[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Eight

Appearing Characters: Caedis, Deathwhisper, Gilveradin Windrunner, Harold Kirtonos, Jackson Razuvious, Kel'Thuzad, Maraad, Remnii, Seria, Tamsin Roame, Toren Snapjoint, Uther Menethil, Velameestra Windrunner, Victor Prestor

October 16th

After leaving Kanrethad’s manor, Vel looped around and grabbed Victor to go and speak with Harold Kirtonos. It was not difficult to find Kirtonos’s estate, as it was set up in the middle of the trade district and there were already people present and lined up for the ball in the later evening. Near the front, some friendly mage duels were taking place seemingly trying to impress an extravagant-looking dwarven woman.

Victor Prestor says: My word, it seems this Kirtonos fellow likes to make a scene.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I imagine making an impression serves their purposes given what we’ve heard.
Victor Prestor says: In a place like this, I believe it.

The estate beyond the line resembled a very gothic, small castle with statues of gargoyles and demonic creatures perched along the parapets. It felt as if a piece of the Venetian nightlife was constantly preserved by the estate. There were also large bats hanging out in the shadows, and two crimson-skinned succubi sat cross-legged gossiping as they surveyed the arrangement.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I suppose we had best get our story in order.
Victor Prestor says: I suppose the most straightforward would be what…? Husband? Fiancé?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I was going to suggest bodyguard, but that works.
Victor Prestor says: What, don’t think I could cut it as your husband?

Vel’s ears turned pink.

Velameestra Windrunner says: No, that’s not… I was just…

Victor grinned.

Victor Prestor says: I was just teasing, don’t worry. But we’ll go with that. There will be less questions if I need to speak up. It’ll let me support you more.

He decided he’d just go by the name Vincent, and they opted to just cut through to the front of the line instead of wasting their time waiting. The line ended about ten feet from the gate, and she noted her undead-sensing tattoo was clearly glowing, indicating the presence of undead. At the gate were two guards that appeared to be Kirtonos’s private security.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Do I speak with you to meet with Lord Kirtonos?
Kirtonos Estate Guard says: A meeting? You do realize he’s currently in the middle of hosting an event. One doesn’t simply have a meeting with Mage Lord Kirtonos. Unless you missed the line.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Specifically about one of his business arrangements. In Caer Darrow.

The guards looked at each other and shared a look. She couldn’t see both their lips, but she could see one of them, and she caught the question of “another one? Was she expecting company? I can ask.”

The guards asked Vel to wait while one of them went in to check with Lord Kirtonos, and Vel caught the flash of fangs, indicating that they were likely a vampyr.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Of course.

The line took notice, and a few of them were jeering and muttering to each other, clearly annoyed that Vel seemed to have gotten some sort of movement from the guards. The line seemed to be mostly upper class and rich folk, or people who were trying very hard to appear rich. It was not a place for people that did not have money. A bit later, the guard returned and whispered something to the other guard. Vel and Victor were allowed through the gates, to the annoyance of those who were waiting.

The guard that had been speaking said they would escort them in, and another guard arrived to take their place. A few other people standing in the line had started to approach the gate to plead their own cases for getting in, including the buxom dwarven noble. She completely turned her attention away from the two mages that were dueling for her favor, and they similarly dropped their show to go and back her up.

Dwarven Noblewoman says: Come now, you’re not going to let her in before me! I’ve been wanting to speak to Master Kirtonos for a while! I have a lot of things he might be interested in!

She leaned forward to emphasize her “assets”, but Vel and Victor were led away before they heard how the conversation concluded.

The doors to the estate swung open, revealing a magnificent small castle. Vel heard the chittering of bats, rats, and spiders all over the place. There was a large stairwell that headed up to the upper levels, and many people were around talking, eating, and drinking. Notably, however, there were more sayaad that were walking around and acting like servants.

All of them had bright crimson skin, and the top of their faces were dyed a darker red like face paint. She also noted that most of the menial labor, like collecting coats and dusting, was being done by skeletons.

The guard led them to the upper floors. She warned them to mind their step, and as they stepped on the stairs, it actually started to shift and bring them upwards without them having to climb. There were statues, paintings, suits of armor, and all sorts of gothic decor, and they were led to a set of double doors.

They heard a bassy chuckle combined with a high-pitched cackle beyond the doors. The doors opened, revealing a private sanctum where two figures were seated on a beautiful, velvet sofa. The scent of fancy lotions and oils were heavy on the air, and there appeared to be a bath that was only recently unoccupied as well as two other sofas that were clearly meant for people to lay down upon for a massage.

Both of the individuals were human. The man, who was likely Kirtonos, was laughing, a glass of wine in his hand, but Vel caught the distinctive scent of blood, and it seemed that he was, in fact, the vampyr lord that had spawned the vampyric guards. The woman next to him had dark skin and hair with a white streak through it, and it was none other than Tamsin Roame. She was also drinking from a similar goblet, which also had the scent of blood, but she was definitely not undead.

The guard announced Vel and Victor. Kirtonos waved the guard off, and invited the two of them in. Vel thanked him for seeing them on such short notice.

Harold Kirtonos says: Well, if one comes with news of my old friends at Scholomance, I’m not one to turn them away.

Tamsin was squinting at Vel.

Harold Kirtonos says: A friend of yours?

Tamsin furrowed her brow.

Tamsin Roame says: No. Who exactly are you supposed to be?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Zelda Morrowsworn is what I’m going by now. It’s good to see you, Lady Roame.

Tamsin bared her teeth in a small scowl, clearly not pleased that Vel knew more about her than she knew about Vel.

Tamsin Roame says: Seems you have me at a disadvantage.
Velameestra Windrunner says: We met briefly around a month ago. Jandice was showing me how things shifted in my absence.

Tamsin’s eyes widened, but then they narrowed again.

Tamsin Roame says: Ah! It was so brief I almost forgot. It’s wonderful to see you again, Zelda.

Kirtonos smiled.

Harold Kirtonos says: I was unaware that an old companion of yours from Scholomance was arriving.
Tamsin Roame says: Oh, yes, we only met briefly. She was an alumnus from before I attended. Another apprentice of Kel’Thuzad.

Kirtonos’s eyes widened.

Harold Kirtonos says: Is that so?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes. His protege.
Harold Kirtonos says: Well. Far be it for me to not welcome you with open arms! And you are?

He looked at Victor, who explained his name was Vincent, and he was lucky enough to be her fiance.

Harold Kirtonos says: You don’t say? It’s a pleasure to meet you both. Please.

He gestured to another sofa for the pair of them to sit down. Tamsin shot Vel a look that clearly said she was purposely not using Vel’s real name, and that she wanted to speak later, because she could wreck the illusion literally whenever she wanted.

Kirtonos offered drinks, and Vel expressed that whatever they were drinking seemed delectable. There was a ripple in the air next to her, and a succubus appeared directly next to her. She also had bright crimson skin, but she was taller and more regal than the others. Her wings also glistened, and the membranes of them appeared to be wrought of ruby stained glass. She smiled and poured her a goblet of the ruby liquid, and then bowed as she handed it to her. Vel thanked her before turning her attention back to Kirtonos.

Harold Kirtonos says: My appreciation as ever, lady Caedis.

The succubus bowed again and disappeared into the ethereal plane once more.

Harold Kirtonos says: So! You approached my estate in the midst of one of my monthly events and you conjured forth a name that only a specific group of individuals would know. Clearly you wish to speak of something. You have my undivided attention, Miss Zelda.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I trust Lady Roame has already mentioned the curious plague that has been starting to spread through Lordaeron? It’s epicenter was quite close to Caer Darrow.

Kirtonos’s brow raised.

Harold Kirtonos says: Perhaps she did.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I’m following up on that given how closely it veers towards Scholomance’s interests.

Tamsin leaned forward.

Tamsin Roame says: Do you know who is behind it?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I do.

Kirtonos smirked.

Harold Kirtonos says: Isn’t that fortuitous. Now why would you bring this information to me? Unless, of course, it was someone you needed assistance in reaching? That you needed someone to help in doing something about it?
Velameestra Windrunner says: And whose best interests would be ensuring it doesn’t spread. It’s one of your fellow mage lords.
Tamsin Roame says: I knew it!
Harold Kirtonos says: That you did.

He refocused his gaze on Vel.

Harold Kirtonos says: That is quite interesting. You are correct, I have heard of this event. That same event was exactly what myself and Miss Roame were speaking of. At least, one of the topics. How fortuitous that you arrived here at the same time as she.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Seems we passed each other in the night.
Harold Kirtonos says: I presume to learn this name, you wish to ask for something in return?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Invitations to your Silent Auction.

Kirtonos said that could be arranged and he asked if she had any proof of the accusation. Vel confirmed all they had was the word of one of the cultists working under him, but they were actively working on acquiring it. It was simply a matter of having to do multiple things at once. Kirtonos correctly surmised that she needed access to the auction to find who she was looking for.

Harold Kirtonos says: Interesting. Very interesting. Given the circumstances abroad, it is not surprising some mage lords are trying to take advantage of the situation. There are a few individuals I could hypothesize might be involved.
Velameestra Windrunner says: The plague is spread through the grain.
Harold Kirtonos says: Ah. So it’s Master Capless then. Bold move from someone such as he.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Very, given more eyes will likely be turned toward Venetia if it spreads where Capless Feather Grains originates.
Harold Kirtonos says: Indeed, and that is something none of the mage lords would want.
Velameestra Windrunner says: To be frank, Lord Kirtonos, our goal here is to eliminate that threat before it gets out of control. And before he reaches the foolish idea of releasing the plague in Venetia itself, if he’s not already tried to do so.

Kirtonos agreed that it would be an issue in and of itself. He didn’t think it would have quite as potent an effect in Venetia, but it was still something that could weaken their city, and if attention was drawn to them the last thing they wanted was an outbreak in their own populace. He believed Heigan was quite out of line, and many of his associates would agree on that matter. Vel expressed that she understood Heigan was a frequent guest of the Silent Auction, and Kirtonos confirmed, as he was currently winning several of the items.

Vel asked how the items were normally delivered to their victors, and Kirtonos smiled. He explained they were normally delivered part of the way by their own couriers and some of the mage hunters, but from there the buyer’s own security would take over. Of course, if they didn’t have personal security, the item would be delivered to wherever they needed it.

Capless, however, had his own security. But, Kirtonos continued, as the mage lord presiding over the Auction, it was in his best interest to ensure the purchases arrived safely, regardless of whoever was purchasing them.

Kirtonos said he could provide Vel with three invitations, but each one also covered a plus one and a servant or personal guard for each of the attendees. Caedis appeared again with three passes, and Kirtonos informed her to present them to the guards when they arrived and they would be allowed passage without question. He said he looked forward to seeing them both at the Auction.

Vel looked at Tamsin and expressed she’d be willing to catch up later, but Tamsin retorted she was hoping to catch up now, as her business had been largely concluded. Tamsin stood up and also bid farewell to Lord Kirtonos as she straightened her skirt. She flashed a look at Victor and commented that Vel had found herself a handsome one. Victor grinned and said she was too kind.

They headed out of the estate together. The crowd that had gathered around the gate got larger, and the dwarven noble seemed to have gotten more upset. She moved forward and held a hand out to one of the guards. She said her dad wasn’t going to be happy if she didn’t come back with the deal, but then she stumbled into the guard.

The dwarven noble blinked for a moment, and then looked around. She said she hadn’t planned on arriving until later, and she suddenly seemed confused. The guard, likewise, seemed to have lost consciousness for a fraction of a second, and he quickly apologized and helped the woman to her feet. The guards told the crowd to back off, and the dwarven noble said that her daddy was going to be hearing about what happened. The two men that had been dueling to impress her asked her if she was alright, and she told them to get away from her, as she had no idea who they were. She found her own personal guards, and she left.

Tamsin Roame says: What the devil was that about?
Velameestra Windrunner says: She seemed confused. It could be any number of things, especially in this city.
Tamsin Roame says: I guess you’re right.

Vel glanced back at the guards, who had started to talk to each other.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Miss Roame, are you as curious about this as I am?
Tamsin Roame says: I suppose you could say that.
Velameestra Windrunner says: How are you at trailing people?

Tamsin smirked. They trailed after the dwarven noblewoman and arrived at an upper middle-class home. She slipped past the outward gates of the estate, but they knew she had gone into it. With some asking around, they were able to find out the lord of the house was Toren Snapjoint: the dwarven foreman at the Capless factory.

Tamsin Roame says: Does that name mean anything to you?
Velameestra Windrunner says: He’s one of the cultists.
Tamsin Roame says: Heh. Go figure. So what do you think was up with the daughter?

As Vel thought about the event they had witnessed, she noticed that her demeanor and her accent had changed. At first, she had referred to her father as her “da”, but afterwards she had referred to him as “daddy”, and her accent was not quite as strong after the fact, plus her strange memory loss.

She mused about the demeanor shift, and said it could have been possession, or any number of other things. Tamsin asked what she thought was possessing her, but there seemed to be a rather large undead population in Venetia, so it could have easily been a ghost or some sort of demon. There was ultimately not a lot of information to go on.

They decided to hold off on investigating things immediately, but it was something to be aware of.

Velameestra Windrunner says: But what is your investment in all of this, Lady Roame?
Tamsin Roame says: Right. In all the excitement, we forgot to talk about our own business.
Velameestra Windrunner says: You didn’t call out my name, and I appreciate that.
Tamsin Roame says: No I didn’t. I didn’t think it was important to share. Let me make something perfectly clear. If you’re looking to take down Heigan Capless? I want in. On whatever you’re doing.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Dare I ask why?

Tamsin smirked.

Tamsin Roame says: After he’s gone… that’s what we call a power vacuum. Besides, I can get you more information. I already have an invitation to the auction, you see, and I’ve put my name on more than a few items. One in particular is one Lord Capless has been trying to get his hands on. I don’t have the capital to beat him everywhere, but this one I think I might be able to win.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And what item is that?
Tamsin Roame says: Wouldn’t you like to know.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes, as it may give us insight into what Capless is trying to do.
Tamsin Roame says: Alright then. How about we make a deal? I have a feeling you’re not here alone, I presume.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Clearly not, my fiancé is here.

Tamsin cackled.

Victor Prestor says: What do you find so funny, Miss Roame?
Tamsin Roame says: Fiancé. Did you not think of getting rings beforehand?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Not everyone wears rings.
Tamsin Roame says: I suppose not. Regardless, you’re not here alone, are you?
Velameestra Windrunner says: No, we aren’t taking down an entire cult with two people.
Tamsin Roame says: I didn’t think so. Well. It just so happens that the item I’m perched to get is less of a what and more of a who. Knowing what we do, I presume our renegade mage lord is trying to get this individual to use for some sort of testing.
Velameestra Windrunner says: That would track. Who is this individual?
Tamsin Roame says: It might be easier to show you. Things will be more clear when you see them at the auction.
Velameestra Windrunner says: What do you seek to do with them?
Tamsin Roame says: I was seeing how high I could get Heigan to go. See if I can learn more about his stake by doing so. But now that I know he’s involved in this plague, I can use an assistant.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Very well. I trust you’re not afraid to get your hands dirty?
Tamsin Roame says: Of course not.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Then we’ll keep you in the loop as we learn more.
Tamsin Roame says: Good. A few other things. This plague. Lordaeron isn’t the first place it’s been released. I’ve seen evidence of it in the ruins of the Eastweald as well.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Is he trying to target the orcs?

There was a gleam in Tamsin’s eye that indicated she wasn’t telling everything she knew.

Tamsin Roame says: I can’t say. But his operation isn’t just here in Venetia. I suspected a mage lord was behind it, and now that you pointed out who it is, I intend to take everything from him. What’s your plan once you take him down?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Ensure the plague is destroyed and the ramifications controlled. What happens in Venetia is of little concern to me right now.
Tamsin Roame says: Then it seems we’ll get along just fine. Do you have a sending stone, Velameestra?

Vel produced hers and they attuned them together. Tamsin said she would be in touch, and they’d see each other at the auction at the very least, if not before.

Vel asked if Tamsin knew what kind of operation was going on in the Eastweald, and Tamsin said she didn’t. All she had found was a few samples, some vermin, and some strange foliage. All her leads went cold. However she was quite convinced that Heigan wasn’t intending on affecting Lordaeron alone. Vel confirmed that his cultists had said as much.

Vel also asked if the Scarlet Crusade still had an active presence on Caer Darrow, and Tamsin confirmed they were still trying to set up a foothold, but it wasn’t working very well. There had been an influx of exciting things there, and she cited that war had a tendency of making things particularly interesting for individuals like herself and Vel.

Tamsin pulled up her hood and headed off. Vel watched her go before leaning over to Victor and expressing if he needed context for anything that happened, she would give it to him. Victor confirmed he had a lot of questions.

Gil, meanwhile, grabbed Seria and set off to go shopping to try and find information on demiplane theory, particularly in regards to generating an ecosystem within one. From what he was able to discover, a demiplane was functionally something of a nascent plane.

Periodically, throughout the course of the day, he saw scrying sensors start to pop up around him. A few times he waved at the scrying sensor and asked their opinion on what he was buying, but Seria just dispelled the sensor in annoyance.

Remnii had woken up early and went about her morning rituals with Maraad before they diverged into Maraad’s morning exercises. Remnii found him after his morning shower with a tray of cold cider. Maraad thanked her and asked what the drink was, and Remnii explained it was a fall drink called apple cider, and he said that he very much enjoyed it.

They discussed the plan for the day, and Remnii admitted that they were simply waiting for the time being, as Remnii admitted her usefulness in stealth was limited. However, she asked if he’d be receptive to talking, and Maraad acknowledged he was.

Remnii says: Since smoothing things over at Mount Hyjal… this has been a trying time, I understand. This comes in a few parts, but first I want to ask again… how are you? Your heart feels heavy.
Maraad says: I… I am sorry. I want nothing more than to just be okay. To be there for you. To be a pillar for you to rely on. But I just… I am afraid. I know that I… before everything, before Tempest Keep, before you were lost for years… I saw you as a duty. A responsibility. A figurehead. Something to be protected, not someone, and you showed me the error of that. You showed me that you are so, so much more than simply the Prophet’s daughter. You are Remnii, and I have grown to love that. But as I have tried to be what you need… I feel as if I have been… I am afraid. Not of you, but that I cannot keep up with you. I am afraid that you are going to a place I cannot follow, and I cannot be there or what you need… I’m afraid I am losing you. I know you are not mine and mine alone, but… I don’t know. And that scares me.

Remnii moved to touch his arm, but she stopped herself.

Remnii says: We have come far from those days. Before Tempest Keep and Zangarmarsh and… on Draenor. I… hmmm.

She fell silent, a pensive expression crossing her face.

Remnii says: I am also afraid. My world is moving at a pace that I do not believe I understand either. I was very sure of who I was this time last year… and its not for not knowing my own heart, but… I learned and I grew and I did things I had to to survive… after returning to you and trying to fit back in the spot I used to take, I don’t think I fit that shape anymore. What I need from you… I suppose is for us to… you don’t need to be a pillar. We do not trade places on a pedestal. You don’t not have to be a stone, nor do I always have to be soft. I would be more scared if you were not scared. This was a lot easier to explain in my head… I don’t want to take a toll on you, Maraad. I need us to decide what to do. Not just you, not just me, but we fell into this and it has been good. But I know that there will be places I will have to go alone. There will also be things you disagree with. Again. One way or another. I have sold people across multiple worlds on a dream. Partially because I had to, mostly because I believe it myself… defeating the Burning Legion. Having a home and something better. I feel like I need to make it happen, and where that takes me, I’m not sure. I love many. You are absolutely included.

Maraad shook his head.

Maraad says: But what if… what kind of partner am I if I cannot support you? If I cannot reach an accord with you, if I cannot be strong for you?
Remnii says: The accord is important. You are strong, Maraad. There is no question in that. That is beyond physicality. Look at all we have overcome.
Maraad says: You are right. You frequently are. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. What role I will fill in your life. But I think I am afraid of the fact I am so worried about it… I want to be that, whatever it is, but I believe if I have learned anything in the last year… it is that I don’t know anything. Will you be patient? As I try to figure this out? As I try to figure out me and you and… what the Light has in store for us?

Tears came to Remnii’s eyes.

Remnii says: I do not want to make you feel weak. Uncertainty will face us… every time we have something figured out, we will continue to face uncertainty. I will be patient if you want to walk with me. Others may join us in the future. I may speak to Jarod, as you know, amongst others or no one, but… do you… the difference I need to know, I believe, is uncertainty versus weakness may commonly be misconstrued. You have needed much patience to deal with me, and I am afraid that will likely remain the same for some time. But of course, I will have patience. You have shown me nothing but the same.
Maraad says: I just don’t want to slow you down.
Remnii says: You never have done such a thing. Even when you saw me as a duty, I know I could look to you. Not just for protection. Despite all you fought for and lost… your heart was already with me. I don’t need you to be a bulwark, I need you to be you. Whoever that is… I hope we can find out together, because I’m not sure who I am anymore either.
Maraad says: Okay.

Maraad took Remnii’s hand and ran his thumb over the top of it as Remnii wiped at her cheeks.

Remnii says: Let us talk more. I have a sending stone, and Vel has about five hundred ways to reach me in any number of ways… what do you say we go out? I know Venetia is an acquired taste…
Maraad says: Daunting.
Remnii says: I’m sure they have some good food and perhaps a show to watch that… wasn’t that sermon.
Maraad says: Alright. That sounds nice.
Remnii says: It does.

They hugged, and Remnii nuzzled under his chin and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Remnii could tell that a dark thought crossed into Maraad’s thought when Remnii mentioned “you know I love many people, and you are amongst them”. It was a thought he didn’t like nor wanted to have, but it still pushed into his mind briefly. She was able to piece together the possibility that the question was “is Rakeesh one of them?”

They went on a small date, and it seemed Maraad’s spirits had started to improve.

Uther headed to his job that neat, with Vel shifted into a rat in his pocket. However, there were people actively searching the people that were entering. Vel warned Uther over the telepathic link that she was going to shift her spider form, and she scurried up and hid under Uther’s collar. Uther managed to prevent himself from screaming, and the guards did not notice his small passenger.

As he got to his position, Vel scurried off to start investigating the warehouse. She noticed there were suspiciously no animals or pests of any variety. As she lurked around, she heard a strange, subsonic noise. It was a beautiful melody, and something in her wanted to go to it, but she was able to overwrite the draw. She crept her way towards it, and it led her into a duct near the ceiling and dropped her into a small area where she found the source of sound in a side room. The device there looked to be a pipe of the sewers that was actively floating in a small chamber, and there was a bound air elemental wrapped around it, which caused the sound to constantly play.

Inside was an abundance of vermin traps that were set for just about everything. However, all the traps were nonlethal. Less than 20% look like they are not fresh and clean. Vel scurried away, satisfied with her assessment.

Meanwhile, Toren Snapjoint had approached Uther and expressed it was good to see him again. Uther, pretending to be Seamus, agreed it was good to be back at his job that he “liked very much”. Toren said he did a good job last night, and Capless really could do with more strong young men, and if he kept up the good work they might have had a permanent position for him.

Toren smiled at him and stepped away to let the other overseers give him his job for the night. However, Uther heard the clink of armor from another figure that stepped out from behind a corner. The figure had a cloaked cape with a hood pulled up. The figure glanced briefly at Uther, revealing it to be an older man with a massive sword across his back, and a mean-looking face with deep, black-red tattoos like some sort of mercenary mark. There was a shock of white hair that was crew cut with well-trimmed sideburns. He gave Uther a withering look, and he was likely the leader of the security detail. His name was Jackson Razuvious.

Uther Menethil says [telepathic bond]: Vel, did you happen to see that very disagreeable looking fellow.
Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathic bond]: It’s hard not to.
Uther Menethil says [telepathic bond]: I don’t know if I’ve ever seen someone just look like such a… well, an asshole.
Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathic bond]: We’re going to get used to it in here, I have a feeling.
Uther Menethil says [telepathic bond]: Well, with any luck, “in here” won’t be a place for much longer.
Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathic bond]: Ideally not.

Vel also replayed what she had found in the air elemental room, as well as her discovery that vermin that were being caught were being taken alive, which was unanimously concerning. She informed Uther she was going to try and see if the warehouse went deeper, and Uther requested she let him know if she finds Lance, and she confirmed she would.

Vel managed to locate the area Uther had stumbled into before. She shifted into her spider form again and skittered under the door crack, where she saw the same facility that Uther did. She saw the cultists marking various crates as the grain was being blighted and she saw various undead in the area. She noted that the corpulent creature with the massive syringe was not actually undead, and instead appeared to be some sort of construct. There were some skeletons as well, who were working the machines while the cultists actively chanted.

Kel'Thuzad says [telepathically]: I hope you don't think less of me for saying this... but a part of me does have to appreciate his work.
Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathically]: One can appreciate his thoroughness while still finding the execution vile.
Kel'Thuzad says [telepathically]: Oh yes, most certainly. His end goal is admirable, but his methodology flawed, even if the mechanics of the plague itself are quite ingenious,
Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathically]: The cult rhetoric nearly had me were it not for the utter delusion about it. Pity when such intellect is wasted in such a way.
Kel'Thuzad says [telepathically]: Agreed. Especially when the follow through is so sloppy. With a plague as virulent as this, I highly doubt there would be any naturally strong enough to survive it. If his goal is simply to turn everyone into the walking dead, he should simply say so, not hide behind contrived reasoning.
Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathically]: The contrived reasoning is how you get the easily swayed and foolish to bite, unfortunately.
Kel'Thuzad says [telepathically]: Yes, yes, I suppose you’re right. And… I suppose I wasn’t so different, in another world.
Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathically]: Well, in this one you’re on our side, and that’s all that matters.
Kel'Thuzad says [telepathically]: I suppose you’re right.

Vel scurried around the outskirts of the room, attempting to map out as much of the warehouse as she could.

Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathically]: And if I recall, this is exactly the sort of pursuit you were abjectly against. Make too many waves and you get paladins in your granary. Were it not for your guidance early on, I might have damned myself years ago.

Kel’Thuzad laughed in her mind.

Kel'Thuzad says [telepathically]: Indeed, indeed. You're quite right about that. Though perhaps you would have lucked out and swayed Uther to your side like I apparently did his father
Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathically]: …the fact I sometimes feel like it wouldn’t be difficult for me worries me at points.
Kel'Thuzad says [telepathically]: Regardless, that world isn’t this one.
Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathically]: Quite.

Vel found other secret locations connected to the restricted area. One had vats of liquid ooze that the corpulent, syringe-armed creature would sometimes enter to refill itself. She also found some studies and places to store ritual materials.

However, it seemed there was nowhere deeper in the warehouse. She believed there was no chamber she didn’t find, and there was still no sign of Lance.

The second part of the evening passed. Uther was able to take his first break, and there were guards watching the break room. Uther played it safe, and the work he was putting out was enough that no one was getting on his case about lack of production. He caught Razuvious watching him a few times, and he could almost sense him getting angry because he’s not seeing something that he’s looking for. He took a whole bite out of a full, unpeeled potato while watching Uther.

The night went by, and Uther got the call to clear out for the second break. He walked over to Razuvious, greeted him, and introduced himself. Razuvious looked at him, his arms crossed.

Jackson Razuvious says: You aren’t talking to me, are you, maggot?
Uther Menethil says: Um… I was… I can’t help but notice that, um… you do quite a bit of glancin’ my way.
Jackson Razuvious says: Do you have a problem with that, maggot?

Uther smiled bashfully at him.

Uther Menethil says: No.

The guard captain stopped and looked at Uther, then started to laugh.

Jackson Razuvious says: I don’t know where you got off thinking that a lowdown scum of the earth…. Dirt-eating laborer like you… could come up and start chatting with me. Like you were trying to pick up a date at the bar. Do you know who I am?
Uther Menethil says: I… I assumed you were important. Have I misread the situation?
Jackson Razuvious says: I would say you have, maggot. I’m not here to make friends with you. I’m here to make sure that the imbeciles that Capless Feather Grains employs to move shit do it without stumblefucking their way into places they aren’t supposed to be. And I understand you are the type of person that makes trouble when they breathe. So if you thought I was looking at you for anything else other than to ensure you don’t cause problems? You got another thing coming, Seamus.

He spat on the ground. Uther nodded.

Uther Menethil says: Mmhm… so uh… you’re saying you don’t fancy me?

Uther saw Jackson’s brain visibly break, unable to comprehend how he could reach that conclusion after what he just said.

Jackson Razuvious says: No! What have I done that would give you that idea!? You complete and utter idiot!
Uther Menethil says: You were lookin’ at me all through my shift while I was flexing my big ol’ mus-cools!
Jackson Razuvious shouts: That’s not what I was doing! I was watching to make sure you don’t-!

His face turned red, and some of the other security detail started to laugh quietly. Jackson rounded on them and demanded to know if they saw something humorous, and he opted to take his frustration out on the person that laughed. Uther was able to tell the man was clearly insanely skilled, and he wasn’t even trying to trounce the man he was taking the frustration out on.

Meanwhile, Vel slipped back into the warehouse so she could see what went on during the secret break. She hid behind some of the grain close to the plagued grain, and the temperature in the room immediately plummeted. She sensed incoming magic, and then she noticed the area where the plagued grain was being stacked was a teleportation circle. They activated, and then something appeared.

It was a large figure with long robes, and bright blue eyes were set in a skull face beneath a cowl. Spectral chains quietly rattled around the individual’s body. She could only surmise it was the Supervisor.

She wasn’t alone. There were a handful of undead warriors that were well armed and armored.

Lich Supervisor says: If production has slowed to such abysmal levels… then we will have to see about changing things. The Master will not be pleased with this. We–

Then her eyes fell on the shadows where Vel was hiding. She then looked to the others and ordered them to secure the perimeter.

Lich Supervisor says: Secure the perimeter. Ensure anything living doesn’t leave.

Vel used the cover of shadows to shift into her mist form, and she then blended into the cold mist that was actively rotating around the figure that had manifested. The figure floated through the area, and then her eyes snapped over and she held her hand out. Chains of frost cleaved through the area that Vel was at moments ago.

Lich Supervisor says: We do not have time for this. I will make sure the foreman hears of this.

The lich summoned a spell as the grain was prepared for transport. She conjured a snowstorm and Vel saw the figure that Vel recognized as Toren Snapjoint, formed out of ice.

Lich Supervisor says: Snapjoint.

The dwarf dropped to his knees.

Toren Snapjoint says: Supervisor Deathwhisper! Always an honor, I was not expecting to hear from you.
Lady Deathwhisper says: I’m sure you weren’t. The production is dreadfully low, and the Master is not pleased. We are moving on to the next phase. Finish production, and then destroy this facility. Ensure there is no sign remaining. Make it look like an accident.
Toren Snapjoint says: But… but… Lady Deathwhisper…
Lady Deathwhisper says: You heard me, or do I need to repeat myself to you once again. I did not expect you of all people would question Lord Heigan’s orders!
Toren Snapjoint says: Of course not. I’ll ensure it’s done in the week. We’ll be ready to reassess for the next stage.
Lady Deathwhisper says: See to it.

The ice melted, and Lady Deathwhisper began to cast [Teleportation Circle]. She incanted in Quietish.

Lady Deathwhisper says [quietish]: Essence of the Cold Dark, your servant begs of you. Whisk us through the darkness towards our destination. To Naxxramas.

Vel managed to slip away and headed toward the foreman’s office. It was occupied. Vel shifted into her spider form and slipped under the door. She sneaked around the table, and she found a list with a number of investors along with dates.

The dates were all after the Scarlet Crusade was formed, and the most recent one coincided awfully closely to when Remnii said Sally Mograine was there with Arellas Fireleaf. There were multiple instances of investment from mage lord Arellas Fireleaf, proving he had given multiple donations to Capless Feather Grains.

At that exact moment, the overseer jumped, having seen her, and expressed that there shouldn’t be a spider there. He raised a hand, and he was unsure if he was going to try and smash her, or if he was going to try and call for someone because there wasn’t supposed to be spiders. But in that moment, Vel’s eyes flashed, and the overseer fell beneath her sway.

The overseer lowered his hand and shook his head. He said it was probably nothing, but then asked if she was the spider from his bathroom, because she really looked like it. Opting to play up the assumption to maybe give her some more time, Vel crept closer.

Warehouse Overseer says: That’s… real strange. I don’t know what you’re doing here, little one. Look, Charlie, I don’t think you can understand me, but you’re not supposed to be here. If anyone else sees you, they’ll take you with the rest of them. My shift is almost done. I’ll get you back home.

Vel relayed what was going on over the telepathic bond, and that she found a donor list listing Arellas Fireleaf as a donor. She assured Uther that she would be able to get back, and Uther’s shift ended and he headed back to the mansion.

Toren Snapjoint arrived to relieve the overseer, though he looked like he didn’t sleep so well.

Toren Snapjoint says: We’re going to operate for about another week. We received new orders. Congratulations, you’re the first to know.
Warehouse Overseer says: What do you mean?
Toren Snapjoint says: We’re moving into the next stage.
Warehouse Overseer says: Already!? I thought we had more time!
Toren Snapjoint says: No. We need to make sure we take care of any last minute business. There’s a good chance when the warehouse closes down, you don’t want to be in this city.
Warehouse Overseer says: Understood. I’ll start working on things. Thank you, sir.
Toren Snapjoint says: Aye. Not a problem.

The overseer went to leave, and Toren moved in to start putting his nose to the grindstone to start organizing things to get word to those that needed to know. Vel eyed the list of donors, and she took a shot to try and touch it so that she could wristpocket the document. However, as she skittered down, the overseer turned abruptly to say one final thing he forgot, and she went spilling onto the desk. Snapjoint looked over at her.

Toren Snapjoint says: Arcane be damned! What the devil is that spider doing in here!? Was it on you?!
Warehouse Overseer says: I can explain! It’s my familiar!

Vel leaned into the lie and skittered back over to him, trying to act like a familiar would.

Toren Snapjoint says: You know you aren’t supposed to have familiars in here. What if one of them got into the contagion? Doesn’t matter they’re magic, you know what can happen.
Warehouse Overseer says: I know, I just–

Toren held his hand out.

Toren Snapjoint says: We’re going to need to send it off. If it really is your familiar, break your bond off.

Vel sensed the overseer was heavily debating pitching Vel out a window to keep her free, however, her eyes were on the donor list. Vel used her enhancement to subtle cast [Mislead]. The illusory spider immediately hopped off the table and started to scurry around. Toren shouted for the overseer to stop it, while Vel, now invisible, ran over to the donor list and slipped it into the wristpocket pocket dimension. She skittered away under the door.

Vel heard them finally catch the duplicate, and Toren called that his hand had passed through the creature. He quickly realized it was magic, but Vel was already gone with evidence the Scarlet Crusade had donated to Heigan Capless.

That night, Gil went out on the town again. He somehow managed to clean out a casino, and a hit man was sent after him, but then Gil found out the only reason the man was a hit man was to try and cure his daughter’s sickness, and Gil opted to go back and cure the daughter’s sickness himself, forging a new friend. A very small cult had formed around Camtheas Glowsun, convinced he would in fact bring people to the stars. However, it would likely burn out quickly.

The day had gone well for Remnii and Maraad, and they had gone to dinner as well. Remnii had gone quiet on the walk back. She observed that things had been rather quiet in the evening, and Maraad said they had best still be ready for anything, as the situation would rapidly escalate he was sure.

Remnii asked him how the day was for him, and Maraad admitted he didn’t like the city, but he also saw beauty there, and he did have fun, especially because it was with Remnii. Remnii smiled and asked if Maraad would listen to one more conversation.

Maraad agreed he would as they returned to the manor.

Remnii says: There’s one more thing to tell you. I believe I’ve been afraid to speak of it as well. Would you… like context for Rakeesh?

Maraad winced, but nodded.

Maraad says: I will listen if you have something to share.
Remnii says: I believe after today… I wanted to say something, but I didn’t know how. Why I acted as I did. Why I moved to be so close to him so quickly.

She explained a few more of the details of her time on Argus.

Remnii says: He told me he had a vision. A physical one. Did you know… that before me, or, more apt, before the child whose life I took… well, not took, but assumed, became… that Remnii, Velen’s real daughter by blood had a brother. Velen had a son.
Maraad says: I… did not know that, no.
Remnii says: He was left behind on Argus when the Prophet’s mate was killed. But he… was allowed to live. Rakeesh is Velen’s son, Maraad.

Maraad’s jaw dropped.

Maraad says: …What? Truly?

Remnii nodded.

Maraad says: Naaru’s song… this… does he know this?
Remnii says: No. Not yet.
Maraad says: And yet… you have told me this?
Remnii says: Maraad, I care for you. If you are going to try to walk with me, I need you to know why I couldn’t leave you behind. He wasn’t a demon lord come to claim me, he is someone who has waited for me for a long time. You know my parentage.
Maraad says: He’s…

Maraad put his head in his hand.

Maraad says: And you have been carrying this… ever since you returned.

Maraad wrapped Remnii in a hug, and her eyes teared up again.

Maraad says: I had no idea. I… I could not have known. I should know better… I know you, Remnii, I know what kind of person you are. Of course there had to be a reason… there had to be something. I could feel it in you, the weight… and you have been carrying it, all of it, alone. By the Light, not days before you confronted your own mother! And I am here… worrying about my own problems.
Remnii says: You’re allowed, Maraad!

Remnii pulled back slightly.

Remnii says: When I say my life is moving at a pace I do not understand, I mean it. He’s not going away…
Maraad says: No…
Remnii says: But I also can’t leave him in the dark. But I…

She took Maraad’s face in her hands.

Remnii says: Have not told my vakas yet. I have to do it right, or it would break him. He bears the weight of the world, and I feel it more and more everyday. I’m trying not to burden anyone, but I cannot do this alone and I feel that’s all I want to do. I don’t expect us to have answers, but you need the context, because I… there may come a time where we cannot reconcile what needs to be done. But you have been candid with me, and I said no secrets, but then immediately got more to hold. This one, for now, needs to stay quiet. Likely for a long time. But I refuse to make you weak. Not about this. Because you are stronger than this. Than the unknown. When I can shed light upon it, at least here.
Maraad says: I will run. I will. That is the answer. That has always been the answer, I think. If I cannot keep up, I will just run. As fast and as hard as I can. Maybe there will be a day when my hooves give out, but it will be the last thing I do. Remnii I… thank you. For sharing this. And I know I will never hope to carry your burdens like you or your vakas…

Maraad stood up and picked Remnii up.

Maraad says: But I can carry you.

He offered her a sad smile, but he was very resolved. And then they kissed.