Velameestra's Spellbook

Velameestra's spellbook is an incredibly thick, leather-bound tome that is completely encrypted in her own personal runic code. It has clear indicators of age, as she received it from her uncle Rhonin when she was fairly young—before she even entered the Kirin Tor.

She spent time enchanting it to so that it's completely immune to water or fire damage.


The full contents of Velameestra's spellbook are kept a closely guarded secret, though some spells can be easily identified by using certain trademarks of the spells that she uses. This is, by no means, a cumulative list.

1st-Level Spells

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Notes Source
School of Abjuration Alarm 1 minute VSM 30 feet 8 hours PHB 211, SRD
School of Evocation Arcane Missile 1 action VS 120 feet Instantaneous Warcraft: Does arcane damage PHB 257, SRD
School of Enchantment Cause Fear 1 action V 60 feet (C) 1 minute XGE 151
School of Evocation Chromatic Orb 1 action VSM($) 90 feet Instantaneous PHB 221
School of Divination Comprehend Languages 1 action VSM Self 1 hour PHB 224, SRD
School of Divination Detect Magic 1 action VS Self (C) 10 minutes PHB 231, SRD
School of Illusion Disguise Self 1 action VS Self 1 hour PHB 233, SRD
School of Necromancy False Life 1 action VSM Self Instantaneous PHB 239, SRD
School of Transmutation Feather Fall 1 reaction VM 60 feet 1 minute PHB 239, SRD
School of Conjuration Find Familiar 1 hour VSM($) 10 feet Instantaneous PHB 240, SRD
School of Abjuration Ice Barrier 1 action VSM Self 1 hour PHB 215
School of Evocation Ice Knife 1 action SM 60 feet Instantaneous XGE 157
School of Evocation Ice Lance 1 action SM 90 feet Instantaneous Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Divination Identify 1 minute VSM($) Touch Instantaneous PHB 252, SRD
School of Illusion Illusory Script 1 minute SM($) Touch 10 days PHB 252, SRD
School of Abjuration Mana Shield 1 action VSM($) Touch 8 hours Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Abjuration Shield 1 reaction VS Self 1 round PHB 275, SRD
School of Conjuration Unseen Servant 1 action VSM 60 feet 1 hour PHB 284, SRD

2nd-Level Spells

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Notes Source
School of Transmutation Alter Self 1 action VS Self (C) 1 hour PHB 259, SRD
School of Divination Analyze Blood 1 action VSM Touch Instantaneous Homebrew (Velameestra)
School of Conjuration Blink 1 bonus action V Self Instantaneous PHB 260, SRD
School of Illusion Blur 1 action V Self (C) 1 minute PHB 219, SRD
School of Transmutation Enhance Ability 1 action VSM Touch (C) 1 hour PHB 237, SRD
School of Evocation Frost Nova 1 action VSM 90 feet Instantaneous XGE 165
School of Necromancy Gentle Repose 1 action VSM Touch 10 days PHB 245, SRD
School of Necromancy Ghoul Touch 1 action VS Touch Instantaneous Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Illusion Invisibility 1 action VSM Touch (C) 1 hour PHB 254, SRD
School of Transmutation Mana Burn 1 action VS 30 feet Instantaneous Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Illusion Mirror Image 1 action VS Self 1 minute PHB 260, SRD
School of Illusion Orate Text 1 minute VSM 30 feet 1 hour Homebrew (Velameestra)
School of Necromancy Ossein Mend 1 bonus action VSM 60 feet Instantaneous Homebrew (Velameestra)
School of Illusion Phantasmal Force 1 action VSM 60 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 264
School of Evocation Protective Penumbra 1 action VS Touch (C) 1 minute Homebrew (Velameestra)
School of Necromancy Transfusion 1 action VS Touch Instantaneous HHHv2

3rd-Level Spells

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Notes Source
School of Necromancy Animate Dead 1 minute VSM 10 feet Instantaneous PHB 212, SRD
School of Necromancy Blood Sight 1 action VS Self (C) 10 minutes Homebrew (Velameestra)
School of Abjuration Counterspell 1 reaction S 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 228, SRD
School of Necromancy Curse of Undeath 1 action VS 90 feet (C) 1 minute Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Necromancy Death Coil 1 action VS 30 feet Instantaneous Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Abjuration Dispel Magic 1 action VS 120 feet Instantaneous PHB 234, SRD
School of Transmutation Haste/Bloodlust 1 action VSM 30 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 250, SRD
School of Necromancy Life Transference / Shadow Mend 1 action VS 30 feet Instantaneous XGE 160
School of Transmutation Mana Break 1 bonus action V Self 1 minute Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Abjuration Mana Flare 1 action VS Self (C) 1 minute Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Illusion Phantom Steed 1 minute VS 30 feet 1 hour PHB 265, SRD
School of Necromancy Recomposition 1 minute VSM Touch Instantaneous HHHv2
School of Divination Sending 1 action VSM Unlimited 1 round PHB 274, SRD
School of Conjuration Sleet Storm 1 action VSM 150 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 276, SRD
School of Transmutation Slow 1 action VSM 120 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 277, SRD
School of Abjuration Spellsteal 1 reaction, when a spell ends in range VS 120 feet Instantaneous Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Conjuration Tiny Hut 1 minute VSM Self (10-foot radius hemisphere) 8 hours PHB 255, SRD
School of Divination Trace Aura 1 minute VSM($) Touch 3 days Homebrew (Velameestra)
School of Necromancy Vampiric Touch 1 action VS Self (C) 1 minute PHB 285, SRD
School of Transmutation Water Breathing 1 action VSM 30 feet 24 hours PHB 287, SRD

4th-Level Spells

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Notes Source
School of Abjuration Banishment 1 action VSM 60 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 217, SRD
School of Evocation Blizzard 1 action VSM 300 feet Instantaneous PHB 252, SRD
School of Conjuration Dimension Door 1 action V 500 feet Instantaneous PHB 233, SRD
School of Illusion Greater Invisibility 1 action VS Touch (C) 1 minute PHB 246, SRD
School of Evocation Molten/Frost Armor 1 action VSM Self 10 minutes PHB 242, SRD
School of Transmutation Polymorph 1 action VSM 60 feet (C) 1 hour PHB 266, SRD

5th-Level Spells

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Notes Source
School of Necromancy Commune with Dead 1 minute VSM Self 1 minute Homebrew (Velameestra)
School of Evocation Cone of Cold 1 action VSM Self (60-foot cone) Instantaneous PHB 224, SRD
School of Illusion Dream 1 minute VSM Special 8 hours PHB 236, SRD
School of Illusion Mislead 1 action S Self (C) 1 hour PHB 260, SRD
School of Necromancy Negative Energy Flood 1 action VM 60 feet Instantaneous XGE 163
School of Divination Scrying 10 minutes VSM($) Self (C) 10 minutes PHB 273, SRD
School of Illusion Seeming 1 action VS 30 feet 8 hours PHB 274, SRD
School of Conjuration Steel Wind Strike 1 action SM) 30 feet Instantaneous XGE 166
School of Transmutation Telekinesis 1 action VS 60 feet (C) 10 minutes PHB 280, SRD
School of Divination Telepathic Bond 1 action VSM 30 feet 1 hour PHB 270, SRD
School of Conjuration Teleportation Circle 1 minute VM($) 10 feet 1 round PHB 282, SRD
School of Evocation Wall of Force 1 action VSM 120 feet (C) 10 minutes PHB 285, SRD

6th-Level Spells

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Notes Source
School of Transmutation Create Steward 1 hour VSM($) Touch Instantaneous XGE 152
School of Evocation Freezing Sphere 1 action VSM 300 feet Instantaneous PHB 263, SRD
School of Necromancy Grave Stride 1 action VS 10 feet 1 round Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Necromancy Soul Cage 1 reaction VSM($) 60 feet 8 hours XGE 165

7th-Level Spells

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Notes Source
School of Conjuration Magnificent Mansion 1 minute VSM($) 300 feet 24 hours PHB 261, SRD
School of Conjuration Plane Shift 1 action VSM($) Touch Instantaneous PHB 266, SRD
School of Illusion Simulacrum 12 hours VSM($) Touch Until dispelled PHB 276, SRD
School of Conjuration Teleport 1 action V 10 feet Instantaneous PHB 281, SRD

8th-Level Spells

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Notes Source
School of Conjuration Demiplane 1 action S 60 feet 1 hour PHB 231, SRD
School of Divination Telepathy 1 action VSM Unlimited 24 hours PHB 281