[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Eight

Appearing Characters: Alleria Windrunner, Arthas Menethil, Benedictus, Florence, Garona, Gilveradin Windrunner, Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil, Kala, Kael'thas Sunstrider, Lankester Merrin, Liadrin Everpost, Mace, Maraad, Maxwell Tyrosus, Mercy, Natalie Seline, Parvaen Phoenixlight, Remnii, Rommath Pyrewing, Seria, Uther Menethil, Victor Prestor, Zabra Hexx

October 21st

As Remnii finished up the failed scrying, Jaina asked if the draenei had any luck. Unfortunately, Remnii said she had not, and her brow wrinkled.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: Knowing my sister, she likely has protections against that.
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: You’re right. A lot of mages of her strength would. Did anyone speak to her last night?
Uther Menethil says: We played a game of Hearthstone before retiring. Nothing seemed amiss.

Jaina considered and expressed that the situation didn’t make sense.

Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: She would have told someone if she was doing something. Did you find a letter or note in her room?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Is Arkha’din still there?
Victor Prestor says: He was. He was napping. He seemed disgruntled, but no more than typical.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: That’s strange in itself.

Kael’thas crossed his arms.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says: There has to be a logical explanation. It’s possible she just went out? Let's try to search around the castle for any evidence. I’ll find Rommath. He might have some idea, and I imagine Alleria would want to know as well. I’m certain she’ll be able to help.

He looked across the group, and then he turned and left fairly quickly. Uther noticed his eyes had flashed red briefly. Jaina informed the group she would go and check the study, as it was possible Vel may have stopped there. She suggested the group take a look at Vel’s room and they could meet up after the fact and discuss anything they found.

The party headed to Vel’s room to look around. They didn’t notice any sign of struggle, but it seemed like almost all of Vel’s belongings had been left behind, including her spellbook, which was open on the desk next to Heigan’s as if she had been working on transcribing some of the spellwork.

Gil looked at Arkha’din and used [Sending] to ask Arkha’din where his mistress had gone. The mana wyrm roused and hovered over and told Gil to tell him where she was, because she hadn’t fed him last night.

Arkha'din says [sending]: It’s bad enough that she abandons me to stay with someone else-

The sending was cut off. Gil relayed to the group that Vel had never made it back in to feed Arkha’din the prior night.

Victor Prestor says: Arkha’din was here when you and Vel were playing Hearthstone, yes?

Uther nodded.

Victor Prestor says: What happened between point A and point B?

Gil looked back at Arkha’din and used sending again, relaying the question to the mana wyrm.

Arkha'din says [sending]: She left after lying to me. She said she’d be back soon! But then she never came back. And now I’m starving and I’m liable to break down because it’s been so long since I’ve been fed.

He hissed a bit in Victor’s direction, as it seemed he had assumed his mistress was with Victor.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: She never came back last night after she told him she would. Also he said he’s starving.
Victor Prestor says: We have more important things to worry about than your bottomless appetite, you cretin!

He raised his hand as if to strike the creature, but then caught himself and apologized. Uther put a hand on his shoulder.

Uther Menethil says: It’s alright, cousin. If you, myself, and Velameestra found themselves in a situation, who would get us out first?
Victor Prestor says: …Velameestra.

Victor offered mana to Arkha’din and apologized for lashing out at him.

Victor Prestor says: …This doesn’t make any sense.

Remnii looked around with [Detect Magic] and it did not appear that there had been any magic cast recently, but Remnii did notice there were a smattering of magic items and components left behind.

Uther Menethil says: Alright, so it looks like Vel said to Arkha’din she said she would be right back, and then she didn’t come back...
Remnii says: Natalie Seline… she has a gift of psychometry. I know we need her for other purposes.

She looked at Victor with a somber nod.

Remnii says: But if these processes are as mundane as they seem… resurrecting Natalie sooner rather than later may be ideal. I’m wracking my mind for other spells I could have, but… most of my abilities deal with the body and the mind.

Remnii prayed to the naaru seeking guidance, but it seemed that not even they could offer an idea even if they were ultimately with her. Remnii asked Seria if she had any spells for tracking or similar.

Seria decided to use [Augury] to get a read on their next course of action being raising Natalie Seline. She conferred with the spirit of her mother, and Kala expressed that she couldn’t see everything on the other side, but she believed that was the right course of action… but there was something obstructing the connection to the woman they were referring to.

In further investigation, they did not find any signs of where Vel was going, but they did find Vel’s journal. However, upon opening it, they quickly realized the entire book was heavily encoded.

Remnii says: …This feels personal but I don’t know if we have any other leads.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: You know she’ll never forgive us for reading her journal, right?
Remnii says: I don’t think we can care right now.
Uther Menethil says: Truthfully I think she’ll be impressed.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: It could be both!

They grabbed the journal and they headed to meet up with the rest of the group to compare notes. Garona, both Arthases, Maraad, and Jaina were there along with Rommath, Kael’thas, and Alleria.

Alleria Windrunner says: Did you find anything?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Arkha’din said she left willingly last night.
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: None of the guards saw Velameestra leaving. If she left, it was either through disguise or some other means.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I wouldn’t be surprised if she took another form. Unfortunately, that makes things more complicated.
Rommath Pyrewing says [telepathically]: Did you find any clues as to where she might have been going?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: We found her journal. I’m… not smart enough for this.

He handed the journal over to Rommath, and he chuffed as he realized how incredibly encrypted it was, and to himself, he mused that it reminded him of Belo’vir’s own codes. He showed it to Kael’thas as well.

Kael'thas Sunstrider says: Oh dear… I suppose we can try to crack it. Do you know of anyone else that may have a key to break this?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: The only person that might would be our uncle Rhonin.
Kael'thas Sunstrider says: That’s a good idea. He said he was going to be on his way here. We can maybe get his help… I’m sure he’ll be able to figure it out.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Hopefully he will have a key.
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: In that case, we might want to spread our search further. If she’s somewhere in the city, we may be able to find some evidence. I wish we had a trail…
Alleria Windrunner says: I don’t need a trail.

Alleria immediately headed off to try and find something.

Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: I guess the rest of us can pursue other avenues. It’s not like we can hang missing person posters. It would draw too much attention, and we have no way of knowing what persona she went under. I can try to have some of my agents look into it.
Garona says: I can take a look around as well.
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: That would be helpful, Garona, thank you. If you could make sure…

She looked after Alleria, and Garona nodded and headed off. Remnii decided to try [Commune] to get some more answers, but she heard from Liadrin later that Zabra Hexx had arrived with Natalie’s body and they would have it available later that night.

Uther set off to ask various castle staff if they had seen Vel at all, while Seria did the same after any of the animals in the castle. Gil opted to take Arkha’din with him into the town to see if the familiar’s bond could pick up on something while he asked after sightings of Vel’s animal forms. Jaina also established a telepathic bond amongst the group.

As Seria shifted into various small animal forms and asked the various animals around the castle, but there wasn’t a lot of conclusive information. However she did notice a lot of the creatures of the night, like rats, bats, spiders, and likewise, congregating around the castle because of the influx of vampyrs that had arrived. One of the cats commented they had seen a white raven flying away from the castle late the prior night, but they had not been able to chase it. Seria decided to head further into the town and she put up [Locate Creature] to try and search for Vel, but she at no point got a ping that indicated the spell had sensed her.

Uther asked around the castle staff, and he was able to corroborate the information. None of them saw Vel leave, nor did any of them see any strange animals. However, later on, he heard some commotion coming from the castle garrison, and he headed over to investigate. There were five Lordane guardsmen there that were being detained. A ranking member of the Lordane army, a woman with a black pixie cat named Florence, seemed to be speaking with a few other soldiers. She had some dossiers of the five guardsmen.

Florence says: Your highness, it’s good to see you. I’m glad to hear you’re back, though I regret that you need to see such a sorry show so soon after your return.
Uther Menethil says: I consider it my job to fix things like this.
Florence says: These guards were found in derelict of duty.
Uther Menethil says: Is that so?
Florence says: They almost got away with it, but one of them didn’t show up for a check in.

She looked pointedly at the youngest guard, and the others looked at him with contempt.

Uther Menethil says: And what was the nature of this dereliction?
Florence says: Well, he was found in his cups. He dropped the names of the others. None of them have been forward despite them knowing a court marshal is waiting for them. We have reason to believe that none of them were at their posts last night.
Uther Menethil says: Not a one, hm?
Florence says: No. And the fact this is the first I’m learning of it is frustrating.
Uther Menethil says: Gentlemen, care to explain yourselves?

The youngest claimed that “they” had told them it wouldn’t be a problem. Uther asked who “they” were, and another of the group said it had been one of their cohorts as things had been stressful with the refugees and talk of the plague. They thought they could just enjoy the evening.

Uther Menethil says: All at once? Where were you assigned, sir?

The guard said it was the northwest side of town between apple street and westboro lane. He explained that the section of town was peaceful and there hadn’t been crime there in months, even with the influx of refugees.

The first thing Uther could tell was that something was not adding up, and the way he had jumped on Uther’s suggestion that it was the other guardsmen’s idea was a tad fast and it seemed clear that there was something they weren’t telling him.

Uther Menethil says: Gentlemen, I’ll be frank. Time is not a resource I have in abundance. I don’t appreciate being lied to, and I do have ways of making sure that I know. You five find yourselves with an incredible opportunity, because it’s not every day the crown prince takes an interest in the goings on of the town guard. Now, your punishment can be alleviated by the power I have, or I can do what I must to ensure the lesson sticks. Would any of you like to be honest with me before I have to take another step?
Florence says: Your highness, you can’t truly be planning on pardoning them. Dereliction of duty is a serious offense.
Uther Menethil says: You’re correct. And I don’t believe I used the word pardon.

Florence nodded in understanding. The youngest of the guards spoke up in a panic as he said the salary was the only thing that could help his mom. He had apparently been offered extra money by someone, and he hadn’t intended on getting extra drinks.

Uther asked where the extra money came from, and the guard said some men had approached them and told them they would cover their area of duty. They were apparently with the Crusade and had wanted to give them a break as they had been working so hard. The guard said that he believed the Crusade was trying to help, and it wasn’t a bribe.

Florence says: Then what was it?
Young Lordane Guard says: I… didn’t think it was wrong.
Florence says: Then why did you hide it? You knew it was wrong, but you did it anyway.

Another guard demanded to know what they were supposed to do because food was getting scarce with the fields being burned by orcs and the grain they had being burned. They wanted to know how they were supposed to turn down the help given because the Crusade was helping to maintain order and ensure everything wasn’t falling apart. He didn’t regret what they did, and he said they would have gotten away with it if someone hadn’t been weak.

Uther Menethil says: One among you chose truth today. And I will not have such things thrown at him. I couldn’t tell you the name of the bridge I stood on in Silvermoon, but I don’t imagine it is any more important than apple or westboro. I’m willing to bet if you asked any citizen there if the area was safe, all of them would have assured them it was. Perhaps those guards would have also taken the night off because they were overworked. In addition to not being able to tell you the name of that bridge, I also can’t tell you how many elves I saw die while I was standing on it. We are at war, gentlemen. You have concern for your families? You, where does your family live?

He looked at the mouthy guard, who admitted they lived at the corner of apple and fountain lane.

Uther Menethil says: Convenient. Close to your beat. And if that representative of the Scarlet Crusade had been an enemy offering you a handful of coin and there had been an attack and it was your family that suffered for it. How much do you think that pouch would have been worth then?
Brash Lordane Guard says: But the Crusaders aren’t an enemy! They haven’t done anything!
Uther Menethil says: Except dissolve the Silver Hand. Institute curfews. Cause Lordanes to fear their neighbors. How many problems have they solved that they didn’t have a hand in creating? Regardless, what identification did they show you? A tabard? An insignia? Something taken off a slain body?

The guard looked down.

Uther Menethil says: I understand these are trying times. The only way any of us are going to get through this is if we all do our jobs to the best of our ability. And perhaps regard those that insist we don’t do our jobs with a healthy amount of suspicion.

One of the other guards that had been quieter asked what was going to happen.

Uther Menethil says: What happens now is a further degree of interrogation.

Uther rubbed his forehead.

Uther Menethil says: How long has this been going on? Was it just last night? Have they been paying you consistently to avoid watches in your districts?

It was explained it had only been recently and periodically. There didn’t seem to be a schedule, but it started about a week or two ago, and it wasn’t always the same place.

Uther Menethil says: Then for now, everyone will proceed as if nothing has happened. We need to know how many other guards have been approached, and the next time this happens, the individuals making the offer are to be placed under arrest immediately.
Florence says: That is wise, I have to admit. And if all of you perform your duties admirably and help us find out who is responsible, that will all be remembered when it comes time for your court marshaling. Perhaps you may only find yourselves with demotions. Understood?

The guards nodded, and she looked at the youngest of them and assured him they would also take into consideration the truth offered. The guard assured her it would never happen again, and Florence thanked Uther for his wisdom.

Uther said he couldn’t say much, but he ultimately did not trust the Scarlet Crusade. Florence said most of the commissioned officers agreed, as they had a tendency to over reach and they operated without much oversight.

With some further questioning, Uther was able to determine the area the guards were operating in was a clustered area that made up about an eighth of the city. It seemed the block was not next to the keep, as it was a residential district, but the edge of the area had a decent number of clergymen living in them, and it was sandwiched between the barracks of the Silver Hand that was being used as the barracks for the Scarlet Crusade and the Basilica of Saint Mereldar.

The area of the city where the most elven refugees were staying was not next to this place. In fact, the elven refugees were staying on the opposite side of the city. So it didn’t seem like it was a cover to dig up vampyrs or anything.

Meanwhile, as Gil went about the city, Arkha’din didn’t sense anything that had to do with Vel. Nor did he notice anything magically out of sorts. Gil asked around if they had noticed anyone disappearing or anything strange about the guards. It seemed general reception to the Crusaders was positive, as they were viewed as the replacement to the Silver Hand and had largely been aiding the guards, posting extra watches, sharing supplies, and likewise. Some of the commoners made mention of sermons that were being held by the clergy of the Scarlet Crusade, including one that was held by Sally Mograine herself a few days ago. It seemed to be largely like a normal church sermon, but it was evident they were passionate and promised to ensure the dark tidings wouldn’t threaten them. There was a bit of fear surrounding the stories of tragedies, but there were other people that were confident the Crusade was watching over them and some were clearly worried about the influx of elves and the low grain supplies. A lot of the elven refugees expressed that a lot of people were scared of them and their magic.

Gil was also able to give out some goodberries and help with some minor illnesses and the like.

However, as he was going about, he saw a familiar face amongst the elven populace. It was Parvaen Phoenixlight, one of the two hawkstrider breeders he had helped a while ago, and he seemed to be doing alright and was buying some blankets from a nearby tailor. Gil decided to approach in his disguise and ask a few questions, and he similarly expressed that he should keep his head down. He explained that he and his sister had intended on leaving, but with the rumors of the contaminated grain, he thought it was better to stay for the time being.

He also mentioned that some of their people had been getting hit by the destruction of the Sunwell pretty hard, particularly those from the city, and he was trying to help get some crystals and the like out where he could. He asked if Gil was doing alright, and Gil assured him that he was, but it was good what he was doing.

Gil then headed over to the area under the influence of the Scarlet Crusade, and he shifted his disguise to be human as he asked around. He posed that he was looking for comfort and described people disappearing in the night, as well as stories of a mysterious white raven. At this point he also had the information Uther had managed to find.

A Crusade expressed he would be happy to bring Gil in if he had a sighting to report so they could get their men out looking. Gil decided to follow along and offer vague information to paint a story. He offered the name Zelda and pretended like he couldn’t remember the last name because elf names were “strange”. The Crusader assured him there had been a lot of rumors lately, but he wanted Gil to be assured that he didn’t need to fear anyone just a bit different from him, as they were all in the situation together.

Gil nodded and explained he believed he had seen the elf turn into a bird. The Crusader said it could have been a simple manifestation of magic, but it is good he had informed them, as they could look into the name and follow up on any information. The Crusader said they could find Gil later if they had some other follow up questions in case they had further questions, and Gil decided to give one of the streets in the area Uther had indicated.

The Crusader said that because Gil had been so forthcoming, he wanted to inform him that if he saw any of the Crusaders in the region there was no reason to be concerned as there were simple patrols and they had ultimately concluded their business.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: I just noticed the town guard hadn’t been around…
Scarlet Crusader says: They have been working very hard. We of the Crusade simply wish to help them and ensure they can do what they need to do. After all, the Light protects all of us, and it’s only through compassion we can truly shine together. But don’t worry, I’m sure your favorite town guards will return soon, and bright eyed and bushy tailed.

Gil thanked him and the Crusader asked how his family was on supplies, as they could get them some things if they needed it as a thank you for his transparency. Gil said he was doing alright, and the Crusader said he would make sure it got to those who needed it in his stead.

Gil relayed the exchange he had to the others over the telepathic bond.

Remnii had meditated for a long while as she used [Commune], and she began to ask questions of the naaru. She felt the radiance of them wash over her.

She asked if Natalie Seline’s soul was reachable, despite complications. A harmonious tone indicated yes.

She asked if Natalie Seline’s soul could be reached through conventional resurrection magics? She got harmonious music that turned into discord, indicating a yes with some catches.

She then asked if a normal resurrection spell was powerful enough to bring Natalie’s soul back, but it was again harmony into discord.

Remnii’s focus shifted toward Vel and she asked if Vel had gone to meet with a friend. The response went silent, indicating the force couldn’t know and it was beyond its knowledge. However, this confirmed that Vel seemed to be protected from divination, as there was no other real explanation.

She then asked if Vel was abducted by the Scarlet Crusade, but she got another unknown in response.

She asked if the Crusade had abducted someone from the bribed district that Uther had gotten from the district. There was a harmonious chorus of yes.

Remnii then asked the naaru if Natalie was willing to be resurrected. She got a discordant sound that indicated she was not willing to be resurrected, though there was likely a reason.

Victor said their next step was to collect Natalie’s body, and they hastily set off to the orphanage, which was called the Arms of Saint Mereldar. They passed taverns and shops that were still open, and they periodically passed Scarlet Crusaders as well as citizens and guardsmen. It was disconcerting, in a way, but it was hard to say how much the rank and file soldiers of the Crusade knew about the truth.

The orphanage was a humble building, but it was large enough to keep a large group of kids. It was three stories and seemingly very well funded. The symbol of the Holy Light was displayed proudly on its side. Uther knocked on the door, and it was opened by a half-troll with pinkish-purple skin. She was a tad heavyset and hunchy due to her advanced age, and she had long white hair. It was matron mother Mercy.

Mercy says: We’re closed. Come back in the morning.
Uther Menethil says: I wasn’t aware Saint Mereldar ever crossed her arms.

Mercy scowled at him.

Mercy says: You making fun of me?
Uther Menethil says: I thought Mereldar’s arms were always open.
Mercy says: Yeah. Kids are sleeping. Oh. Wait a moment…
Remnii says: Hello Mercy!
Mercy says: Shit. Sorry. I didn’t see all of you, it’s dark. Come in, you’re expected. I guess. There have been a lot more people coming back, I just jumped right to conclusions. Keep your voices down, the kids are sleeping.

Mercy was the loudest one so far.

Mercy says: You’re looking for that body, right? They just got here. Liadrin and everyone are down in the basement. I don’t know how I feel about all this, but the folks who run this place were more than fine with it. Not my place to say, and as long as the kids don’t wander down and panic, not my problem. Good job not being dead, by the way.
Uther Menethil says: Much appreciated. Wasn’t easy.

They passed by toys for various age brackets all neatly put away. There were symbols and texts of the Holy Light all over. They got a locked cellar, and they descended down the stairs. There were wardrobes of old clothes that needed mended, old broken toys, and supplies needed for child rearing. An old table had been cleared off, and they saw the body of Natalie Seline resting upon it. Nearby was Liadrin, Zabra Hexx, and Maxwell Tyrosus, as well as a priest who appeared to be in his late thirties. He was wearing casual, comfortable night robes, but he had a symbol of the Holy Light around his neck. He seemed to be casting some sort of magical triage over Natalie.

Liadrin smiled at Remnii and the others and said it was good to see them. She explained they had just gotten Natalie settled in. She looked at them, and then asked where Vel was, as she had assumed she would have wanted to be there.

Remnii says: That… is a good question.

She quickly explained the situation, and Liadrin furrowed her brow.

Liadrin Everpost says: That is most concerning… well, with any luck, if we can bring Natalie back, she might be able to help, and maybe we can find some proof.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: There’s an unfortunate bit to that.
Liadrin Everpost says: What’s that?
Remnii says: I’ve communed with the naaru… in their song, I learned some things.

She then explained what she had learned about Natalie.

Liadrin Everpost says: I see. Well, if we need our help, we need to convince her to come back, though that might be difficult without Vel here…
Remnii says: I would like to try speak with dead… though the more powerful version of it that communes directly with spirits was within Vel’s purview.
Zabra Hexx says: If there’s anything I can do to help, I know a thing or two. If I can open a pathway, I’d be glad to try. You mentioned there was a spell Velameestra used earlier? She and I had spoken a bit… I was trying to reverse engineer it so I could talk about it with her, which I still hope to be able to do if we find her.

Zabra started to chant, and then the magic wreathed Natalie’s body. However, it then failed as it was unable to make a connection.

Zabra Hexx says: That… wasn’t how that was supposed to work. I… I don’t understand. Did I do something wrong?

He started to look at some of his notes, but Remnii put a hand on his shoulder.

Remnii says: One of the complications I ran into… Natalie was hesitant to return, or otherwise unable to do so.

She recounted that Natalie was killed in a strange way, and Liadrin was uncertain what Natalie would have been trying to hide. Remnii mused on it, and she had recalled that in all circumstances the spell was used, the spirits being communed with were either in the ethereal or in the Shadowlands. It was possible that Natalie simply didn’t want to communicate, but it was also possibly something else.

Seria stepped forward and she tried to use [Speak with Dead]. Her eyes became imbued with magic as her form shifted back to her true form, and the skull-like tattoos on her body manifested. Spectral threats tied around Natalie’s limbs, and her eyes opened. Mercy blinked and asked if that was supposed to happen, and they assured her it was.

They asked what happened when Natalie died. The body looked at them, and Natalie said that “she” had tried to kill her when her back was turned.

Remnii said that it appeared it was Calia that had tried to kill her, and Victor demanded to know why that was the case.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: Not to be rude or cruel, but… I want to point out that your dad sucks.
Victor Prestor says: I fail to see how that matters, Gilveradin. We aren’t talking about my father! Natalie was there when my mother was killed! Why would she kill her in return?
Remnii says: We can ask her.
Victor Prestor says: If you want to waste another question I suppose…

Remnii asked who was the one that tried to kill Natalie, and Natalie confirmed it was Calia Menethil-Prestor.

Victor Prestor says: That can’t be right. It’s impossible. There’s no way my mother would do something like that! It’s just a corpse. She was tricked. Something happened. This is not possible. You haven’t met my mother, she would never do something like that! This is a waste of time. Ask her how we can bring her back so we can get on with finding Vel!
Uther Menethil says: Victor…
Victor Prestor says: What!?

He grabbed the side of his head.

Uther Menethil says: Take a breath. I know this is hard. Your father’s influence is strong. Victor, when we were in the cavern. And you were trying your hardest to kill me. I threw down my weapon and I grabbed you. I hugged you. If you had asked me then, I would have told you that I knew you weren’t going to hurt me. The truth is, I didn’t want to hurt you, and I didn’t care if you hurt me. You had us the whole time. If your mother didn’t have anybody like us, is it so impossible that your father may have succeeded with her where he failed with you?
Victor Prestor says: No, no no. That can’t be the case! Because if that is the case, that means that I…
Uther Menethil says: It would mean we have to save her. That’s all it would mean.

Victor grabbed his head again.

Remnii says: No one is giving up on such a kind soul, Victor. Not your mother, not Vel.
Victor Prestor says: Okay. Sorry. I’ll… I don’t want to distract you.
Uther Menethil says: Remnii, if you don’t need me, my cousin and I will go for a walk.

Remnii nodded, and Uther and Victor headed out. Remnii asked Natalie why Calia struck her down, if she knew. Natalie said Calia was jealous of the “blade”. Remnii asked what blade Natalie spoke of, and she said it was Xal’atath.

Remnii asked why Natalie didn’t wish to come back, and Natalie said her mind was shattered and her body was no longer safe. So she had fled beyond where Calia’s magic could reach her.

Remnii asked where Natalie went, and she said she had cast her soul into the Void, beyond where Calia could reach her. It was her final act with the blade. She asked if Natalie had advice on how to find her in the Void. Natalie said to “follow the thread”.

Remnii thought about it, and she started to think about powerful magic that would allow Natalie to project her soul from her body. Her mind fell on astral projection, which caused a thin thread of magic to connect the soul to the body. Remnii looked around and saw nothing, but Seria and Gil looked around and noticed a very thin sliver of a translucent thread. It was connected from Natalie’s chest and seemingly led into the shadows of the room. It had a blue and purplish aura around it.

Remnii asked Natalie what she could tell her about Xal’atath. Natalie said it was a blade beyond definition, and she had seen empires built and grumble. She was an enigma, a question, an answer, and clarity. Natalie did not know what she truly was, but she was a weapon, a prison, and a tool. Perhaps she was far more.

The body slumped to the table again, and the unintroduced priest caught her. He said he wasn’t sure what any of this was, but there was nothing holy about what Natalie was referring to. He seemed shocked that Calia was responsible for killing her, but he introduced himself as father Lankester Merrin, the purveyor of the orphanage. Apparently Natalie was an inspiration of his, and he didn’t know what she got herself into.

Remnii mused that light and dark didn’t run too far apart, and Natalie had been kind to her and was a scholar before all else.

Liadrin Everpost says: So what now?
Remnii says: Well… as Uther sees to Victor, I imagine tomorrow we are going to astral project. Or… otherwise go to the Void. We’ll convene on how to reach her. Some of them are more dangerous than others, but for now we let Natalie rest for one more day, and tomorrow we will have our decision. We either go into the shadow or brush against it.
Zabra Hexx says: She mentioned her mind was broken… it sounds like finding her spirit is well and good, but what do we do after that?
Remnii says: Before I would lead, I have some experience in mending a mind. I’m not sure if the same thing will be the case as she is functionally dead… perhaps I can investigate its state one way or another.

Liadrin nodded.

Liadrin Everpost says: Well, there’s something else to consider. If that doesn’t worry, we’ll have to look into other avenues.
Remnii says: Even if we could speak to Natalie there…

She pointed to the shadows.

Remnii says: I can do a cursory examination first. But if she can know whatever spell or anything was used when we speak with her, the process can be more easily worked. Her spirit may have more information for us.
Liadrin Everpost says: Well. In the meantime, is it okay if we keep her here, father?

Lankester nodded and said she was welcome in his abode at least, including if she needed to recover. Liadrin said that she was glad to help out in whatever way she could. Lankester said he would pray the Light would guide them through the darkness and back, and they were welcome at the orphanage whenever they needed to be there.

Uther was walking with Victor around the block to help him cool off. Victor was very quiet.

Victor Prestor says: You don’t think it’s actually her, do you?
Uther Menethil says: A deep philosophical question, isn’t it? Was it you trying to kill me?
Victor Prestor says: I… I don’t know. I want to say it was not, but… I don’t know that. Not for certain. Uther I don’t even know who I am. Not really. I don’t even know what I am. All this time I’ve been so focused on my own suffering… I didn’t even think that mother might… she was always there. Always so… present and… calm. And kind. And she’s… now she’s… I left her. I left her. All alone. With him.
Uther Menethil says: If you believe that transgression invites punishment, start with me, because I left you alone with me.
Victor Prestor says: That’s different! I told you to leave, you had to leave. It was the only right answer at the time. If you had stayed he would have killed you, and maybe even me, I don’t…
Uther Menethil says: I agree, and I hope you take my meaning in that.

Victor sighed.

Victor Prestor says: Dammit.
Uther Menethil says: Victor, nothing about any of this is fair. I can’t imagine the hardships you had gone through. There are others I have gone through and other people are going through too. Everyone suffers. We can argue about who is suffering more and assign value to pain, but I don’t see any merit in that. What I see merit in, and what I try to do everyday, is try to alleviate as much suffering as I can. It’s funny… it wasn’t that long ago that I believed good intentions, faith in the Light, and a strong sword arm would undo whatever evils I encountered. That was the stories they told us of the great knights of old. There’s so much they leave out. Fighting evil isn’t the hard part. Not fighting when it isn’t prudent… it’s knowing sometimes people are going to continue to suffer while you do the busy work of heroism. Gathering information. Planning. Just like you, Victor, we’re going to save her.
Victor Prestor says: Do you promise? No matter what happens? No matter what we do or she does? I don’t want to lose her… I can’t lose her… not with everything else I have to do before this is over. I can’t lose her too.

Uther pulled Victor into a tight hug. Victor’s grip was tight enough that his claws partially slipped through the disguise.

Uther Menethil says: We can do this, Victor. Not alone, but fortunately we’re not.
Victor Prestor says: You’re too good for this world, Uther.
Uther Menethil says: Don’t say that too loud, she might hear you and take me away.
Victor Prestor says: They can try.

Victor gave him a pat on the back as he pulled away.

Uther Menethil says: People have tried before. Some got close. But I’m still here.
Victor Prestor says: And now they’d have to get through me. We’ll save them both… we’ll find Vel, we’ll figure out what’s going on with my mother, and while we’re at it, we’ll save Natalie. We’ll save everyone from my father’s clutches. No matter what it takes.

Uther grinned and punched Victor lightly in the shoulder.

Uther Menethil says: There’s my cousin!

Victor smirked and punched Uther back. They had rounded back to the orphanage just in time to see the rest of the group leaving. Remnii greeted them, and Uther asked what they learned. Gil said they were going to go to the void.

Remnii gave a quick description of what their options were, as well as the fact Natalie’s mind was likely shattered. Uther recalled what happened with Vel in Northrend where Tae’shara’s father was exposed to something that shattered his mind. However, him becoming undead allowed him to recover. He also knew that from his exposure to Vel the undead seemed to have some sort of resistance to madness caused by the void. He also knew there were a handful of other vampyrs at the castle that Vel had spoken to about this very matter.

They returned to the castle, and Jaina managed to set Remnii up with an opportunity to go and bring food to Benedictus so she could speak with him. However, as she arrived, it was like she was bearing witness to the skeleton of the basilica. The wood and cloth was all gone, and the stone was blackened with broken windows. It was once a beautiful church, the original church of the Holy Light that was built by Uther’s ancestors, but now it was a husk of what it was.

It was a sad sight to behold, and Remnii continued forward one step at a time. The guards went to stop her, but they recognized her as the woman that was supposed to be there as Remnii had taken on her appearance as a disguise. They suspected nothing, and they expressed they were unsure if Benedictus had touched their last meal. It was sad to see him go like he was, and they were unsure he was going to survive the week.

Remnii assured him they were going to keep trying for as long as he was there. He mentioned that she was something special, and Remnii smiled, as the guard matched the description of a “Mace” that Maelynn had described. It seemed that he had a thing for her.

Remnii headed inside and she heard the soft repetitive “tink” of a chisel and hammer on stone. In the darkness, she saw the shell of an old man. The last time Remnii had seen him, he was a broad-shouldered, strong old man. But now she could practically see his bones, as his muscles had deteriorated, and he wore no shirt despite the chill in the air. His trousers struggled to cling to his gaunt form.

The shattered remains of his masterpiece, the statue of Saint Mereldar, were all around him, her head broken, her wings in pieces, and the core of her body crumbled and burned. He was on a poor excuse for a scaffolding as he hammered away at the side of a blackened thigh of a statue. There were trays of food that were cold and eaten by mice or other creatures. Water was untouched. He didn’t seem to notice her as he continued to work.

Remnii set the food on a cleared table, but she kept the water skin and a single biscuit as she climbed carefully up the scaffolding to him. His hands were red and his body was covered in scratches, marks, and blemishes. His eyes were sunken and shrouded in dark circles. He was muttering a prayer to the Light with a slurred tongue. He still did not notice her.

Remnii called to Benedictus, but he did not respond.

She produced a small, broken votive, and started to softly sing the prayer with him as she repaired it. Her voice rippled through the halls, and the sconces on the walls lit. Her glyph appeared on her forehead as her disguise melted away, and Benedictus’s eyes turned from his work and focused on her.

She held the repaired votive out to him with a warm light. Benedictus looked at him with unfocused eyes, and he said her name.

Remnii greeted him warmly, and Benedictus’s tools fell off the scaffolding and hit the ground. He turned and looked at them and said he had to keep going, but Remnii told him that she would get them.

Benedictus says: I have to… she needs me… she needs me…
Remnii says: Who is she?

He looked at the statue.

Benedictus says: She’s in pain… she’s in pain… I saw it… I need to save her… I need to help her… I need to keep working and show her that we remember… I need to show her that we didn’t forget… it’s dark… she’s scared and it’s dark… I need to help her…
Remnii says: What did you see?
Benedictus says: She shouted in darkness. Mereldar. Fire and shadow and smoke… there’s no one… I saw it… I can save her. I have to. I have to help her… She… she called my name… she said I was the only one who could help her… she knows… I can’t let it end like this… I can’t let it all end like this… I have to keep going. I have to keep going.

Remnii looked down at the tools Benedictus had dropped. She caught him starting to walk off the edge of the scaffolding, and she grabbed his arm.

Remnii says: Your compassion is great.

Remnii got the sense that Benedictus was probably experiencing exhaustion-fueled hallucinations, but whatever he was talking about happened before all this, and it sounded like a vision.

Remnii says: To have compassion for Mereldar and do all she asks of you, Benedictus, you must eat.

She pulled out the waterskin.

Benedictus says: I can’t. I can’t stop. She’s in pain.
Remnii says: So are you. You embody the Light well in this tenacity and compassion, but you cannot help anyone without compassion for yourself. Do not die before you see your work reborn. It is darkest before the dawn, and you have had a long night.
Benedictus says: But all this happened… I couldn’t stop it… how am I worthy of any of this if I couldn’t stop any of it from happening… I tried… and I failed. I failed her. I failed everyone. I am not worthy of compassion. So I must… I must keep going-
Remnii says: Not yet. Leadership is a mantle that should not be worn by one. The fact you are building… you know, I came here with a letter for you about tenacity, like you asked, but you have shown me all I need. As have the people of Azeroth and my own people. Rebuilding is more than one set of hands can do.

She channeled healing magic into his hands. Benedictus felt the magic of the warmth on his hands

Benedictus says: You… you were gone… what is… what are you?
Remnii says: I am flesh and blood. The Light moves through all of us. Now I am here for you, as you were for me in a dark hour.
Benedictus says: what if it’s too late to help her… to help all of them.
Remnii says: Only if you let yourself wither. A shepherd cannot tend to his flock if he is sick. They wait for you to eat. They wait for you to get better. You have shown tenacity, now show them compassion to yourself. The world is hurting and wounded, but people are as stars. We guide each other when our own lights are darkest. There’s a lot of food down there. It’s not just me waiting for you. She’s waiting too. In the morning.

Benedictus looked down at all the trays down below as if seeing it for the first time. He started to weep, his eyes stinging with how unblinking they had been. He staggered, and then dropped to his knees. Remnii heard the creaking and groaning of wood. The scaffolding had started to creak and shift. He started to spill off the scaffolding.

Remnii dove after Benedictus as the scaffolding collapsed. She grabbed him and pulled him as closely and tightly as she could, and put her faith in the Light. A faint golden image of golden wings burst from her shoulders in an emulation of those she had seen Yrel manifest. The entire space was filled with light.

There was a moment they were both suspended, and then they glided down safely to the rocky ground. Benedictus looked up at her in awe.

Benedictus says: …thank you.

He took the waterskin from her and took a drink. Remnii gently took his hand and took him to the hot porridge that she had left on the table. He ate slowly, and Remnii then used the magic of T’uure to cleanse some of the fatigue from him so that he could go to sleep.

She put her disguise back on, and she supported Benedictus on her arm as, for the first time in months, he left the ruins of the basilica. The guards looked on in awe as Remnii led him to a soft bed back at the castle.

Mace says: Maelynn, what did you do? How did you get him to… what did you do?
Remnii says: A gentle reminder the Light was with him too. We help each other, yes?

The guard nodded in awe as Remnii offered a smile and continued to support Benedictus toward the castle.