Cristine Ashmore | Crystagosa

Art by Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.
- Species
- Blue Dragon
- Gender
- Female
- Location
- Venetia
- Status
- Alive
Known Languages Common, Draconic, Thalassian, Titanic
Malygos | Father
† Sindragosa | Mother
Crystagosa, who was more commonly known by her visage identity of Cristine Ashmore, was the youngest child of the Aspect Malygos and his Prime Consort Sindragosa before her untimely death. She had developed a fondness for Gilneans, which resulted in her integrating herself into their society, though had left the kingdom in pursuit of an answer to the worgen curse in the mage city of Venetia, where she had developed a strong bitterness for the rampant abuse of magic she had seen.
Crystagosa, as a blue dragon, was a wickedly intelligent being with a strong skill for arcane magic. However, between the weight of being the last child of Malygos and Sindragosa, and the repeated evidence of rampant magical abuse she had seen, she grew jaded about how mortals used the gifts of the arcane, and indicated she desired places like Venetia to be destroyed. While she recognized that mortals were also capable of using magic for the betterment of their societies, it had become harder for her to see it in the wake of how much wrong she had seen.
She seemed to have a certain fondness for the Gilneans, and had taken on the burden of helping them against the worgen curse herself, though she took some grim amusement in the fact their curse had been pulled under control in her absence.
Visage Form
Crystagosa favored the guise of a half-elven woman with bright blue eyes and long, dark hair that she kept worn loose down her back.
At some point in Gilneas's history, the woman that would be known as Cristine Ashmore became the Countess of the self-same family. No one knew where the family had come from given the elven blood it seemingly contained, but it had ultimately been determined the family tree went back generations. Cristine, and the Ashmores, were stalwart allies of the crown, and had at some point gone missing when Cristine left the city in search of help to deal with the worgen curse that had been unleashed in the kingdom. She eventually arrived in the city of Venetia, where she rose to prominence and became one of their mage lords.
Chapter Five: Civil War
Cristine was first sighted by Uther Menethil and his companions when they attended the Silent Auction at the estate of Harold Kirtonos in pursuit of a way to infiltrate the stronghold of Heigan Capless. However, due to the special gifts of Gilveradin Windrunner and Seria, they were immediately able to identify that she was actually, in fact, a blue dragon in disguise and her guards were actually similarly disguised drakonids. Gil also caught the woman staring intently at him, which hinted that she had likely seen his display in the center of the city when the group had first arrived, where he had claimed he was a "Camtheas Glowsun" seeking to become Venetia's next mage lord.
Gilveradin later approached Lady Ashmore to speak, who swiftly surmised that he had successfully been able to see through her visage. She softly chided him for his display in the center of Venetia, as he wasn't the only dragonsworn in the city, and the concept was ultimately not unknown to the people present, so wielding draconic magics so brazenly was not safe. However, the top of conversation swiftly turned to the subject of Heigan Capless and what he had been doing, which sparked some anger and bitterness in the dragon as she stated she had observed the people of Venetia were in no shortage of people that flagrantly abused the gift of magic. Regardless, she informed Gilveradin that she would have her men go to aid the mage lords that were intending on raiding Heigan's warehouse.
She revealed she had come to the city in search of knowledge to help the people of Gilneas, but had simply found that all Venetia offered was tools for destruction and greed instead of discoveries that could make the world a better place. She expressed that, had she the power to do so, she was personally inclined to simply destroy it all, especially after seeing how much ill use had been wrought by the people that abused such gifts. She cited Arugal and his folly in pulling creatures from the realm of dreams that not only slew a great many of their populace, but cursed those who remained. However, Gilveradin cited that people had done a lot of good with magic too, and informed her that he had been told the worgen curse had been pulled under control, which immediately drew her attention.
Gilveradin explained everything his sister had told him about what happened in Gilneas, and Lady Ashmore could only offer a soft laugh in return, as it appeared she had done nothing to help Gilneas, and the problem had been resolved in her absence. Gilveradin pointed out the kingdom was lacking for arcane guidance, and Lady Ashmore resolved to return to her old estate so that she could offer what guidance and aid in rebuilding that she could. Throughout further conversation, Lady Ashmore revealed her true name was Crystagosa, a name Gilveradin recognized as being one of the children of the Aspect Malygos and his late Prime Consort, Sindragosa—specifically the youngest of them. They covered some other topics of curiosity, such as the evolution of the high elves from their kaldorei ancestors, and what she knew of rock drakes, as one specimen was up for auction in the Menagerie and it bore a strong resemblance to dragonkind. She was largely able to offer hypotheses and theories, and Gilveradin eventually opted to return to his own mission, though before he left he expressed that he hoped she would find joy in magic again, even if it was small—a sentiment that Crystagosa couldn't fabricate a reply to.
Appeared In
Chapter Five: Civil War
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Nine
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Four
- Crystagosa's opinion of what she had seen of Venetia
- The research the people do here is always fruitless… pointless endeavors. Nothing to improve the world or make things better. It’s all destruction and greed. They should be lucky this city wasn’t around when my mother was… she would have destroyed it all. Would that I had the power to do such.
Coming soon.