[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-One

Appearing Characters: Aileen Paletress, Annibeth Lansing, Arator Windrunner, Gilveradin Windrunner, Darion Mograine, Hedanis Poisonbloom, Jessica Redpath, Liadrin Everpost, Maxwell Tyrosus, Raymond George, Remnii, Seria, Sigilith Avernicious, Thal'ena Dawnseeker, Uther, Uther Menethil, Vaelastrasz, Velameestra Windrunner, Victor Prestor, Zabra Hexx

October 4th

After an emotional hug between Uther and the friar, the silence was broken as the friar fully realized who he was talking to.

Friar Uther says: So… you’re Prince Uther then?

Uther nodded and confirmed.

Friar Uther says: You were supposed to be dead…
Uther Menethil says: Not the first time someone has made that mistake, and I doubt it will be the last!

The friar smiled in amazement, and he wanted to ask how and what happened, but he understood it was a long and complicated story. Uther also said that it was important everyone still believed him dead, and the friar nodded.

Friar Uther says: So the rest of you… you must be those who died alongside him?

Vel confirmed, and Remnii smiled warmly as she said that he had told her about herself. The friar chuckled and promised he wouldn’t breathe a word of what happened there. He said he wished he could offer sanctuary, but the temple wasn’t large and he was already offering it to another guest. Uther assured him it wasn’t an issue, but then asked about the other guest.

The friar hesitated and fumbled over his words, scared to say.

Uther Menethil says: If your guest has sought sanctuary in secret, that’s not trust I wish to violate.

The friar looked around, and his eyes lingered on Vel.

Friar Uther says: I trust that you’ve been gone and in hiding for a while… have you heard peculiar rumors recently?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I have. About the undead.

The friar tensed as he asked what she thought about the situation.

Velameestra Windrunner says: It’s a… complicated situation. For a multitude of reasons.

She tilted her head slightly.

Velameestra Windrunner says: He’s undead, isn’t he?

Her tone portrayed a matter-of-fact observation with no accusation, and the friar tensed again, answering the question without saying anything.

Uther put a hand on the man’s shoulder and assured him that he had nothing to fear. The friar shook his head.

Friar Uther says: I know. You just can’t be too certain. I know that everything is… confusing. I found him resting one day. Trying to stay out of the sun. I offered him asylum. I didn’t actually know what he was until later, but I wasn’t going to turn him away… especially when he has been such a kind and helpful person. I just worry for him. He’s only been here for a little bit. I know he won’t stay long…

Vel asked what his name was.

Friar Uther says: Sigilith. Sigilith Avernicious.

Vel blinked, recognizing the name as a popular and prolific minstrel from Silvermoon: often known as Sig Nicious.

Friar Uther says: Do you know him? I didn’t want to presume all elves knew each other, or anything like that…
Velameestra Windrunner says: He’s… rather famous in the elflands.
Friar Uther says: Really? I had no idea.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I imagine he may be trying to keep his head low. Where is he now?
Friar Uther says: Given the time of day, I wouldn’t be surprised if he headed out to the town to try and make a few coins in the tavern.

Vel asked if Sigilith had mentioned where he was going in general before finding sanctuary with the friar, and he admitted that he hadn’t really said much. The elf had the air of someone that didn’t want to stay too long in one place.

Friar Uther says: Given his nature… I’m sure that adds more complexity as well.
Velameestra Windrunner says: It does.

Vel looked over at Uther.

Velameestra Windrunner says: It may be worth trying to find him… without causing much of a fuss.
Uther Menethil says: Sanctuary here won’t last forever. It’s only a matter of time before the Scarlet Crusade finds him.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And we’d be… a bit better equipped to help.

Uther asked if the friar would have been willing to take them to the elf, but the friar said that he shouldn’t really leave the shrine unwatched as he needed to collect the offerings now that the Harvest Festival was over. Vel said that she could recognize him without any issue, especially if he wasn’t otherwise disguised, and the friar said he would really appreciate it if they could check up on him.

Friar Uther says: He’s a good lad… though I guess he might actually be older than me. Elves are… hard.

He chuckled sheepishly.

Friar Uther says: I appreciate it. And thank you for your own grace that you’ve given me this evening. I don’t know what you did to conjure forth the spirit of Saint Uther himself, but… I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.
Uther Menethil says: I’m glad to hear it.

The friar said that if they ever needed anything to just let him know. They were all welcome at his sanctuary, even if it wasn’t by his own grace. He smiled as he looked up at Uther the Lightbringer’s statue. Uther said that they all appreciated it.

Vel, Gil, and Uther headed to the town to find Sigilith, but Remnii decided to remain behind to help the friar. Friar Uther thanked her for her help, and the rest of the group assured her that they would pick her up when they came back through.

Andorhal was a relatively large town, and gates had been erected around it to help fortify the town after the attempted siege of it by the Horde. However, as they headed down the hill, they noticed an abundance of torch light that seemed to be coming from a town square.

Uther noticed a bunch of people that had started to poke their heads out of buildings. There seemed to be some sort of commotion, and there were the echoes of shouts. It was concerning.

They picked up the pace and reached the outer gate. There were a number of Andorhal guard present, but they were momentarily distracted. Vel was heavily concerned, and she sent out a telepathic message across her telepathic bond to inform those within it, including Remnii and Seria.

Vel used [Dimension Door] when Remnii arrived to get herself, Gil, and Remnii past the gate. Seria arrived in a bird form, while Uther called up to the guards. The guards asked what Uther was doing out there, and Uther said he was trying to get back to his room, as he didn’t even know what was going on. The guard said it was some sort of commotion, and it was nothing for him to worry about, but Uther insisted it was his problem to get back to his room.

The guards asked if he was staying inside the city, and he confirmed. However, at that moment, Uther watched as a hawk came flying down and dropped a missive. The guard unraveled the message and then cursed.

There was word to keep all the gates closed, and there was whispering amongst the guards.

Andorhal Guard says: Ey, mercenary, bad news. We just got word that the town’s on lockdown. No one’s allowed in or out. You’ll have to find somewhere else to stay.

Uther threw up his hands and countered that he had dropped his purse on the other side of the gate, and the guard asked what size purse he was talking–indicating he was willing to be bribed. There was a bit more bickering amongst the guards, but then they agreed, and allowed the gate to crack enough to let Uther through. He slipped them 5 gold for their trouble.

Vel, Gil, and Remnii managed to make their way toward the center of town.

As the door to the tavern of Hop, Skip, and Jump was thrown open, a sizeable crowd was forming. Torches and lamps were being held by a smattering of people. There was a mob of angry and inebriated individuals at the center of the square. They were rounding on a small group of elves that were a handful of performers, and other patrons of the tavern.

A burley human stepped forward.

Human Thug says: Don’t you think I don’t know what’s going on here? I know *exactly* what’s going on here! You think we don’t know about the rumors? About the things that have gone bump in the night? Then you rolled up not long after that, aye?

A dark-skinned, beautiful elven man with flickering eyes and bright violet hair that was swooped back and worn, but nice, clothes put his hands up.

Elven Songster says: I assure you, whatever you think I am, you could not be more wrong.

The human got in the elf’s face.

Human Thug says: I know you’re one of those bloodsuckers! That’s how you tempt our wives away, isn’t it?!
Elven Songster says: No, that’s just because they find me more charming– and I have a feeling this is exactly why.

The human shoved the elf down.

Human Thug says: We’ll see how much you’re laughing when the sun comes out.
Elven Songster says: I told you I’m not a vampyr! Get it through your sick skull!

Another human suggested they throw the elf in the river, and others were starting to suggest garlic and other tricks from the story books. The elf asked if any of them knew who he even was. It seemed a few of the other elves had been performing alongside the speaking elf, but others looked to have been dragged out of their inn rooms.

Elven Songster says: I have ruined the lives of men much more intimidating than you for much less! I would suggest that all of you turn around and go back to your rooms and think about your lives! Maybe if you focused on pleasing your wives, they’d be more apt to not be enthralled by my pleasing voice!

His shadow split in two, but at that moment a blast of light shot through the gathered people and sent the elf flying back through the crowd. He turned with rage, and saw the better part of two dozen figures clad in crimson that were entering in from all sides. One of them had a mask fully over his face.

In his hand was a blade that was glowing with the bright, concentrated light of the sun.

Masked Crusader says: That would be about enough.

Everyone went silent.

The Scarlet Crusaders spread out, and the masked figure grabbed the hand of the mercenary man that was confronting the elves. There was a flash of light, and he dropped his sword.

Masked Crusader says: On whose jurisdiction have you pulled these people from their beds and revelry?
Human Thug says: Bloody Hell… who the hell are you supposed to be?
Masked Crusader says: Answer the question.

The mercenary grunted.

Human Thug says: They ensorcelled our people and tried to rob us blind! I know they’re vampyrs! Look at them! The bloody fangs are as sharp as their fucking ears!
Masked Crusader says: That will be about enough. Unless you want to be arrested for disturbing the peace, I suggest you leave.

The other members of the crowd started to back down as the area was secured.

The dark-skinned elf stepped forward.

Elven Songster says: I'm not sure who are, but I appreciate you interceding. If you don’t mind, I’m going to retire.

The masked figure turned.

Masked Crusader says: Not so fast.
Elven Songster says: I beg your pardon?
Masked Crusader says: I bore witness to the magic you were using.

The figure held up the blade, and the light cascaded over the dark-skinned man.

Masked Crusader says: You may not be a vampyr, but I know what you are. Restrain him.

A few of the crusaders got behind the man and grabbed his arms. A few of the other elves backed up.

Elven Songster says: You can’t be serious! No, I don’t think so!

The elf started to struggle and then winced in pain as the bright magical light was enforced upon him and brilliant chains grabbed onto his arms to prevent him from leaving. The figure raised his blade, and started to mutter a prayer under his breath. The elf continued to struggle, his voice becoming shrill and his eyes flaring with violet magic.

One of the other elves–a scraggly-looking man with a brown cloak–ran in and tackled one of the Scarlet Crusaders and started to wrestle him off the other man.

Sigilith Avernicious says: Hedanis, get out of here!

Chaos started to break out. The elf that had tackled the Crusader winced in pain as the light started to sear his flesh, and long fangs became visible in the man’s mouth. The masked figure looked at him.

The crowd gasped.

Masked Crusader says: I see. Fear not. I will ensure that you do not suffer.

He held up the blade, and the radiant light was burning his flesh. Hedanis grit his teeth.

Masked Crusader says: Light, shine thy mercy upon me. Illuminate my transgressions that I may face them with eyes unclouded. Cleanse the sin from my soul and renew within me a spirit unburdened by darkness, that I might carry out thy will eternal. May my doubt be fled and my heart at ease in the Light of Creation.

Vel recognized the prayer as she arrived. Her eyes widened behind her mask, but she raised her hand and called out an incantation as she used [Sleet Storm]. The Ashbringer looked directly at her and called out a warning as a whirling storm of ice, sleet, and snow opened up in the middle of the crowd.

The masked figure looked at Sigilith.

The Ashbringer says: I apologize, it seems your salvation will have to wait.

He slipped as he moved, but he pointed his blade at Vel.

The Ashbringer says: Cease this at once, or I’ll be forced to take lethal countermeasures!

He managed to get through the sleet storm and ran straight for Vel. Vel had fallen into a very defensive posture, and it was clear that she did not want to fight the man that was charging at her.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Let him go.
The Ashbringer says: That is precisely my plan. Stand. Down.
Velameestra Windrunner says: …Arator, don't do this.

Her voice shook, and there was a begging tone to it. The figure’s expression could not be seen behind his full face mask. However, there was a moment’s hesitation.

The Ashbringer says: …Very well then.

A blast of radiant energy surged around Arator as the white glow in his eyes flared even more brilliantly, scorching both himself and Vel. Remnii ran forward and started to use [Compulsion]. Arator’s eyes flashed toward Remnii and he ran forward and cleaved at Remnii in an attempt to interrupt the spell. However, Gil used [Temporal Shunt] and Arator disappeared into a blast of sand.

Remnnii says: Begone from this place! To your right, if you please.

A bulk of the forces were compelled to start to flee the scene as she drew a faint line of shadow across them. Their shadows started to move, forcing them to go.

Gil used [Grasping Vine] and a massive vine erupted from the ground and wrapped around one of the crusaders, pulling them away from one of the elves. He then fired his bow at the inquisitor closest to Sigilith.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: No one needs to die here. Everyone just leave.

At that moment, Uther and Seria arrived fully on the scene.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: There’s going to be a swordsman right in front of Remnyra. Be prepared.

Uther stumbled in like he was drunk.

Uther Menethil says: So what’s all this then!?
Gilveradin Windrunner says [telepathic bond]: Arator is here.
Uther Menethil says [telepathic bond]: What!?

At that moment, another figure stepped out of the crowd. They had a long cowl.

Scarlet Crusader says: Stand back! It’s not safe!

The figure ran forward, grabbed the Crusader, and headbutted them. They were knocked out completely cold. The figure pulled back their cowl. Uther saw the unmistakable figure and wild blonde hair of Darion Mograine as he drew his weapons.

Darion Mograine says: I don’t know if I should be happy I have backup, or upset you stole my thunder!

At that moment, the Ashbringer reappeared in front of Remnii.

The Ashbringer says: If you will not stand down, then I’ll have to bring down justice upon you.

Vel was unable to bring herself to attack him as he repositioned and attacked Remnii again. It was evident he was going for nonlethal strikes.

Remnii says: Surely this cannot be justice to you…

One of the Scarlet Inquisitors slipped and fell in the sleet storm with a curse. However, as she got back to her feet, she was able to dispel the magic. She then teleported next to Gil.

Remnii says: You shouldn’t swear like that!

Sigilith struggled against his bindings, but was unable to break free.

Scarlet Crusader says: Torchbearers!? Spirits of the Light, seize this heretic!

The Crusader near Darion used [Spirit Guardians] and then swung at Darion, who was able to deflect the attack aside with his two swords.

A Scarlet Footman fired a crossbow at Remnii, which missed. A Scarlet Witchfinder, however, managed to land a grazing shot on her. However, Remnii was able to maintain her spell.

Another Scarlet Witchfinder ran at Hedanis, but he was able to evade her attack with a surprising amount of grace.

Hedanis Poisonbloom says: Come now, honey, we don’t need to do this.

The Witchfinder grunted in frustration, and left him alone.

Hedanis Poisonbloom says: I’d love to stay and chat, but I’m not signing autographs!

He teleported over to Sigilith and was able to dispel the effect that was keeping him restrained.

Hedanis Poisonbloom says: You are going to owe me for this, Sig!

Gil fired a shot at the Scarlet Inquisitor after he teleported away. He then fired another shot at another crusader, and he disappeared in a blast of green and blue dust. With another shot, a Witchfinder was put to sleep as the arrow turned into a snake.

A Crusader tried to use [Sacred Flame] on Hedanis, but the songster evaded the magic as the Crusader was compelled to continue running. Meanwhile, Darion unleashed a flurry of attacks on the Crusader as he pivoted around them. Remnii healed herself.

Vel ran to the middle of the square and started to use [Wall of Force]. The Ashbringer ran after her to try and intercept, but he hesitated for a moment, which gave Vel the moment to evade as she erected an invisible wall. Vel looked up at the two elves.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Move! We’re leaving!

As Gil looked up at the elves, he didn’t see two elves. He saw Sigilith, but the other elf, Hedanis, was a disguised sayaad. Gil cursed under his breath.

They all started to run as defensive spells were released. The Ashbringer tried to bring his blade down on Vel again, but she deflected the blow aside, and the Ashbringer hit another wall of force as Uther also erected one to create an invisible maze to block the pursuit.

A few of the crusaders attempted to loop around, but another cloaked figure grabbed them and slammed their heads together, knocking them unconscious. At the far side of the street, the cracks between the cobblestone started to alight with golden-silver light, and with a large shield and sword, Liadrin materialized to reinforce.

Liadrin Everpost says: Torchbearers, fan out to support our comrades!

There was a moment as the Ashbringer realized they were beaten, and he simply lowered his blade. He looked at them through the invisible barriers. For a moment, Vel and him locked eyes behind their masks. However, Darion leaped down and started to exchange blows with him.

Darion Mograine says: How dare you use my father’s legacy!
The Ashbringer says: My quarrel is not with you, Darion Mograine. Stand down, and I will leave peacefully.

They had a stare off for a long moment, but then the Ashbringer called for his people to withdraw and regroup at the rendezvous point. The conflict broke up as the Ashbringer walked past Darion.

Darion Mograine says: This isn’t over!

The Ashbringer stopped for a moment as he sheathed his sword, but then kept walking. Then they heard bells from the militia.

Gil slipped away to follow Sigilith and Hedanis after he informed the others he was keeping an eye on them. They dipped into an alley.

Sigilith Avernicious says: Why the hell did you come back to save me? I thought you hated me.
Hedanis Poisonbloom says: Because you tried to save me! And it wouldn’t feel right for me to leave you for dead with those crimson sycophants. Don’t get used to it.

Sigilith started to head toward the middle of the town again.

Hedanis Poisonbloom says: Where are you going!?
Sigilith Avernicious says: Checking on the people who saved us.

Hedanis countered that there were militia coming, and Sigilith said he didn’t want the civilians to get into trouble because of them. Hedanis said he wasn’t going to save them again, and Sigilith said the fact he did it once was already impressive.

However, at that point, Darion Mograine caught up to them.

Darion Mograine says: Ah! You two? Are you alright?
Hedanis Poisonbloom says: You. You’re that brute that came and fought off those crusaders.
Darion Mograine says: Yeah! A thank you would be nice, but not necessary.

Hedanis crossed his arms.

Hedanis Poisonbloom says: Talk some sense into him. He wants to check on the others.
Darion Mograine says: No need. The militia is coming in. It wouldn’t look good if we were indicted with this. You need somewhere to lay low?
Hedanis Poisonbloom says: I'm not about to be owed another debt, but I wouldn’t say no.
Darion Mograine says: Good. We should get going before the baroness’s men–

A few militia men cleared their throat as a human woman walked around the corner at their head. She had a cane in her hands.

Imperious Woman says: Until they do what, Master Mograine?

Darion sighed.

Imperious Woman says: I should have imagined you all were involved in this. You need to come with me. The two of you as well.

Gil used [Message] to inform Darion he was going to snuff out the lights. However, Darion assured him that Lansing was a friend and wasn’t going to hurt anyone, and he felt he should talk to her.

Annibeth Lansing says: I think if you have any way to reach Miss Everpost and the others, I would not mind speaking with them again.

Gil used the telepathic bond to inform the others what was going on, then told Darion he’d be watching. Hedanis was clearing looking for a place to dip, but Darion assured him that nothing would happen to him.

Gil continued tailing them until they went into the town hall. He managed to infiltrate the hall to listen in. Gil continued to relay information as he listened. The woman was Baroness Annibeth Lansing of the Eastweald, and the Governess of Andorhal. She was known as the Grim Governess of Grains.

The rest of the group headed toward the mansion. Most of their companions were outside waiting. Maraad hurried over to make sure Remnii and the others were alright and asked what happened.

Remnii says: There was an altercation. Come, let's get inside for now.

The others asked what happened in Andorhal, and Vel explained that the Scarlet Crusade had a presence in the town. Victor asked if they were all alright, clearly concerned, but observed that they didn’t look particularly worse for wear.

Velameestra Windrunner says: There… was a vampyr there. He was going to be executed, but we got him out. We and the people we were going to look for, as it would happen. The Torchbearers.

Victor said that was convenient, and he asked if they were also alright, and Vel confirmed they were, Gil was just tailing them for the time being. Victor also asked about the vampyr, and Vel explained how they had come to hear about him from the friar at Uther the Lightbringer’s tomb.

Vaelastrasz says: I’m… troubled that these crusaders would simply try to execute a man in the street. Vampyr or no, that seems… perhaps I simply don’t understand the breadth of the situation up here.
Velameestra Windrunner says: None of us do. I imagine we… will. Once Gil relays whatever he can find.

Meanwhile, Gil was watching the scene unfold in the town hall. Lansing called for refreshments, and led Darion and the two elves into the office, which had no windows. The major person Gil could hear was Hedanis, because he was loud as he explained what happened. He claimed he was minding his own business at the tavern where he had been plying his trade of ballads. He seemed offended that the baroness hadn’t heard of them.

He explained he collected a bit of a fanbase in Andorhal, but apparently much of his fanbase were the husbands and wives of thugs that didn’t take keenly to the attention he was getting. They decided to make it his problem, and accused any elf they could find and accuse them of being vampyrs, which he insisted he was not one. Annibeth said that she didn’t care what Hedanis was, she only cared who he was.

There was more quiet talking, and Hedanis admitted there were a number of others that showed up to save the day. However, no one knew who those people were. Darion admitted the ones that showed up later were Torchbearers, but the others were individuals he had never seen before. Darion said he had sent for Liadrin and the others and they should have been on their way.

There was silence for a bit, but then Hedanis continued to ask about his performances, and Sigilith laughed. Annibeth talked to Sigilith, but the conversation was hushed. His ending statement was “that wouldn’t be very righteous, would it?”

Hedanis said he could sing for Annibeth while they waited if she wanted, but he was clearly hushed. Before too much longer, the arrival of the Torcherbearers were announced, and Annibeth said for them to meet in the west wing greeting chamber. The group came out of Lansing’s office and migrated to the greeting chamber.

The four individuals that had arrived were Liadrin and four humans. One was a red-haired woman with simple leathers, one was a broad-shouldered man with an eyepatch over his face and wild short red hair known as Maxwell Tyrosus, the third was a beautiful blonde woman that was Aileen Paletress, and another was a salt-and-pepper older man. The older man looked angry on the verge of tears.

He said they needed to speak about what happened immediately, and Annibeth used the name Raymond George. Raymond George said the Crusade was out of hand, and Annibeth told him to lower his voice.

Gil continued to sneak around and he managed to slip back outside to find the closest room to the greeting chamber. He teleported in, and no one seemed to have noticed him.

Annibeth started with a resigned voice with a recap of the scope of what happened. A number of her own citizens had accosted refugees, and the Scarlet Crusade decided to enact their own justice only for the Torchbearers and another rogue element to disrupt it. The Torchbearers had not only drawn steel, but circumvented her own authority and crossed blades with the Crusade, who now knew that they were in Andorhal. The Crusade had retreated with none of their quarry, and would likely return in greater numbers.

Liadrin confirmed, and she extended an apology, but she said that the Torchbearers couldn’t just stand by and watch innocent lives taken.

Annibeth said they had to understand there was a limit to her generosity. She said she had been glad enough to offer employment after the Incident, but ultimately this night was not something she could cover up as the Ashbringer and his goons would return, and they’d be looking for the Torchbearer. Annibeth said they needed to leave.

Liadrin said she understood.

Raymond George says: Baroness Lansing, you must understand the Crusade represents a threat greater than what you may have understood. They superseded your own authority. They sought to perpetuate an execution in your city! Under whose jurisdiction do they have that authority?

Annibeth sighed, and she said she assumed it was by the same jurisdiction of the Silver Hand. She asked what authority the Torchbearers operated under, and Raymond said it was the authority of justice against tyranny. They were seeking to bring about what was left of the virtues of the Knights of the Silver Hand.

Annibeth Lansing says: Frankly, Master George, we are in no position to take sides with your internal squabble. I respect you for what you’ve done, both for me and the people of my city. But we can simply not afford to turn down the assistance the Scarlet Crusade can offer. I mislike this, and you can be sure I will be writing a strongly-worded letter to their Highlord, and their Grand Crusader. I don’t care if he was a former member of the Silver Hand. The overreach I have begun to see is not something I will allow.

Raymond George nodded and requested that he be allowed to deliver the missive, as he had words of his own to give Lord Dathrohan.

Liadrin asked if that was wise, but Raymond said it was for the best. After all, Lansing was right, the Scarlet Crusade would be looking for them and the strangers. The smaller the groups, the better, and they couldn’t stay in Andorhal any longer.

Maxwell Tyrosus agreed with Raymond. They needed to wrap things up quick, as the Crusade was going to return before they were ready.

Aileen spoke up and addressed the baroness with thanks, as Lansing had ultimately harbored them for longer than she needed to. She said she had been a kind and considerate person to watch over the people of the world in the time of darkness. She said she would pray for her every day.

Annibeth nodded in acknowledgement, and told them to get their affairs in order and leave. She didn’t want to know any details.

Liadrin nodded, and thanked Annibeth as well.

Annibeth said she wished for the two elves to stay in custody for the time being, as she wanted to speak to the man that caused them trouble. Similarly, she wished to speak to the strangers, as they were keen on rescuing them, and she wanted to know who they were.

Thanks were exchanged once more, and the Torchbearers left, but the two elves remained behind. After getting confirmation from the others to ensure the two elves were safe, Gil opted to tail them. However, Liadrin had stopped and asked if the one elf’s name is Sigilith Avernicious.

Sigilith confirmed, and Liadrin asked if he was a performance artist. He confirmed, and she asked for an autograph for her daughter. Sigilith laughed, and obliged. Hedanis asked how old Liadrin’s daughter was, and Liadrin said that was a strange question. Hedanis said he was a performer, but Liadrin said she had never seen his face on a poster. Hedanis said his posters were simply rarer! He gave his full name as Hedanis Poisonbloom, but Liadrin said that she had never heard of him.

It was obvious he was offended she didn’t ask him for his autograph. Liadrin obliged to receive an autograph just to appease him.

Liadrin then turned to the young red-headed girl and said she was sorry to impose on her one last night. Her name was apparently Jess.

Meanwhile, Sigilith chuckled at Hedanis, but then mused they had both fallen pretty far.

Hedanis Poisonbloom says: The Sacking of Silvermoon was an experience for all of us, I suppose. Her daughter must just be too young. My subject matter is a bit more mature than yours.
Sigilith Avernicious says: I have a song about flying into the sun.
Hedanis Poisonbloom says: So!? That’s not even that bad!

Lansing informed the two they would be given private quarters in the town hall until the situation was handled. She said they would have whatever form of shelter that was required, and she pointedly looked at Sigilith as she also added they could be as private as needed. However, she expected their cooperation in pointing out the miscreants that caused chaos.

Overall, they seemed to be okay. However, Hedanis’s eyes had lingered on the door Gil was hiding behind.

Gil transferred the information to the party.

The group relayed the information to those that weren’t in the link, and Thal’ena got a look of disgust at the name Hedanis Poisonbloom. She explained he was a star of sorts from before Silvermoon fell, but he was one that she never really got along with.

Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: So I know that I can be a bit much for people. Hedanis makes me look like an angel. He is SUCH a drama queen.

She explained that one time she opened for him, and she didn’t hear the end of it. It was very condescending.

Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: Aspects!

She exhaled.

Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: Alexstrasza. Compassion. Okay. I hate the guy. But I’m glad he didn’t get himself killed. At least. I guess.

As Gil mentioned he was a demon, Vel translated it to the others. Remnii and Vel explained what a sayaad was, and Thal’ena got further incensed.

Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: Wait, so he’s a demon? Has he always been a demon!?
Remnii says: Probably.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: Oh that son of a bitch! If I get my hands on him, I’m going to wring his stupid little neck! Do we know where he is? Was he part of trying to bring down the city? I think we should get him and interrogate him.

Vel explained that Hedanis and Sigilith were apparently being held in the city until the baroness had a chance to speak with the man that had tried to assault them in the first place. She felt that they shouldn’t cause more problems for the baroness, as it seemed that she was being lenient.

Vel told Gil to come back, and he said he needed to get out of the closet he was hiding in.

Hedanis Poisonbloom says: I can help you out of there if you’d like.

The door of the closet opened, and Hedanis Poisonbloom looked down at Gil with a smirk.

Hedanis Poisonbloom says: I thought I heard a little mouse hiding in here.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: So. Can you walk through walls?
Hedanis Poisonbloom says: A magician never tells his secrets. You’re one of the ones who fought in that battle? You ran out in the center of the place. Well aren’t you a pretty one, darling. So what’s your story?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Why would I share that?
Hedanis Poisonbloom says: Because I asked. You do know who I am, right? I get the sense you’ve been listening for a while.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Yes, I can’t say your music is one I follow deeply.
Hedanis Poisonbloom says: I suppose that’s on you.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Plus I didn’t want to inflate that ego of yours.
Hedanis Poisonbloom says: It’s well earned. Why did you try to save me? Was it about a favor?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I don’t intend on making any deals with you.
Hedanis Poisonbloom says: And what of the others? I didn’t recognize your magic. Who sent you?

Gil said no one sent him, and he wasn’t surprised that he didn’t recognize the magic. It was rather exclusive to Azeroth. Hedanis squinted at him, then asked what he was up to. Gil asked if he was going to follow him home, and Hedanis said it depended. After all, if he left it would cause problems. Gil teased that he did care about his friend, and Hedanis retorted that he didn’t, but he was more dependent on the hospitality of Lordaeron than he preferred.

He asked where Gil and the others were hiding out and wanted to know the details about the relationship with the Torchbearers. After some back and forth with Vel over the telepathic bond, Gil decided to try and excise himself from Hedanis’s company and informed him that he would just need to find him later.

Gil blew Hedanis a kiss, and then disappeared. Hedanis was quite stunned, and then somewhat disappointed.

Vel told Gil the bond wasn’t going to stay up forever and he needed to come back. Gil changed his form and headed back to the mansion. He spied two familiar figures: Darion Mograine and Maxwell Tyrosus speaking outside a farmhouse. It was likely where the Torchbearers were staying.

Gil opted to approach them after shifting back to the form that they saw him in. Darion recognized him as one of the strangers, and he said that it was some good fighting. Gil said that he and his group had been at it for a while. Maxwell said that they had his thanks for looking out for the folk of the town, and Darion.

Darion Mograine says: How did you find us?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: You were hiding?
Darion Mograine says: No, but I didn’t expect you to run into us again so quickly.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: This is actually a coincidence. I just happened to be going by.
Darion Mograine says: So the rest of you are camped nearby?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Outside the city.
Darion Mograine says: Well, it’s already a long night. If you wouldn’t mind, I think there’s a lot our groups can share. Least of all, your name.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I think it’s best you meet with all of us first.

Darion scowled, and Maxwell shrugged.

Maxwell Tyrosus says: if it’s a trap, lad, it’s a convoluted one.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I don’t do convoluted.

Maxwell looked at Gil for a long moment, and then he went and fetched the others that were awake. A moment later, Maxwell returned with Liadrin, Aileen, and another unfamiliar person.

Liadrin smiled at Gil.

Liadrin Everpost says: I don’t think we have anything to fear from this one.

She considered him for a moment, and said there was something familiar about him. Gil said she seemed perceptive, and she said that she had some friends in the Farstriders. She said everyone could be at ease.

The unfamiliar member was an older human that looked to be Stromic. He had red, wild hair and a large hunch. However, it was all an illusion. He was actually a jungle troll, as Gil saw.

Gil led them to the mansion. The group was initially confused, as there was no campsite. But then Gil threw the door open.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: Right here.

Maxwell’s brow raised in surprise as he looked inside. Liadrin smiled as she entered and commented that it was impressive magic. Remnii poked her head around the corner, and Liadrin beamed.

Liadrin Everpost says: There’s the piece of the puzzle I was looking for.

Remnii’s tail wagged, and they both ran forward to embrace each other.

Liadrin Everpost says: It’s good to see you Remnii! In person this time!
Remnii says: Liadrin! Hello!
Liadrin Everpost says: So that must mean you are Gilveradin, yes?

Liadrin looked back at Gil, who dropped his disguise.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: Correct!
Liadrin Everpost says: So that must mean that this mansion…
Velameestra Windrunner says: Is mine.

Liadrin smiled as she looked over to where Vel had materialized.

Liadrin Everpost says: I should have guessed it was you all sticking your noses into that business back there. For what it’s worth, thanks a lot. You got there a lot quicker than we could.
Velameestra Windrunner says: It was fortunate we were in the area when we were.
Liadrin Everpost says: The Light has a funny way of working like that.

Liadrin introduced the others with her.

Liadrin Everpost says: This is Maxwell Tyrosus. I mentioned him to Remnii when we first spoke.

Maxwell bowed.

Maxwell Tyrosus says: It’s an honor to see all of you. I’m glad to see the stories of your death were greatly exaggerated.
Liadrin Everpost says: And this is Darion Mograine.

Liadrin gestured to Darion, who nodded.

Darion Mograine says: The pleasure is mine! You all fought well. And if I’m not mistaken…

He looked around.

Darion Mograine says: Um. Just out of curiosity. Is Uther still with you?
Velameestra Windrunner says: He is. He’ll be down.
Liadrin Everpost says: And this is Bishop Paletress.

Aileen curtseyed.

Aileen Paletress says: It’s a pleasure to see all of you again.

She smiled over at Remnii.

Aileen Paletress says: That the Light has brought you back to us after this time is a blessing.
Remnii says: it’s good to see you again!
Aileen Paletress says: I wish it could be under better times.
Remnii says: Perseverance can be worth it for moments like now.
Aileen Paletress says: And it’s up to those of us who bear the torches to carry the light into the next morning.

Remnii’s tail wagged again.

Aileen Paletress says: You left an impact on dear Liadrin. The Light has a way of reciprocating that love.

Remnii and Aileen had a warm moment, and Aileen looked at Remnii’s staff in awe as she noticed the magnificent light about it. It was similar to that with the shard of the naaru. Remnii explained that it was a core of a naaru, but this was a piece of one as well. Aileen asked if she could touch the staff, and Aileen gently caressed it as she murmured about the magnificent sound it had. There was a true, deep reverence in her expression. Remnii introduced it as T’uure, and Aileen thanked her for the shared moment.

Aileen Paletress says: Your journey has been long and hard. Should you ever need to speak to someone, know my ears are open for you.

Remnii thanked her as well.

Liadrin Everpost says: And the last of those with us right now…

Liadrin gestured to the older human with them.

Liadrin Everpost says: I would ask that you try not to panic.

The man dropped his disguise, revealing a jungle troll with long robes that looked to be pieced together and hand made.

Troll Priest says: Greetings to all of you. I apologize for keeping my nature hidden, but I guess you all understand from what I’ve heard of the conflict before… My name is Zabra Hexx of the Darkspear tribe. It’s an honor to make your acquaintance.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Well, Master Hexx, you’re among friends here.

As if on cue, Seria shifted to her true form. Zabra’s eyes widened, along with several of the Torchbearers.

Zabra Hexx says: I didn’t expect to see another zandali here… you’re… you’re a half-blood?
Seria says: Yes.
Zabra Hexx says: How old are you, child?
Seria says: Around twenty.

Zabra looked at Seria intensely.

Zabra Hexx says: What tribe are you from? You were born after the war…
Seria says: Same as you.

Zabra started to tear up.

Zabra Hexx says: Darkspear? They… they yet live? They’re still around?
Seria says: Yes. A lot of us were separated, but we’re slowly finding each other.

Zabra dropped to his knees and started to weep. Gil patted him on the shoulder.

Zabra Hexx says: Praise the loa! And the Light! And anyone else who is listening!

He got to his feet and went over to hug Seria. Seria felt her necklace resonate, as her mother made her presence known.