[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Four

Appearing Characters: Aelthalyste Everpost, Alleria Windrunner, Annibeth Lansing, Arator Windrunner, Arthas Menethil, Billy Bright, Crystagosa/Cristine Ashmore, Darion Mograine, Elissa Cross, Gilveradin Windrunner, Halveria Darkraven, Hedanis Poisonbloom, Kael'thas Sunstrider, Lance Beckett, Liadrin Everpost, Mag'beth, Maraad, Maxwell Tyrosus, Remnii, Rommath Pyrewing, Samia Inkling, Sasha, Seria, Sigilith Avernicious, Tamsin Roame, Teemo Manabrake, Thal'ena Dawnseeker, Uther Menethil, Vaelastrasz, Velameestra Windrunner, Victor Prestor, Zagarra

October 18th (Very Early Morning)

The group had convened at the pinnacle of Naxxramas to survey the status of the Eastweald after the immediate threat was brought to a halt. Vaelastrasz looked out at the trail of destruction with a pensive and serious look on his face.

Vaelastrasz says: After all of this… we still weren’t able to stop him from releasing his devastation. Not truly.
Uther Menethil says: Not entirely, no. But I’d rather not consider how much worse it may have been if we didn’t do what we did.

Vaelastrasz nodded as Liadrin stepped forward.

Liadrin Everpost says: I’m just glad we were able to stop what we could. As long as there is hope, we can always rebuild. If I’m not mistaken, much of this area was old battlefields or orc encampments. Perhaps if we’re lucky this may delay aggression even further.
Velameestra Windrunner says: That unfortunately says nothing for what the plague is going to do to the orcs in the area, however.
Liadrin Everpost says: You’re right. This plague is not something I would wish upon my worst enemies. But as you said, it could have been much. Until we get a better scope of the damage, there’s not much we can do.
Vaelastrasz says: That may be my best course of action. If some of us can assess the damage and contain it, that would be wise.

Vaelastrasz looked at those who were in his group, and they nodded.

Velameestra Windrunner says: The research here was preserved. There may be some answers, at least in how it might be diluted.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: I presume your… ally? Who took control of the necropolis would be forthcoming with that information?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Tamsin was ultimately on our side in regard to the plague. She does not want it spread anymore than we do.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: Good! Well at least that’s something.

A moment later, a cultist had emerged at the pinnacle. He reported that the interior of the necropolis had been taken care of. Those who had remained loyal to Heigan had been dealt with, but the rest agreed to speak with and learn–

The cultist abruptly apologized, and the cultist’s eyes glowed violet. Aethalyste emerged, and the cultist stumbled and fell off the edge. She reported that *now* all the cultists had been dealt with. Liadrin flinched and went for her sword, but then she recognized Aelthalyste.

Liadrin Everpost says: …Auntie Ael?
Aelthalyste Everpost says: Liadrin! I’m so glad you’re safe!
Liadrin Everpost says: Likewise, when I hadn’t heard of your fate I had expected the worst… though I suppose that may have been apt.

Aelthalyste chuckled.

Liadrin Everpost says: …Auntie Ael?
Aelthalyste Everpost says: No worries dear!

She ruffled Liadrin’s hair.

Liadrin Everpost says: …Auntie Ael?
Aelthalyste Everpost says: I encountered your friends at the auction! I met your friend Remnii, she’s incredibly kind and interesting!

Liadrin nodded, clearly processing everything, and noted that was an apt description. She asked what happened to Aelthalyste, and she said that was a long story she could explain later.

Vel sent Baroness Lansing and informed her that Heigan Capless had been dealt with and his empire had been destroyed. She added that unfortunately parts of the Eastweald had been blighted but the situation was being assessed.

Annibeth Lansing says: Good work. I had a feeling it was wise to trust you. I look forward to hearing more later. Things have been tense but secure in Andorhal.

Vel asked Uther if he still wanted to return to Venetia for the meeting with Rafaam, and he confirmed he did if it wasn’t too much trouble. She then asked who else was going to join them in Venetia, and Kael’thas said that he would love to see the city as his, Rommath, and Alleria’s next stop was going to be the Bulwark otherwise.

Darion Mograine said that he believed the Torchbearers should try to get back west. While the source was dealt with, there was a great deal to be done to track down where other plague shipments were gone. Vaelastrasz agreed he wanted to focus on containing the situation in the immediacy, but he said that people that needed a rest should return to Venetia. Samia said that she could get everyone back on their tasks once she had a night’s rest.

Vel said she still had her mansion rented out until the next day, so she could easily provide somewhere for people to stay. She also gave a brief warning that the estate she was taking them to was filled with demons as they were staffed at the mansion. She added that Venetia was a colorful place.

Rommath and Kael’thas shared a look, as did the Torchbearers. Maxwell relented that he was willing to stay his blade for the time being, but he did not believe the concept of a hidden mage city where demons, undead, and other creatures of darkness roamed freely made for a restful place… under normal circumstances. He took a quick drink from his flask.

They quickly coordinated with Tamsin and Vel was able to memorize the teleportation circle to Naxxramas. She was able to confirm that the necropolis had been contained and Tamsin was now assessing which cult members could be reconditioned toward a new purpose. She was also planning on being in contact with the mage lords of Venetia.

Vel used teleportation circle to return to Kanrethad’s manor. The sayaad servants informed them that Kanrethad was still out, but they offered refreshments to the large group before they set out. It was evident things were occurring in the city. There were groups of mage hunters going through the streets, and there was the glow of a fire in the direction of the warehouse. It appeared the raids on all of Heigan’s holdings were actively ongoing, and Vel had received a notice from Kanrethad that he wished to speak with her before she left the city, assuming things went off safely at Naxxramas.

Maxwell Tyrosus was taking sips from his flask the entire time as he walked down the street. Maraad looked down at him with a sympathetic nod, and Tyrosus offered his flask to Maraad. Meanwhile Liadrin was looking around and mused that it was like if the shadiest streets of Silvermoon were an entire city, and Thal’ena’s eyes were sparkling, as she was very excited about the entire experience. Vaelastrasz shot her a sidelong glance. Darion kept glancing at the sayaad brothel they had passed, and Maxwell shot him a look and took another swig.

Elissa was exhausted and completely overstimulated and seemed to be largely in her own head. Kael’thas, meanwhile, was looking around with wonder. He was continually pointing things out to Rommath as he commented it was like the best pieces of Dalaran and Silvermoon in one place, and as they saw the open leyline even Rommath’s brow raised. Alleria was watching everyone they passed like a hawk.

Eventually they arrived back at Madame Wayfair’s. Vel approached the terminal and did a quick assessment of the group that had returned back with them before she paid to allow for the layout of her mansion to be altered.

As they entered the manor this time, it was more akin to something like a hotel lobby, still with a large central chamber with the grave tree at the center, but the walls were lined with doors to bedrooms with two sets of stairs that went upward on either side of the tree. The boughs of the tree draped freely in a cascade of branches and leaves that were occupied by a litany of different colored songbirds instead of the usual mana wyrms that twisted through its branches.

Alleria looked around and her eyes fell on the tree first and foremost. Kael’thas expressed it was very nice work and he smiled broadly as he held out a finger to coax one of the servants down onto it.

Hedanis chuffed and observed that she changed the layout, but he admitted that was wise given how many people had shown up. Vel said that everyone’s rooms who had stayed in there priorly were the same, and then she directed the new arrivals toward their own rooms.

Alleria’s was fairly similar to Gil’s room in that the furniture looked to be grown out of the boughs of trees, but it had a darker lean as if the forest was on the cusp of twilight. There was both a bed and a hammock present, as Vel had been unsure what Alleria actually preferred. The ceiling was open, like most of the rooms were, and it looked like a night sky visible through the leaves, almost as if it was one of the open balconies of Windrunner Spire, and natural sounds were faintly audible.

Alleria nodded and expressed it was very nice and asked if Vel had designed it herself. Vel confirmed, and then admitted she hadn’t known if her aunt preferred beds or hammocks so she had decided to just include both. Alleria said she could sleep anywhere, but she’d see which she preferred as options were nice.

However she said she was surprised and wanted to know why Vel had chosen birds over mana wyrms. Vel admitted that normally she did have mana wyrms, but she had decided to switch things up. However Alleria saw her eyes flicker over in Kael’thas’s direction, which indicated that she had likely shifted them for the king’s benefit. Alleria nodded and thanked her.

Kael’thas and Rommath’s rooms were side-by-side, and there was actually a door that connected them on the interior, though Vel had arranged so the lock was on Rommath’s side. The rooms had a somewhat extreme dichotomy between them, as Kael’thas’s was somewhat opulent with large windows on one side that had views which could be freely changed like the ceiling, and there was a small tree located in a planter covered in faintly glowing tulips, within which perched two birds whose plumage resembled phoenixes. The roots draped into the bathing alcove. The overall style was a mix of Dalaran and Silvermoon aesthetics with rich purples and reds, and the walls were rimmed by ornate bookcases. There were plush chairs and the round bed had a litter of comfortable pillows with a vibe that was overall just very comfortable.

Kael’thas smirked as he saw it and expressed that Vel had truly outdone herself and it may have even put the suites at Silvermoon to shame, though Vel countered she had an unfair advantage in using magic. He agreed, but he thanked her regardless.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says: And look, Rommath, we even have a door connecting our rooms!

Rommath nodded.

Rommath Pyrewing says [telepathically]: Indeed. That we do.

However, he noticed the lock on his side of the door, and the hint of a smirk reached his eyes as he met Vel’s gaze. It seemed that Kael’thas hadn’t noticed.

Rommath’s room was much more dimly lit and had more of a dark academia vibe. There were a lot of dark wooden bookcases and a heavy desk near the fireplace, to a point it looked very uncannily similar to a condensed version of the study he had in Silvermoon, to which Vel had visited only one time before the Sacking. It was sectioned off to allow for ample room for privacy, and the bathing alcove and bed both had heavy curtains that could be drawn or closed depending on preference. The round bed had a leather bench that curved around the foot of it, and the colors centered largely around deep reds and blacks. There was a servant in the guise of a raven already perched within.

Rommath Pyrewing says [telepathically]: This will more than suffice.

He gave Vel a nod in appreciation. Kael’thas pointed out it looked a lot like his study back in Silvermoon, and Rommath agreed it had remarkable attention to detail.

Aelthalyste also had a room despite the fact she didn’t need one, even if it was largely for just privacy. Vel had used some of the suites of the church of Belore as a baseline for her. It also still had a bed, even though the banshee would obviously not need one, it just seemed to be a tendency Vel had to keep to what was expected to be in rooms. Mag’beth and Sasha had also gotten their own rooms, and Mag also complicated Vel on the magecraft.

Some people explored a bit before heading to bed, but a lot of people opted to go to bed immediately.

Vel inquired that Kael’thas had mentioned he had a letter for her from her simulacrum, and Kael’thas expressed he had nearly forgotten before he conjured the missive so she could read it before turning in for the evening. She thanked him, and Kael’thas expressed her simulacrum had been quite busy and an irreplaceable asset for the Northrend expedition. Vel quickly scanned over some of the pages, as there were several, and stated that it certainly seemed so.

Gil was watching the interaction intently as Kael’thas bid Vel goodnight. He gave her a small bow with a hand over his heart before he turned to go to his room to retire. Rommath also gave her a nod before he retreated to rest.

Gil asked Thal’ena if she had observed anything in how Kael’thas was interacting with Vel. Thal’ena confirmed she had, and Teemo had as well, but she hadn’t realized Vel and the king were that close. She said she was going to ask Vel about it tomorrow, as she would never ask his Majesty about it given that was a bit too personal. Gil said he’d be around, and Thal’ena retorted Vel probably wouldn’t want her brother in her business. Gil said that he was going to be anyway, because that was twin privilege. Thal’ena laughed at him before she bit him goodnight and headed to bed.

Before Vel turned in she found Victor and cast [Mind Blank] on him as she did every night. Victor thanked her and asked her if she was feeling alright.

Victor Prestor says: We had a… very busy 24 hours. I just wanted to check on you. I’m feeling alright, before you ask.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I’m just… processing. We’ve gone through a lot of things at once, currently.
Victor Prestor says: I imagine. Well hey, look… I don’t understand this Cult of the Damned business or anything, but if you need anything? Even if it’s just to talk. Just let me know. I may not be able to keep up with the likes of Samia but… all the same.

Vel looked at him with a soft smile.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I appreciate that.
Victor Prestor says: Just try to get some rest, alright? And don’t worry about me.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I can make no promises.

Victor chuffed.

Victor Prestor says: I suppose I set myself up for that. Thank you again for this magic. It has been helping. I’m… surprised that you were able to preserve enough strength to give me this, actually.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I was already rationing given I knew we had to get back to Venetia. Things worked out.
Victor Prestor says: I just hope you know how much that means. That you think of me like that. So thank you. It truly does mean a lot.
Velameestra Windrunner says: We’re in this together. Sleep well, Victor.
Victor Prestor says: You too, Vel.

He offered a smile and headed to his room. Vel returned to her own quarters, and as she settled into her cot, she used the last shreds of her magic to cast [Dream] targeting Arator. It was the same Tirisfal glade that she had used in her other dreams. She manifested as her white raven form, and as Arator saw her, his eyes lit up, but then he glanced away. He looked back at her with a soft smile.

Arator Windrunner says: I was wondering when I might see you again, Snow.

Vel croaked at him, and he held out an arm to her. She flew down and inched up his arm to nuzzle against his face. She didn’t want to launch directly into what she had come to him for, so they followed the same pattern they had prior nights where they sat for a bit and Arator talked to her. However, like in the recent nights, he was more quiet and introspective, as if he was holding something back from her.

He told her about another raven he had seen when he was awake, and it had not been white, but it made him think of her, and she shared other such small stories that didn’t veer into anything about where he was or what he had been doing, but it was small snippets from his waking life.

As the night crept onward to dawn, Vel looked up as the sky started to lighten, recognizing that Arator was likely going to awaken soon. She started to get a bit agitated, as she didn’t have much time, and she kneaded the grown where she had come to sit with her claws before she abruptly took off and landed on a branch.

Arator furrowed his brow and asked where she was going, and Vel cawed back at him before she flew into the woods. Arator stood up and followed after her as she lead him into another clearing.

At the center of the clearing was a crate with a lid that was slightly ajar. She landed at the crate and looked at Arator, who approached the crate and began to inspect it. The inside of the crate was filled with grain, and Vel tapped the crate with her beak.

Arator Windrunner says: …What are you trying to tell me, Snow?

Vel hopped down into the crate and began to push the gain aside with her feet, revealing bones that had been covered by the grain. Arator’s expression darkened as he got a serious expression, and they both heard a squeak as a rat scurried out from beneath the lid. The rat looked up at Arator with bright green eyes, and its fur was coming off in patches. It squeaked again and then ran off into the forest.

Arator Windrunner says: You know something about the plague.

Vel fluttered out from inside the crate and tapped on the lid again. On the top was a sticker with the Capless Feather Grains symbol, and she began to scratch and peck at it, as if there was something beneath. Arator peeled it off for her, and beneath was the symbol of the Scarlet Crusade.

Arator’s brow furrowed again, and he looked at Vel.

Arator Windrunner says: Where did you discover this? This doesn’t make any sense. Why would....

He seemed shaken, but then his eyes widened, and then narrowed again.

Arator Windrunner says: It is you, isn’t it? This whole time… the vampyr from Andorhal. The one who said my name. It’s you, isn’t it? This whole time it’s been you. That’s how you knew to reach out to me. This association, this warning you’re trying to give me…

Vel fell abruptly very still, her eyes fixed on him.

Arator Windrunner says: That was you on the walls too, wasn’t it? You looked different, but the way you looked at me… it was the same. Even though I couldn’t see your eyes the last time. You’ve been haunting me this whole time.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Arator…

Arator closed his eyes and looked away.

Arator Windrunner says: I don’t know who you are, or why you’re reaching out to me like this, but I’m not going to allow myself to be manipulated like this anymore. If you have something you need to tell me, then I want you to tell me in person. I’m going to be in the capital city of Lordaeron for several days. I will wait in an alley off the way past Maple street. If… if you have something you need to tell me, if you’ve discovered something, then I would meet you in person there. Alone. And I want to meet who you really are. Not this… deception.

Vel looked up at him, her posture huddled, clearly unsure of what to do and wracked with guilt. Arator stood up, and she could see a series of conflicted emotions between hurt, fear, and any number of other things in his mind. Vel shuffled her feet.

Velameestra Windrunner says: …be safe.

Arator’s hand flexed into a fist, but then it relaxed again.

Arator Windrunner says: …I will.

Vel chanced another glance up to him, and then took off into the air again. Arator likewise turned and walked out of the clearing as the dream started to fade. He looked back over his shoulder at where Vel was, conflict and confusion still evident on his face.

Vel woke up with her face in her hands and a soft, despaired “fuck”.

October 18th (Day)

The group woke up in staggered increments given the different requirements various people had for sleeping. They all gathered in the dining room to have a quick debriefing of everything that had happened, including giving the elves from Northrend the full context for Andorhal and what had led to the raid on Naxxramas. They also explained that they had found irrevocable evidence that at least one major member of the Scarlet Crusade had been backing the Cult of the Damned’s activities. Liadrin said it was very useful and might give them the chance to put some heat on the crusade.

Vel confirmed that Uther had made contact with Lord Fordring in Mardehold, and that he was willing to listen to such accusations if they brought him proof, and Liadrin agreed what they had was certainly proof and if Taelan could be brought to their side it was a notable boon.

Liadrin Everpost says: Of course, if the wrathcaster becomes burdensome, it is possible that the Crusade could feign ignorance, even if it’s clear the leadership is behind them. But we can use this to harm their public opinion, and then it’s a matter of putting more pressure on them.

The manifesto had other notable names as well, including some Lordaeron nobles, notably baron Othmar Garithos.

Tyrosus shook his head and expressed that he had known the Scarlet Crusade was corrupt, but he was frustrated at the rank of those who had been found. He said that Turalyon needed to know as well, as he was at Bulwark. Alleria visibly tensed, and Maxwell tasked Darion to continue hunting down the last of the plague, while Liadrin and Maxwell were going to head to the Bulwark. Liadrin said she wouldn’t have minded speaking to Lor’themar as well, especially given Kael’thas was going to be speaking to him. Aelthalyste also wished to be present. She had kept in contact through magic, but she doubted they knew what her actual status was. Vel added that Jaina also wished to speak with Kael’thas personally, and Kael’thas said that as long as he was welcome in the city he would be happy to speak with her in the capital and he was glad that she had returned safely.

Arthas, meanwhile, had been quietly scowling at Kael’thas as he chewed on a turkey leg. Kael’thas asked if there was something he had done to offend him, but then he pieced together that the man was Arthas, which he had discovered over the telepathic link had been with Uther and his companions.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says: My. You don’t look anything like I last saw you.
Arthas Menethil says: Well I don’t remember ever seeing you.

The context was quickly given as to why Arthas was with them and also in the capital, and Kael’thas chuckled quietly.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says: I suppose that explains things… but I am uncertain the world is ready to have two of you, your majesty.
Arthas Menethil says: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: Nothing.

Kael’thas smiled quietly before he continued that, if the group was planning on heading to Hearthglen on the morrow, they would take their own leave and head to the Bulwark and await them on the outskirts so that it was easier to travel. He also said the fewer vampyrs that had to be smuggled into Hearthglen, the better, and Vel added that they hadn’t even risked herself the last time. Uther had simply gone alone.

Kael’thas said, in the meanwhile, they had the day to enjoy Venetia, but he wanted to also speak briefly about their unique guests, and he looked pointed over at Mag’beth, Sasha, and Zagarra. Vel said they could give further context, and Zagarra nodded at Rommath and expressed that what he said had been accurate and she was with the dragons.

She also added that she had no loyalty to the Horde and she had not taken part in the invasion.

Kael’thas said that Zagarra wouldn’t have any issue from him if she had managed to earn the trust of Velameestra, Gilveradin, and the others, so long as she didn’t give him a reason to take issue. Zagarra said she had no reason to.

Gil asked Rommath how he knew about the Scales, and Rommath explained that he made contact with the dragonflights and he was made aware of the Scales of Azeroth initiative in the process. Gil was clearly waiting for more information, Vel glanced at Rommath behind Gil’s back.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: So you just… casually made contact with them?
Rommath Pyrewing says [telepathically]: So what if I did? You aren’t the only one allowed to consort with dragons, Gilveradin. In fact we’ve done so for a while without even knowing it.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: …Very well then.

Mag asked what was going to happen with them, and Beth agreed they wanted to know their plan. Gil said they might be able to get them back with the rest of their group if that was where they wished to go. Remnii agreed that it seemed like some of their number had been scattered, and the two heads looked at each other and confirmed. She said that some of their kin attacked them and they were split off and forced to retreat through the mountains. When they finally escaped, they were ambushed again.

She asked what the banner of the Scarlet Crusade looked like, and Remnii projected a general illusion of it. The heads nodded and said that it was them. They had run into an encampment of theirs and were forced to retreat into the mountains where they found a place of twisting magic. They got lost and humans captured them and brought them to Venetia, which was where they all found them.

Darion scratched his chin as her orcish was translated, and it seemed that they had actually run straight into the Scarlet Monastery.

Remnii asked if the two were traveling with Grom, and she confirmed that Grom was her chieftain. It had been other members of the Warsong and the Laughing Skull that had ambushed them. Remnii asked if they saw Kaz, and Mag said that Kaz was one of the ones that attacked alongside Garrosh’s forces. It seemed the Warsong had all scattered from that point, and she didn’t know what happened to Grom from there. Remnii asked if they knew Nazgrim, and Mag confirmed he was one of the enemy commanders that had sided with Garrosh against the chieftain. She said that without their help, they would be in trouble and desperate. They were the Warsong navigators and they had no hope of returning to the Horde without them. But if they could get an ocean vessel they could leave. They didn’t personally want to fight.

Remnii projected over the telepathic link that Vel had priorly erected that she had been considering a hostage exchange, and Vel agreed that she wanted some of her people back.

Remnii looked back at Mag’beth and Sasha and verbally expressed that, if they had patience, there were two pieces of information she wished to share. They had made contact with Nazgrim, and she understood he would not be their favorite person to see, but they were headed back his way and she had also made contact with the chieftain of the Frostwolves. She wanted to negotiate a hostage exchange for some of the elves and humans that had beene trapped behind the lines. It was the most peaceful solution they could consider, and Mag agreed that they could be patient, as they had been saved from a lifetime of suffering and torment.

Sasha snarled and said that if they needed to find the orcs, she could help. She said Warsong were easy to track as they were loud even when quiet. Remnii agreed they followed their namesake, and she then thanked the saberon.

Remnii then turned to Kael’thas and Rommath and expressed she would give more context later, as they had not understood most of the conversation given it was in orcish. Kael’thas said he was patient and understood there was a curious situation going on.

Maraad says: Regardless of any of our misgivings, we have done a great thing here. The Light has worked through us, and we have stopped a great many people from suffering. There will be more to do, but we have brought down a monster, and if nothing else, we deserve to be recognized for that. So good work, everyone!

Maxwell Tyrosus said that was well said. People started to disperse to go take care of their own business, but Vel caught Kael’thas as she had something for him.

She produced a stack of papers. Kael’thas blinked and asked what all that was.

Velameestra Windrunner says: This may be… a bit of an overstep. I had a lot of time, so I wrote down a number of ideas and considerations given the paradigm shifts we are in the midst of.

Kael’thas started to flip through some of the pages.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says: My word… Velameestra there are… a lot of pages here. When did you have time to do all this while you were hunting down all sorts of villainy?
Velameestra Windrunner says: We… may have gotten trapped on another plane for about six months. I did the majority of this while we were there.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: Ah.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: It was six months out of time, don’t worry about it.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: I… guess that would make sense.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I also wanted to return your book before it slipped my mind.

She also produced the First Stone of Silvermoon, which Kael’thas had allowed her to borrow before the Sacking of Silvermoon.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says: Ah! I had nearly forgotten with everything else that has happened. I suppose you were able to recover it, weren’t you?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes, it was in my library.

Kael’thas smiled.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says: I look forward to it being returned to its rightful place in the libraries of Silvermoon. Thank you, you did not have to take such good care of it for this long. But I appreciate that you did.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I return what I borrow.

Kael’thas moved his attention back to the pages of text Vel had produced.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says: But this is truly incredible work! It’s rough, of course, but there’s a great base framework and you have quite a few interesting ideas in here from what I can see.

Rommath looked at some of the other pages, and then he glanced over at Vel.

Rommath Pyrewing says [telepathically]: Presumptuous indeed.

His tone implied a degree of jest.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Any amount of it could be taken or left. It’s largely just ideas.

Rommath continued to look at her as Kael’thas said they had some things to pour over before their meeting at the Bulwark.

Shortly after, Thal’ena sidled up next to Vel and pulled her aside. Gil was in the nearby vicinity.

Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: So Vel… you and king Kael’thas. Um. The two of you… you seem pretty close.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I suppose we’re acquainted. Frankly, my simulacrum has spent more time with him than I have.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: Oh! Oh that makes sense. Yeah, he seems to be more than just an acquaintance. I mean, he has other acquaintances too.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Ah, yes, I suppose technically I did confirm we were friends at an earlier point.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: You… you confirmed you were friends?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I asked.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: I suppose that’s fair. Vel, so, don’t get me wrong, I could be misreading the situation. But I’m good at picking up things like this. I think he’s interested in you.
Velameestra Windrunner says: …What definition of interested are you using currently?

Gil abruptly called out that Thal’ena needed to be direct. Thal’ena shot some daggers over at Gil and said she was working on it. Vel asked what was going on. Thal’ena sighed and brought Vel fully into another room with Gil.

Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: Vel, he’s acting… I think he’s romantically interested in you. He’s not acting the way people generally do when they are just friends.
Velameestra Windrunner says: …do you mean the touchiness? I assumed that was just how he was.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: He didn’t touch anyone else like that.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: It’s true… look, I could be wrong, I don’t know him personally, but I’ve seen him before and I’ve seen how he acts. He is an affectionate person. I’ve seen him embrace people and the like, but it’s a bit more than that, it looks like. Like, when we were talking for example? His eyes would always fall back to you. Like you were the default place his eyes would go.
Velameestra Windrunner says:: When I wasn’t talking?
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: Yeah, and you were talking, but when you were talking it was like he was hanging onto every word. He gave you the look that guys would give me when I knew I had them wrapped around my finger.
Velameestra Windrunner says: …Ah. Then I suppose I should confirm that with him at some point.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: You mean like directly!?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Vel, please don’t do that.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Why wouldn’t I? What else are you supposed to do?
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: Well you’re supposed to… flirt back?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I would like to point out he’s been spending a lot of time with your simulacrum and not you directly.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Well… yeah, there was a diplomatic meeting that my simulacrum had been asked to come along on.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: So you’re missing a lot of context.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes, I understand that.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: You know what Vel? Nevermind, I think you *should* go ask him. I think that’s probably the best course of action for you. Everyone needs to approach these sorts of things differently, and I’m getting the feeling that this might be the best way to do it.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: It’s certainly the most you way to do it.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: You’ll probably get the answer.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Then I suppose… thank you for the observations?
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: And if we’re wrong, I’m sorry in advance for the embarrassment, but I don’t think we’re wrong.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Oh. I’m not going to be embarrassed. I’m going to be explicit that someone informed me of the matter.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: Ah.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: …Without names, right?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Of course not.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I didn’t think you would, but I still had to ask.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: So what about you? I mean, that’s kind of a big deal. The king?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I need to assess the situation a bit more.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: Fair! That’s fair. But if you want to let me know how it goes, I won’t be opposed to giving you some tips…? If you need them, of course.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I will assess how it unfolds.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: Great! Sorry if this threw a wrench in your plans today!
Velameestra Windrunner says: Thank you both for voicing your observations and your… interest in my private dealings, I suppose.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: Heh, sorry about that.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I’m not!
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: I’ll see you later!

Vel opted to call after Thal’ena that if she was interested in seeing Venetia, her brother had gotten very acquainted with the nightlife districts and could likely point her in some directions. Thal’ena looked over at Gil with a raised brow, and Gil just nodded and asked how Thal’ena felt about elaborate disguises. Thal’ena asked why they needed them, and Vel said that he had a different persona in the city. Thal’ena rolled her eyes, but she said that was smart.

She opted to take Gil’s arm and volunteered him to show her the city.

Vel went off to thumb through her missive from her simulacrum more, but as her eyes flickered up she noted that Uther and Remnii happened to be in a near vicinity. She informed them that she had some news from the two of them from Northrend, specifically about Thrud.

Uther asked what about her, and Vel confirmed he recalled she was going to participate in the Hyldsmeet. She explained that Thrud’s final opponent was General Duskseeker in the end, and she was felled in the conflict, but it had not been a permanent matter: she had been brought back as a val’kyr like Annhlyde. She added that they were effectively ferriers of souls to the vrykul, so that Remnii had the additional context.

She then further explained it had been a very notable thing in vrykul culture as there had apparently not been a new val’kyr in millennia. Neither Uther nor Remnii knew how to take the news, and Vel added that Thrud appeared to be doing as well as she could be, and she had relayed the wish to say hello.

Uther smiled and said that even something as simple as that went a long way in assuaging his worries. Vel also added that she still had Thunderfury, the Blessed Blade of the Windseeker, in her possession.

Later on, Remnii had taken Vel to go and speak with Kael’thas and Rommath.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says: So. Remnii. What was that spirited conversation about? You mentioned you wanted to give me full context for something?

Remnii went over the summary of the circumstance with Nazgrim and the fact she was familiar with the new leadership of the Horde.

Remnii says: I’ve been able to make contact… despite my own people’s sordid history with the orcs, I have some few friends among them. One of them has been appointed as a leader in a new triumvirate. Thus, I wanted to offer a peaceable solution. Mag’beth was hoping she could convince her clan to leave. Being an expert navigator, she had hope of making a fightless exit. I am looking towards a hostage exchange.

Kael’thas nodded in consideration.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says: This is an interesting predicament you find yourself in. First off, the mere fact that you are… I understand, Remnii, that your history is a complex one. I don’t envy you for having to navigate it. But to this day, I cannot see what reason you would have for having friends amongst the orcs. Were they not the same people responsible for destroying your own home?

Remnii nodded.

Remnii says: One may think me soft-hearted, but when the draenei came to what is now Outland… the orcs were a tribal and relatively primitive people. While not responsible directly, the Burning Legion was in pursuit of the draenei. Not the orcs. The orcs were a convenient tool for them. As many, many other peoples have been.

Remnii paused to give her a moment to think.

Remnii says: Not all can be saved amongst them… but those who would keep the old ways of the orcs, before they were cursed with fel. We once broke bread with them. It will never be the same, but those who I have kept close have… returned to me some things my people too have lost. In respect for those old bonds. I will live far longer than the orcs that took our home from us will… if there are any left, and if there is a heart to their people, then I would wish to foster that versus the violence they inflicted on themselves and others.

Vel also presented the pragmatic viewpoint that, ultimately, Mag’beth, Sasha, and Nazgrim were relatively unimportant in the scope of the Horde and it was a small price to pay to get some of their own people back.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says: I cannot say you are right on any of this, Remnii, but you have conviction, and I can respect that. Frankly, perhaps it is because I don’t have the experience of what the orcs once were, but you have a point. From your perspective they were changed… perhaps, had we had this conversation a couple years ago, I would have not understood what it was like to see a people being used as tools by the demons. But our own people were. Even now, they plot against us alongside our enemies. At the very least, I’m glad it was you that found this Sasha and Mag’beth as well as this Nazgrim. Had I done so, I don’t believe they would have had the opportunity to return. And you’re right, if we can get some of our own people back, it would be irresponsible not to do so. So thank you for not throwing an opportunity like that away. Now… that does bring us to another interesting conundrum.
Rommath Pyrewing says [telepathically]: This Grom Hellscream. What can you tell us about him?

Remnii was honest in what she knew of Grom Hellscream, including the fact that he was ultimately the first one to drink from the blood of Mannoroth. The general impression Remnii gave was that he was respected amongst his people, but ultimately Go’el, who was Remnii’s friend, had not been pleased by his actions. Rommath nodded.

Rommath Pyrewing says [telepathically]: Interesting. A query for you, Miss Remnii. If the situations were reversed. If the orcs had your own people prisoner… if you had the opportunity to return this Grom Hellscream for your people, would you take it, assuming you did not have a personal connection with the people making that decision?
Remnii says: I… do believe I still would. Oftentimes, the krokul have been in servitude to the orcs for some time now.

Rommath nodded.

Rommath Pyrewing says [telepathically]: Thank you for sharing your insight.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: I suppose there’s not much to be done about it until we meet with our leadership. But we will need to speak with them about this issue. They are not within our lands, so what you choose to do would be for you and the people of Lordaeron to discuss. I would simply hope that whatever is chosen is for the best of all of our people, and we do that with that in mind instead of relying on… certain sympathies. Though, from what I’ve seen of you Remnii, you are a woman of far more integrity than that. But nevertheless, I am curious to hear more about the state of the Horde, for what you would know and be willing to share. The fact there is a civil war in their own ranks is interesting. I find myself not surprised given the influence that the demons have over them, though it’s not the type of civil war I would have expected if your words are to be believed.
Remnii says: Despite their infighting, I believe the matter is done.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: Would you tell us what you know of this Go’el individual and the other leaders of their people?
Remnii says: I am still learning of this myself… this matter in particular. I will share with you what I have found to be fact, and I will save my conjecture for if I find out more.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: Of course. There’s little sense in spreading rumors, after all. Or in speculation on the unknown.

Remnii gave the names and clans of the three leaders of the Horde, and that it was a very new structure for them as a whole. She also noted they seemed to be in relative agreement, and she went into some of the history, including Go’el’s father was friends with her own father. They also noted Garrosh Hellscream and Grom Hellscream were related, and Remnii assumed they would later get information on the fact that Garrosh was going after Grom.

Rommath conjured an illusion of Garrosh and asked if Remnii knew him, and Remnii confirmed it was Garrosh. Rommath and Kael’thas shared a look.

Rommath Pyrewing says [telepathically]: We became… acquainted with him in Eversong woods as we made our way to the grove where Frostmourne was claimed. We battled against and briefly alongside him before he fled after Lana’thel secured the blade and slew the dreadlord. Good to see he’s among the living.

It was clearly sarcastic.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says: Well, at the very least, I can say he’s a skilled warrior. But… thank you for your candor, Miss Remnii. I sincerely appreciate it. I believe I understand you as a person a bit more than I did before, and for what it’s worth, I do hope that the peace you desire is shared by more than just you. It cannot be easy to have friends on two sides of a war, and I hope for your sake you never have to choose among them.
Remnii says: I may not be much of a warrior… but my fights are not yet over.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: politics are a battle all their own, and only a fool would choose to battle on them. Yet here we are. I’ll steal more of your time, but thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
Remnii says: Thank you for your ear. Though it is far off, I too hope what I have shared will be… used thoughtfully. I know your people to be wise despite their hardships, for that our peoples have more in common than we have spoken of before.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: That we do.
Remnii says: I hope for that peace in some long distant future.

Remnii stood and gave a small, polite bow. They exchanged farewells. After Remnii left, Vel translated Remnii’s farewell as “the Legion must fall”, which Kael mused that such a statement was apt.

Rommath Pyrewing says [telepathically]: If you’ll excuse me, I have a great deal to think about regarding that conversation. And a great deal of reading to do.

Rommath nodded at Kael and Vel before he also excused himself. Kael’thas smiled as he looked at Vel and expressed that he believed the conversation went well enough. Remnii at least seemed to be a good sort.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I trust Remnii’s assessment on a fair number of matters. And I’ve also been watching the situation, for what that’s worth.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: I hope you are amicable to me relying on your opinion as well, Vel. I trust your own input on this a great deal, given your proximity to it.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I admittedly do not know much about Grom Hellscream. Certainly not more than what Remnii shared. But I understand Maraad has his own feelings about him.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: Well, perhaps I’ll get his opinion later. But! Enough of politics and business. We will need to do plenty of that starting tomorrow. Tell me, Velameestra, are you doing anything at the moment?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Not presently, no.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: Well, we have the evening, at least until you have to accompany his highness to his meeting. Would you mind accompanying me as I explore the city? There were a few places I espied that I think you might enjoy.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I’d… be little help as far as a guide. Most of my own investigations unfortunately kept me largely to the estates.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: Well, provided you don’t mind a bit of stumbling, I feel there’s a great deal we could discover together.

Vel said she wasn’t opposed to accompanying him, and Kael’thas smiled and gestured for them to set off immediately. Vel asked if he wished to take care of an illusory disguise or if he wanted her to, and Kael’thas paused before he admitted that was likely a good idea, given he was ultimately royalty and would be strolling along the streets of Venetia. Vel quickly cast [Seeming].

Kael'thas Sunstrider says: Wonderful. By the way, the chance had slipped by to mention it earlier, but the outfit you were wearing was simply ravishing.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Thank you. Master Poisonbloom actually put it together.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: Aha! I shouldn’t be surprised. He is known for his taste. Though I must say the black blade on the sword was a nice touch.

Vel said she had not been opposed to it by any means, and Kael’thas said it matched well, which prompted her to thank him again. She also thanked him again for the short notice aid, as he had not been obligated to help.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says: Perhaps not, though I have a feeling your aunt would have gone stir-crazy had we not helped in what way we could, especially given we had the means to do so.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes… unfortunately her sending caught me a bit by surprise. I imagine that did not instill much confidence.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: I imagine. I apologize we did not let you know more properly, but when it became evident you were in action we wanted to aid you as quickly as we could. We have relied on you and your allies for a great deal, whether we have realized it or not. And I have a feeling we will continue to do so. So if I can help relieve you of some of those burdens, Vel, I want to do so. And, if that means bringing justice to a vitriolic madman who was threatening not only us but also our neighbors, then I couldn’t think of any better way to aid than destroying everything he’s built.
Velameestra Windrunner says: That was cathartic.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: I imagine especially for you. Given the past experience you have with necromancy, he probably represented everything you dislike.
Velameestra Windrunner says: In his entirety.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: I’m glad you were able to take that from him.

Vel gave a nod of affirmation as they headed out into the city.

Meanwhile, Gil, Thal’ena, and Teemo had set out across the city and Gil was throwing his magic around to heal people for free and spouting a lot of rhetoric about how important everyone was together and that they needed to band together to make the city great.

He found people who were sick, who were down on their luck and in the slums of the area, and other downtrodden. He did what he could to help them with the help of Thal’ena, Teemo, and a few other companions. He started to get an idea, as on a few occasions Thal’ena tried to cheer the crowd by putting on performances, and both Sig and Hedanis joined in as well.

Sig suggested they tried to put on some sort of concert, as they could try to raise a bunch of money with tickets and spread it across the people they were helping. Gil agreed that was a good idea.

Sigilith Avernicious says: Righteous. Lets do it.
Hedanis Poisonbloom says: I don’t know. I’m not sure if I’m keen on a collaboration with you.

He looked at Thal’ena.

Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: And I’m not sure about doing one with you.
Sigilith Avernicious says: Guys, we’re doing it together! Haven’t you been listening to what Camtheas was saying? This is about all of us together, and we all got something to bring to this.
Hedanis Poisonbloom says: Fine!
Sigilith Avernicious says: Righteous. I think we’ll be able to do something really good. Lets see if we can find some other people.

They put on an impromptu relief concert, and not only did they get some attention, but they also got some official backing from a handful of mage lords including Madame Wayfair and Lady Ashmore. They were able to secure an actual venue for them, and they sold two different tickets: the pit, and the box seats which were much more expensive. Lady Ashmore covered all the costs of the venue and asked for nothing in return.

Hedanis went out to do some talent scouting, and there was a great deal of argument on who would be headlining. Eventually, Sig decided he’d just open. He put on a righteous solo performance. Hedanis debuted as Poisonbloom alongside Lance, a handsome-looking dwarf, a troll, and a naga. Thal’ena put on a solo show with song and dance, and Halveria was also teleported in to join in on the performance. There was also some other talent from Venetia that joined in.

It was a massively successful concert out of nowhere.

The headliner ended up being a massive performance of everyone. Gil was a bit nervous, but Sig reassured him that he didn’t need to think about the crowd, he had to think about the message and the music.

Sigilith Avernicious says: Before you know it, they’ll be singing the words of your soul. Belore might be a bit upset right now, but he’ll be listening!

Gil used [Illusory Dragon] to create a massive star dragon soaring overhead, and “Camtheus” walked out first and started to play, but one by one other people walked and started to contribute to the performance. There were jets of flame from pyrotechnics and heavy smoke across the entire stage. Above the dragon, more and more stars were summoned that created vibrant constellations that flashed in various colors.

As the dragon spiraled upwards, suddenly a second dragon emerged and started to twist with it. It was the scintillating azure scales of a blue dragon with crystalline horns. The crowd went wild, unaware it was actually the very real dragon Crystagosa. She swooped over the crowd and snowflakes fell upon them. She then flew back around, grabbed Gil, and tossed him up on her back.

As he finished the final chords of his song, he called out over the crowd.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: Remember it takes many stars to make a night sky!

He then disappeared as Crystagosa loosed a loud roar and soared off into the sky. She chuckled to Gil far overhead and said that the display had been enjoyable. Gil retorted that she could have told him she was going to join, and she relented she could have, but her approach had been more fun.

Crystagosa says: Do you actually think this place can be changed for the better?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Given enough time.
Crystagosa says: I don’t think a single concert would do it.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Of course not.
Crystagosa says: But-
Gilveradin Windrunner says: You got to start somewhere.
Crystagosa says: You took the words out of my mouth. Alright Draig'cyfaill. Color me impressed.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: That may be the greatest feat I pulled off tonight then!

They soared together above the clouds in the night sky, and Crystagosa thanked him for reminding her to look upwards, as it was easy to forget. Gil admitted speaking with her was what inspired all of this. Crystagosa glanced at him and asked what he meant, and he said that their conversation at the auction reminded him there were other problems to focus on.

Crystagosa says: Well. In that case, we’re even.

Eventually, Crystagosa dipped down below the clouds and discretely brought Gil to her own manor, which was one of the ones that flew above the city. She transformed back to her visage, and she said that she hoped his friends didn’t mind she borrowed him, but she could send him back. Gil retorted it was as good a way as any to disappear. Crystagosa said she believed it wasn’t the last time they would see each other, and she bid Gil farewell and told him to tell Camtheas “thanks for the show”.

He reappeared at the stage, where the crowd had cleared out. Teemo asked Gil if that had been a real blue dragon, and Gil confirmed.

Teemo Manabrake says: This city really does have everything!

Gil revealed it had been Crystagosa, and Teemo was amazed that Sindragosa’s youngest child was present in the city.

Earlier in the day, Uther, Maxwell Tyrosus, Liadrin, Maraad, Aelthalyste, Darion Mograine, and Remnii had headed toward Billy Bright’s cathedral. Uther was able to experience the event that was Billy Bright’s preaching. He was obviously powerful.

After the fact, Aelthalyste mused that the performance was spirited, and Liadrin agreed that was a way to put it. Maxwell said that it was exhausting to watch.

Uther Menethil says: I’m not certain what I was expecting. But it was not that.
Remnii says: When I told you what I saw I was not exaggerating at all.
Uther Menethil says: Clearly! In fact I think you undersold it!

Remnii smiled weakly.

Remnii says: Once everyone clears out, then I believe we can conduct our business.

Liadrin said she and the others would wait outside. Maxwell said he saw a tavern across the way and he wouldn’t mind a refill.

Maxwell Tyrosus says: This place is going to turn me into an alcoholic…
Darion Mograine and Uther Menethil says: Turn you into?

Maxwell shot them a glare.

Maxwell Tyrosus says: Watch it kids.

He grumbled as he headed out to the tavern. Remnii, Uther, and Maraad were the three that actually approached Billy Bright. He recognized Remnii and Maraad and he offered a smile and a nod. He then approached and greeted them warmly and said it was good to see them in the aftermath of a blemish being removed.

Remnii said the Light had a way of clearing things up, and Billy agreed. He said it seemed that she and her friends, which he assumed Uther was one, were nothing but successful. He introduced himself to Uther and said he hoped that Uther had enjoyed the ceremony.

Uther said it was inspiring, and Billy Bright beamed. He was wearing a white suit with the hint of vestments like he was before, and he asked what he could do for them. He explained Master Ebonlocke had prepared a small thank you from the mage lords who helped to eliminate problems the prior evening, including his own contribution.

He said that a tip like Remnii’s should have been given due respect. Remnii smiled and thanked him. She explained they were approaching him with another curious matter, though it was one of a different candor. Uther was introduced as Angus.

Uther considered before he spoke up again.

Uther Menethil says: I assume you’re very busy, reverend, so I’ll be brief and frank. I believe you have recently come into possession of an item that is critical to the success of an endeavor I am pursuing.
Billy Bright says: Ain’t that interesting. What endeavor might that be?
Uther Menethil says: The reformation of the Silver Hand.
Billy Bright says: Hm. Now ain’t that something. Now that you mention it… I do think I did notice the two of you at a certain function last night. Though I’m curious how you came into such knowledge of what I was able to purchase. But… any of that aside. Seems you’re interested in acquiring it, and there’s only a few reasons I can think of why in regards to the reformation of the Silver Hand. Now, I know situations in the rest of the church are a bit tense at the moment.
Uther Menethil says: Delicately put!
Billy Bright says: As it is, the original leaders of the Silver Hand are a bit scattered from what I understand. More than one of those books went missing after the war broke out. Now, Angus, you said? What interest do you have in restarting the Silver Hand?
Uther Menethil says: Personal, professional, and spiritual, it turns out. As a show of good faith, reverend, my name is not Angus. My name is Uther.
Billy Bright says: Not the rarest name these days, but I get the sense you ain’t just any Uther. You’re far too well spoken for that. And there’s one in particular who I think fits your general description. Maybe save a bit of hair dye. But you are supposed to be dead.
Uther Menethil says: And it is of paramount importance that people continue to think that.
Billy Bright says: Of course, of course. Far be it from me to compromise your own safety given what you’ve done for us. I think we might be able to reach an agreement.
Uther Menethil says: I’m pleased to hear that.
Billy Bright says: I bet you’re wondering what use I had for a tome like that beyond simple professional curiosity.
Uther Menethil says: The thought crossed my mind.
Billy Bright says: Well, maybe if I elucidate, we may be able to negotiate. So, with all the hub bub with the church. It seemed unwise to let such an important holy relic fall into just anyone’s hands.

He had moved them fully to a private room as they had been speaking.

Billy Bright says: But the church ain’t in a great spot right now. The tomes are ancient. It was said they were penned by saint Mereldar herself, which if I’m following lineage right, is your ancestor. Either way. Look, I would want nothing more than to bring this beautiful book back…

He pulled the Libram of Compassion out from where he had it stored.

Billy Bright says: But, the fact of the matter is that I don’t even know who I’d give it back to. See, the church isn’t in a good way. Stormwind has schismed off. And I don’t think they’ll be the first. And that’s not even to mention our crimson compatriots who have stirred all sorts of a fuss, which I’m certain you are well aware of. When the cards fall, our faith is going to look a lot different than it was. It would be irresponsible to not make sure my flock was in a good spot when that happens.
Uther Menethil says: If I take your meaning, your plan is to keep the artifact safe until such time the tenuous state of the church has solidified with a clear dominant faction?
Billy Bright says: Precisely. Now if the church gets its act together, I’d be happy to do that. Reuniting the books would be a momentous occasion. But I got to make sure it’s done the right way. And if things don’t stabilize, well… we’re going to need something of our own to ensure we don’t get washed away in the flood. So if the church gets back up on its feet, then I’d be glad to ensure its reunited with its siblings. Otherwise, there are a few things I could think of that could legitimize a denomination. Including a relic like this. What happens after I suppose depends. But my hopes after this? I think things are gonna be changing in Venetia. There has been a lot of things moving beneath the surface. Lets face it. Ain’t no one gonna miss the rivers of green sludge out east. People will start snooping and learning. If that happens, I need to make sure we are ready for what comes. Sure, unlike my brethren, I don’t got as many things to worry about with the Kirin Tor, but we got our own problems to deal with. So, my ask for you, is that I would hope that when the time comes, maybe you and I can work together on this. Make sure what comes next is best for both our flocks. After all Lordaeron is the birth place of the church, and your bloodline is the birthplace of the belief itself. I got a feeling you might have something to do with what happens.
Uther Menethil says: I certainly respect your pragmatism! If I’m understanding correctly, you keep the book safe until such time as things have stabilized. And if that is your goal, then I suppose you’re already doing what I would have asked.

Billy smiled.

Billy Bright says: I had a feeling we might help each other.
Uther Menethil says: Then I suppose you’ll hear from me after, well… after my friends and I have managed to save the world and stabilize the church.
Billy Bright says: Well, sounds like you got quite an itinerary! I do hope that you find success, and I mean that with every earnest bone in my body. But after what you all did in Venetia, I would not be surprised. The Light does work in mysterious ways, after all. In the meantime if you find yourselves in the area, feel free to come through these doors. I guarantee you’ll find nothing but hospitality. Now do make sure you don’t go dying a second time!
Uther Menethil says: I would like to ensure that! It’s not pleasant!

Billy looked at Remnii and expressed it was a pleasure to see her again. It was clear he had figured out who she really was as well. As they were leaving, Maraad had found a flier for a concert their friends were putting on, and they agreed to go.

Seria had gone to pick up her goods from Kirtonos’s manor along with Elissa. Elissa looked around cautiously and mused about what they had been doing. Seria easily made her way to pick her goods, and her brand was removed as she was presented with the blood bone dagger and the blink fox in a small cage.

They left the manor without any trouble. Elissa looked at the fox in amazement at how cute he was. The fox eagerly greeted them and tried to teleport out of the cage but it didn’t work. His tail dropped, but then he asked where they were going, and commented that he was hungry, and he also asked if Seria was his mom. However then he got distracted by chasing his tail.

Elissa asked what he was, and Seria explained he was a blink fox. Elissa had never seen anything like him before. Elissa reached out to the fox to pet him, and he enjoyed it for a moment before he blinked and lightly bit her finger. She laughed and asked if he had a name, but the fox didn’t seem to know what a name was because he asked if he could eat it.

Elissa said they could come up with a name for him, and Seria considered and said she would have to think about it.

They got back to the manor and let the fox out. As soon as the fox was released, he immediately began to blink around the entire mansion to explore every nook and cranny. He eventually tired himself out, and then he returned to Seria and expressed he was hungry. He had tried to eat the birds but they were made of sparkles. Seria went and got him food and he promptly scarfed it down before he went to sleep next to Seria. Seria pet him and he made a soft chittering purr. He sleepily asked if she was his mom now, and Seria said if that’s what he wanted, she would be. He said she was a good mom because she gave him yummy food.

She felt a connection between herself and the fox. She accepted it, and a part of his spirit connected to her own as a familiar bond was formed. He flickered and blinked, and then disappeared as he entered a snippet of the Emerald Dream.

Meanwhile Vel and Kael’thas headed out into Venetia. As they were walking around, Kael’thas noticed Vel was watching some of the illusory hearthstone games.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says: You know, I am hesitant to admit this… I’m not the best at Hearthstone. Rommath is much better than I am. I’ve played him a few times and I understand the basics, but it is far from my expertise.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I won’t judge if you would like to play a game.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: If you wouldn’t mind, I wouldn’t mind learning a few tips. I understand you’re quite skilled. I don’t have any decks of my own, though, unfortunately.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I always have extras.

They rented out one of the tables that projected the illusions of the cards. He actually had Vel on her back foot during their last game and they actually attracted the attention of a small crowd to watch, but Vel got the perfect technical draws to win with an alternate win condition when Kael’thas had her on her last leg.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says: That was thrilling! I can see why you enjoy this game so much! I almost had you there!
Velameestra Windrunner says: Truthfully, that win condition had no reason to work.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: But the fact that it did is a testament to how good you are! Look! We even attracted a bit of a crowd! Sorry. We can find somewhere a bit more private.

They ducked away from the area as Vel regaled him with Hearthstone theory, and Kael’thas asked about some of her favorite decks, and cards, and if he could see what she had on her. He was filled with genuine interest, and they eventually arrived at a diner that had levitating tables that they sat and got a few drinks at.

He expressed he wanted to go check on something and after a few moments he returned with a grin.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says: I think I know what we can do next! So, I’m sure your simulacrum informed you of the meeting at the keep in Northrend, yes?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes, there was a brief overview.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: Well, as it happened, while we were on our way, it was after the sun had set so it was dark constantly. But on one of the evenings we had an exceptional view of the aurora borealis up there.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Ah yes, she did mention that.

Kael’thas’s face lit up.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says: She did?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes, apparently she also taught you how to manipulate anima.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: You did! You did. It was incredibly enlightening. I am still arguably a bit of a novice compared to you, but I do believe I have the basics down and I have you to thank for that.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I’m glad I could be of service.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: But, right! While we were traveling I took your simulacrum to see the aurora borealis. While we may not have the aurora borealis, I may have just gotten aerial clearance. Would you like to take a ride? I believe an aerial view of the leylines would be exceptional.

Vel agreed and he smiled as he said he just needed to call upon an old friend. They headed to the side of a landing, and Kael’thas traced a rune to call Al’ar forth. They immediately drew some attention as not only had a phoenix materialized, but it was an undead one, and Kael’thas offered Vel a hand to help her onto the firebird’s back.

They took off into the sky after erecting a telepathic bond between them so that they could communicate more easily, and they were able to enjoy the network of exposed leylines that ran through the city like rivers of pure magic. A few times Vel had shifted to try and get better views around Kael’thas and Al’ar’s wings, and the other vampyr grinned.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says [telepathic bond]: Do you have a solid grip?
Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathic bond]: Yes.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says [telepathic bond]: Then I’m going to get us an even better view.

He leaned forward and Al’ar shifted sideways, and then fully upside down so they could have a fully unmitigated view of the leylines below. Vel held on harder as the center of gravity shifted, and she fell dead silent as she took in the amazing view.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says [telepathic bond]: Breathtaking, isn’t it?
Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathic bond]: The fact that they’ve exposed all of this… it’s insane.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says [telepathic bond]: It’s like the city itself is drawing magic from it. Almost like the city is using them as veins, like a canal.
Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathic bond]: It’s effectively an artificial heart tapped into the leyline network.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says [telepathic bond]: It’s truly brilliant. I wonder if something can be done, something like this, that can help our people in the future.
Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathic bond]: With anima, perhaps there is.

Kael’thas glanced back at her.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says [telepathic bond]: Imagine what those ideas in your manifesto could do with something like this. I can’t wait to see the inspiration you draw from this.

They enjoyed the views for a while and then they landed and Kael’thas helped her down before he dismissed Al’ar. They found news of the relief concert that was being put on that evening, and Kael expressed he recognized most of the other people, but he wasn’t sure who a “Camtheas Glowsun” was. Vel confirmed it was Gil. Kael asked if Vel wanted to accompany him to see it, and Vel admitted she had never gone to a concert before.

Kael’thas hesitated and admitted it was loud, so they didn’t have to go if she didn’t wish to, but he suggested that if they stayed further from the stage it wouldn’t be as bad. Vel relented she was receptive to trying it, and she offered to help with covering her way, but Kael’thas hastily turned down the offer, and assured her that if it became too much for her they could always leave early and there was no pressure for her to stay the entire time.

In the meantime, they opted to get one of the tables in the park that was surrounded by silence bubbles to offer privacy for the occupants so they could just sit away from the hustle and bustle for a time and relax. They sat and shared some more drinks and talked about various matters of interest, and Kael’thas offered to share the memory of the aurora borealis with her until she could retrieve the memories from her simulacrum.

Vel accepted and Kael’thas closed his eyes to recall the memory and wove a small magic circle. An orange and violet thought strand manifested on his finger and coiled into the image of a small bird that he then gently blew on to send over to Vel. She held out her own finger to catch it, and she read the thought strand.

She saw the memory of flight over the Grizzly Hills, the chill of the wind, the sight of the aurora borealis, and the sight of herself seated in front of him. She saw the auroras from Kael’s vision, but his gaze continued to return to her and the look of sheer wonder on her face.

The entire day, Vel had paid keen attention to how Kael’thas was interacting with her and comparing it to what observations Thal’ena had made. And now, as she relived Kael’s thought, she also noted the fact that, despite the natural phenomenon that had unfolded above them, he kept looking back at her. The bird sparkled and faded away as the thought ended, and Vel admitted the aurora was beautiful. Kael’thas agreed.

She fell into silence as she considered, her tongue toying with the tip of one of her fangs.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Can I… ask you something?
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: Anything.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I… was told you were romantically interested. I wanted to know if that was true.

Kael’thas looked at Vel, stupefied for a moment, and then he smiled and started to chuckle. It wasn’t a derisive sound in any shape or form, but it was the kind of giggle that someone would emit if they heard something unexpected that was also funny in an extremely charming sort of way. Like a good, wholesome choke.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says: Apologies, I… of all the questions I expected, that was not one of them. But perhaps I should have. Vel, with all the people I’ve met in my life, I’ve met few that are as direct and earnest as you are. So, kudos to you for simply coming out and asking it.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I… don’t like working on assumptions if I don’t have to.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: Heh. I think that’s one of the things I’ve grown to like about you. Well, truth be told… the answer to your question would be yes. I’ve grown fond of you. I… understand it might be a bit unfair, as I’ve spent more time with you than you perceivably with me. But yes, I… I find you to be a singularly… the word evades me.
Velameestra Windrunner says: It… doesn’t need to be clarified more.

Even though her expression remained as neutral as it typically was, the tips of her ears had gotten notably pink.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I’m… normally very adept at providing a reason as to why these sorts of things wouldn’t work. I… did muse on it for a bit, in case that was the case, and… I came to the conclusion that I could not actually come up with a critical one. At least not one that wasn’t contrived, unfair, or just outright untrue. But… Um…

She fiddled with her glass for a moment.

Velameestra Windrunner says: As you said, Kael, we don’t actually know each other well. And we are both immortal, even though you… do have a bit of a head start on that front. It’s a side effect of the simulacrums I suppose I will need to… account for, in the future. But I do want to know you. And I want you to actually know me first. My friendships have… always had a history of being a bit intense, and I am… uncertain what someone would get from a romantic entanglement as I don’t really… bar much from my friendships. But that’s all just to say, in a… roundabout sort of way, is that I just want to be sure that friendship isn’t all you need from me and I need… time to figure out what something more would even mean? I’m… very inexperienced in this particular field. Horribly so, actually.

Kael’thas smiled at her.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says: Vel, I have not a single problem with what you said. I would want nothing more than to get to know you more. Indeed, it’s why I asked you to spend the evening with me in the first place.

Vel looked at him.

Velameestra Windrunner says: This… was a date, wasn’t it? That’s what this was?
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: It could be called as such, yes. Truth be told, the thing that you described could also be referred to as ‘dating’. Getting to know someone with the potential for it to become something more than friendship. But potential, and nothing more than that. I understand that we both have a great deal we are currently preoccupied with, and if we both can get to know each other more during that time and the time that comes afterwards, I would be honored to do so. Regardless of what it might mean for our future.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Then I suppose we are at an accord.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: In that case, might we do another one of these someday? When time permits, of course.
Velameestra Windrunner says: When… time permits, I believe I would like that.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: I would too.

He offered her a very genuine and happy smile. Vel’s ears had gotten bright red in the meanwhile, but she reciprocated with a small smile of her own. She then became abruptly aware of the time and asked when the concert was going to start, and Kael’thas said he should probably get the tickets as he didn’t want them to sell out.

He got some box seats that were a fair distance away from the majority of the noise, and they were able to listen to the performances well away from heart of the crowds. Vel had re-established another telepathic bond so they could also talk without interrupting the music, and she spent a great deal of the performance explaining to Kael how she knew the various performers. She was surprised to see Halveria, as she had been in Karazhan, but she had a particularly fond expression as she explained Lance’s situation, as ultimately performing had been the thing he desperately wanted to do and already there he was.

When Crystagosa flew above the crowd, Vel immediately pointed her out as a real blue dragon because no one in the group could conjure anything that realistic and she knew for a fact the starry illusory dragon was her brother’s. Kael was amazed and asked if it wasn’t the one that was with them, and Vel clarified he was a red dragon.