[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Forty

Appearing Characters: Aramar Thorne, Elissa Cross, Makasa Flintwill, Maraad, Medivh, Remnii, Seria, Tol'vas Moonshadow, Uther Menethil, Velameestra Windrunner

July 30th

The battle in the corrupted druid grove continues to rage on as one of the satyr thornbearers fires two shots at Uther. One of the arrows clinks off his chain mail, and the satyr ducks behind a tree. Another thornbearer starts to shoot at the rogue inferno spider as he curses, realizing the elemental is no longer an ally.

The satyr next to Tol’vas looks at Tol’vas with wide eyes.

Axxarien Satyr says: Not again!

He wails into Tol’vas with his scythe and tries to back away, but the massive wolf grabs him and shakes the demon like a chew toy before throwing his limp body against the thorny wall.

Remnii casts [Spirit Guardians], and the spectral naaru start to swirl around her--not affecting Tol’vas for now.

Another of the Axxarien satyrs grapples with Maraad and tries to slice into him with his scythe, but is deflected aside. The second succubus approaches and tries to strike Maraad with her whip, the weapon wrapping around his hammer. However, he holds tight and tries to pull her closer instead--an attempt that the succubus is able to resist.

Tol’vas turns his eyes on the alpha darkhound with a snarl. He casts [Swiftmend] on himself and then lurches over Vel’s head for the alpha’s throat, ripping it to the ground as he grabs the hound by the scruff. Tol’vas starts to maul into him with his claws, but the alpha growls defiantly as it tries to fight back.

One of the rimewings gets blasted with spirit guardians and takes off. A sootwing bursts in the holy energy. The remaining moths also take off in fear, completely dissuaded by the spell.

The inferno spider scurries back from the satyr it was engaged with and launches a burning web at the satyr, which dodges around the dripping, lava-strewn webbing as he struggles with the webbing already on him.

Axxarien Satyr says: Dammit!

Uther deflects aside the strikes from another satyr and then channels energy as he grabs the Libram of Justice. There is the faint sound of chimes in the air.

Uther Menethil says: In the radiance of the Light, the righteous will know peace, but the wicked shall know only FEAR!

There is a brilliant flash of light, and a coronet of light appears over his head. Maraad smirks.

Maraad says: That’s right!

Uther then runs for the thornbearer that had been outside the range of his channel divinity.

Seria casts [Wrath] on the darkhound behind the alpha, which yelps from the impact of the spell, but stays standing. She then drinks a potion. The darkhound lunges at Vel, but is unable to land a hit.

The rest of the pack is trying to catch up, but the magic of Vel’s slow is doing work. Elissa uses the ball lightning ability from her ring, killing the darkhound alpha and the other darkhound.

Elissa Cross says: Does anyone have any way to get to Tol’vas!?

Maraad, noting Uther will be able to handle the last one, runs back to the rest of the group and mutters a prayer and casts [Mass Flash of Light] over the group--which doesn’t affect Vel. Vel darts toward the nearest slowed darkhound and Tol’vas lashes out at her, clamping on her leg. She scrambles, ripping her leg free.

Maraad says: Something is wrong!
Velameestra Windrunner says: He’s not in control of himself!
Maraad says: I’ll see what I can do!

Vel casts [Heart Strike] and slashes into the darkhound with two strikes. Another darkhound snaps at her, but misses.

The satyrs that are turned all start to flee. The thornbearer next to Uther growls and tries to attack him, but Uther headbutts him back and the satyr curses loudly. Vel whirls around and uses [Heart Strike] on another of the darkhounds, opening a gaping wound on a second one before she flips her blade around and worsens the gushing wound on the still-slowed darkhound. Thick ichor is coating the ground.

Remnii’s spirit guardians flares and hits Tol’vas as he had attacked Vel. He snarls and then rounds on Seria, and he grabs her up in his jaws. He leaps around, mauling her with his claws. Seria casts [Blink] to get out of Tol’vas’s jaws and reappears in the midst of a bramble of thorns. She then casts [Druidcraft] to imitate the sound of the snarling hellhounds, trying to draw his attention away from Remnii and the others.

The thornbearer entangled in the web shouts after Maraad and tries to shoot after him, but they miss.

Another thornbearer curses.

Axxarien Thornbearer says: Goddammit. Snap out of it, you assholes!

He shoots at his allies, but only one connects--one that Uther promptly uses [Righteous Defense] to claim so that the turning did not drop.

Axxarien Thornbearer says: What!?
Uther Menethil says: I’m afraid your friends are quite busy!

The darkhound that Vel had inflicted with severe bleeding drops to the ground and bleeds out. Remnii casts [Mass Flash of Light], healing her allies. She then uses [Mind Sliver] on Tol’vas.

Remnii says: I’m sorry Tol’vas.

One of the remaining darkhounds tries to bite Vel, but its fangs glance off her arcane [Shield]. Meanwhile, the inferno spider attacks the entangled satyr, poisoning it.

Uther slams his hammer into the engaged satyr, which bursts into dust. He then turns his attention on the other thornbearer that had tried to bring his allies to his senses. He swings his hammer into his jaw, also sending the second thornbearer into the Nether. Uther quickens a [Thunder Step] to return to the rest of the group, and he appears next to Remnii.

Remnii says: Uther! Be careful of Tol’vas!
Uther Menethil says: Ah! I see!

He juxtaposes himself between Remnii and Tol’vas.

Uther Menethil says: Sorry friend! Nothing personal!

Elissa fires a lightning blast at the remaining bleeding darkhound, and it yelps as it crumbles to the ground. She then runs to Vel's side to firm up the back line.

Maraad says: May the Light protect you from your affliction, my friend!

Maraad reaches out and uses cleansing touch on Tol’vas. He starts to see clarity, but the madness is fighting against it.

Vel tries to use [Heart Strike] on the remaining dark hound, but it bites her blade. She scoffs, and drives the blade into its mouth as she wrenches her blade free. Meanwhile Uther swings into Tol’vas twice with his hammer.

The inferno spider continues to bite the struggling satyr, and is summarily devoured. There is a blast of energy and an explosion of brambles as Medivh comes barreling in, somewhat scuffed.

Medivh says: Sorry I’m late! Found a few stragglers- OH! GOODNESS!

He sees the inferno spider and casts [Banishment]. The spider disappears in a shower of sparks. Medivh claps his hands together, looking around for the group.

Medivh says: Oh! There you all are!

Remnii casts [Mind Sliver] on Tol’vas and knocks him out of his pack form.

Remnii says: Can you hear me, Tol’vas?

It’s muffled to his ears, as he’s still lost in the mire of madness. Remnii casts [Soothe], and the frantic panting Tol’vas is still doing starts to subside. Elissa and Vel are able to finish off the last darkhound.

Remnii goes to support Tol’vas, who is twitching as if he’s waking from a nightmare. He almost feels a hand trying to drag him back into the rage and the quiet, but he is able to pull himself free of the mire, and he awakens. He feels uneasy and unsettled, like after a terrible nightmare that he cannot forget no matter how hard he tries.

Tol’vas tries to get to his feet, shakily.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I... need to get out of this grove.
Velameestra Windrunner says: We can recover Ash’alah.

Tol’vas nods and scrambles for the exit, accompanied by Seria as he goes off to collect himself.

Velameestra Windrunner says: We should find Ash’alah and get out of here.
Remnii says: I agree.

Remnii groans with a mixture of exasperation and relief, and she points north.

Remnii says: They are not far. Come. This way.

The remainder of the group heads through the carnage. As they get to the center, they see a font--similar to a moonwell--but this one is broken with the contents spilling out. It’s a twisted mockery of what was in the Wailing Caverns, the waters rancid and bright green. Everything was defaced in eredun and blood. The bones of deceased night elves are scattered about, and Ash’alah’s bones are within the water--about 20 feet in.

Remnii says: They are in the water.
Maraad says: We should retrieve them quickly.
Remnii says: I only need some for the spell.
Maraad says: I will retrieve them.
Remnii says: Please be careful.
Maraad says: My magics should be able to protect me from this corruption. I will purge myself of them afterwards.

Maraad wades into the water and disappears beneath the waters for a moment. He emerges a few seconds later, carrying a blackened and eaten-away skull of a frost saber as well as some other pieces of major bones. The [Protection from Evil and Good] spell he had cast protects him as he returns.

Medivh says: Good thing we have so many blessed warriors with us!
Uther Menethil says: Ah, Medivh, kind of you to join us!
Medivh says: Apologies for the delay. I wanted to ensure there were no other reinforcements… and I spent most of my reserves for the evening.
Uther Menethil says: Much obliged! If reinforcements arrived I’m not sure we could take them.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Unless there’s anything else we need, we should quit this place.
Maraad says: Those that escaped will seek vengeance. It will be best if we are not here.
Remnii says: We should go check on our druids.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And find somewhere safe for the night. Or at least safe enough.

Remnii nods.

Uther Menethil says: I don’t like leaving them with this place.
Velameestra Windrunner says: There’s nothing we can do about it right now.
Uther Menethil says: Well… there is something, but I don’t think that’s my decision to make. Lets go speak with our companions.
Medivh says: At the very least, druids are good at finding things again! I’m sure Tol’vas’s companions could do something if informed. The satyr sect here has at least been bloodied.

The group quits the area to rejoin Tol’vas and Seria, who are a good few hundred feet away.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Are both of you good?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I don’t know if I’ve ever been… overwhelmed like that. Not since the first one.
Velameestra Windrunner says: There was something else at work. The corruption you were displaying was similar to that in the Wailing Caverns…
Elissa Cross says: There were satyrs there too. Do you think they did it?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: They corrupt everything they touch.
Velameestra Windrunner says: It may be wise for us to find a safe space for the night. Given an hour or so rest, I should be able to make a safe space.
Uther Menethil says: I don’t want to stay too close to this place if they return.
Medivh says: Well… you two have been through the ringer, but do you think you can find a place for Velameestra to set us up a little hidey hole?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Yeah. She can hide the entrance anyway.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I’ll be setting up an alarm spell around the area as well.
Medivh says: Even better!

Tol’vas looks back at the corrupted grove and casts [Call Lightning], bringing bolts down on the grove. However, it does not break all the way through. Tol’vas frowns.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Well… I hoped. If I had more time, I suppose.
Velameestra Windrunner says: The corruption will still be there, and the source needs to be handled for any remedies to be lasting, and I’m not sure we have time for that. Not right now. Purging with fire works on a superficial level, but that moon well and its corruption would need to be dealt with.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: It’ll at least disrupt them enough they’ll need to regroup.
Medivh says: If you… wish it, I may be able to help. It won’t be able to purge the corruption indefinitely, but it’ll likely work temporarily. It’s advanced magic, and it will take a lot out of me, but I’m willing...
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Remnii, your people have shamans?
Remnii says: Yes. They are somewhat new, but the elements have spoken to them.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Then, this may be a place for them to try and purge themselves.
Remnii says: Once it is culturally safe for us to do so, I’m sure this can be a piece of what needs to be done.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Alright. Lets be away then.

Elissa puts a hand on Tol’vas’s shoulder, and they head off, traveling for about 45 minutes to an hour. They find a secluded area in the surrounding forests that seems not quite so twisted. They rest for a moment to patch up wounds.

Remnii says: I have the mana to do the ritual tonight… but we’ve done much today. An actual rest would not harm us, depending on what you all think? As Tol’vas I believe I will need your help as you are the only person who has met Ash’alah in person… and we’re doing what we can with limited resources. I will need two others who are able to…
Velameestra Windrunner says: I may be able to help. I have a few ideas… at the very least, I’ll take a look at her bones tonight to see what they were trying to do to her.
Uther Menethil says: I would like to help as well.

Remnii nods.

Remnii says: My only ideas were…

She looks at Seria and Elissa.

Remnii says: Your discovered heritage, or your connections to nature, could aid in something… but I believe this is good. Would you like to do it tomorrow when heads are clear and we have a moment to sit?

Medivh smiles and puts his hands out to his sides.

Medivh says: I think you’ve all more than deserved a rest! We should all try to kick back, relax… maybe a drink or two. I do make a mean martini.
Maraad says: I agree. We have accomplished our goal for the time being. One night will not be too much to wait. We should rest. Recuperate from what happened.

Near the end of the short rest, Vel approaches Remnii.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Remnii, just a… quick question. I don’t know Maraad very well, and I was honestly just going to baseline make his room similar to Samaara’s but with a pull-up bar and I was… unsure if that would be correct?

Remnii starts to actually chuckle heartily.

Remnii says: You know! Um… as simple needs go… you know what, just go with that. Go with that!
Velameestra Windrunner says: Alright, that’s simple enough.

Vel casts [Magnificent Mansion] and then takes the time to set up a silent [Alarm] spell around the entrance before she follows the rest of the group inside. Vel takes a brief moment to show Maraad to his room, and he looks around.

Maraad says: This is quite nice! Is this an exercise bar?

He points at the pull-up bar.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes, it is.
Maraad says: It looks like it could actually hold my weight! Thank you!

Vel seems content that he was pleased with his accommodations, and she opted to retreat to the workshop off the study--leaving the door open so she could be peripherally involved as the group starts to unwind and relax for the evening.

Remnii retreats to her own room after a bit, but soon after there is a knock on her door.

Remnii says: Come in!

The door opens, and it’s Maraad. He nods.

Maraad says: Apologies for interrupting if you were in the middle of something.
Remnii says: Hardly.
Maraad says: Do you have a moment to talk?
Remnii says: I do.

Remnii is sitting on a pile of pillows on the floor and she gestures to one of them.

Maraad says: Seems… Velameestra has ensured this is quite comfortable for you.
Remnii says: I would be lying if I said I liked camping much these days.
Maraad says: We have spent a very long time without having a place to call our own. So a place like this is an indulgence well earned.
Remnii says: I think much the same as selfish as it may be.

She hugs a pillow.

Maraad says: I… wanted to apologize. For earlier.

Remnii inclines her head.

Maraad says: It’s been a long time since I saw you last. Since we last traveled together… but a lot has changed since then.
Remnii says: Fifteen years is such a short time, and yet it feels like eons have passed. But it’s okay, I don’t believe you have anything to apologize for.
Maraad says: But I do. When we were reunited, I… I fear I fell into bad habits once more. I still was looking at you like you were the prophet’s daughter and nothing more. That you were an innocent girl who needed to be protected. But I was wrong. You… do not need to be protected. You protect as much as everyone else protects you. These friends that you have gathered… they are not your shields, they are your companions. And it was unfair of me to think you still needed someone like that. Watching you. And… what I have realized is that you have no need for a shield. You are your shield, your faith is your shield. What you need are spears. Friends to stand by your side. Not in front of you. So I want to apologize for any disservice I have rendered you the last few days.

Remnii offers a sad smile.

Remnii says: I appreciate it, Maraad. I do. I… hm…

She contemplates for a moment, braiding a piece of her hair.

Remnii says: I find myself torn by what you say. I feel that those who have been my shields, or taken that upon themselves, have… I wonder if I have truly thanked them for all they have and will do for me, and yet I find myself more well-equipped now than I have been. Take this how you will, but I’m not sure if I know how to function without shields. Once Yrel was gone…

Remnii takes a heavy breath.

Remnii says: Once she was gone, and I was here. Uther’s family took me in immediately, and I don’t think I had been alone like that… ever. I find myself wanting that safety, as girlish as that may sound. But, I also do not wish to put that upon other people. I would rather have friends and be equals and… fight for this world that will be our home.

Remnii gathers up her knees to the pillow at her chest.

Remnii says: But thank you. Your words mean a lot to me. I believe I am still just thinking…
Maraad says: I don’t believe there’s anything wrong with being vulnerable. Vulnerability is not weakness, Remnii.
Remnii says: On the contrary, that is what has made me strong, and has led me to meet many of the people I love. But I sometimes wonder if it’s too much. What line should I draw? I don’t have the answer yet. But I… that is what time is for. Time and friends. And the inability to sit down.

Remnii sighs.

Remnii says: So thank you.
Maraad says: It is times like this that I wish I had the wisdom of Master Velen so that I may help you. I can lend an ear if nothing else.
Remnii says: I do not wish his burdens on anyone, Maraad. That I appreciate. I suppose now that we have a moment, I should tell you what is going on… in greater detail.
Maraad says: ...Yes. Much has changed since we last met. And I would not be opposed… for instance, I believe I have learned a few facts about the proprietor of this place. My magics were unable to restore her.
Remnii says: Yes. That is true. Any Light-given healing will not be able to help Vel.
Maraad says: So she is beyond death?
Remnii says: She is not the only one of her kind that is. They call them vampyrs.
Maraad says: They… this world is full of many surprises, it seems.
Remnii says: The turn to undeath was recent. After the Legion sacked their home city when the orcs came through… that was part of the fallout. Though Velameestra chose her path in support of her people and the divides they will face in the future--some of it may be an uphill battle, but she is determined, and I admire that.
Maraad says: It is… not a circumstance I have a great amount of knowledge for. Necromancy was wielded by the orcs when they attacked us, and most of my experience with the walking dead is through battling the thralls of such monsters. But she is not like them. She is determined. Smart. Kind. She is… vicious in battle against her enemies, but… that is not a trait one such as I would consider a negative. I am not questioning your judgement, it just struck me as… interesting. I am glad you already know, if anything. That it was not a secret means much.
Remnii says: She told me before she walked through the threshold. That instance… the druids do not see eye to eye with her, and there will be much controversy in her future. There is an established Church of the Holy Light on the other continent, but that is a bridge she will have to cross, and likely we in its wake thereafter. But for now… I can only respect that choice.

Maraad nods.

Maraad says: A testament to the growth of your own wisdom. You carry a great deal with you now. You had your weights before, but you now carry both the Light and the Darkness on your heart. You do so boldly. But I fear for you, Remnii. You know your own limits, your own strengths…

Maraad considers for a moment.

Maraad says: As a friend, remember that you do not need to bear all of those shadows yourself. I did not know Yrel like you did, but if you ever need an ear to speak of her, or if you need a spear to lead the charge when it comes time to find her, I will be there for you in either sense.
Remnii says: I…

Remnii sighs and falls quiet for a moment.

Remnii says: I… oh, Maraad, I would not know where to start. I have met more demons, more orcs…

Remnii goes into explaining what happened on the Vitiator and her second days with Shaspira, as well as the Path of Glory and the opening of the Dark Portal and the escape from Shaspira and the death of Onard and the capture of Yrel.

Remnii says: And so… I believe Yrel is still alive, as this is personal for the White Tyrant. In time, I am going to see what I can do about retrieving Yrel. I’m invigorated by what you say in many ways. I am of the firm mind that our people need to fight. More than we have, more than vakas wants us to… it pains me to think of such things, but… if this is the place where we will build the Army of Light, I have large goals I cannot achieve, but I would like to build a beacon to bring the other draenei here. If we are to do that, I will need people I can trust. I’ve mentioned this to you before, so I’m sorry if this is a repeat, but so many people have put their necks on the line only to get burned… I have found some comfort in taking what I know of the Auchenai tradition to understand my grief, and understand what our people may need to grieve. I will not be a priestess of death, the Light guides my hand, but there is succor to be found in the shadow when guided by the Light. Existing together. To deny one… it seems wrong at this point. And taken with measure, of course. I don’t know if any of this makes sense. I’ve been talking for a bit now.
Maraad says: As I said, Remnii, I am always an ear if you need to speak. I may not understand all of the intricacies of the Light that a priestess may, but I believe I can get the gist of it. And I may not know anything about building a beacon, but I can at least move anything heavy.

Remnii smiles.

Remnii says: For that, I am ever grateful. There is more… but I believe we have time. I’m tired.

She chuckles.

Maraad says: You deserve rest, Remnii. You deserve many things. Rest is but one of them.
Remnii says: I believe it is one of the ones I will most aptly take.
Maraad says: I will not overtax your hospitality.
Remnii says: You are always welcome. That is not a question.

Maraad puts a hand on Remnii’s arm.

Maraad says: I am right next door if you have need of anything.

Remnii puts a hand on Maraad’s and squeezes it as she gives him a warm, soft smile.

Remnii says: Thank you, Maraad.
Maraad says: Tomorrow we may fight, but today… today we have rest and friendship.
Remnii says: We do, do we not?

Maraad gives a nod and a smile, and then stands up.

Maraad says: I will see you tomorrow.

Remnii stands up with him to see the other draenei to the door.

Remnii says: Can I have a hug?
Maraad says: If… if it would not be too presumptuous, of course.
Remnii says: No. I have missed hugs desperately.
Maraad says: Then this is something you can always ask for. I’ve been told I give adequate hugs.

He embraces her, and Remnii holds on tight for a moment before releasing. She palms at her cheek, and she has glassy eyes.

Remnii says: Thank you, Maraad. I hope you have a good night.
Maraad says: I will. I hope the same for you.
Remnii says: I will do my best.

Maraad leaves Remnii’s room and glances at her with a smile before heading over to his own room next door.

Elissa asked Tol’vas what color Ash’alah was as she was trying to make a painting of her during the night. Tol’vas makes a small minor illusion to show her.

Meanwhile Vel had retrieved one of Ash’alah’s bones to run some diagnostics on it with an [Identify] spell. Effectively what the satyrs were trying to do was use a ritual with the corrupted moonwell to destroy the remains to make it impossible to resurrect Ash’alah outside true resurrection or wish. The ritual would have also made a true resurrection difficult.

As people had started to head to bed, Vel had emerged from the workshop into the main study. Only Medivh remained, packing up his things so he too could go off to bed.

Medivh says: Well!

He glances in Vel’s direction.

Medivh says: With no further clients it seems my stint as bartender has concluded for the evening. Thank you, by the way!

He looks back to one of the mana wyrm servants that would normally be maintaining the bar in its humanoid form, which was just sitting around as it had nothing else to do. It gives a nod before drifting over to float in its now unoccupied position. Vel chuffs.

Velameestra Windrunner says: There’s always someone manning the bar other than the servant assigned to it.
Medivh says: Oh really? Who normally takes over?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Makasa.
Medivh says: Ah, that makes sense! She does seem to enjoy her libations from what little I’ve seen in our brief time we spoke.
Velameestra Windrunner says: As does Tae’shara, who you’ve not met. I believe you'd like her.
Medivh says: She’s… one of your friends who is still…?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes, she and Uther’s father are still in the Barrow Deeps.
Medivh says: I see. Well, if it is any condolences, I don’t think the night elves will do anything to them! They do like keeping people in their prisons, as you may have noticed.

He chuckles lightly.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes. Speaking of which, actually… if I remember correctly you do owe me the story of how you ended up there. You mentioned a stunt you pulled on Maiev?

Medivh grins and laughs.

Medivh says: Wow… yes, I certainly did. One of my prouder deceptions! She was quite furious. So. You may have noticed one of the inherent benefits of wielding this magnificent, weighty piece of work…

He picks up Atiesh from where it had been leaning against the wall.

Medivh says: Is that one can take the form of a raven.

Vel nods.

Medivh says: Well, once I learned what was going on, I made a plan. A scheme of sorts along with some of the other crew members that served under Daelin. You see, it was a simple ploy. Himself and few veteran marines that opted to go along with a crazy scheme like this went in and got ourselves captured by the wardens. I, however, didn’t go in as myself, but instead as a poor, unfortunate raven.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Oh… I believe I can wager where this is going.

Medivh continues to grin.

Medivh says: I feigned an injury on my wee little talon, and I was brought to the wardens. It turns out the chief warden was struck by my adorable plumage and charming birdsong. So she personally tended to my injuries. She was quite fond of me! ...Until the part where I stole her warden stone and used it to release as many of the marines and draenei as I could find. Unfortunately, she found me and was not very happy with what had happened. Once she realized the depths of my deception, she locked me in one of the deepest prisons--presumably to never see the light of day again. But, thanks to you, I’ve been given the opportunity to see so many interesting things that I otherwise would have missed had she gotten her wish! I do kind of feel bad, but perhaps I’ll get the chance to apologize after all this. Maybe I’ll even let her punch me!

He pauses.

Medivh says: I probably wouldn’t have to let her punch me. She’ll probably punch me when this is all over.
Velameestra Windrunner says: With a gauntlet most likely.

Med: Ooo…

Medivh winces.

Medivh says: I hope I don’t lose any teeth.

Vel chuffs.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I’m sure Remnii could repair that, if nothing else.
Medivh says: Indeed! I do have some small amount of pride in my winning smile, after all.

Again, Vel chuffs.

Medivh says: I won’t trouble you any longer. I wager you wish to get some rest if you… are able to get any rest on this particular night? I understand that’s a bit more complicated for you.
Velameestra Windrunner says: It is. Unfortunately, I am not near one of my resting places, so rest is not something that comes in full.
Medivh says: I would love to learn more about that some time! But you’ve had enough stimulation for one day as far as this is concerned. I should probably get some rest myself.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Indeed.

Vel gets up and turns to head out of the study, but she stops, her fingernails tapping on the open doorway as she glances back over her shoulder.

Velameestra Windrunner says: If you need anything, I’ll be in my quarters--which are accessed via the trunk of the tree on the first floor, by the way. You’ll be allowed entry if that particular challenge you mentioned before still intrigues you.

She passes through the doorway into the dimly lit corridor, heading towards the glow of the portal that would take her down below. Medivh had paused and watched her leave--caught somewhat off guard--but she overhears him talking to himself after she left the room.

Medivh says: Did she… just proposition me? I think she propositioned me. That…

Vel continued to her quarters and disappeared within them. About ten minutes pass before she hears the sound of the portal to her chambers activating, and she turns to look at Medivh, who had now entered. He cocks his head to the side and looks around.

Medivh says: Huh. I never would have guessed this was here. Pardon, um. I just wanted to clarify something before retiring--
Velameestra Windrunner says: I overheard you. That was a proposition, yes.

Medivh’s mouth flaps.

Medivh says: Ah! Well then. It wouldn’t do for me to go back at that juncture, so if you’re sure, I’m certainly not going to argue. It has been… over ten years now, oh dear.

Vel smirks.

Velameestra Windrunner says: And normally vampyrs aren’t the ones inviting people in.

Medivh chuckles.

Medivh says: No… no I suppose they aren’t. This is far too rare an opportunity for me to even consider letting it pass me by.

Meanwhile, Uther finds himself in a dream about the Libram of Justice. Which seems to be able to talk, and it offers him advice and a reminder that it was the day of its creation. It was a largely benign dream, but still, Uther awakens in a cold sweat and finds his eyes drawn to the book that is sitting on his bedside table.

There is a long pause as he looks at it, waiting for it to do anything, but he opts to whisper.

Uther Menethil says: Hey… can you talk?

There is no response, as the libram just sits in silence.

Uther Menethil says: Okay. I didn’t think so.

He settles back down into his bed.

Uther Menethil says: Happy birthday, though.

He closes his eyes and goes to sleep.

Seria and Tol’vas fall into a deep slumber. Tol’vas seemingly awakens in the same garden-area he had fallen asleep in, but Seria was not there.

In Seria’s dream, Tol’vas was not there.

But they both sense something in the chamber. Something behind the central tree… which is covered in brambles and spines that had twisted around the trunk of it. They reach for their staves, but they aren’t there.

They hear laughter.

They see a shadow move. Tol’vas grabs for his staff, but it’s gone. He tries to fire off a spell.

Seria lights up the grove with the command word, and it ignites in bright red. Veins of crimson wind through the garden, and the water glows with a malevolent, twisted color.

AS Tol’vas’s [Wrath] spell strikes into the shadow, the lights ignite in his dream as well. A figure tumbles out of the shadows. It’s Seria, with a wide, wild grin on her face. Her legs are twisted and bent--covered in thick black fur. There are two long horns at the top of her head, and her tusks are even longer.

A figure comes from behind Seria in her dream, and leaps at her. She turns to face them, and casts [Shadow Protection] on herself. The aura washes over her, and the figure swipes at her with a massive, thorny claw. She grabs the hand, and she sees bright golden eyes, his body covered in shaggy fur. He has long horns, and cloven hooves. He laughs maniacally.

They look around, and they see the satyr form of Uther--broken armor covered in vines and torment. Vel appears next, her body misshapen, and contorted into a creature more bat than anything else. Remnii is a massive goat-like creature with hoof-like claws. They see Elissa, mostly the same, but her eyes stained blood red. Medivh is a corrupted, monstrous raven, and Maraad is sitting on Remnii’s back, crystals impaling his twisting body.

But something is wrong. They both concentrate and push through. They come to, and they find themselves in the grove outside the mansion in the Emerald Dream. They see malevolent nightmares taking the shape of their friends.

Tol’vas and Seria are back to back now in the dream, and they promptly eject themselves from the Dream and isolate their minds.

In the middle of the night, Remnii emerges from her bedroom. She sighs and smooths out her nightgown then clops over to Maraad’s door. However, she hears something. It’s a flutter of wings. She looks over and sees a raven, which then transforms into Medivh outside the door of his room. He sighs, taking his staff as he whistles a jaunty tune, and enters his room.

Remnii waits until his door closes, as he didn’t seem to notice her, and then knocks on Maraad’s door. Before long, Maraad opens the door. He is shirtless with a concerned look.

Maraad says: Remnii… is everything alright?

Remnii’s eyes are puffy.

Remnii says: Yes… it is… I… Maraad… this is selfish of me…

Maraad cocks his head to the side.

Remnii says: I’m sorry to wake you. I... I don’t want to be alone. Could I stay with you?

Maraad’s mouth flaps and he blushes.

Maraad says: C-certainly!

He steps back to let her enter, and Remnii enters. She looks a the pull-up bar with a smile.

Maraad says: Apologies, there are not quite as many pillows… though I suppose we can bring some over. You are welcome to the bed. I can sleep just about anywhere.
Remnii says: Maraad…

She sits down on the bed and pats the side.

Remnii says: We’re both adults. We can share the bed.

Maraad clears his throat.

Maraad says: Oh. Okay… if you’re alright with that?
Remnii says: This was presumptuous of me. I’m sorry. But… thank you.

Maraad goes over and gives her a hug.

Maraad says: I’m always here for you. I don’t think I snore. I apologize if I do.
Remnii says: I don’t think you’ll snore as loud as Yrel.

Maraad crawls into bed with her and gives her her space, but Remnii nuzzles closer, and Maraad hesitantly wraps his arm around her and holds her closer. Remnii cries for a bit, and Maraad pushes the back of his forehead against the back of her head.

They both fall asleep.

July 31

Tol’vas wakes up in the morning and immediately goes to Medivh’s room. He knocks on the door. He waits for a moment, and then the door opens. Medivh seems to be talking, his lips are moving, but Tol’vas doesn’t hear anything.

Tol’vas blinks.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I swear to the goddess, If there’s a silence here…
Medivh says: What was that? Speak up, I can’t hear what you--oh, I know what this is.

Medivh steps through the doorway.

Medivh says: There we are. How may I help you?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: You said you could deal with the grove?
Medivh says: Something, yes.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Okay, we should do that then.
Medivh says: Why the change of heart--

Tol’vas describes the nightmare.

Medivh says: ...I see. I don’t know much about this, my friend… I don’t know if burning the grove will do anything about that. That may have been more of a lingering after-effect. I will do so if you wish, but that may have been… something else. And I can’t tell you that I’ll be able to stop the well from corrupting the earth. It’ll come back, if it’s not dealt with by your people or Remnii’s people. You need only ask if you wish it. One more time. Because you did, but then I gave you this… you get the point.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: No… if it’s lingering, we need the resources.
Medivh says: Yes. That place, fel corruption… it has a tendency to latch onto someone. The more exposure one has to it, the more it comes with you. Regardless of where you are. We were luckily able to prevent any lasting damage thanks to the assistance of the others, but you should be careful. Places like that… they pose a great danger to folks attuned to that type of magic. Like water extinguishes fire, it is uniquely equipped to harm you. That’s why it affected that grove so much, I wager. The cosmology of the multiverse is complicated, but certain forces play upon each other stronger than others. For example, you’ve seen the weapons Sir Menethil and Maraad wield! They are good at banishing fiends or the walking dead. That’s because the Light is a cosmic force that is very powerful against those attuned to chaos or death. You… didn’t come here looking for a magic lesson, however, and I’m babbling.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: No. This makes sense. Huh. But wouldn’t life repel death?
Medivh says: I’m not an expert. Life and death have a strange relationship. Sometimes polar opposites are not opposed… I’d love to teach you, but I’m slightly hung over, and I’d do this much better on a full stomach and some water in my system. I had a busy night, you might say.

Tol’vas notes Medivh seems to covered in scratches, some of which are somewhat visible beneath his tunic.

Medivh says: But there’s a lot to read back at Karazhan! My mother covered a vast amount of information.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Yes. Books. Yes.
Medivh says: ... You’re not bookish. That’s fine! No problems. Have I told you about the menagerie?

Tol’vas looks very interested.

Medivh says: Yes! An entire wing is a zoo of sorts where we tend to a number of creatures that are too dangerous to roam wild, or they are unable to return to their habitats. It’s quite fascinating. You’ll love it! The curator is perfect. I’ll have to show you around.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: If only books could read themselves.
Medivh says: That would be wonderful! If only!

Remnii wakes up next to Maraad.

Maraad says: Good morning.
Remnii says: Hi.
Maraad says: I hope you slept well.
Remnii says: I did.
Maraad says: I… didn’t snore, did I?
Remnii says: No.

There is relief on Maraad’s face as he laughs. Remnii lingers.

Remnii says: Thank you again.
Maraad says: Anytime. If you ever need it, I’m here. It was nice.
Remnii says: It was. Though it was a moment of weakness on my part, I’m thankful you were here.

Maraad smiles and looks down with a chuckle. Remnii notices he’s not saying something, but she gives him another soft smile.

Remnii says: I’m here for you if you need anything.
Maraad says: O-of course! I know. That is how these things work, after all.
Remnii says: Okay, you have me there!

Remnii pushes her hair behind her ears and she goes to leave.

Remnii says: Thank you again, Maraad.
Maraad says: Anytime.

Maraad doesn’t get up or stop watching Remnii until she leaves. Remnii opts to go and soak in the bath for a bit.

They leave their rooms at the same time.

Maraad says: Oh. I suppose I’ll see you before breakfast.
Remnii says: Shall we go?

Maraad nods and furrows his brow.

Maraad says: You smell nice. ...You don’t normally not… the shampoo that--

Maraad stumbles over his words and then gives a resigned sigh. Remnii chuckles softly.

Remnii says: With the room we have… honestly, I recommend it. Baths are a luxury, you know?

They all collectively head down to the dining room, where Vel is already there sipping her coffee with her spellbook--going over her spells.

Medivh walks in with Tol’vas.

Medivh says: Velameestra!

He bows at her, and she looks up and nods with a small raise of her mug, and Medivh goes right back to talking to Tol’vas. They all get food, and Remnii starts to ask about where they should do the ritual.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Well. We could go back to where she was buried. If there was some ritual done there intentionally, there is probably some sanctity there.
Remnii says: That’s as good as any. If anyone else could keep watch…
Elissa Cross says: It wasn’t far. We could make it back in an hour or two, I think?
Medivh says: Fantastic idea.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Anything else we need to take care of on this island before we go back?
Remnii says: Actually, how are you both feeling?

Remnii looks at Seria and Tol’vas.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Just holding myself together. So.

Remnii nods.

Remnii says: I do not know much about what happened, nor will I press, but if there’s anything I could do, I would be happy to assist you.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Perhaps a once over for Seria… I think I bit her.

Remnii’s eyes go wide.

Remnii says: I’m so glad you told me! Seria, come here!

Vel looks up to catch a look at the wound, and she notes strands of dark hair around it.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Wait. Remnii. Look.

She points to the hairs.

Velameestra Windrunner says: This is good to know as an early warning sign.

Remnii casts [Remove Curse], and the hairs fall out as the wound knits over.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Alright. So she was likely infected.
Elissa Cross says: Wait. So Seria almost became a worgen!? Wow… you’re so smart Vel, good job Remnii.
Remnii says: I did little.
Maraad says: Well. If that’s all taken care of, and everyone is good, we can start heading over then, yes?

They leave the mansion and Vel dismisses the spell.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Alright, lets make sure no one forgot anything.

One of Elissa’s brushes lands on the ground.

Elissa Cross says: Shoot! I always do that.
Velameestra Windrunner says: This is why I do it.
Elissa Cross says: Thanks Vel, you’re a lifesaver.

They head back towards Ash’alah’s former grave site. They go through the orc camp, and they see one of the ogre corpses covered in the white moths. It doesn’t take them long to find the site where Ash’alah had been dug up.

Elissa Cross says: We’re here. Where do you want the bones, Remnii?
Remnii says: I will be sitting for a fair amount of time, and I would like her to be comfortable. I don’t know if this is too much to ask, but could one of you… make grass? Somewhere? To make this look far less suspicious, and also so it’s not…
Velameestra Windrunner says: An obvious grave site?
Remnii says: ...Yes.
Elissa Cross says: Tol’vas, do you think I could help out?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Of course. Seria, would you mind as well?

Seria nods, and Tol’vas arranges them in a neat triangle around Remnii and the bones. The three of them focus and concentration, and reach into the collective nature magic between them, causing new life to sprout beneath Remnii and Ash’alah’s remains. Sprigs of catnap, plants, daisies, and grass leap up from the ground, and the grove starts to return to a new life.

Remnii smiles warmly.

Remnii says: It looks wonderful, thank you. It makes a world of difference.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Honestly, it’s my pleasure.
Remnii says: So…

Remnii arranges the bones, and she kneels beside them. She starts to incantate, diamonds in both palms which start to float above her in an arc--functioning as a clock as the light moves through the shimmering diamonds, shattering each one at each 10 minute interval.

It’s a protracted ritual. Each diamond shattering one by one. But there’s something wrong. Something preventing it from happening. She feels Ash’alah’s spirit, and she knows it’s able to return. But the spirit doesn’t seem to be willing. Remnii can sense overwhelming sadness, and tears start to stream down Remnii’s face.

Remnii says: Ash’alah is here, but Ash’alah does not want to come back yet…
Velameestra Windrunner says: We can ask her. The spell’s not completely ready, but we can try it.
Remnii says: There’s grief. Deep grief. Be careful.

Vel nods and quickly scrambles for her notes on the spell that she had been working on, quickly reminding herself of key incantations for [Commune with Dead] as her tattoos alight and she begins to channel magic.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I thin the veil, so you may hear my voice.

Wisps of ghostly magic waft through the air, washing out the color of the immediate area as the wispy, blue energy begins to coalesce in one of Vel’s hands.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I thin the veil, so you may follow it.

More magic begins to manifest, and it coalesces in Vel’s other hand. The air shimmers as shadowy, amalgous forms flicker in and out of existence--dark figures seen through a sheer, seamless curtain rippling in an unseen winter breeze.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Use my words as your beacon, Ash’alah. May your shade step from the penumbra of death and speak true for thine own soul.

Vel’s eyes alight with icy blue light, wisps of magic flowing around her as a large, shadowy, feline form reaches out a massive paw. The paw presses against the seamless veil, which pulls taught against it, giving it form as it transitions into a beautiful, translucent, shimmering facsimile of the great cat in life.

Maraad says: By the Light…
Velameestra Windrunner says: We have three questions before the magic fades.

Hovering in the center of the ritual is the ghostly form of Ash’alah, her translucent paws touching the earth without touching it.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Why do you not wish to return, Ash’alah?

The specter’s eyes open, and she roars, those with speak with animals able to translate.

Ash'alah says [beastspeech]: There is nothing more to live for in this world. I have no desire to walk this earth without my beloved sister at my side.

Tol’vas’s eyes go wide as he translates.

Remnii says: Do you know that the High Priestess Tyrande is alive and alone without you, the sole survivor of the altercation?

The beast’s head looks at Remnii.

Ash'alah says [beastspeech]: That… is impossible. With my last breath, I saw the demon as it slew her and pulled the essence from her form. There were no survivors.
Uther Menethil says: One of the monsters that slew her now wears your sister’s face and seeks to undo everything she held dear. Would you join us in stopping this terrible, terrible crime?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: And we can find Tyrande and bring her back ourselves.

As the words reach the massive tiger, the sadness in the creature’s eyes begins to fade and is replaced with shock and anger. Ash’alah’s spirit rears its head back and releases a massive roar of anger and anguish.

Ash'alah says [beastspeech]: I cannot… I will not suffer her memory to be abused in such a heinous way! This... I... swear.

Her voice echoes as the spirit fades into the magic swirling around Vel, and the diamonds that had cracked but not broken, repair themselves. Remnii continues to focus on the ritual, and each diamond shatters, the time passing seemingly instantaneously, and with the length of a lifetime. Then the ritual comes to an end and the final diamond shatters.

The magic of the Light, and Vel’s own death magic swirl together, and motes of light drift from the plants and join the swirling chorus of life, light, and death. Remnii’s hair flies back, and the energy glows around Ash’alah’s remains. The plants grow up and around the bones, making a tiger out of flowers and leaves and plants. It glows a brilliant blue, silver, and gold. And then it fades, and fades, and fades.

The last wisps of magic disappear, and there is a beautiful white coat of fur stretched out in the same place where the bones were. Ash’alah opens her eyes and takes a breath.

The tiger sits up and throws her head back and roars. Birds from the nearby tree take to the sky, the resurrection ritual now complete. The tiger looks at Remnii, her massive face right in front of the draenei’s. She closes her eyes and nuzzles against her forehead.

Remnii puts her hands on the side of Ash’alah’s head and pushes her forehead to hers.

Remnii says: Thank you… we will fix this.

There is recognition in the tiger’s eyes and she nods, and then turns to the rest of those present.

Ash'alah says [beastspeech]: Where is it? The monster that wears her flesh? We must hunt.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Last we saw her, she was at Hyjal.

Medivh, in no small amount of awe, comes to.

Medivh says: That’s a tall order… that’s at the heart of where the night elves have most of their people.
Remnii says: Ash’alah, if you will lend your ear, we have allies. We will tell you of what we know. You know Jarod Shadowsong?

The tiger chuffs in acknowledgement, and Remnii launches into an explanation.

Ash'alah says [beastspeech]: You are proud hunters. Wise. Your knowledge of this foe is far greater than mine.
Remnii says: What did the demon look like? Anything could help. If you could show me, I could help.

Ash’alah nods and closes her eyes as Remnii casts [Detect Thoughts].

Ash'alah says [beastspeech]: I will follow your lead. When the time comes to strike, I will be there.
Remnii says: We are honored to have you at our side.

Ash’alah allows Remnii to delve into her memory, and Remnii sees the battle. Faces aren’t there, but the battle seems off. There are demons and fel fire erupting amid the draenei. They are no draenei Remnii had ever seen. They would never summon demons. There is a felhunter that Ash’alah rears back and decimates. Tyrande releases hails of arrows and magic. And then there’s a shadow. The battle continues, and the shadow remains.

Eventually the shadow peels Tyrande off Ash’alah’s back with a massive claw. There are massive, broad wings, and a vaguely humanoid form. There are horns. There is a voice, cool and low, speaking in eredun.

Tyrande spits back at the demon, flinging magic. The vision starts to fade, the mortally wounded Ash’alah fading. The last thing there is Tyrande impaled by claws, and her essence pulled from her.

The high priestess’s body goes limp, and then burning green eyes turn to Ash’alah. There are two prominent horns, and many smaller ones covering a bald head. There is a chinstrap of spikes, pointed ears, and a devilish grin of sharp teeth. It stalks towards Ash’alah, and then the image fades.

Remnii comes out of the vision sweating.

Remnii says: That… was unmistakably a dreadlord.
Velameestra Windrunner says: So they succeeded here.
Remnii says: Here?
Velameestra Windrunner says: They tried with Kael’thas. They failed.
Remnii says: It’s what they do.
Uther Menethil says: So… the greatest scheming weapon that our enemy has been the closest thing to a supreme leader that your people has?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I suppose that’s what she would be… we don’t really have--
Remnii says: No offense Tol’vas, she is your leader. She does not have to be a queen to be a leader. The difference I see there is unmistakable.
Uther Menethil says: Everyone has been listening to a demon for years. Fantastic.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Not... everyone. She’s clearly ruffled enough feathers that people are suspicious of something.
Elissa Cross says: The Unseen Path. They were onto something too. My mother…

Tol’vas looks at Ash’alah suddenly.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Was Shandris with you?

The tiger shakes her head.

Velameestra Windrunner says: They know everything we spoke to this demon about. During that meeting. They knew everything we were planning.
Remnii says: They were also incorrect about a number of things.
Velameestra Windrunner says: The things we did not directly speak to Tyrande about.
Remnii says: I do feel better about the nightmares… that said, we have allies. We should make ourselves scarce.
Velameestra Windrunner says: The satyrs that got away will undoubtedly report they were unsuccessful.
Remnii says: And that means we should likely keep you out of sight.

The draenei looks at Ash’alah.

Elissa Cross says: There are still things we want to take care of on Azuremyst Isle, isn’t there? If the Hidden is operating here…
Velameestra Windrunner says: They mentioned Sironas… likely the shadowy master they were talking about is this dreadlord. We might get more information if we dismantle their operations here.
Uther Menethil says: Does that mean it was a dreadlord that attacked that woman?
Remnii says: I would be surprised if it was the dreadlord... I will ask the exarch when we get back. He had some distinguishing features. There are many of them, but there are some that are more well-known. But leading the night elven people is a full-time job.
Uther Menethil says: Leaving that priestess to die doesn’t sit well with me.
Elissa Cross says: If I can get back to Timbermaw Hold, I can bring everything back to the exarchs. I can bring ASh’alah, and the rest of you can finish things here.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yeah. There are ways to get back. Multiple ways.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: It won’t be much of an issue.
Elissa Cross says: We can send word to the Hidden Path too. They left that eagle.
Velameestra Windrunner says: That’s a good idea. Though we should keep any information streams leaving Timbermaw Hold at a limit. We don’t know where their spies are. Intel can be easily compromised if we get overzealous.
Elissa Cross says: Right. What if we can get a message to them that we found something out and they should come talk? Then we can talk to them in person.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Good idea.

Elissa nods.

Elissa Cross says: We can go now if you’re ready?

Tol’vas expresses he can open a portal with transport via plants.

Elissa Cross says: Are you ready to go, Ash’alah? We’re gonna be around a lot of furbolgs and other draenei, but I’ll explain everything and make sure we can get you some food and water, okay?
Ash'alah says [beastspeech]: That is appreciated child, thank you.
Elissa Cross says: Can… can I pet you?
Ash'alah says [beastspeech]: Of course, child.

Elissa happily strokes the massive saber cat’s fur.

Ash'alah says [beastspeech]: But before I go… there was something. Something that I sensed.

She looks at Vel.

Ash'alah says [beastspeech]: You… you were the one that reached out to my spirit, and first spoke with me.
Elissa Cross says: Oh, um, she’s asking if you were the one that talked to her ghost.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I was.

Ash’alah bows her head to Vel and says nothing more, but then looks at Tol’vas.

Ash'alah says [beastspeech]: You. You are familiar to me. It’s been many years…
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: You met me when I was small.

Ash’alah looks him up and down.

Ash'alah says [beastspeech]: You are not small any longer. You speak their tongue where I cannot. Protect them. That we might avenge my sister.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Of course.

Ash’alah bows her head, looks at the rest with a fondness, and then looks at Elissa.

Ash'alah says [beastspeech]: Let us go, child.
Elissa Cross says: Okay!

Tol’vas casts [Transport via Plants] to send them back to Timbermaw Hold.

Elissa Cross says: Be safe everyone! I’ll see you again soon!
Velameestra Windrunner says: You too.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Keep her safe. But, Ash’alah.

Ash’alah looks back.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Illidan is free. You might encounter him. Please don’t attack him.

There is a hint of amusement on Ash’alah’s face.

Ash'alah says [beastspeech]: I see. Perhaps when we do, I won’t rip his throat out.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: He will help us find Tyrande.
Ash'alah says [beastspeech]: I’m aware.

Tol’vas laughs. Ash’alah nuzzles him in a small gesture, and then she and Elissa step through the portal. Suddenly, someone comes spilling through from the other side and crashes into the grass. It’s Aramar.

Aramar Thorne says: It worked! Good!

Makasa follows after.

Makasa Flintwill says: Aramar! What are you doing!?
Aramar Thorne says: Remnii! I need to come with you. I had another dream!
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: You’re lucky you didn’t get caught between!
Aramar Thorne says: That can happen!?
Makasa Flintwill says: I told you.
Remnii says: What did you see?
Aramar Thorne says: I saw something. Three different shadows. One over another. There were chains and laughter. And fire. A lot. An a crystal breaking. I think he’s here, and I’m coming with you. And I’m stuck here now, so I’m coming with you. So is Makasa!
Makasa Flintwill says: Apparently I am.
Aramar Thorne says: Is that alright? Sorry about the lack of warning… I didn’t know where you were.
Remnii says: I’ll make you a sending stone.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I don’t have any problems.
Remnii says: Keep your wits about you, Aramar. This will get harder.
Aramar Thorne says: I know. If the Hidden is here, Malus is here, and I’m ready. Um. Where are we? And what was up with Elissa and the tiger?
Remnii says: We have time.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: That was Ash’alah.
Aramar Thorne says: That was Tyrande’s companion!?
Remnii says: Yes.

They fill him in on everything.

Aramar Thorne says: Shit… I guess it’s a good thing you’re here. So what’s next?
Velameestra Windrunner says: We have that eredar… there’s also that draenei scouting party.
Maraad says: They went to the Exodar. That may be a good first step after we check in at Azure Watch.
Remnii says: I agree. And we’ll see if Acteon has come up with anything in his scouting.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Then I suppose we’ll be off. I don’t think there’s anything else we need to do here.

Tol’vas and Seria cast [Wind Walk] over the group, and there’s a look of satisfaction and Vel looks at the plant grove--pleased that her theories on the spell that she was working on were correct.

They fly over the forests heading towards the Azure Watch, and as they pass over the Shadowridge they see something swimming in the ocean near the mouth of the river. It’s a dark shadow. And then another one. They are over a few dozen feet long. Seria is pretty sure they are gigantic blue whales.

The group lands in Azure Watch without incident.