Sally Mograine

Art by Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.
- Titles
- Grand Inquisitor
Bishop - Species
- Human
- Gender
- Female
- DoB
- Year 603
- Height
- 5'05"
- Eyes
- Dark brown; looks red in certain light and when using magic
- Hair
- White, collarbone length; worn loose
- Status
- Alive
Church of the Holy Light
Scarlet Crusade
Renault Mograine | Husband
Darion Mograine | Brother-in-Law
Sally Mograine, born Sally Whitemane, was a bishop in the Church of the Holy Light but eventually rose to become the Grand Inquisitor of the Scarlet Crusade following its formation in the wake of the invasion of the Horde.
Sally was a slender woman that formerly had collarbone-length pale blonde hair, but it had since been bleached pure white. While her eyes were brown, they had a reddish undertone that brightened in certain lighting or when she was actively channeling her magic. Following the formation of the Scarlet Crusade, she normally wore the colors of the organization, which consisted of scarlets and golds, and she had an ornate chapeau that helped indicate her station within the Crusade.
She was a cunning, imperious woman that was equally capable of compassion and ferocity.
Chapter Three: The Scales Tip
Sally journeyed to Last Crossing to serve as a representative of the Church of the Holy Light at the war summit. However, following the kidnapping of Arthas Menethil and the slaughter of his entourage, she also aided Natalie Seline in presiding over the resurrection of Calia Prestor, who had been found dead at the site of the attack on Arthas's entourage at Light's Hope Chapel.
Following the success of the resurrection, she helped Natalie see to the newly revived Calia, before taking her place at the war summit later the same day, where she voiced the Church's intent to help feed as many refugees as possible in the winter to come, but also her concern that, should the war effort rob Lordaeron of next year's harvest, it is unlikely the kingdom could sustain them for another year. Even so, she did not intend on allowing faith to waver.
Chapter Five: Civil War
When the timeline was temporarily reset by Morchuron, Sally was present along with her husband Renault Mograine. Like the first time Uther Menethil took his vow and became a formal member of the Silver Hand, she aided in presiding over the ceremony, though the reset timeline was ultimately reverted.
When the Ashbringer was interrupted in his execution of the vampyr Sigilith Avernicious in Andorhal and the Scarlet Crusade presence was driven to a retreat by Uther Menethil and his companions, Sally personally accompanied the return force to Andorhal where she demanded the city gates be opened so that the Crusade could enter and rid the city of the "monsters" within it. However, her entry was refused, and she was suspicious when she was later confronted by none other than Arthas Menethil, who rode out of Andorhal's gates and declared the city was under his protection, thus he would be resolving any of the problems within it.
While Sally did back off on the matter, she had sent some of her riders to confirm Arthas's presence in Andorhal, as the last place he had been seen was the Capital City. Her forces, however, remained camped outside the gates of Andorhal for several days until the recently undead Baroness Annibeth Lansing made an appearance on the walls of the city. Lansing declared that the Scarlet Crusade had been acting to supersede her authority in order to execute her people, and they were no longer welcome within the walls of Andorhal. Sally and her forces were ordered away by threat of catapults, and the Grand Inquisitor chose to retreat, though not before she commented on how deeply the corruption of the nation appeared to run, and with a promise that her forces would return to ensure Lansing's people were saved from torment.
Appeared In
Chapter Three: The Scales Tip
Chapter Five: Civil War
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Six (Alternate Timeline)
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Three
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Four
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Five
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Fifty