Annibeth Lansing

Art by
- Titles
- Grim Governess of Grains
Governess of Andorhal
Baroness of the Eastweald - Species
- Human
- Gender
- Female
- Hair
- Black, straight and worn loose to her thighs with even bangs
- Status
- Alive
Known Languages Common
Annibeth Lansing was the governess of Andorhal and baroness of the Eastweald. While she was a just woman, her imperious and grim demeanor had earned her the title of the "Grim Governess of Grains".
Annibeth was an imperious woman with very long black hair that was typically worn loose and cut with a manicured bang above her eyes. She was frequently very well dressed and carried a cane.
While she was imperious and firm in her demeanor and made it clear that she did not appreciate people undermining her authority in the region she presided over, she proved to be sympathetic to pursuits of justice, as she allowed the Torchbearers to operate in her city up until they made their identities known to the Scarlet Crusade and her continued tolerance of them would have been read as picking sides in the religious internal war that had unfolded. She was a pragmatic woman that ultimately put the safety of her lands and people first and foremost, but it was evident she did not believe in the persecution of people simply because of what they were, as she was willing to help both Sigilith Avernicious and Hedanis Poisonbloom disappear before the Scarlet Crusade returned once it became evident they had done nothing to earn execution.
Coming soon.
Chapter Five: Civil War
Following the altercation with the Scarlet Crusade in the center of Andorhal's square by the Torchbearer's and Uther Menethil's disguised party, Annibeth managed to intercept Darion Mograine after he intercepted Sigilith Avernicious and Hedanis Poisonbloom—the two elves who were at the center of the altercation after their identities as a fiend and a vampyr had been noticed by the Ashbringer. Annibeth requested for them to return to the town hall with her so that she could speak, and Darion complied after assuring Sigilith and Hedanis they were not in any danger.
Unbeknownst to her, Gilveradin Windrunner was tailing them, and managed to feed most of the encounter back to his companions via a telepathic bond.
After other members of the Torchbearers had been called to her meeting chambers—including Liadrin Everpost, Raymond George, Jessica Redpath, Aileen Paletress, and Maxwell Tyrosus—it seemed Annibeth had been sympathetic to the cause of the Torchbearers and had given them refuge in Andorhal. However, she said that because the Scarlet Crusade had now seen their faces, she could not afford to take sides in the internal conflict of the church, as Andorhal needed the protection the Crusade could offer given Andorhal's presence on the border of the war-front and their narrow survival of a siege by the orcish Horde.
While it was not her intention to turn them—or the two elves that had been saved—over to the Crusade, and she was angered by the over-reach the Crusade had shown in the near execution of two men in her streets, she expressed that the Torchbearers needed to vacate Andorhal before the Crusade returned, a request that was ultimately accepted by those who were present. She also stated she would be sending a strongly-worded letter to the Highlord and Grand Crusader. Similarly, she informed Hedanis and Sigilith that they would be held in the town hall for the time being so they could point out the men that had superseded her authority and initially attacked them, as their rogue justice would not stand under her jurisdiction. She also expected their cooperation in pointing out the mysterious strangers that had aided the Torchbearers and had, thus far, fled, as she wished to speak with them as well. However, she made it clear that she did not care about what they were, and also expressed that any of their needs could be told to her staff—regardless of how private they needed to be.
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Two
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Three
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Four
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Five
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Four
Appeared In
Chapter Five: Civil War
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-One
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Two
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Three
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Four
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Five
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Four
Coming soon.