Black Rook Hold


Illysanna Ravencrest
Former Ruler(s)
Kur'talos Ravencrest
Common, Darnassian, Orcish, Thalassian
Val'sharah, Broken Isles

Carved from the greatest mountain of Val'sharah by ancient elven masons, Black Rook Hold stood as a bulwark against the Burning Legion during the War of the Ancients.

Black Rook Hold was a massive stronghold that was carved out of the side of a mountain that bordered the sea, which made it an unassailable fortress. The size of the keep rivaled that of a small town, and it served as a bulwark against the Burning Legion during the War of the Ancients under the command of Kur'talos Ravencrest. It fell into ruin after the war, but was reclaimed by his daughter, Illysanna, who turned it into the base of operations for the Illidari and later the Legionfall Coalition during the Legion's assault on the Broken Isles in year 633.


Before the War of the Ancients, the location that would become Black Rook Hold was originally a huge granite formation on top of a treacherous seaside mountain that the first of the Ravencrest clan claimed as the site of their stronghold. The mountain bore a resemblance to a piece from a chessboard and had dark birds nesting atop it, which would eventually become inspiration for the shape and name of the fortress.

War of the Ancients

During the War of the Ancients, the Hold was a defensive gathering place for the night elves of the resistance to strategize and plan for the attacks of the Burning Legion. The Hold was said to have the strength to withstand the attacks of the Legion for days, which allowed for its inhabitants to make a stand or flee to safer ground. However, during the devastation of the Sundering, the Hold was cast into ruin, and the spirits of those that died within its walls were trapped in torment.

Eventually, Lord Ravencrest's daughter, Illysanna, returned to the Hold and turned her former home into a base of operations for the demon slayer organization known as the Illidari.

Chapter Five: Civil War

When the supporters of the Burning Legion were ousted from Quel'Thalas by the efforts of Arthak Saurfang, they retreated to the Broken Isles where they hoped to reclaim the Scepter of Sargeras from the Tomb of Sargeras, with which they could attempt to open another Dark Portal and usher the bulk of the Legion invasion through. The Illidari used Black Rook Hold as base of operations for their efforts monitor the Legion activity.

Kilnar Goldensword and her Reliquary arrived to Black Rook Hold through the guidance of Illidari members that had been recovered from Kalimdor, along with Tyrande Whisperwind, Illidan Stormrage, and Delas Moonfang. Given the threat of the Legion, Black Rook Hold was opened as a home base to those that sought to stand against the demonic forces on the Isles, and later on the forces of the Horde under the command of Arthak Saurfang similarly arrived as they pursued the Legion supporters that had fled, guided by the Illidari agent Nyxxa Murkthorn.

Black Rook Hold saw more activity than it had in the past 10,000 years as other allies against the Legion were gathered and representatives were sent to the Hold to join in the Legionfall Coalition, and it continued to serve as a hidden base of operations for the united forces. It was steadily made more livable as the simulacrum of Velameestra Windrunner that had arrived with Kilnar set about putting various spirits to rest, opening the labyrinthine halls and catacombs to more regular use.


Members of the Illidari


The entirety of Black Rook Hold was built into the side of a mountain and spread out to the surrounding area, which created a massive fortress-settlement that was protected on all sides by the natural geography. It was a network of open courtyards, sprawling towers, and expansive catacombs, and it was incredibly easy for those not familiar with the Hold to get lost amongst its halls.

Subzones of Val'sharah
Towns/Villages Shala'nir
Towers/Strongholds Black Rook HoldStarstalker's Point
Roads/Paths High Road