[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Eighteen

Appearing Characters: Aramar Thorne, Broll Bearmantle, Bwonsamdi, Elissa Cross, Li Li Stormstout, Makasa Flintwill, Remnii, Riff, Rokhan, Samaara, Seria, Soratha, Tae'shara Sunwatcher, Tol'vas Moonshadow, Torenda, Uther Menethil, Vanira, Velameestra Windrunner, Wynn, Zekhan, Zen'tabra, Zuni

June 14th

The previous night, Remnii sent a [Sending] to Li Li.

Remni says [sending]: Li Li, it’s Remnii. We met another pandaren by the name of Strongbo. He is headed your way. I wanted to let you know in advance.
Li Li Stormstout says [sending]: You ran into Bo? Wait. You ran into Bo? And he’s coming this way… for what?
Remni says [sending]: I believe he was looking for both you and your uncle Chen. To bring you home was the intention, anyway.

There is a chuckle through the sending.

Li Li Stormstout says [sending]: Well, how wonderful! I have not seen him in quite a while, but I won’t go home until I find uncle Chen. But he’s welcome to join me!

Remnii reported back to Vel and the others that Li Li clearly fondly knew the other pandaren, but it was likely that Strongbo would not get what he wanted.

June 15th

Within the house, Wynn is leading Vel back to her work area and they start to get to work. With a flick of Wynn’s wrist, she conjures a spellbook, and it promptly begins to flip to various pages as she reads it and points out things she would like Vel to do.

Taking a secondary look at the armor and the inner workings of the enchantments, the similarities between it and what Vel had learned of the magics that animated Rowan have a good deal of parallels. From what Jaina had explained, the magic that was used to animate him in the first place was very old magic that she believed dated back to well before the humans had learned magic from the elves. But even so, the magic in modern day was virtually unknown. It seems to have been worn out and broken, but it was the same sort of magic that was a combination of the magic that went into animating armor conventionally, but also served as an anchor for a soul. With enough time and resources, it was possible it could be replicated--and it was much closer to Vel’s own grasp than she could have possibly realized.

Wynn has Vel copy a few intricate circles from various points in her spellbook which would be used to reactivate the runes and jump start it. She explains that the magic Vel had seen previously--in the blow out of smoke--was her attempt at doing this process alone.

It takes about three hours.

Wynn says: I believe we should be able to move forward with the activation ritual, if you’re prepared?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Ready when you are.

Wynn explains the pair of them would work together to do so, weaving their magics together and tracing additional runes in a pattern around the suit of armor. Wynn doesn’t add any additional magical power into it, though Vel opts to do so. The sheer force of magic that Wynn releases, however, is no small amount. A long staff had materialized in Wynn’s hand--simple and pristine, but it has a magnificent staff head with a circle of arcane runes with three crystals embedded in golden sockets. The sheer power of the staff is immense, and she conjures magic from the staff into the ritual.

The runic circles glow with a mixture of violet and icy blue light which illuminates the room. The magic snakes up through the armor, and in about ten minutes of channeling, the runes on the ground fade, but the energy in the armor does not. Gauntlets start to move, and in a matter of seconds, the armor actually lifts itself off the stand. The magical aura is within the armor, creating a skeleton to support the armor.

Wynn releases the staff and it disappears with a pulse of arcane energy.

Wynn says: Well. Would you look at that. It seems we were successful, Velameestra. Well done.

Vel hums in approval.

Wynn says: I don’t suppose you had a name?

The armor looks at her, but doesn’t say anything. Wynn sighs.

Wynn says: I suppose that was a bit of a long shot.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Especially because the soul that was formerly attached likely isn’t there anymore.
Wynn says: A shame. I could have theoretically learned a great deal about this, had it still been present. At the very least, we could have learned who created it in the first place.
Velameestra Windrunner says: That would have been a feat in itself, keeping it anchored for likely millennia.

Wynn sighs.

Wynn says: Alas, I suppose there is only so much one can expect. But! It will be useful to have an extra set of hands, animated as they are. At least I know he won’t get an attitude with me like Scavell does.

She chuckles.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I imagine that is part of the point of animated armor.

Wynn chuckles again.

Wynn says: You have my thanks, Velameestra! This would have been significantly more difficult without your assistance.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And I appreciate the theories you were able to offer in regards to our situation.
Wynn says: Of course. I understand that you and your friends may wish to depart soon, but I wouldn’t have you leave without me paying a kindness.

Wynn opens the door and heads into the main living area. Amidst the mess of things, she summons an unseen servant she had seemingly conjured earlier.

Wynn says: Prepare some refreshment if you would.

The invisible entity starts to move some things around in the kitchen and acquires a small pot. With a small flick of Wynn’s finger, she conjures a flame to boil some water. Vel then notes the unmistakable sound, and scent, of coffee beans being ground.

Wynn gestures for Vel to sit in a seat in the living room that she had cleared of some clutter with a mage hand. The room itself is adorned with all sorts of eccentric baubles, including papers, scales from various reptilian creatures, and even organs preserved in jars lined up on a shelf. She then offers Vel a cup of coffee, which Vel takes with relief as she works on linking their sending stones as Wynn had requested.

Wynn takes note of the fact Vel had poured some suspiciously red liquid into the coffee mug that she had been given.

Wynn says: So you’re a vampyr, aren’t you?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Good guess.
Wynn says: I’ve been mulling over what I’ve observed so far.

She fetches a book and flicks through it briefly.

Wynn says: From what I’ve been able to see from our short time together, I had a few guesses, but between this and the permission slip requirement I supposed vampyrism. Curious.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Almost as curious as how calm you are.
Wynn says: I’ve seen many strange things in the world. The walking dead is hardly at the top of that list. If meeting a vampyr were to shake me to my core, then I don’t believe I would have made it as far as I did. But I must thank you, I can’t say I’ve met one before and I wasn’t entirely sure they existed. Despite the tales I’ve read. Though there are strange things in the darkest corners of the world. I can’t say I’m surprised.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And many of the stories are as much folktales as they are fact.

Vel smirks.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I’m fine with garlic.

Wynn chuckles.

Wynn says: Good to know. And I presume the mere sight of a holy symbol doesn’t do much, otherwise you would be struggling to suffer the presence of Remnii, that curious… creature? Outside. She seems an eredar, but that doesn’t seem to be correct.

She again flips through a few pages from another book.

Velameestra Windrunner says: She’s a draenei. If you were interested, I’m sure she would be happy to fill you in on more.

Wynn nods.

Wynn says: Perhaps if any of you were to come back to visit. But I have a few theories there as well. The Legion does corrupt, after all. She does not seem to be very corrupted.
Velameestra Windrunner says: The baby blue may be a giveaway in that regard.

Wynn hums in amusement.

Wynn says: Agreed. She doesn’t give off a very sinister air.

Unable to resist the urge, Vel opts to straighten a few stacks of papers that were in disarray and earns a chuckle from Wynn.

Wynn says: You just could not stand the mess in here, could you?

Vel stops, slightly embarrassed.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I… have a different atmosphere to my personal workspaces.
Wynn says: For what it’s worth, I do prefer a clean workspace. But despite the various talents I’ve cultivated over the years, organization was unfortunately not one of them.

Wynn laughs again.

Wynn says: I believe you and Moroes would get along quite well.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Moroes?
Wynn says: My majordomo and steward. Old majordomo and steward. From a long time ago. Another life.

Wynn shakes her head.

Wynn says: Needless to say, he’s the steward of Karazhan.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Still the steward of Karazhan?

Wynn looks off.

Wynn says: I suppose I don’t know. I presume.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Perhaps I’ll meet him, perhaps not.
Wynn says: Perhaps you will, if you ever find your way there. If you’re seeking out Medivh… well, if he still claims Karazhan as his home, then you may end up there sometime. I do hope he hasn’t destroyed the place. A lot of work was put into that tower.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I imagine if this Moroes is still there he likely would have maintained it.
Wynn says: I would certainly hope so.

While Vel continued to work on forging the connection between their sending stones, Wynn ambled on about various other individuals that had found her hut and the various requests that had been made. She seemed to frequently check her various books for the specifics.

As Vel finished up the sending stone, she glanced at the armor they had reanimated.

Velameestra Windrunner says: A name suggestion, perhaps, given the tendency of Scavell. Moroes the second would suit your new friend, yes?

Wynn grins.

Wynn says: Oh I believe he would get the greatest of kicks out of that one. I believe I’ll do just that.

She looks at the armor.

Wynn says: Do you hear that, my friend, you are going to be called Moroes the second from henceforth. How does that sound?

The armor says nothing.

Wynn says: How about you give it a shot and live up to the namesake. If you would clean up around the place?

The armor starts to stack things with a rudimentary organizational method.

Wynn says: Well, I suppose it’s better than nothing.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Orderly piles are still orderly piles.

Wynn chuffs.

Wynn says: This was a pleasure, miss Velameestra. If you’re ever bored, in the area, and decide you want to keep an old woman company, I’m not going anywhere.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I’ll certainly keep that in mind.
Wynn says: And again, please keep me apprised. If Medivh has gotten himself killed I want to be the first to know.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Ideally that’s not the case, but I’ll contact you once we find out.
Wynn says: That’s good.
Velameestra Windrunner says: As you said, it was a pleasure.
Wynn says: Quite so.

Wynn stands. She had removed the bandages from her arm and had applied the herbs the group had brought the previous day. There are some fairly deep cuts in her flesh, but it doesn’t look like a normal wound. There is no scabbing or blood clotting.

And the tattoo Vel had used to sense undead had not started to glow at any point. A possibility began to dawn.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I’m… sure that offer from Remnii is still open. If you wanted her to look at your arm.

Wynn shook her head.

Wynn says: It’s quite alright. I’ll handle it myself. I wouldn’t want her to waste her time.

The realization clicked. A simulacrum. However, Vel opts to not say anything further as Wynn mage hands the dishes back over to the sink with the other dishes an unseen servant is trying very hard to clean.

Vel watches the servant for a moment and then snaps her fingers to [Prestidigitation] them clean.

Wynn laughs.

Wynn says: You know, I’m perfectly capable of doing that, but sometimes it’s just fun to watch them struggle.

Vel and Wynn exit the hut with the newly named Moroes II. Wynn smirks.

Wynn says: Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to Moroes the second. Moroes, if you would be so kind.

She gestures, and the armor glances over the group and stares with the same hand gesture that Wynn had made.

Wynn says: Apologies for keeping your prodigy for a few extra hours, as I trust you all have more interesting things to attend to than an old woman.

Vel rejoins the group, and Wynn sits down on the chair on the porch.

Wynn says: Well, good wishes and well travels, or whatever they say nowadays.

She opens a book to start to read.

Velameestra Windrunner says: So, where’s next?
Remnii says: I believe we are making a stop at the Echo Isles…

Remnii looks over to Seria.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Ah. Excellent.

Tae’shara looks to Seria.

Tae'shara Sunwatcher says: So, uh, do we got to know anything else about this place other than there being a bunch of trolls that won’t try to kill us if we don’t cause trouble? Anything else, or just be on our best behavior? And what are we doing? Yer meetin’ someone? Or are you just meeting someone there?

Seria nods.

Tae'shara Sunwatcher says: Alright, guess we’ll just follow your lead on this and not start any problems.

Seria and Tol’vas cast [Wind Walk] once again, and Wynn watches as the duo casts a rather powerful spell--with no small amount of interest. The group takes to the sky again. The highlands quickly change into a rolling basin of soft red sand instead of the drier wastes, and it leads into a coastal area with more springs and oases. There appears to be some tents and yurts belonging to centaurs scattered about, though they easily avoid them.

Very soon, they note the sea spreading out in the distance. For the first time since the group left the Wavestrider, they can see the ocean in its beautiful and expansive greenish-blue endlessness.

They veer closer to land and start to take a look around, and they spy something curious. There is a stone in the waves on the shoreland that is jutting out of the sand. There is a large figure sitting against it, but he is still significantly taller than any of the group. It has pallid, greenish-blue colored skin, and it has fin-like crests with long, thick ears. There are two piercings that appear to be massive, stone-sized seashells hanging from its earlobes. It is not wearing much save for a few piercings in its scaled flesh. It has a long beard with clasps of driftwood and flotsam and jetsam. There appears to be a whole ship’s anchor adorned in the beard as an ornament. It is snapping open a large, person-sized lobster, and it’s digging into the tending meat and eating it.

There are empty shells and bones nearby--bones Vel is able to identify as murloc bones.

As the group flies by, the giant stops and watches the clouds coast through the area. He slowly stops sucking on the meat and squints up at the clouds, which are flowing much lower than they should be. He continues watching as the clouds try to divert around him, and his squint gets more serious as he sits up and palms around for a large hunk of rock. He tosses it in his hand, and then throws it at the clouds.

The large rock sails through the air and manages to clip the Remnii-cloud. Remnii dips a bit, and they can see the giant squint again, and then there’s a grin. He moves after the clouds a bit, but the squad of wind walkers are much faster.

After the group gets out of eyeshot of the giant, the Samaara-cloud gives an indication to land, and they do so.

Samaara says: Are you okay Remnii?
Remnii says: That was… strange.

Remnii shivers and her tail sticks up, and she casts a [Cure Wounds] on herself.

Remnii says: Sorry for the delay… I was hoping if I got clipped it wouldn’t hurt… but it did.
Tae'shara Sunwatcher says: Any idea what that thing was? Some sort of giant, that’s for sure.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I’m just going to take the low-hanging fruit that it was probably a giant from the sea and therefore a sea giant.

The group looks at Vel and collectively nods as that checks out.

Broll Bearmantle says: Well… I’ve never seen sea giants, but I have heard of mountain giants, and your guess is as good as mine, Miss Velameestra.

The group continues on, and they catch sight of something on the edge of the strand. It appears to be a campsite of some sort. There is one tent and a fire pit, though there is no fire, and there is a long pole sticking out of the sand, and the area seems to be distinctly jungle troll in origin. There is a figure who appears to be laying down on a length of hide that’s been tanned and colored. He’s a troll with a small shock of red hair messily draped over his head, and his eyes are quite closed--his arms behind his head. There is a traditional witch doctor mask over his head, but he seems to be sleeping.

All the clouds pause to let Seria take the lead. They land a bit away and take their humanoid forms.

Elissa Cross says: Is that your friend?

She looks over towards the camp.

Seria says: It’s not… him, no. But he said he would send two trolls to meet us.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Well. There’s only one way to find out if that’s them or not.
Remnii says: You’re in charge here.

Remnii nods, motioning for Seria to take the lead again.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I imagine a bunch of elves and humans going out first is not the… best way to approach this?
Remnii says: I am neither of those things, and I will go with you if you need.
Seria says: I’ll go. Just keep your guard up.

Seria heads out and cautiously starts to approach the sleeping troll. She notes a large canoe beached on the shore as well.

Seria says: Hey. Wake up.

The troll doesn’t seem to stir. He’s breathing, however. The rest of the group are a small distance away, watching. Seria gets closer, and the troll turns slightly, but doesn’t actually wake.

Seria huffs and pokes the troll with her staff. He jumps and sits up, looking around. There is a spark of electricity around his hand, but then he sees Seria.

Startled Troll says: Oh! Oh! Shoot, I must have fallen asleep. I’m sorry!

He pulls his mask off his head and stands up to dust the sand off.

Startled Troll says: You must be Seria, right?
Seria says: And you must be one of the… boys Rokhan sent?
Startled Troll says: Yup! Da name’s Zekhan! Nice to meetcha! Oh, I should probably get the other one.

He holds up a finger and tosses his mask aside.

Zekhan shouts: HEY! ZUNI!

There is a figure seemingly standing on the water and almost gliding along the length of one of the large waves. There is some sort of long platform he is standing on.

Zekhan shouts: ZUNI! Dammit.

Zekhan casts a spell and stomps his foot and shouts again four times louder.

Zekhan says: Son of a…

He then casts a ball of static electricity into the air, and the figure--who has a long mane of blue hair--redirects and then disappears into the waves. Zekhan starts to laugh.

Zekhan says: I think I got his attention!

The other troll pops his head out of the water and swims toward the coast on the flat board as Zekhan turns to Seria and then to the larger group in the distance.

Zekhan says: Those your friends?

Seria nods and then calls for the group to come forward.

Velameestra Windrunner says: There’s our cue.
Remnii says: Exciting!

The group arrives as the other troll gets to the shore. He has a long board that’s about 7-9 feet long under his arm. His mane of braided hair is drenched with water, and he offers a large, dumb smile.

Zuni says: Looks like ya finally got here! Ya must be Seria. Name’s Zuni. Nice ta meetcha!

Zuni smirks and looks Seria up and down, and then elbows Zekhan.

Zuni says [Zandali]: She’s a lot cuter than I thought she would be, ya?

Zekhan blushes.

Zekhan says [Zandali]: Zuni! Don’t be rude!

He laughs.

Zekhan says: And these are all your friends, ya? Good to see all you! I’ve never seen any elves or humans before! Or whatever you are!

He looks up to Remnii.

Zekhan says: It’s good to meet ya! Me and my buddy Zuni here are to be your tour guides to the Echo Isles! Hope ya don’t mind a bit of rowing.
Remnii says: Good to meet you as well.
Zekhan says: Pleasure is all mine!

Introductions start to go around. Zuni looks down at Aramar.

Zuni says: I always thought humans would be a bit taller, ya?
Aramar Thorne says: I’m not that short. I’m a bit above average, you know?
Zuni says: You’re above average? Huh!

He musses up Aramar’s hair, and Aramar shoves his hand off.

Aramar Thorne says: Yeah, good to meet you too, Zuni. What’s that thing you were carrying?

Zuni looks over at the vibrant board that had been planted in the sand.

Zuni says: Like my board, huh? Zekhan made it for me. Got some of the people at the village to paint it.
Zekhan says: It was nothin’. Bit of a side business. Got to do somethin’ to entertain ourselves. Ain’t ya ever surf before, human?
Aramar Thorne says: Can’t say I have. Is that what you were doing?
Zekhan says: Yeah, it’s a real good time.
Zuni says: If ya know how to swim.
Aramar Thorne says: Of course I know how to swim. I grew up on a lake. I could probably swim better than you can.
Zuni says: Is that so? Sounds like a challenge! We be ready to go whenever you are. Just doin’ a bit of scoutin’ in the area. Let me guess, Zekhan was napping, eh?
Zekhan says: There wasn’t much to worry about, and I got a bit more comfortable than I meant. Sorry about that!
Riff says: My name’s Riff! Seria’s my mada!

Both of the trolls look over to Seria, and then back at Riff.

Zekhan says: She’s your… mada?

The trolls look at each other again.

Zekhan says: I thought you was a lot younger than that, Seria. Not that that matters or anything!

Vel chuffs from the background.

Zuni says: Maybe she just looks good for her age, ya?

He elbows Zekhan again, and Zekhan tells him not to be rude again.

Seria says: I found him abandoned, so I took him in.

Zekhan’s eyes get a bit doey, and he puts a hand on his heart--clearly very touched. Zuni smiles.

Zuni says: It’s real good ta meet ya, Riff!

He throws his arm around Riff’s neck and musses up his hair. Riff laughs and struggles to get out of the headlock. Zuni then approaches Seria and offers another smirk.

Zuni says: I’m not gonna lie, the stories say you’re tough. You’re the full package, eh? Tough, kind, and good looking.

Seria shoves him, and it looks more playful than she meant it, as Zuni is surprisingly strong. He laughs, spinning on his heel and gestures the group towards the boat.

Zuni says: You’re welcome aboard our luxury canoe! It ain’t the most comfortable thing, but it has more than enough room for all of ya! Seria, you can sit next to me if ya want!
Zekhan says: Sorry about him, he thinks he’s a bigger hotshot than he is.

Vel rolls her eyes and comments on the flirting under her breath.

Velameestra Windrunner mutters: ...It’s a plague.

Tae’shara chuffs.

Tae'shara Sunwatcher says: Ya know, I don’t think I knew how much I wanted to see Seria get flirted with until exactly this moment.

Remnii also smiles, but then looks at the canoe with a gulp.

Zuni says: Hey muscles! Mind giving me a hand?

Zuni looks at Aramar.

Aramar Thorne says: Alright!

Aramar takes his jacket off and tosses it into the canoe with the group, and Zuni and Aramar start to push the canoe out. Zuni trips Aramar, and he goes face-first into the sand. Zuni laughs and shoves the canoe into the water.

Aramar Thorne says: Get back here!

Aramar dashes after him and starts to tackle into the water and they wrestle for a bit until they clamber into the canoe after Zekhan scolds Zuni for messing around.

Vel looks at the canoe, and the open water, somewhat apprehensively, but she climbs into the canoe and sits securely in the middle with Remnii. Tae’shara gives Vel a strange look, noting her trepidation, but then realization dawns.

Tae'shara Sunwatcher says: Oh fuck. There was an old story about vampyrs and water… ain’t that a thing?
Velameestra Windrunner says: ...I would prefer not to go swimming.

Tae’shara and Elissa exchange looks and then nod, sitting on either side of Vel to ensure the rocking of the canoe doesn’t send her overboard. Samaara looks at Remnii, who is already looking somewhat sea sick.

Samaara says: Are you going to be alright?
Remnii says: This is what restoration rituals are for.
Samaara says: Luckily it should only be a few hours.
Remnii says: Hours…

Remnii lays a weary head somewhat dramatically on Samaara’s shoulder.

Broll also seemed to be a bit nervous as he stepped into the canoe, as the canoe dipped quite dramatically.

Vel opts to ritual cast [Unseen Servant] to help with the rowing, and Zekhan looks with some interest as one of the oars raises with an invisible force. Zuni is just chatting about everything and nothing, and then he turns rowing into a competition. It starts to make the boat go not as straight, and Makasa starts scolding Aramar for getting goaded so easily.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Isn’t there a rhythm supposed to be associated with rowing? Isn’t that the point?
Zekhan says: There is but sometimes Zuni can get a bit overzealous.

After a few hours, they can get a better view of the Echo Isles. There are tall palm trees and other shrubbery, as well as basic troll architecture and evidence of basic civilization. They can see boats with headhunters on them, and they watch the group. Zuni waves at them, and a few wave back.

Zuni says: Rokhan is at the center of Darkspear Isle. This one here! He bethere with my mada. They aren’t exactly the chief, no one can really replace ol’ Vol’jin, but the two of them call a lot of the shots, so we be bringing you to them first I wager, ya?

The wide canoe starts to dock in on the shore. There are some sideways glances from some of the other trolls, but they generally just whisper amongst themselves in zandali.

Zuni tosses a rope around the anchor of the wharf and pulls the canoe in. Remnii looks a bit paler than normal, but she is fortunately able to just keep herself together. Zuni and Zekhan hop off first, and Zuni turns to Seria and holds a hand out to her.

Zuni says: Welcome to the Darkspear Isles!

He offers a smirk.

Seria takes his hand, and tries to pull him into the water. He falls, but he drags Seria with him. He’s laughing as they surface.

Zuni says: If ya wanted to go for a swim with me, Seria, you should have just asked!

Vel opts to just take the wind walk form to get to the pier. Zekhan, meanwhile, had started to use [Shape Water] to splash Zuni in the face, who then turns to try and splash water up at Zekhan.

The rest of the group gets up onto the pier, and Zuni grabs his surfboard and gestures for the group to follow.

Zuni says: The village is a bit up the coast! I’ll take you right to Rokhan and my mada.

The group makes their way through the warm jungle, and they are washed with a wall of humidity. There is a comfortable amount of shade beneath the thick palm trees, and within about ten minutes they find themselves in the heart of a troll village. Seria doesn’t recognize many of the people they see, but they are all Darkspear. Some of them recognize Seria, but they don’t go out of their way to say anything.

There are a number of thatched, doorless huts. There are a few towers made of thatch, and more spear-wielding headhunters are about keeping an eye on things. There are domesticated raptors roaming around and being tended to by trolls.

Vel gets a curious feeling, and she hears some chanting in zandali. There is a sizzle and pop, and another voice calls out that they did it wrong. The second voice then proceeds to explain how to cast a [Scorching Ray] spell. There is clearly arcane magic being worked.

They also see some trolls roasting a boar, and they stop as the group passes before one of them scolds their fellow for staring and the boar starts to turn again.

Zuni says: The shadowhunters should be inside!

Zuni leads them into a large hut on top of some stilts. There are a few higher-ranking headhunters guarding the entrance, and inside there are two figure finishing up a supper they were sharing. Seria recognizes Rokhan, who is a tall, pale-greenish skinned troll with a lot of piercings and tattoos. He has a long, braided white beard, and a long braid from the back of his head.

The woman has sea greenish-blue skin, and greenish hair that is pulled to the back of her head with complex and firmly-affixed braids. She has bits of armor, and is well-armed.

Zuni says: Ey, mada! Guess who I brought!

The woman looks to Zuni.

Troll Woman says: Good, you’re back. I was hoping you’d stop blowin’ off your training. I’m assuming you must be Seria and the rest.

She looks at the group expectantly.

Seria says: It’s an honor to meet ya.
Troll Woman says: The honor is mine. I knew your mada. She was a good warrior, and I’m sorry. It goes to figure that Zalazane was the one responsible. I always told Vol’jin he was no good, but he never listened. The name’s Vanira. It’s good to meet ya.

Seria recognizes the name as that of Vol’jin’s first wife. But as far as anyone knew, Rai’s mother was the only to have survived the wars.

Rok: It be a pleasure to meet all ya. The name’s Rokhan. I’m glad to have you all here. Just so you all know, everyone in the village knows of your arrival, and I told them not to kick up bad blood, but that applies to all of you too. I don’t wager there be problems. Lets keep it civil, ya?

He focuses more on the night elves and the humans, and then the high elves afterwards.

Elissa Cross says: Don’t worry, sir! No problems!
Rokhan says: Good. Glad to hear it. Make yourselves at home. The sea provides plenty of bounty. They ain’t quite as closed in as some of your buildings, but the huts keep ya out of the mud if ya need somewhere to stay.

Rokhan then sees Vel.

Rokhan says: Wild guess here, but you must be the one called Velameestra, ya?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Good guess.
Rokhan says: I had a feelin’. Judging from what Seria told me. Ya got a certain aura about ya.

Vel nods and then shoots Seria a curious glance as Vanira speaks up.

Vanira says: I must be gettin’ back to my duties. Zuni, you’re coming with me. Yer not gettin’ out of evening drills.

Vanira grabs Zuni’s ears.

Zuni says: Alright, alright, I’m comin’! Catch up with all ya later.
Vanira says: If you all need anything, let me know. As long as it’s within reason. Don’t stray too far from the village, I can’t guarantee your safety otherwise.

Rokhan looks to Seria.

Rokhan says: I know we have business to attend to, but if yer interested, yer mada’s teacher is out in the grove. She has a place set up. Ya can’t miss it, trust me. The place is teeming with that mojo you use. She still be restin’, but if anyone can reach her, I wager it’s you. She ain’t goin’ nowhere. It’s good to see ya, Seria.

Rokhan puts a hand on Seria’s shoulder.

Rokhan says: I’m glad you and your friends made it here safe.

He looks to the rest of the group.

Rokhan says: I don’t know how arduous your journey be, but rest if ya need. Ya know where to find me. I have a hut right across the way.

He points through the doorway.

Rokhan says: I be there. I can give you all a tour if ya like? I don’t know how long you be stayin’ here. But ya must be gettin’ hungry at least. I’ll get ya somethin’ to eat.

Rokhan shouts to some of the trolls who are cooking, and fresh fish and purified water is passed to the group. It’s very well-cooked, and very fresh. There is also crab.

Rokhan strikes up a conversation with Seria.

Rokhan says: I was surprised to find the rest of the tribe here as well. After the war, most of us had settled down with the chief. We thought we were the only ones left, but turns out were weren’t. I ran into Vanira and the rest of the Spears she gathered. It’s a shame, she didn’t even know Vol’jin was still alive. When I met up with her and the rest, I had to fill her in on what happened. She took it well, all things considered. How be your journey here? Ya made it here quickly, I wager you used some of that mojo ya had?

Seria nods.

Seria says: It probably would have been faster if someone wasn’t showin’ off.
Rokhan says: Zuni, eh?

Seria nods.

Rokhan chuckles.

Rokhan says: He’s a spirited lad, he is, but he means good. I promise ya that. There’s a reason I trusted him to find ya. Believe it or not, he’s got a bit of his mada in him. When things get serious, he’s pretty good at putting it straight. He’s a promising young warrior, and he did a lot to help us secure this place. Speaking of which, don’t recommend you all head to the northern isle. It be a bit more dangerous than this isle. These watchposts ain’t here for show. If you all need anything else, let me know. Vanira will see to gettin’ ya some places to stay in the guest areas. When you’re ready, Seria, Velameestra, let me know. You and anyone else who be helpin’ with this, we be talking and figure out what we have to do about this problem of ours.

Rokhan stands up and heads back to his hut.

Zekhan says: I hope everything has been good here! If you need anything, I can try to find it! If ya need any help, I can point in the right direction. I know it be a bit different from your cities, but its a good home all the same!
Velameestra Windrunner says: I don’t suppose you participate in the coffee trade, do you?
Zekhan says: Oh, I don’t drink the stuff, but yeah, they actually found some on one of the islands to the south once they got here! They bring back some of the right beans. You could probably find some here!

He points Vel in the direction of the markets, specifically one of the women who seems to be taking care of various food stores. She’s a tall, muscular and heavy-set woman with a shock of bright green hair. She has a well-kept top knot that is roughly the size of a ponytail.

Zekhan says: Her name is Torenda. She be in charge of most of the food and the stuff like that. So if ya lookin’ for that, she may be willing to trade.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Noted. Thank you.
Zekhan says: Not a problem! Your name was Velameestra, right?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Vel is fine, but yes.
Zekhan says: Okay, that be much easier to remember! Thanks!

Zekhan heads off and they overhear him quietly repeating everyone’s names as he tries to commit them all to memory.

Tol’vas looks at Seria.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: What are we doing here?
Seria says: Gettin’ information and seeing my teacher.
Remnii says: She does not need to tell us if she does not want to… it would be nice to know more about you, but go take care of what you need to.

Seria nods and heads off, Vel following after her.

Elissa Cross says: I guess we’ll just make ourselves comfortable?
Remnii says: This is the most I’ve seen Seria talk other than to Riff. It’s nice to see she can be comfortable somewhere, if not with us.
Elissa Cross says: I might try to paint some of the scenery here. It’s quite beautiful.

Samaara nods.

Samaara says: There are plenty of weapons here, I’m gonna get restocked on arrows and see what I can find.
Makasa Flintwill says: I am going to see if they have anything that passes for a bar around here.
Remnii says: We should go in groups. I believe we are representing Seria here…

She sighs, a bit frustrated.

Remnii says: Or the people she has chosen to bring into a more sacred space than most, so we should be on our best behavior.

She looks lovingly at Aramar and Makasa.

Remnii says: To make sure none of us get lost, we should stick to a buddy system.
Aramar Thorne says: I know. I know the tribes in Stormwind haven’t gotten along, and I don’t want to get into trouble. I’ll just stick with you guys.

Broll looks to Tol’vas.

Broll Bearmantle says: The man named Rokhan said there was a grove to the north. If Seria’s strength comes from the same space as her mother’s teacher, it may be worth looking into. Though I’m sure Seria herself will go there later on as well.

Riff looks around.

Riff says: I’m gonna go make friends. I won’t get in trouble, don’t worry!
Tae'shara Sunwatcher says: I’ll go with him just to make sure.
Remnii says: I believe I’ll go with you.
Tae'shara Sunwatcher says: That’s… probably a good idea.
Remnii says: It seems they do not have many strong opinions on draenei.
Tae'shara Sunwatcher says: For our benefit, ain’t it?
Remnii says: For once!

Meanwhile, Vel and Seria head into Rokhan’s hut. Immediately, Vel gets a strong sense of magic, and there are a lot of totems and fetishes and icons around the hut that appear to be of no small amount of protection.

Vel regards the totems with a degree of caution, unable to pick up on what they are for expressly. As she gets a bit closer, she starts to feel a dread creeping into her bones. She stops, a fair distance from the hut.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I’m… not entirely sure I can approach. This part of the village is draped with a protection ritual… I can’t pass beyond.

She looks to the fetishes, and Seria follows her gaze.

Seria says: I’ll be right back.

Vel waits patiently on the edge of the area, and Seria enters the building. Rokhan’s back is to her, and he is over a brazier. He turns and looks at Seria.

Rokhan says: Ah, I see you’re ready now. Good.

He waves his hand to wave away the smoke from the brazier.

Rokhan says: Where is Velameestra?
Seria says: Waiting outside.

Rokhan cocks his head to the side.

Rokhan says: I suppose we could talk out there, I just thought it would be good to talk somewhere safe. Somewhere protected.
Seria says: She can’t come in.

Rokhan’s brow furrows.

Rokhan says: There only be a couple of reasons she can’t come in... But I think that’s all I need to know. Well, I suppose that be explainin’ why ol’ Bwonsamdi pointed you in her direction. There be some other safe places.

Rokhan stands and grabs his dual-bladed glaive as well as a pouch full of reagents.

Outside, Vel sees Rokhan and Seria return.

Rokhan says: I guess we be learnin’ some things about each other already.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I apologize for the inconvenience.
Rokhan says: I won’t lie and say I don’t got a couple of questions… but is Seria trusts ya, then I trust ya. I got a couple of places outside the village where we can talk further.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Lead the way.

Rokhan leads them into the depths of the jungle to a small clearing. There are signs of rituals having been done in the area, and the ground is darker--as if there was blood spilled here at some point.

Rokhan says: We should be safe here. Not many people know how to find this part of the woods, and only the patrols come in this direction. There are still dangerous things on the isle, however.

He sits and invites the pair to do the same.

Rokhan says: So, before we get started, maybe a few questions, eh? Seria said that Bwonsamdi took a bit of an interest in you, Velameestra. I wager you might have a couple of ideas why that might be? Like maybe why ya couldn’t pass by my barrier?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I have certain interests, and abilities, that may be useful here. Not to mention a personal interest in ensuring Zalazane does not remain here. I’m not sure what Bwonsamdi told Seria… but I am practiced in necromancy and I am undead, yes.

Rokhan nods.

Rokhan says: Well. I can see what someone else who got one foot in the grave might be uniquely fit to put someone down for a third time. And this time, he be stayin’ there. So, I guess my next question is what all do ya know about ol’ Zalazane?

Vel glances at Seria, who mentions she already told Rokhan everything she knew.

Rokhan says: And what about you, Velameestra? What all do you know?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I know he was a powerful necromancer. We were the ones that aided in putting him down when he first rose in undeath, though it seems that was not as effective as we had wished. Though most of it… it’s just stories. They say he was involved in the start of the Second Troll Wars, and perceivably the summoning of Hakkar.
Rokhan says: Well that, at least, I can say is false. He be responsible for a lot of death and destruction, but that business with Hakkar? I don’t think that was him. But ya be right. Zalazane and Vol’jin go way back. Further back even than I. I trained how to be a shadow hunter alongside Vol’jin, but he and Zalazane were inseparable back then. That was before our village was attacked by the humans and their ships. After that… the two of them and all of us that survived went to Zandalar where he and Vol’jin beseeched the council. They met together, a big meetin’ of tribes every six years or so, and they brought up what happened and tried to stir up trouble. Vol’jin wanted nothin’ of it, but Zalazane… he had other ideas. He got others to get together and wage war on the kingdoms of humans and elves. Ya could say Zalazane was the spark that started the blaze of the Troll Wars. He was a strong hexer, but his words did more damage than any hex or curse he be spittin’. It be a shame he’s rising from the ashes three times to be spittin’ more. But… I got a couple ideas. I don’t know how we’re gonna do it, but we need to find where he be at. Findin’ him and gettin’ there, however, that’s the real trick.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Seria had been attempting to scry on him. The hex… we attempted to use it as a sympathetic anchor to get a read on his location.

She gestures to her ring.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Seeing he was the one that hexed it in the first place.

Rokhan looks at the ring.

Rokhan says: Ya don’t say?

He holds his hand out for the ring, and Vel removes it so that he could examine it more closely.

Rokhan says: Dis be one of them weddin’ rings your people have, yeah?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes. It was my mother’s.

Rokhan’s eyes flicker over to Vel, and the pieces start to click together.

Rokhan says: So that be why Bwonsamdi said ya might be interested in this.
Velameestra Windrunner says: One of the few reasons.
Rokhan says: Do you know anythin’ about the hex on ya? I can take a closer look, but it would take me a bit of time.

Vel explains what she had found out about the hex so far, what she has found it to do, and the fact that it seems to currently be in a dormant state. Rokhan’s eyes go wide when Vel mentions the name Hungering Hex.

Rokhan says: Ya gotta be kiddin’ me.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Zufli had offered a riddle in regards to what she knew about it. She said to get rid of it, it takes mind, body, and spirit. But that’s the name she offered, at least.
Rokhan says: She be right about that. Zufli and I don’t see eye to eye we don’t, but she be right on that one. He must have been a damned fool if he put that curse on the ring. I know all about this one.

Vel leans forward and Rokhan smirks.

Rokhan says: The Hungerin’ Hex be one that no one should levy under any circumstances. It’s a foul curse. But it be more of a promise than anything. A promise that most people don’t realize be comin’ to collect way sooner than they expect. This be old magic. Magic tied to the father of sleep. I got to wonder if this has be the reason he was able to slip out of Bwonsamdi’s clutches, but I can’t say for sure.

Rokhan twirls the ring between his fingers.

Rokhan says: If this has the Hungerin’ Hex on it, there ain’t no way to lift it. Not for good. Not without destroying it or until it completes its goal. And we might just be able to help it finish up what it was put here to do… and we might be able to find Zalazane in the process.
Velameestra Windrunner says: What do you mean put here to do?
Rokhan says: The Hungerin’ Hex, when it is called forth, is a promise. Nothin’ can sate its hunger except for the mind, body, and soul of the one that placed the hex. It lashes out and eats anything it can get its hands on, but someday it be comin’ around, and it be findin’ what it was promised. If he be the one that put this curse on it, it be his soul that it hungers for.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And what happens to the others its consumed?

Rokhan considers for a moment.

Rokhan says: I suppose that’s a good question. Think of it like a snake chasing its own tail. Once it bites itself it won’t survive very long. This snake ain’t immune to its own venom. From ‘dere it just becomes a process of extracting what was taken. Zalazane’s soul included. But that wouldn’t be too hard. Especially for a loa. As for everything else? I wager ya should be able to take it out. Like digging something out of a graveyard.
Velameestra Windrunner says: So it stops lashing, but things can still be exhumed from it.
Rokhan says: Like cutting it out of the gut of a snake. ‘Dat should work just fine. The hex it don’t work like normal rules. When it devours things, it does it because it can’t see. It’s blind to what it be looking for. But instead of spitting it out, it just holds onto it. Once the hex has run its course, it should just… die. Anything inside can just be pulled out.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Right now it’s not active. It’s in a dormant state.
Rokhan says: It be possible to pluck things out from it, but that could be dangerous. Until the hex has run its course, there is always a chance it could be wakin’ up. But we can try if ya want. After all, it sounds like there be somethin’ rather important.
Velameestra Windrunner says: It consumed my mother.
Rokhan says: I thought so. Once we use this to bring down Zalazane, I can guarantee we can get her soul onto the other side and out of this mess that Zalazane created.
Velameestra Windrunner says: It would need to be revived to be used in that way, yes?
Rokhan says: And that is exactly what I want to do. I ‘tink we can do just that. We don’t have Zalazane, but if we entice the hex, we can wake it, and in the process point it in the right direction. But I will need your help to do it. We’re goin’ to need three things to close the circle. It’s all going to need to tie back to Zalazane. The soul. That be easy.

He holds up the ring.

Rokhan says: He has imprinted on this and the sympathetic magics should lead us right to him. But only after we get the other two parts. The mind and the body. That might be a little hard. The first thing we need is a piece of Zalazane’s mind. And that doesn’t mean a piece of his brain or a shrunken head, as pleasing as it would be to whack it around like that. But somethin’ he created. I don’t know what that’s going to be, but considering the Troll Wars were his responsibility, somethin’ tied to that might work. Failing that, perhaps we can find some other thing. Something reminiscent. Something that was created with his brilliance. And with his madness. Unfortunately that might be the easy part. The next one be his body. I don’t know how we are gonna get a piece of that.
Velameestra Windrunner says: When we destroyed him his body dissolved.
Rokhan says: I had a feelin’ that may be the case. Unless you be holdin’ on to a sizeable pouch of his ashes, I don’t think that would work. So we are at a bit of an impasse. Now. I do have another idea about that. But I don’t know how that be workin’ either. Ol’ Vol’jin, if he had been around, we could have used him. He and Zalazane were like blood brothers, ya know. That connection would have been strong enough. If we had his body, that might have been enough.
Velameestra Windrunner says: He… raised Vol’jin. As a mummy. His body was also burned.

Rokhan shakes his head.

Rokhan says: Of course he did. His madness knows no bleedin’ bounds. Ya did the right thing. I don’t blame ya. But it makes things a little harder. We need to come up with somethin’. I’m not sure what. But if we gather these things together we should be able to wake this hex up and use it like a bloodhound. Follow it to Zalazane and put him back in the ground. Send him back to Bwonsamdi. I don’t know what we’re gonna do about these other reagents. I’ll need both of your help to track them down. We might have to get creative.
Velameestra Windrunner says: For his mind, would a spell he theoretically created work?

Rokhan thinks for a moment.

Rokhan says: If it’s a spell he created, then yes, it would be.
Velameestra Windrunner says: There was a spell he used. I don’t know if he created it, but it wasn’t one I had seen before. At least not before his use. Him and his necrolytes.
Rokhan says: I could ask the loa. See if they know if that would be good. What spell is it?
Velameestra Windrunner says: We have been calling it gravestriding. It’s a limited form of teleportation that allows one to travel through graves.

Rokhan’s brows go up.

Rokhan says: I can see how that may be useful.
Velameestra Windrunner says: If it does work, it’s one I can perform, at the very least.
Rokhan says: At the very least, it be comin’ in handy. If there are more questions we be askin’ the loa, I can commune with them when we ready.
Velameestra Windrunner says: With the reagents, they don’t get consumed, do they? They are just used as a focal point?
Rokhan says: It… be hard to say. I would be lying if I said there be no danger. Someone like Vol’jin could survive… but I can’t say whatever we use will come back the same. This be dangerous magics. Magics of one of the oldest gods of the dead. The Son of Time himself. I can’t say what won’t get destroyed in the process. But whatever souls be devoured by the hex. They should be unaffected.

Vel takes a moment to think and glances at Seria to see if she has any ideas, though the druid remains silent.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I suppose… one potential option is to ask if I might count?
Rokhan says: How might that work? Ya aren’t secretly part troll, are ya?
Velameestra Windrunner says: No. But his magics and mine intertwined quite a bit during our last encounter. Enough that it left some semblance of remnant. I don’t know if it’s more metaphorical or not, but there will likely not be harm in asking.
Rokhan says: There be strength in metaphors… I don’t know if it is what we need, but that may be handy. Your connection to it may let you see it more clearly than we can. When it comes to the time to wake it up, that may be the key. If the hex is the bloodhound, you may be the one to let go of the reigns.
Velameestra Windrunner says: There is always the option of returning the Zul’Gurub and seeing if anything remains… though it has been a while.
Rokhan says: That’s possible but dangerous. Unfortunate he didn’t have any children, otherwise we could use them.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I’m hesitant to suggest any of Vol’jin’s children for obvious reasons.
Rokhan says: Well, the ones that survived… Moraya was the youngest of Vol’jin’s wives. By the time he had Zufli and Rai he had already had too many children from his other wives. Unfortunately none of them are alive anymore. We would likely need his first-born child given the distance for it to count… but Vanira’s oldest son… I don’t think that would work. I don’t imagine he’d survived. The Darkspears, back before everything got more difficult, they had a tradition that the first born child of the chiefs be sent to the largest tribe of the Gurubashi. To train. To serve. Unfortunately Yenniku was the one that was sent. Their tribe got decimated in the war. I can’t say there would be much chance he survived.

When Seria hears the name Yenniku, she seems to perk up.

Seria says: That… name sounds familiar.

Rokhan raises a brow.

Rokhan says: I don’t imagine he was the only one named Yenniku.
Seria says: When I was in Zandalar, I ran into a troll.

She describes what Yenniku looked like. Rokhan thinks, stroking his beard.

Rokhan says: I can’t say for certain. He was a wee babe when he was taken away, but he sounds like he has a similar hair color to Vanira. I can asked about that when I commune as well. That’s a whole ‘nother thing to unpack. Might be worth thinking on it while we figure out how to approach this mind business. I imagine Vanira has more than a few regrets about that situation… but that is the third one, I suppose that’s our third question.

Rokhan starts the process of casting [Commune]. It’s very different from Remnii’s process as he produces a series of small flames, beseeching the loa. Seria feels an itch, and the skull-like tattoos tingle. It seems that Bwonsamdi may be one of the loa he is consulting with.

Rokhan’s eyes roll into the back of his head and a very different voice comes from his mouth.

It’s Bwonsamdi’s voice.

Bwonsamdi says: Hohoho, those be interestin’ questions, mon. I regret to inform ya, Velameestra, ya don’t qualify. Though you was affected by his magic, it’s not quite close enough to count.

Rokhan’s head cracks and turns to Seria.

Bwonsamdi says: I think the man you’re thinkin’ about may be the man, but there’s more to that story. But as far as that spell, Velameestra, he didn’t make it. But nice try. He only be wishin’ he was good enough to make that!

Bwonsamdi starts to cackle, and Rokhan jerks back.

Rokhan says: Well. That’s one way to get the answers.
Velameestra Windrunner says: That’s… not the normal process?
Rokhan says: Normally it’s less invasive. But some warnin’ next time would be nice!

He wipes some blood from his eyes.

Rokhan says: But we got our answers. Seems Vol’jin’s oldest son still lives, and that’s certainly something. Vanira will want to know about that. Though it might be better that we don’t tell Zuni right away. He might swim all the way to Zandalar to meet his half-brother himself. You can leave that to me. I’ll let her know eventually.
Velameestra Windrunner says: At the very least, there are some things to think about.
Rokhan says: And we may be able to talk to some others. Anyone else who knew Zalazane may have a few thoughts. I’d ask Rai or the chieftain, but I don’t think I’d be welcome. But we got time. There are some things I need to get together anyways. Eventually, if we put our minds together, we can maybe find something that old bastard created.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And your aid is most appreciated.
Rokhan says: The least I can do. After all, I am a shadowhunter. This be falling under my purview. Besides, if I didn’t help, I wouldn’t be hearing the end of it from the loa of death. But thank you for being so candid, and I be glad to do what I can to help. If there be something I can do to help, all for the better.

Vel nods, and the trio starts to head back.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Do you… mind if I inform the others of what’s going on?
Seria says: I wanted more information before I told anyone else.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Alright. I’ll leave that to you then.

Meanwhile, Tol’vas had gone into a meditative trance as he entered the Emerald Dream. He finds himself in the middle of a cleared out space. While he would have expected to see larger trees, but the ground is completely charred black. As he looks further out, it seems the jungle restarts, but immediately around him, there is no life.

Tol’vas starts to wander away from the charred area, deeper into the jungle, and he passes a stump. It’s completely black, with deep gashes within it. Within those gashes, there is a dull red sap, almost like blood. He continues further in, but he glances back towards the stump. For a brief moment, a pang of anger washes over him. He can feel the suffering, and the pain, of the trees in the area.

Who would do something like this?

As the anger washes over him, he snaps himself out of it because he feels a pain in his hand. He looks down, and there are small divots on his hand where his claws had started to dig into the palm of his hand. His anger ebbs away.

He continues, and then enters a grove that is much clearer. There is something about the place that makes it very easy to get lost. He heads deeper into the emerald jungle, and as he steps through a thicket, he finds himself back in the charred, bleeding circle.

Tol’vas once more tries to leave them behind. He heads toward the coast this time.

But he steps back into the same circle. This time, there’s a tree in the center. It’s tall, black, and twisted, with no leaves. Its branches extend in every direction, almost like a dozen hands reaching out to the sky, and towards Tol’vas. It’s almost like it’s reaching out for help. The light trickles in from the sky, and the tree seems to be bleeding--thick, sap-like blood dripping through the bark.

Desperate Voice says: Are you here to help me? Help me. Help me. Are you here to help me? Help us.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Who are you?
Desperate Voice says: We are the grove! She seeks to cut us down. Kill us like our brothers and sisters. Such loss. You know this loss. You know what it’s like to lose… to be betrayed… You have to to stop her, you have to stop HER.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Who is her?

Tol’vas feels something reaching into his mind, and for a moment he blinks, and the entire grove shifts. All the black and bleeding fades away, and there is a single living tree within the grove--but the rest of the trees are monstrous. He turns back to those trees, and steps away, thinking he had been deceived. But the image flickers back.

It’s all wrong. The tree in the center appears monstrous again.

Desperate Voice says: Stay with us. Protect us! Save us from her.

There is a distinct feeling that this is not a good place to be. Tol’vas cuts the dream, and his eyes snap open. He has a headache.

He goes to find Broll, but he hears someone whispering from behind him. He turns back, but he sees no one. A shiver crawls down his back, and he has a feeling he is being watched.

Broll is not hard to find. He is keeping to himself, glancing off into the jungle.

He explains to Broll what he saw. Broll’s brow furrows.

Broll Bearmantle says: That is… troubling. You say a section seemed to be burned away, and it reached out to you? No matter what you tried, it brought you back? I’ve heard of strange phenomenon, but nothing quite so… sinister. Once Seria is finished, we should ask her if she knows anything. Perhaps her teacher will know more.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I guess we’ll just wait for her to get back then.

Conveniently, Vel and Seria had returned at that time.

Elissa Cross says: Hey, you’re back! How’d it go with your meeting thing?

Seria looks at Vel for a moment.

Seria says: We... need to talk.
Elissa Cross says: Okay.

The group is gathered without much trouble.

Seria says: One of the loa came to me. In a dream.

She looks over to Uther and Elissa, as she knew for sure they were involved with quelling Zalazane’s last rising.

Seria says: It seems that Zalazane did not stay dead.
Uther Menethil says: A mistake I suppose we will need to rectify.

Vel gives some context to those that did not fully understand the weight of Zalazane. Remnii nods, considering.

Velameestra Windrunner says: We need to find his soul, his mind, and his body. Metaphorically. We believe the hex will functionally count for his soul, but the mind and body portions are a bit of a riddle. His physical body was thoroughly destroyed.
Tae'shara Sunwatcher says: What about his mind? What do we got for that?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Anything he took part in creating… potentially something linked to the war he started, or any powerful magics he had a hand in manifesting.
Tae'shara Sunwatcher says: Do we know if he made any magic items or somethin’ like that? I’m just shootin’ out ideas.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Nothing immediately comes to mind, but I imagine Rokhan or some of the others here may have more ideas for that than I do. I don’t know much about Zalazane’s past.
Remnii says: Did he ever have children?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Not that we know of. And unfortunately, his prior base of operations was back in Zul’Gurub, which is nowhere near here.
Aramar Thorne says: Well, we are planning on going back to the Eastern Kingdoms eventually. Perhaps when we do we can have some people poke around down there?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Indeed. It’s just something to think about while pursuing our goals on Kalimdor. Rokhan said he would be asking around as well. But nothing to be done for it until we can get more information.

Elissa nods.

Elissa Cross says: I’m here to help however I can, but you already knew that.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Right now, it’s just brainstorming.
Broll Bearmantle says: I have one question. Seria, you intend on speaking with your mother’s teacher, correct?
Seria says: I do.
Broll Bearmantle says: Would you be alright if Tol’vas and I accompany you? Tol’vas observed something curious, and I believe it would be good for us to meet her.

Seria nods.

Broll Bearmantle says: When you’re ready to go, we will accompany you.
Samaara says: Do we wish to make plans for our next course of action, or do you wish to speak with this teacher of yours first?

Seria looks to Tol’vas and Broll.

Seria says: I can go whenever you want.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Regarding plans, we can wait until tomorrow. It is rather late.

The group nods in agreement.

Samaara says: Alright. We can just settle in for the night.
Riff says: Can I meet her too? She’s basically like my great aunt or something, right?
Seria says: Alright.

They head off while Vel goes to trade for coffee. The troll there, a woman named Torenda, eyes her somewhat suspiciously and warily as Vel asks after the beans.

Torenda says: Huh. I didn’t even know that elves could handle coffee. I only thought you could go as hard as tea. Color me surprised.
Velameestra Windrunner says: It may as well be my lifeblood at this point.
Torenda says: Alright. What do ya got for me?

Vel pulls out the basilisk teeth they had gathered, as well as the few vials of spider venom she had on hand and shows them to the vendor.

Torenda says: Everyone can do good with a bit o’ coin… but let me see these.

She examines the basilisk teeth.

Torenda says: How much ya lookin’ to get?
Velameestra Windrunner says: As much as I could feasibly carry. This is the first place I’ve found that has it since Gadgetzan to the south.
Torenda says: I’m not surprised. Ya don’t seem a strong sort. How many pounds ya want?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Ten, if you have it.
Torenda says: We can arrange dat… hm. Alright. I’ll give ya ten pounds for two of these pouches of teeth.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Take all three of them. That’s fine.
Torenda says: Ya don’t have to tell me twice!

She swipes the pouches of teeth away and heaves two five pound sacks of coffee beans onto the counter in front of her. She examines one of the teeth as Vel starts to gather up the pouches.

Torenda says: My mate’s gonna love these. Pleasure doin’ business with ya, elf girl.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And you. Thank you.

Vel then seeks out Rokhan to ask him if there may be a grave site anywhere that it would be alright if she could for travel, as she didn’t want to just make use of them without permission if she didn’t have to, and she explains the magic she is capable of it.

Rokhan says: I may be able to do ya one better. Ya do that elf magic, ya?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I do.
Rokhan says: I think I got you the place.

Rokhan leads her to the hut where she had heard the incantations happening earlier. He wraps on the side of the building and gestures for Vel to follow him.

Rokhan says [Zandali]: Soratha!

Vel sees what would be effectively the troll equivalent to an arcane sanctum. There are books on a few shelves that don’t appear to have been written by trolls, but there is also troll writing scrawled on various pieces of parchment. There are no tables or desks, but there are cushions to sit on, and there is a podium that has a cauldron sitting upon it with various alchemy regents also lining the shelves near it. It almost looks like a mage school. There are young trolls doing some basic incantations and talking, and over in the corner is a pale-skinned, wrinkled troll with gray hair who seems to be observing the studies.

His head turns as Rokhan calls his name.

Soratha says [Zandali]: Rokhan, what do ya want? And what’s this elf doin’ here?
Rokhan says [Zandali]: This elf is helpin’ me on a special project. I need ya to give her access to your circle.
Soratha says [Zandali]: Ya gotta be kiddin’ me, Rokhan! First ya be walkin’ around pretendin’ to be the chieftain, and now you’re tellin’ me who to give my circle to!?

Rokhan crosses his arms.

Rokhan says [Zandali]: I’m not tellin’ ya to do it, but I be askin’ politely. There be other ways, but ya know this be the good way to do it.

The troll scowls at Vel and then looks back at Rokhan.

Soratha says [Zandali]: Fine. But don’t break it. Not that I think ya could, this ain’t no flimsy elf magic. It’s upstairs. And don’t be givin’ it to other people!
Velameestra Windrunner says [Zandali]: My lips are sealed.

Sora scoffs and waves Vel off, and Rokhan leads her up a flight of stairs to a smaller chamber that seems to be a study. Engraved in the floor are bright violet runes that make up a teleportation circle, which seems to have been made with enchanted blood. Vel immediately spells the scent. The sound of the outside dims as they enter, as there are multiple protections on the place.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I… very much appreciate this, Rokhan, as it makes return trips here far easier, but I was… asking so I could return to my own gravesite to sleep.
Rokhan says: ...ah. I guess that would probably be pretty helpful. There is a graveyard, but we keep it on another island. I could show you there, but it would be a few hours by boat.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I don’t want to impose.
Rokhan says: That be up to you, but there be an island where the veil between here and de Other Side is thin, so those buried can easily reach Bwonsamdi. It be no trouble if ya want to get there.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I would appreciate that.
Rokhan says: I’ll see if one of the hunters can bring ya there.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Alright, I’ll inform my companions I’ll be gone for the night.
Rokhan says: And at least you can get back here real easy. I don’t know how this magic works, but folk like you and Soratha have a way of gettin’ around pretty easy.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes, I’ll be able to return without a problem thanks to this.
Rokhan says: Glad to help. When you’re ready, head to the coast. They’ll have a boat ready for ya. And thank ya for your help, for what that’s worth.

Vel nods and finishes memorizing the teleportation circle, and then heads off to report to her companions before making her way to the coast as Rokhan had indicated. There are torches lining the more populous areas, and as she arrives, she hears Zuni’s voice and as she looks she sees him waving her down.

He is wearing his armor and standing next to a boat.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Ah! So your night’s duties are escorting an elf to a graveyard.

Zuni laughs.

Zuni says: Who knew I’d get such interestin’ watch posts this evening, ya?

Vel gets into the boat and he starts to shove it off.

Zuni says: If ya don’t mind keepin’ this between the two of us, I wouldn’t want Seria to get jealous, ya know?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I wouldn’t dream of imposing myself.

Zuni chuckles again and jumps into the boat to start to row. The journey itself takes a few hours, and as they approach the island, Vel can sense a very pervasive essence around the area.

Zuni says: Ugh, this place gives me the creeps!
Velameestra Windrunner says: That tends to be the nature of graveyards.
Zuni says: I’m just sayin’, I hope we don’t see any ghosts or nothin’ like that. Or worse, zombies or somethin’ crawlin’ out of the graves.
Velameestra Windrunner says: You have nothing to worry about unless there’s trouble afoot. And I’m sure on your watch, that wouldn’t be the case.
Zuni says: Uh. Yeah. Sure. I don’t know what you’re doin’ here, but the Boss just said ya needed a one way trip. Is that right?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes. I’ll be taking it from there.
Zuni says: Huh. You elves got all sorts of crazy magics.

Vel shrugs in acknowledgement, and they arrive on the shore of the island. Zuni points in the direction of some cenotaphs and graves, and Vel also notes the plant life here is much smaller and more sparse, and the island is completely still and silent--there is no sound of the jungle life that could be heard on the main island.

There is also another boat.

Zuni says: Huh. That’s odd. Maybe I should go in, just be sure.
Velameestra Windrunner says: By all means.

Zuni draws his javelin and spins it around as he eases himself onto the beach.

Zuni says: Don’t worry. Stay behind me and I’ll make sure ya don’t get hurt.

Vel follows after him, one hand resting on the hilt of her sword. They take a look around, and Vel notes small, simple markers and various offerings to the trolls buried here.

Confused Voice says: Zuni?

A sudden voice startles Zuni, who nearly throws his javelin as the pair turn around and see Zekhan kneeling in front of one of the graves.

Zuni says: Zekhan? What the hell are you doin’ here?

Zekhan scrambles to his feet.

Zekhan says: Sorry! I was just visitin’ my mada.
Zuni says: ...Oh. Right, it was comin’ to be that time, huh?
Zekhan says: Sorry for startlin’ ya. Glad ya didn’t skewer me with that thing! Oh, hi Vel.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Sorry to interrupt.
Zekhan says: It’s no problem. Ya need somethin’? What are ya doin’ all the way out here?

Zuni holds up his hand.

Zuni says: That’s for me to know and you to find out, Zekhan!

Zekhan looks somewhat confused.

Zekhan says: Okay…
Zuni says: But no, seriously, she’s good. She just wanted to see it. But she can get back on her own. Come on. I don’t want to leave ya on your own after you came out here to visit.
Zekhan says: I appreciate that, Zuni. I’ll catch ya later, Vel.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Have a safe trip.

Vel watches them start to walk off and Zuni, not so quietly, starts to whisper at Zekhan.

Zuni says [Zandali]: She let ya call her Vel already? I didn’t know ya was into elves.
Zekhan says [Zandali]: Shut up, Zuni!

Vel waits until they leave before she casts grave stride to carry her on her way to Northrend.

Meanwhile the druids make their way about a half mile inland. Some of the trees are familiar to Tol’vas, as he had seen them in the dream. They enter a verdant grove of palm trees. The thatched building almost seems to have grown out of the side of one of the palm trees.

Within the shelter is a large bed of cloth, and the bedding seems to be made completely of flowers. Laying in it, peacefully and unceremoniously, is a familiar figure for Seria. The woman is somewhat sprawled, and her mouth is partially open. Her green hair is draped over her shoulders.

Riff says: Is that her? She’s so pretty!
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Well, are we going in after her, or are we waking her up?

Riff turns their head to the side.

Riff says: What’s that thing coming out of her chest?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: What?
Riff says: It’s a vine or something. Don’t you see it?

None of the other see anything, and Riff prods something over Zen’tabra’s chest.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Are you touching it?
Riff says: Yeah, see? It looks likes a vine or something.

He grabs something.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Riff, you should let that go.

Riff jumps back.

Riff says: Sorry!
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: That’s what’s connecting her dream self to her waking self.

Broll scratches his chin.

Broll Bearmantle says: We could try to find her, but it may be hard… unless we follow the dream.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: We have a nice tether we can follow.
Broll Bearmantle says: Do you know how long she’s been at rest?

Seria is unsure, but she has been in and out over the last few decades.

Broll Bearmantle says: I see. Well, it shouldn’t be hard to call her back. Once someone has rested for many decades and centuries, it takes something greater--like the horn of Cenarius, but someone as lightly sleeping as she is, you should be able to bring her back with a tug, or at least inform her you’re here.

Seria nods and closes her eyes. Riff points out the location of the tether, and Seria gives it a gentle little tug.

A few moments later, Zen’tabra’s eyes open. They are yellowish-orange, and the glow of the magic ebbs away. She looks about and sees the four people.

Zen'tabra says: Ah! I guess I’m havin’ some guests, aren’t I?

She yawns and stretches.

Zen'tabra says: Seria.

She reaches up and cups Seria’s cheek in her hand.

Zen'tabra says: Ya look good, girl. Ya look strong.

Seria smiles.

Seria says: I learned from the best.

Zen’tabra swings her legs out of the bed and stands up, stretching out.

Zen'tabra says: And who is this little one, eh?

She looks at Riff.

Seria says: It’s okay, you can tell her.

Riff looks bashful.

Riff says: Hi. My name’s Riff. I t’ink I’m your… great… grand nephew or somethin’? Seria is my mada!
Zen'tabra says: When did you have a kid? And where did this red come from??

She grabs Riff’s hair and looks at it.

Zen'tabra says: Don’t tell me you got with the chief’s son!

Seria shakes her head.

Seria says: It’s a long story…
Zen'tabra says: Well I don’t need all the juicy details. I know where babies come from, Seria.
Seria says: I found him.
Zen'tabra says: Ohhh. That explains a bit. Especially how you got so big. Probably for the best, I think you’d probably break Rai in half if you tried. And who are you two?

She looks over to Tol’vas and Broll.

Zen'tabra says: Must be some of her friends, ya?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: As much friends as she’d allow.

Zen’tabra chuffs.

Zen'tabra says: Well it’s good to meet ya. My name’s Zen’tabra. Welcome to my grove.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Tol’vas.
Broll Bearmantle says: Broll. Good to meet you.
Zen'tabra says: Good to meet you too, big mon.

She looks closer at them.

Zen'tabra says: Yer druids aren’t ya?

Tol’vas nods. Zen’tabra bounces on her heel and elbows Seria.

Zen'tabra says: Look at you, makin’ friends with druids already! Good good, we will need your help. Lots of help for this. Come in, come in. Make yourselves comfortable. It ain’t often I get to break bread with elves, ya know, given historical precedent.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Yeah. That was a thing…
Zen'tabra says: Water under the bridge! It weren’t like I was alive back then, righ’?

Broll clears his throat, but Tol’vas pretends like he wasn’t alive back then.

Zen'tabra says: So how have things been, Seria! How’d ya get here? What are ya up to now?
Seria says: Making deals with gods apparently…
Zen'tabra says: Oh, don’t worry Seria, everything makes deals with loa eventually. You get used to it!

Seria explains that she met Gonk.

Zen'tabra says: Like the real thing? In the wakin’ world?

Seria nods.

Zen’tabra smacks her knee.

Zen'tabra says: That be somethin’ isn’t it? Auntie Z needs to keep up or you be passin’ her up!
Seria says: He asked about you.
Zen'tabra says: Did he now? That be a real touchin’ thing, I think. I didn’t think he’d remember little ol’ me. He be a busy loa and all that. I’m touched he still be rememberin’ me. I should go visit him again. I’ve just been so busy. Don’t get old, Seria. The hours and days go by so quick.

Seria chuckles quietly.

Zen'tabra says: So. I guess the big question here is what do we do now? I’d be glad to teach you more. If ya want to stay around, I’m sure there are plenty of things I could teach ya. But something tells me you got a bit on your mind.

Seria looks over at Tol’vas.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Yeah, while Seria was dealing with things here, I went to the dream.
Zen'tabra says: What did you see?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: A tree that was gnarled and twisted and bleeding.
Zen'tabra says: You saw it?

Tol’vas nods.

Zen'tabra says: Ain’t that somethin’.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: And I heard it.
Zen'tabra says: Don’t listen to what it has to say. It has nothing to say but lies and temptations.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: What is it?
Zen'tabra says: It be the source of what I’ve been focusin’ on. It be my latest project. They call it the Nightmare. It worms it’s ways into the dream in the darkest corners. Slippin’ its way into your mind like a poison and a parasite. I heard stories about the kaldorei, about your druids. But no matter where I look, I can’t seem to find any of ya. Only more of this Nightmare. But I got some bad news for you Tol’vas, now that it’s seen ya, it won’t forget about ya.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I won’t forget about it either. What can I do to help?
Zen'tabra says: Welp. I just be one woman. There only be so much that I can do. While I’ve gotten a few followers and students over the years--Seria’s mada bein’ one--’dere’s still only a few of us. I don’t have connections. Two hands can only do so much. But the two of you… you got to have some friends with the druids, ah? Maybe you can reach them. Maybe you can tell them about what’s goin’ on in this Nightmare! Unless it already got into them too. I don’t know anythin’ about them. Where they be dreamin’. But you, maybe you can succeed. Together maybe we can all do somethin’.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: So you can’t find the kaldorei, but what about the other guardians in the Emerald Dream?
Zen'tabra says: That’s where I’ve learned what I can. The beasts of the wild and the loa are just about the only ones I’ve been able to find. Dreamin’ spirits here and there, and I’ve fought back against the Nightmare and those claimed by it.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: What about the Dreamer and her children?
Zen'tabra says: I don’t know who you are talkin’ about. I had to learn a lot, and I think I missed a few lessons you and your friends had. I had to teach myself a fair bit of this.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: The green dragons.
Zen'tabra says: Oh, dragons! Those I understand. I only ran into a couple of them. It weren’t a good meetin’.

Tol’vas frowns.

Zen'tabra says: The ones I saw. They be claimed by the Nightmare. Twisted, awful creatures. Breathin’ that corruption. Taintin’ the land. But they are supposed to be some sort of guardians… the ones I saw weren’t guardin’ nothin’. But I don’t have all the answers.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: They… that’s… that’s incredibly troubling.
Zen'tabra says: You’re tellin’ me! One almost ate me. I don’t recommend it, by the way.
Broll Bearmantle says: I’m… I don’t know how much we’ll be able to help. Neither of us are… the two of us are exiles. But, what you speak of about this Nightmare is troubling. In spite of things, I believe we may be able to reach some of them. Perhaps starting with those in the Circle of the Fang that we have begun to discover, Tol’vas. If you can find them, maybe they know something about this.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: There aren’t that many oases in the Barrens. It’s just a matter of narrowing it down, and they are to the north, so that helps.

Broll nods.

Broll Bearmantle says: We’ll be able to find it.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: We’re going to Ashenvale anyway. So regardless of any punishment, I can at least spread the word.
Zen'tabra says: Good! That’s what I like to here!
Broll Bearmantle says: Though the other druids will be much harder to waken. If they have been resting for centuries… if we cannot find them in the dream, only hte call of the ancients can rouse them.

Zen’tabra furrows her brow.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Ah, the loa.
Zen'tabra says: Gotcha! That makes sense.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I’m not certain which loa I can find who are strong enough or willing to make that call.
Broll Bearmantle says: Then perhaps this Naralex and this Circle of the Fang can tell us more. I don’t know of any loa that will answer my call any longer, but perhaps he can.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: The only one I had real connection to is long gone.
Zen'tabra says: Well, it sounds like we got ourselves a plan then! What about you, Seria? How do you play into all of this?
Seria says: I’ll help where I can.

Zen’tabra furrows her brow.

Zen'tabra says: Yeah, we know. But what are ya gonna do? I heard about what happened to yer mada, and I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help here, but I’m here now. Which means I’m gonna be yer teacher, whether you like it or not. Don’t expect no special treatment like what you would have gotten from your mada! Bein’ paralyzed by indecision will get you killed. So what do you want to do, Seria? I need someone I can trust to go out with these handsome young men.

Broll blushes.

Zen'tabra says: And get some help against this thing that’s way bigger than either of us!
Seria says: You can count on me.

Zen’tabra smiles.

Zen'tabra says: I’m glad to hear it. I think, as I said, we will need all the help we can get. But I got a question. ‘Dis one.

She pokes Tol’vas.

Zen'tabra says: Said you was as much friends as you could be. What does that mean?

Zen’tabra wraps her arms around Seria.

Zen'tabra says: Rokhan said the people here were ya friends. That ya trusted them.
Seria says: Yes.
Zen'tabra says: So you do trust them then? I would hope you would bring men you trust into the grove of a sleepin’ woman!

She flicks Seria’s forehead and gives Tol’vas a supportive wink.

Zen'tabra says: Ya need to trust the people yer traveling with. Especially if you’re up against the Nightmare. It will get in your head and make you doubt everything you know. So I think I want to know what kind of people you be travelin’ with, ya? Lets go back to the village and you can introduce me.

Seria nods, and Zen’tabra unwraps herself from Seria.

Zen'tabra says: I’m glad yer here Seria.

She looks down and sees the tusks around Seria’s neck. She fingers them.

Zen'tabra says: I think she’d be proud of ya. Why don’t ya make sure that’s the case, eh?

Zen’tabra gives her a wink.

Zen'tabra says: After all, I don’t know everythin’.

She leaps up and transforms into a beautiful raptor with a long, verdant green feathery mane, and she runs off towards the village.

Broll Bearmantle says: I guess we have a little circle of our own now, don’t we?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I suppose so.

Broll turns into a bear to follow.

'Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Make sure you can keep up, Seria.

He shifts into a wolf and runs off, followed by Seria.

Riff says: Wait for me!

He scampers after them as a saurid.