[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Eight

Appearing Characters: Arthak Saurfang, Arzeth, Bru'kan, Caria Felsoul, Gul'dan, Imacu'tya, Jubei'thos, Levia Blackflight, Marakhan, Mayla Highmountain, Mellok Bloodtotem, Nesslyn, Nyxxa Murkthorn, Rak'Symma, Shara Bloodtotem, Sol'chi, Torok Bloodtotem, Vaerux, Varedis Spellsoul, Velhari, Zar'Kaa, Zekhan

November 17th

Arzeth swooped over on his wings and grabbed both of the Eyes that were thrown on the Legion side of the field. He hurled the first Eye at Arthak, but Arthak grounded himself and grabbed the Eye, successfully getting Rak’Symma back into the game. Arzeth angrily threw the second one at Arthak, and once more, Arthak caught it.

Gul’dan looked at Arzeth angrily.

Gul'dan says: You fool!

Arzeth punched the side of a barricade and stormed back to the stands.

Arzeth says: If this was a REAL fight I would have torn your limbs from your body!

He sat down next to Jubei’thos and Velhari. As Rak’Symma re-entered the field, she once more used [Shield of Faith] over her allies.

Mayla ran forward and snatched up the Eyes. She tossed one of them to Zar’Kaa, who hurled his eye at Nesslyn after he stepped out from behind cover. The succubus managed to just barely snag the Eye, and she looked as surprised as everyone else. Velhari, Jubei’thos, and Arzeth all got to their feet and started to scuffle about who was going to go back in. Nesslyn randomly pointed, and Velhari was brought back to the field. Mayla struck her own Eye at Imacu’tya. Sol called out a [Silvery Barbs], and for a split second, Imacu’tya squinted as she suddenly saw multiple other Eyes. She pulled out her other arms to catch them, but the real Eye struck her in the gut.

Nesslyn looked around as she gripped the Eye.

Nesslyn says: Uh. Shadowmaster?

She passed the Eye to Gul’dan and then attempted to charm Zar’Kaa.

Nesslyn says: Hey you there! Sorry for catching the ball. I hope you can forgive me.

Zar’Kaa felt something worm into his mind, but then he shrugged it off.

Zar'Kaa says: You made a good catch, no worries.

Nesslyn stomped her hoof in frustration and ran back behind cover as Gul’dan strode out to Arthak. He held out his hand and chains of fel magic wrapped around Arthak as he used [Hold Person]. Arthak was able to break free right as Gul’dan hurled the Eye at him. Arthak struck the Eye toward Nesslyn, but at the last minute Nesslyn’s soothing voice redirected it toward Velhari over her cover. At the last minute, she dove to catch it, but she missed, and he was able to get her out.

Arthak looked at Gul’dan with a smile, and Gul’dan looked momentarily surprised as he realized Velhari was out, and then sneered.

Sol stepped forward and used [Arcane Hand] to pick up an Eye on the other side of the field. The Bloodtotem looked at each other and then at Torok, who shrugged, as there was no rule against it. The hand flicked the Eye like a marble at Nesslyn. It struck her in the side, and she made a loud eep, but she looked honestly relieved.

The hand turned around to the people on the bench and offered a thumbs up. The Bloodtotem laughed loudly at the display, and many of them had started to chant, stomp, and clap. Torok threw the third Eye onto the field and Gul’dan hurried to one of the Eyes and spiked it at Sol, who was able to catch the Eye. However, given Gul’dan was the last one on the field, he was not auto-out.

Nyxxa scurried out and snagged the Eye that was just thrown out, and also hurried over to Sol and took the Eye from him as well. Sol told her to wait a moment as Gul’dan moved backwards. Sol also moved backwards and used a powerful [Dispel Magic]. Gul’dan was able to [Counterspell], but Sol harnessed the remnants of the magic to cast another [Dispel Magic], which was able to strip all his buffs away. Sol then had his arcane hand swoop up the Eye, and at the same time, the hand and Nyxxa hurled the Eyes at Gul’dan.

Nyxxa Murkthorn says: This is for Gramgun!

She nailed Gul’dan in the face at the same time Sol’s hand flicked the Eye straight into Gul’dan’s back. There was a drumbeat and a horn blew to indicate the game was over. Torok stood up.

Tor: The sun had set, and a victor has been named! Mayla Highmountain and the outsiders of the Horde have been victorious!

Torok looked at Gul’dan.

Torok Bloodtotem says: But you and your demons offered a satisfactory contest. For that, the Bloodtotem are appreciative. But as was agreed, I would now ask that you leave my lands.

Gul’dan nodded. He looked a tad miffed, but he bowed.

Gul'dan says: Of course, chieftain. As promised, we would leave Torok’s Bluff. As you said, there shall be no conflict here.

The other members of the Legion stepped down to join Gul’dan as Arthak also started to approach.

Gul'dan says: It seems you’ve won this contest, Arthak.
Arthak Saurfang says: It was well-fought, Elder.

Arthak held out a hand, and then looked at Velhari.

Arthak Saurfang says: I apologize Velhari, I did not mean what I said. You do an excellent job.
Velhari says: Worry not, Warchief, I have learned to not believe anything your foul mouth spouts.

Gul’dan took Arthak’s hand with his gauntleted one. As they shook hands, Arthak felt the pulse in the back of his mind. Gul’dan’s eyes were filled with malice and hatred. The grip was tighter than would be expected from a man of his stature. With the coin from Khadgar, Nyxxa was able to identify the anchor for the geas was woven into the gauntlet.

Gul'dan says: Forgive me for taking a rain check on your offer.
Arthak Saurfang says: I understand, of course.

Gul’dan turned his back to teleport his group out. Velhari, however, moved up to Sol and grabbed the collar of Sol’s coat.

Velhari says: I don’t know who you are, or what you’re doing here, but I will discover those answers. Mark my words.

She let go and stomped away.

Sol'chi says: Next time you may want to hold me tighter! By the collar isn’t very nice.

Velhari turned back to him with a sharp smile.

Velhari says: I’ll be sure to hold you tighter than you could imagine. I wouldn’t want there to be any complaints.
Sol'chi says: It’s a date then!

Velhari narrowed her eyes, and then looked at Nyxxa, who was trying to hold back growling at the eredar.

Arthak caught Nesslyn’s eye and gave her a soft smile as Gul’dan started to cast. Arthak turned his gaze back to Gul’dan.

Arthak Saurfang says: I am sorry, Elder, for how things have played out. And I am sorry that you’re going to lose.
Gul'dan says: We will see, Arthak. We will see.

Zar’Kaa nodded at Gul’dan and then winked at Arzeth, who sneered with a growl.

Sol'chi says: Don’t worry Arzeth, we’ll tell Azgadaan all about it.
Arzeth says: So. You ARE in collaboration with him! You fool!
Sol'chi says: Yeah. Definitely gonna tell him about this. You aren’t a very good loser, are you? But I’m not a very good winner.
Arzeth says: I’ll make sure you don’t talk so big next time. Maybe I’ll take you from him next.
Sol'chi says: You can try.

Nesslyn spoke telepathically to the group.

Nesslyn says [telepathically]: Sorry for this. Thank you for being kind. I appreciate it, despite situations being complicated.

Arthak nodded again as Gul’dan smiled at Zar’Kaa and then nodded. Rak’Symma had headed over to Mayla as the Legion group teleported away.

Torok Bloodtotem says: It seems you were victorious, Mayla Highmountain and outsiders.
Zar'Kaa says: We are the stronger side.
Torok Bloodtotem says: I am pleasantly surprised. You’ve done well, and as I had promised, Bloodtotem will stand with Highmountain and recognize you as High Chieftain, Mayla.

Rak’Symma looked up at Torok.

Rak'Symma says: And you only recognize her now?

Torok cocked his head to the side.

Torok Bloodtotem says: As indicated by the challenge. I initiated a contest, and she rose to it.
Rak'Symma says: You only vie for the safety of your own people and not those who stand beside you.
Torok Bloodtotem says: What do you mean by that?
Rak'Symma says: The parting words. Gul’dan ensured your Bluff would be safe, not all of Highmountain.
Torok Bloodtotem says: I’m well aware. Do you think I would not expect someone like Gul’dan would not retaliate. I’m doing what I can to see what that retaliation is.

Many of the braves and shamans had left.

Arthak Saurfang says: A dangerous gambit, chieftain.
Torok Bloodtotem says: Not as dangerous as openly defying Gul’dan when he first arrived.
Arthak Saurfang says: No disagreement there.

At that moment, a group of Flameseers led by Shara Bloodtotem returned.

Shara Bloodtotem says: Torok! It’s as we expected.

The flameseers manifested a fiery magic to rend open images like a scrying censor. There was smoke over the highlands. It switched views, and there were sights of demons and orcs involved in skirmishes with the Bloodtotem in their lands, and then to Bloodtotem itself, which was the city by the sea. Large clusters of meteors were careening from the sky and slamming into the buildings and mountainside.

Torok Bloodtotem says: I expected retribution, but not this swiftly… that is Bloodtotem. It is 100 miles from here. We can make to reinforce them… they have a standing army. My son, Mellok, is in charge of the braves there…

Torok and Shara exchanged looked.

Shara Bloodtotem says: I can do what I can to get there as swiftly as possible.
Zar'Kaa says: We’ll help in any way we can.

Torok looked at Zar’Kaa and furrowed his brow, then looked at Mayla.

Mayla Highmountain says: You are Highmountain, Bloodtotem. We are not finished speaking, but your people are our people.

Mayla looked at the warband.

Mayla Highmountain says: You have done great feats of mysticism. Can you get us there more swiftly?

Rak’Symma said that she could get everyone there, and they broke for the medium armor wearers to put their armor back on and for Symma to find an adequate tree. Torok and Shara joined the group. Arthak went to retrieve Var’gosh, and Arthak felt a command to give up. However Arthak braced himself and took the spike of pain as the geas activated. Zar’Kaa hastily patched him up.

Zar'Kaa says: You good?
Arthak Saurfang says: Nothing I haven’t dealt with before, Captain.

Rak’Symma ripped open a portal with [Transport via Plants] and Torok rallied the immediately ready forces to pile through the portal along with the warband and their allies.

The battle was already underway. They hastily realized the meteors falling for infernals. Sol looked around, and it became evident the infernals were not all landing at Bloodtotem, but they were also not coming from above like they were dropping from a ship. Instead, it seemed they were coming from below, as if they were being launched from the sea. There were figures in the water, but it was very far away. Sol grabbed his spyglass to look closer, and there were five vessels total. Four of them were the same, but “vessel” was perhaps not correct. They had the iconography of the Stormreaver clan, and had large canons, which were mounted atop something that was just beneath the surface of the sea. The other ship looked to be human in make, and it had a crimson and black standard that had the visage of a grim reaper with two long curving horns and a terrible black blade. The ship was fortified with sharp felsteel, and it similarly had felsteel canons. The figurehead appeared to be a humanoid woman with six hands clawing out her eyes and face. It was a terribly ghastly image.

As they started to fight their way through a small skirmish, there was a momentary flash of steel. Nyxxa was able to defeat the assailant, and revealed a felblood elf with warglaives. Nyxxa immediately started to look around, and she noticed two braves with severe fel burns and lacerations. One was barely clinging to life. He looked at Nyxxa.

Bloodtotem Brave says: Are you… with them?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: No.

The brave coughed up blood.

Bloodtotem Brave says: Beware… there was another… who fought like you… stronger than the rest. I couldn’t… stop her… save… save the others…

He fell to the ground with his final breath. It was obvious that Caria was present.

Zar’Kaa peeled off to try and isolate some of the spellcasters where the core of the fighting was located. There was a bloodbath of slain tauren and the charred residue of demons. There were three figures there. One was a Bloodtotem tauren that appeared to be slightly older than Mayla. His war paint appeared to indicate he was Mellok, Torok’s son. He was captured in bright green bars of fel energy. In front of it was an eredar with a massive felsteel axe in the ground next to him.

Eredar Enforcer says: You should be honored, little tauren. You get to watch as we burn every hovel in your little town. Once we butcher all your people, you’ll be next.

There was a larger winged, bestial demon with crimson flesh and two prominent horns standing next to him. He was speaking to him in eredun. Zar’Kaa tried to feed the words back to the group via the telepathic link, but the only word that could be translated was “hostage”.

Rak’Symma was able to get some eyes in the sky, using the truesight from Blaithe’s skull. She was able to zap some of the invisible imps, and she was able to gauge that the force was not a full assault. It was more a raid they were using to sow chaos, with the exception being the leadership at the center of the attack.

The majority of the forces seemed to be the felblood elves, but there were also the massive flaming infernals that were erupting from the meteors, canine-like demons that were racing around, and of course the orcs and eredar.

Arthak got to a good vantage point and bellowed out a challenge to the gathered Legion forces as he raised Varg’osh.

Arthak Saurfang shouts: The warchief is here! The blood of Broxigar is here! Come and claim it if you can!

A voice called out in return.

Caria Felsoul says: And I certainly can’t wait to make that blood start to flow.

On one of the buildings that had erupted in flames was Caria Felsoul. She looked down at Nyxxa.

Caria Felsoul says: Hi Nyxxa. Did you miss me?
Vaerux says [telepathically]: Don’t let that bitch win! Come on!

Nyxxa’s eyes flared bright violet, and Caria smiled.

Caria Felsoul says: Oh, I missed you too? Who should I start with? Do you have a preference? Or should I just start cutting?

She held out her hands, and her glaives materialized.

Arthak immediately charged one of the felhunters and drove a fierce blow through its side. Nyxxa took off into the sky and dove straight for Caria as they started to spar against each other with a flurry of strikes.

Caria Felsoul says: Isn’t this wonderful, Nyxxa!?

She cackled as Nyxxa spun a hoof into her side. Rak’Symma flew into the air and used [Destructive Wave]. There was a crackling wave of force and dust that sent the injured felhunter slamming into a cliffside, where it fell dead. The blast of energy also hit Caria, who buckled downward.

Arthak Saurfang says: Caria. Your desperation is boring. Can we do this at a different time?

Caria completely ignored him as Arthak continued forward and tore through another felhunter. He severely wounded another, but Arthak continued up the incline, heading straight toward the doomguard and Enforcer Marakhan.

Marakhan says: Look alive!

Marakhan hefted his axe.

Zar’Kaa flipped around Sol to work on the other felhunters. With a series of strikes, he slew one of the felhunters and continued through to the second.

Zar'Kaa says: I got your back, buddy!

Zar’Kaa managed to land a kick on the underside of the second felhunter, and utilizing the opening, he drove his spare into its underbelly. He then barked a command to Zekhan, who gathered storm energy in his hands to blast the felhunter with a [Jolt]. With a crackle of energy, the felhunter crumpled to the ground.

Zar'Kaa says: Nice shot, navigator!

Zekhan gave Zar’Kaa a thumbs up before turning to focus on other enemies.

An infernal meteor came falling down from the sky and landed right between Sol, Rak’Symma, and Levia. A crater of fel fire erupted from the center point, as the meteor unfolded with a horrific hiss.

A female felsoul demon hunter leapt off a building and glided down to Zar’Kaa. She unleashed a flurry of warglaive strikes. Zar’Kaa realized she was trying to feint him out, and he managed to duck in the other direction as he disappeared into shadows and rematerialized next to Sol. The demon hunt leaped back up onto the cliffside.

Another demon hunter flew at Rak’Symma and slashed at her, only to be buffeted by a blast of thunder and lightning. However, Rak’Symma was stunned by the strike and plummeted from the air. The demon hunter hovered in the air, leering down at her with a grin.

The remaining felhunter raced at Zar’Kaa as Sol used [Vortex War] on the infernal. The large creature was teleported a distance away from the group. The felhunter leaped around Zar’Kaa and attempted to slam Sol with it’s tentacles as the eredar darted away, but it missed completely.

Caria kipped back up onto her hooves and spun around as she danced back into the air.

Caria Felsoul says: It's been so long since we’ve clashed glaives, Nyxxa!

Her body started to flicker and glow as flames alighted over her flesh, and she became invisible. She then cut into Nyxxa with her glaives. It felt like the fel magic was coursing through her, preventing her from naturally recovering as her vitality was seeping away.

Enforcer Marakhan typed something into his felsteel greaves, and then disappeared. He swung with his axe at Arthak, but Arthak was able to redirect the attack at the doomguard behind him.

Doomguard shouts: Marakhan! Check your target!

Marakhan tried to slam into Arthak with his gauntlet, but Arthak was able to step out of the way.

A second infernal slammed into the ground between Zar’Kaa, Sol, Symma, and Levia with another explosion of fel fire as the infernal unfolded.

Mellok was slamming his entire weight against the cage of fel energy, but it was not giving at all. Meanwhile, the doomguard stomped on the ground before swinging with a claw in an attempt to rip Varg’osh from him. Arthak held on, but it left him open for the falchion strike that followed.

Levia cast [Holy Light] on Rak’Symma to mend some of her wounds and then repositioned to help protect the harpy from the nearby demon hunter. One of the remaining felhunter rushed Levia, but she smacked it in the face with her shield.

Sol looked up at Caria.

Sol'chi says: Was that the one that Azgadaan said turned into a paperweight?

Caria’s flaming eyes flickered over to Sol in rage, but it gave Nyxxa the opening to get in a more advantageous position.

Zar’Kaa gave a few quick jabs at the felhunter to get it off balance before swinging the spear around and beheading the creature. He raced over to Rak’Symma and managed to get her back to her feet before he swung around and drove his spear through the core of the infernal, but heat washed over him. A shadowy pulse burst from Rokul Kaz, but the infernal seemed to be immune to it. He swung his axe around and managed another devastating blow.

Nyxxa took her opening to slice into Caria.

Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Best save my words then if this is like old times. You never listened back then either.

Rak’Symma fluttered behind Sol and held onto his arm. She used [Thunder Step] and carried them both over to Arthak’s side of the field with a loud blast of thunder. As they appeared, Sol recognized Enforcer Marakhan when the light of the lantern revealed him, as he frequently reported directly to Jaraxxus. Marakhan looked around, and his eyes fell on the lantern.

Mellok, meanwhile, looked at Rak’Symma.

Mellok Bloodtotem says: A harpy? Wait… you’re the Skyhorn’s Sky Friend… can you get me out?

Rak’Symma regarded him as she activated her maelstrom aura, and a storm swept up around her.

Levia ran up to the felhunter and her bat flared with fire. She slammed the bat into the side of the felhunter, which knocked it back into the felsoul demon hunter. The fire from the [Green-Flame Blade] washed over the demon hunter as well. She blocked the demon hunter’s return attack and then flew back to land back-to-back with Zar’Kaa.

Levia Blackflight says: Hey asshole! Spear!

Zar’Kaa lifted his spear to her, and she grabbed it at its base.

Levia Blackflight says: I don’t know if this is going to work, but we’re going to try. Unknown Light, sear this foe, and let this asshole banish this evil from this land!

Levia used [Holy Weapon], and his spear was wreathed in bright white light.

Bru'kan says: Woah! Wasn’t ready for that one!

Zar’Kaa looked at the spear, then back at the carnage Levia had caused.

Zar'Kaa says: Glad destroying those busts came in handy.
Levia Blackflight says: They didn’t have your face, but I’ll take it.

Levia was also wreathed with black flames. However, another infernal seemed to be falling in the midst of the battlefield as one of the demon hunters used [Immolation Aura]. He shot a beam of energy directly through Levia and Zar’Kaa.

The demon hunter flew down at Levia and managed to clip her, but she was able to smack the demon hunter away with her shield.

As Sol took a look at the fel-wreathed cage, and he was able to identify it as a [Forcecage]. Sol took a step back and twin spelled [Disintegrate].

Sol'chi says: Lets see if we can get you out of there.

Sol flashed finger guns, and the forcecage was promptly destroyed. The second beam was sent straight at Marakhan. Marakhan took the blast straight in the chest, and his invisibility faltered. Mellok started to laugh loudly.

Mellok Bloodtotem says: You made a big mistake coming here, demon! I’ll show you whose people are going to burn!

He brandished his totem, and Marakhan looked around in the beginnings of terror. His eyes fell on Sol, who grinned.

Sol'chi says: I’m going to take your stuff.

Marakhan blinked, then brandished his axe.

Marakhan says: Try it!

Sol looked at Mellok.

Sol'chi says: Want to help me take his stuff?
Mellok Bloodtotem says: I’ll peel him out of that tin can for ya!

Mellok continued to laugh. Arthak tried to drive Marakhan back into Mellok, and after some struggle, he was able to force Marakhan back. Mellok charged forward and gored into the eredar. He then slammed the totem into Marakhan’s face.

Mellok Bloodtotem shouts: You DARE think you can take Bloodtotem when it’s under MY protection?

Arthak called out an opening, which Mellok gleefully took with another crack of his totem.

Caria cocked her head at Nyxxa.

Caria Felsoul says: Why do I get the sense you’re not taking this seriously, Nyxxa?

She glanced down to Zar’Kaa and Levia.

Caria Felsoul says: Maybe you need more encouragement!

She flipped away from Nyxxa and her body flickered as she used [Steel Wind Strike]. Nyxxa and Zar’Kaa were able able to evade, but Caria got a clean strike on Levia, which dropped her to the ground. Caria then stuck downward, opening bleeding wounds on her unconscious body.

Caria Felsoul says: Oh… did I strike a nerve?

Caria grinned up at Nyxxa.

The doomguard started to cast [Rain of Fire].

Doomguard says: Flames of Sargeras, consume my enemies!

Sol, however, used [Counterspell], and the motes of fire were extinguished with a haze. The doomguard growled, but he harnessed the magic and used [Fireball] instead. An explosion of fire washed over the demons, Mellok, Arthak, Sol, and Rak’Symma. He then charged at Sol and tried to hit him with his falchion. Arthak snarled, but drew his blade across the rune of creation, which flared. The attack was turned away by the runic magic. The doomguard growled.

Caria looked down at Levia.

Caria Felsoul says: Finish her, would you?

One of the demon hunters drove her glaives through Levia’s chest. Levia stopped moving. The demon hunter then looked at Zar’Kaa and swung, but was unable to connect.

Meanwhile, Marakhan unleashed a flurry of attacks on Sol and managed to knock the lantern off Sol’s hip, which doused it. He then tried to go invisible again, but Arthak saw his opportunity and drove Varg’osh through Marakhan’s back.

Arthak Saurfang says: You should not have touched him.

Arthak ripped the sword upward, bisecting the eredar as the blade was swept around to clip the doomguard.

Marakhan says: You… haven’t won anything….

The eredar’s body discorporated.

The nearby infernal swung at Zar’Kaa and managed to slam its fist into him, just as another infernal slammed into the midst of Arthak, Mellok, and the others.

A small gemstone lifted up over Levia’s body, and then shattered. She breathed again and looked up at the demon hunter.

Levia Blackflight says: You’re going to need to try harder than that, you son of a bitch.

Nyxxa held back a scream and flew down over Levia to defend her. She tried to unload a series of strikes at one of the demon hunters, but the felblood elf was able to parry the attacks as Caria was clearly getting to Nyxxa. However, with another surge of attacks, one of the demon hunters was killed with a gore of her horns and another was wounded. However, the satyr was clearly shaken.

Zar’Kaa was able to impale the other demon hunter and lifted the felblood elf up, successfully splitting them in half. He then looked at Levia and moved to patch up some of her wounds.

Mellok slammed his totem into the infernal.

Levia looked up at Caria.

Levia Blackflight says: I’ve heard enough out of your mouth, you bitch. STAY AWAY FROM MY FAMILY!

Her eyes flared with light as she used [Exorcism] on Caria. The light erupted from Levia and threatened to consume Caria, who just barely was able to slip out of the way.

An infernal collided into a nearby building and shrapnel was blasted at Levia, but she was able to duck behind her shield.

Arthak unleashed a series of attacks on the doomguard and then activated his fire rune. The chains wrapped around the doomguard, and he plummeted to the ground.

Rak’Symma flew up on top of the building and used [Call Lightning] on Caria. She channeled the strength of the storm into it, and lightning struck directly at the fiendish woman. Meanwhile, Arthak looked down at the restrained doomguard and drove Varg’osh straight through the demon’s chest.

Doomguard says: Well fought.

Arthak nodded as the doomguard discorporated. It gave Sol the opportunity to move toward the other half of the group and he also used [Exorcism]. A brilliant, crimson-magenta light wreathed his hand like a firework. It also started to burn his hand, but it channeled it directly at Caria as it turned into the form of an owl and slammed into the other demon.

Caria Felsoul says: Fine! You think you’re so clever?! I’ll make sure it sticks this TIME!

Caria flew away and channeled a [Disintegrate] toward Levia. Nyxxa jumped in front of Levia.

Levia Blackflight says: What are you doing!? Get out of the way!

Nyxxa didn’t budge, but the moment she was going to let it go there was a flicker of magic in front of Nyxxa, and a figure appeared. It was an elf. He held his hand out, and the disintegrate was absorbed into his hand. He then dispersed the magic aside.

Caria Felsoul says: Varedis! What is the meaning of this!?
Varedis Spellsoul says: The captain has demanded your immediate retreat, Caria, or did you not hear?
Caria Felsoul says: My orders come from the Deciever himself!
Varedis Spellsoul says: Would you prefer to go back to the Nether so you can explain why you disobeyed an order from Captain Malus?

Caria’s manic rage settled as she looked at Nyxxa.

Caria Felsoul says: We’ve had enough fun for the day haven’t we?

The elf turned to the warband, and his eyes flickered to Nyxxa’s warglaives. He smiled faintly.

Varedis Spellsoul says: Terribly sorry. But we’ll be going now. I’m sure I'll see you again soon.

The elf flickered and appeared next to Caria, and then they teleported away in a flash of fel energy as he placed a hand on the fallen demon hunter’s shoulder.

Only the infernals were left, and the warband took a few more burns, but they were destroyed as Torok and Mayla threw a massive basin of water over one of them. The other crumbled.

Torok looked at Mellok.

Torok Bloodtotem says: Son. Are you alright?
Mellok Bloodtotem says: Yes father. Thanks to these outsiders.

Meanwhile, Levia and Nyxxa had embraced, and Nyxxa started to weep as she repeated “I’m sorry” again and again. Zar’Kaa tried to consol her with a hand on her shoulder, and Sol jumped down.

Sol'chi says: What happened? I heard your voice cut out…
Levia Blackflight says: It’s alright. I’m fine.
Sol'chi says: We’re going to need to get your armor fixed… glad you didn’t get disintegrated, that would have been hard to fix.
Levia Blackflight says: Did you know who that guy was?

Nyxxa shook her head.

Arthak had heard the name Varedis before in retellings of the Second Troll Wars. He was a legendary mercenary… but he had supposedly retired.