Arthak.
Murky says [nerglish]: Murky go big!
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: He wants to go big.
Arthak Saurfang says: When you’re older.

Nyxxa smooched Murky on his head. Arthak looked over to Aramar.

Arthak Saurfang says: At a later point, I’d be interested to see what you can do.
Aramar Thorne says: Yeah, sure, I guess we can train a bit.

Aramar looked at how large Arthak was, and put on a brave face. Sol expressed if they found out anything else about Malus, they’d let him know. Nyxxa advised him to speak with the Illidari to make sure he wasn’t be scryed on.

Arthak asked what the compass pointed towards, and Aramar explained it pointed toward other light things. It had pointed at other naaru, powerful practitioners of magic, and it had gone a bit haywire. Sometimes it pointed at the diamond blade, other times it pointed at people, but it was generally unreliable. Aramar said that Telagos was friends with Greydon and was watching over the blade for a bit, and originally it was in a bunch of pieces, but Greydon had used the compass to find the pieces.

Sol asked if anyone had used divining magics on the blade, such as Legend Lore, and Aramar said they hadn’t yet, but he had a sketch of what he was pretty sure was the naaru the blade was connected to. He produced the image of a ship, and the figurehead was the naaru Arthak had seen in his vision.

Aramar Thorne says: Remnii’s old man, Velen, said it was called a prime naaru named Xe’ra. So apparently it’s a big deal. I’m not surprised he’s looking for it. I figure, if you’re friends with Remnii, I don’t mind sharing this, especially if you’re crossing blades with Malus.

Arthak commented the sketches were nice, and Aramar thanked him. He said it was a hobby of his. Arthak wordlessly passed over a notebook to show Aramar his own sketches. Aramar admitted he didn’t know orcs sketched things. Arthak countered he didn’t know humans did.

Aramar then took Murky and bid farewell.

Meanwhile, Zar’Kaa had gone to the Amani, who were watching him as he entered the camp. He approached Yayo’jin first, assuming she had some kind of authority as a witch doctor. She looked up and cocked her head to the side, wondering what he was doing there as it was odd to see him there.

Zar’Kaa looked around at the Amani, and Yayo’jin asked if he needed reagents, as the wilds were quite abundant. Zar’Kaa told her they were well off for the time being.

He explained that he had held a lot of hatred and spite toward the Amani for a long time, and a lot of those feelings were still there, but recently he had been open to other insights, and he had considered maybe it was worth spending some time with the Amani to broaden his own horizons to see if his contempt was misguided.

Yayo'jin says: There is an abundance of hatred in this world, Zar’Kaa. Plenty for one another in one’s own tribe, let alone those beyond. There are Amani tribes that despise one another, in addition to those from other parts of the Zandali. But recognizing that, I suppose, is a good first step. We are people. Like any other. We are different from you, but we are a people nonetheless. One that is different, always different, even your Darkspear is different. And those of you within the Darkspear are different. It’s all about differences, and it’s up to you to determine if those differences breed hatred or opportunity. So if you seek opportunity, I won’t stop you. You are welcome to learn about us, as we are on the same side for the time being.
Zar'Kaa says: For the time being, and for the first time in a long time we are not fighting a war against one another.
Yayo'jin says: Well. There have been a lot of wars. Our tribes have been on either side of that war. It may happen again, who is to say. After all, Bakaz has his own agenda for what our tribe will become. We will see what the elder thinks when the time comes, but until then I see the merit in what he does, so perhaps one day we will join this Horde, or perhaps we will not. I do not know. And I don’t know what will happen with your tribe. Regardless, there will be differences.
Zar'Kaa says: There will be. My people, as you may know, were scattered for a long time. Still are scattered. And that separation has created many wounds. I’m a doctor. Healing wounds is one of my purposes. And in that spirit, I wish to ensure that now they have begun to come together again, that they aren’t doing so to prepare for the next war. This isn’t me extending an olive branch, but in this moment right now, I think I have something more to gain from not just looking at another tribe as an enemy.
Yayo'jin says: Seems you’ve taken the first step toward healing yourself, Zar’Kaa.

Zar’Kaa shrugged.

Yayo'jin says: You have never been my enemy. Nor do I believe you’ve been the enemy of many of those who walk here. I know that you and your companions will be leaving shortly, but you are welcome here. Learn. Heal. Make an opportunity.

Zar’Kaa nodded and glanced over where he saw Bakaz, but he opted to mingle with some of the Amani and talk to them. A lot of them were surprised as many of them had seen Zar’Kaa blow up at Bakaz in the past.

As the group gathered up, Velameestra informed them that, in the interest of transparency, she was a simulacrum thus was not capable of the magics her primary would have been able to, but she was still an adept ritualist and could defend herself as needed. Levia said if a fight broke out, Vel could just stand behind her, and she’ll protect her.

Rak’Symma also mentioned that she admittedly didn’t know the harpies they were going to touch base with, but the fact they didn’t join the Crawliac meant something. However she expected them to be wary, and she advised them to be as non-threatening as possible.

Rak’Symma found an appropriate tree outside the Hold, and she used [Transport via Plants] to open up a pathway to the northern edge of Suramar. Many of the trees had lost their leaves, and those that still clung to them had beautiful autumnal colors.

They saw a massive, highborne ruin stronghold that was built into the side of the waterfall system, and below them was the expanse of Suramar.

As they started to head towards Cliffclutch Roost, Rak’Symma then used [Wind Walk] to carry them the rest of the way. Sol took the opportunity to talk to Vel about her dietary needs, and also offered to let her use his wand of arcane missile for the time being given her magic was restricted. Vel thanked him and assured him she would return it to him in pristine condition.

Nyxxa, meanwhile, was giving Gramgun pointers on how to handle the cloud form, as he was very overwhelmed by the experience. Nethrandamus and Altruis were just enjoying the experience. Nethrandamus thanked Symma for the experience as it was really fun.

Symma knew what to look for when it came to harpy territory. They flew over a Highmountain settlement, and soared over the beautiful waterfalls. Zar’Kaa asked Nyxxa how many nighborne lived in the area, and Nyxxa admitted she didn’t know. Runas spoke up and admitted he didn’t know either as he grew up in Suramar. Vaerux, in Nyxxa’s head, said they were all over the place, as Suramar had settlements all over the place.

Zar’Kaa mused that it was amazing to see how much nature had taken over the ruins in the end. Sol noted that the stronghold built into the waterfall seemed to be past its prime, but it was in a condition that was still surprising for how good it looked. It could have theoretically been maintained over the years.

Vaerux admitted he knew the Moon Guard was a big deal back in the day. They were effectively a magic task force that served the empire, but they also sided with the Resistance in the end. Theoretically, there was something there they wanted to protect, or someone was still using it as a base of operations. Nyxxa suggested that kaldorei probably were present in the area and they may have simply used it.

The last thing they saw before arriving in the area of the Cliffclutch Roost was a large plateau in front of the Moon Guard stronghold. There appeared to be an old path there, though it was worn by time, and there were ancient torches that appeared to be somewhat maintained. Nyxxa also noted a Shrine of Elune at the top.

Nyxxa stopped for a moment to look down at it before continuing on. She almost heard a feeling in her mind, as if it was a whisper. But it was a good feeling, like a draw to the shrine. Rak’Symma wheeled around, concerned something was wrong with the magic, but Nyxxa explained she felt called there. The group agreed to allow her a moment to stop, and Nyxxa thanked them before floating downward. Arthak followed her.

There appeared to be water in the moonwell there, and she transformed back and approached the basin. She saw herself in the reflection, but it was more clear than she had seen herself normally. But she also noticed something else: the image was cracked. Seams split across her face like ancient, deep, old scars, but they had also been filled with brilliant, beautiful, radiant light. She reached out to touch the water, and the ripple caused the reflection to blur. She saw the light from the cracks wash over all of it, but she couldn’t understand what it meant beyond the fact it was her, but also not.

She heard the whisper again. This time she heard two words: Keep going. Nyxxa assured the voice she would, then clasped her hands in prayer and thanks for whatever force guided her there. She had started to cry softly, her tears falling into the well. She bowed and turned back to those who had followed.

Altruis asked her if everything was alright, and Nyxxa beamed as she explained she was given a sign, and he believed it had been Elune. Altruis smiled and hugged her. Levia suggested she could ask one of the priestesses about it, and Arthak asked if it felt like Elune, but Nyxxa was unsure what Elune felt like anymore. However, she felt safe and good.

Arthak put his hand to the ground in the shrine, but he didn’t get any sort of vision.

Rak’Symma had busied herself cleaning some parts of the shrine of dust and the like with some gusts of wind. A stick was blown out from under the cobwebs, and her attention was drawn to it. She approached the stick, and it seemed to have some thorn-shaped abscesses with a globule of sap. She had a feeling that she should hold on to the stick, as her mind was then drawn toward the Cliffclutch Roost. She felt as if it would be useful when dealing with them.

They took back off into the sky to cover the last bit of distance. They started to see fetishes made by harpies, and Symma noted that they all used sticks made from the same bramble as the one she had found. They landed again on the outskirts and transitioned back to their humanoid forms.

Rak’Symma released a greeting call. The rest of the group heard a reverb in her voice that they had never picked up before, as if the wind itself carried it further than her own vocal chords and magic. Harpies immediately emerged to watch and listen, and a few moments later she heard a response call that said: Watch your step, in a welcoming sense.

Symma told the rest of the party to mind themselves, and they started to enter further into the territory. They saw all sorts of toxic plants, including an abundance of the sap-covered black sticks. They were woven into most of the harpy domiciles as well.

At the center of the territory was a large nest made of cliff thorn. Many of the harpies were perched on the branches, and others had the sticks in their mouths chewing on them. Inside the nest was hemp made of poison ivy and poison oak all sewn into a lounge area. A collection of harpies were looming around the area, waiting.

At the center was a dark-skinned harpy with dark feathers that had red on them. Several of them were also wearing red bandanas on their heads or forearms. She was leaning back and had one of the sticks in her mouth.

Harpy Matriarch says: You must be Rak’Symma.
Rak'Symma says: Matriarch Leasan.
Leasan says: I was wondering when you’d show up, after that show up north.
Rak'Symma says: I’m glad you were spared from it.
Leasan says: Not completely. We sent some of our girls up north to placate her, but most came back. Imagine my surprise.
Rak'Symma says: I apologize, had I know I would have sent thanks earlier.
Leasan says: Nah. But taking out the High Crawliac? Nothing to shake a stick yet.

Rak’Symma produced the stick she had found and tilted it in her claw.

Leasan says: I wasn’t aware you enjoyed cliff thorn, but I didn’t know much about you. Most harpies can’t stomach it.
Rak'Symma says: I don’t know if it’s of use to me, but it’s a gift to you.
Leasan says: You don’t say. Well that’s awfully kind of you. But now I’m curious. Go on. Give it a try.

Rak’Symma paused.

Leasan says: Come now. You took down the High Crawliac, surely a little cliff thorn doesn’t have you frightened.

Rak’Symma put the stick in her mouth, and as the sap hit her tongue, it covered her entire tongue immediately like a thick, honey sap, but it was sour and bitter. It burned. Symma wrinkled her nose, but didn’t spit the stick out. Her tongue started to go numb, but then the rest of her mouth did, and then that spread across the rest of her body and she became paralyzed as she kneeled herself down to the floor.

She announced over the telepathic bond to not put the stick in their mouths. Leasan laughed and made her way over to Rak’Symma. She squatted down next to Symma and mused it wasn’t bad for her first time. She grabbed the stick, and she slipped it into her bandolier. She then whistled, and a much smaller harpy blundered into the nest.

Diminutive Harpy says: You called boss!?
Leasan says: Ivee, if you could be so kind?

The new harpy hurried over and greeted Rak’Symma then asked if she liked sweet or sour, but then realized Symma couldn’t talk. She assumed sweet, and Ivee quickly made a quick powder pill and then popped it in Symma’s mouth. The paralysis quickly faded. Ivee announced Rak’Symma was good to go.

Leasan says: Now I have to wonder if that trick would have worked on the High Crawliac.
Rak'Symma says: I don’t think she would have given you the time of day.
Leasan says: Nah. She didn’t. So she’s gone, and you’re here.
Rak'Symma says: I am. But I did not take control of Highmountain.
Leasan says: I noticed that. The others said.
Rak'Symma says: And I don’t intend to take your lands either.
Leasan says: So what do you mean to do then?
Rak'Symma says: An introduction overdue, but I wish it was on better tidings. The Isles are in tumult. I was wondering if I could ask for your help.

Leasan laughed.

Leasan says: Slayer of the Witch-Queen. Lady Raven. Wants help from little ol’ Leasan. Well. Looks like its our lucky day, ladies.

The rest of the matriarch harpies affirmed gleefully.

Leasan says: What can I help you with, Rak’Symma?

Rak’Symma gestured for Arthak and Nyxxa to come forward.

Leasan says: I am mighty curious about all these folks. You got greenskins, a Zandali, I don’t know what you are…

She looked at Sol and Levia.

Leasan says: And even a satyr. And another one of them small elves, and one of you exiles.
Rak'Symma says: These two can explain the situation better than I can. Allow me to introduce the Warchief of the Horde, Arthak, and Master Hunter and Emissary to the Illidari, Nyxxa.

Pleasantries were exchanged, and they explained the situation on the Isles. Leasan mused the Isles were about to get a lot more exciting. Rak’Symma asked if Leasan could tell them what she had seen about some of the exiles and the strange transmission discs or Arthak’s people beyond the ones that entered the city that had appeared.

Leasan says: Well. As for this disc? Ain’t seen nothing like that. As for other greenskins, we’ve seen a handful, though none in our lands. I’m sure you noticed that steel monstrosity down by the shore. It’s outside our normal hunting grounds, but you can see it from a mile away. We saw more of your greenskins there along with many other creatures we’ve never seen before. But none around here. As for this Thalyssra? Can’t say I know. But we have seen exiles like her before. I’d be willing to have our scouts show you. Though you should know they aren’t the only ones. Since the city appeared, we’ve seen a few others different from the exiles. Different sorts of elves. Like the ones west of here, but different. They avoid the sun even more than the others. They carry strange weapons, accompanied by moving metal. They’ve been scouring the areas. Don’t know what they’re looking for.
Arthak Saurfang says: Possibly the same person we are.
Leasan says: Possibly. Possibly not.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Does that sound like anything familiar, Runas?
Runas says: Patrols maybe, but I don’t know what they would be doing this far out. They never patrolled outside the barrier before. Why would they suddenly take an interest. If Thalyssra is exiled… well it would stand to reason that maybe she wasn’t exiled.
Arthak Saurfang says: Maybe she escaped.
Runas says: Oh…
Zar'Kaa says: Then the shield came down. An indication of something going wrong.
Runas says: Certainly seems like it. I would assume these are the grand magistrix’s men. I assume the moving metal is… perhaps an arcane sentinel? If so, that’s bad news. I guess we’ll have to be careful.
Zar'Kaa says: I’m Zar’Kaa, member of the Darkspear tribe. How many did you see in these patrols?

Leasan pondered and mused it may have been a dozen or two, but there was more than one patrol. Either way, they were far from their city, but they hadn’t yet arrived in harpy territory.

Zar’Kaa said that, for now, they should avoid direct contact with the patrols. Arthak agreed that if they ran into them, there would be no survivors. Leasan then pointed at Vel and said she saw a few of her people there too. Vel confirmed that it was likely Kilnar’s group.

Leasan also said there was a hermit nearby that they had dealt with in the past, a man named Farodin, who had made encounters with another exiled holed up in place called Ambervale. Apparently the exile had cleaned Farodin out of his supply of toxins he traded for with the harpies. Zar’Kaa asked if there was anything else strange, and Leasan also snickered about how there was a strange harpy who showed up with a bunch of outsiders. Rak’Symma gave her a quick hiss to stop it.

Leasan then admitted she was curious about what Rak’Symma was up to, as she wasn’t seeking control clearly. She wanted to know what the Broken Isles looked like for harpies in the end, and Rak’Symma admitted she was working on that. She detailed the progress that Harlia and Dawn had made, as well as the amicable relationship that had been forged with the shu’halo. Symma admitted what she would like was for them to not have to worry the patrols were coming from.

Leasan says: Well I’ll be. Got ourselves a regular Proxcera here. Thing is, last time the Cliffclutch showed up when she came knocking, I became the matriarch. What makes you think you’ll do a better job? That another High Crawliac won’t come out of the woodwork and rip your guts out?
Rak'Symma says: I don’t know. But I have to try.

Zar’Kaa voiced additional anecdotes about what Rak’Symma did in Highmountain.

Leasan laughed.

Leasan says: Well. If that ain’t the most earnest answer I could have expected, I don’t know what would be.
Rak'Symma says: I’m not expecting the other flights to follow suit as swiftly as those in the Haglands. A lot of them were soft hearted and just needed to be wrested from the yoke they suffered. While the threat on the Isles is great, what the harpies have endured isn’t just because of this or figures like the Crawliac. I know it’s not going to be easy, but I have to try. Because we deserve to be treated better.
Leasan says: Well. I think I like you, Rak’Symma. You’re earnest. You don’t know what the hell you’re doing, but you’re still doing it, and I can respect gumption like that. We Cliffclutch have worked on our own for a long time, but before that we were friends with Proxcera. My mother was real tight with her. Sure, she died to it. But it sounds like you and I have both learned from the mistakes of the past.
Rak'Symma says: The one promise I can make, is that if anyone tries to rise up like the Crawliac, I will deal with them the same way I did with her.
Leasan says: I like the sound of that. But it ain’t just for me to say. What do you think ladies? Should we throw our lot in?

The other Matriarchs regarded Rak’Symma, and one said only if she tried some cliff thorn again. Two of them were eyeing up Neth and mentioned they wanted to keep the cute one. They were mostly joking, but Neth hid behind Altruis. Another one told her fellows to cut it out, but they ultimately seemed to be in on the idea.

Leasan says: Well, you heard it, Rak’Symma. Looks like you and your friends in the north have some friends in the Cliffclutch now.

Symma bowed in thanks. Leasan yanked a feather from her hair and tied a charm around it. She said it wasn’t going to work everywhere, but the more of the harpies Symma had on her side, the easier it would get, and the charm proved she had the Cliffclutch on her side.

Nyxxa explained the Legionfall organization in Val’sharah over the mountain to the west. Leasan opted to send Ivee to look into the place and see what everything was all about, and she agreed to send some of her scouts to help look for Thalyssra.