Aelthalyste Everpost

Art by Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.
- Species
- Banshee
- Gender
- Female
- Eyes
- Bright, glowing blue; violet when channeling shadow magic
- Location
- Bulwark
- Status
- Undead
Known Languages Common, Thalassian
† Vandellor Everpost | Older Brother
Liadrin Everpost | Adopted Niece
Aelthalyste Everpost was the younger sister of Vandellor and one of his most gifted students in the elven Church of Belore. She died sometime during the invasion of Quel'Thalas by the orcish Horde, but ultimately returned as a banshee.
Like all banshees, Aelthalyste bore a definitively undead appearance as her translucent skin showed evidence of decay and her face was gaunt. Her hands were spindly and claw-like, and her hair flowed wildly around her head as if she was floating beneath a lake. She appeared to have no visible legs as the ends of her tattered, priestly robes instead faded in and out of existence. Her eyes were normally a bright, piercing, glowing blue, though they shifted to violet when she channeled shadow magic.
To her allies, Aelthalyste was as genial and kind as she was in life, and she was quick to forgive minor sleights if they were done as part of a mistake or misunderstanding. She remained very fond of her adopted niece, Liadrin Everpost, as well as any that Liadrin called friend. However, to the enemies of her people, Aelthalyste possessed a dark vindictiveness that had never been characteristic of her in life. She utilized her abilities as a banshee without any hesitation, and would casually possess people as she saw fit if it meant that they could be used to aid those she vowed to protect. However, while she would not hesitate to endanger the bodies of those who were her enemies, she was quite gentle with innocent bystanders and normally ensured they would be left somewhere safe to recover.
Chapter Five: Civil War
Aelthalyste had made her way to Venetia following a subconscious pull towards the location as she believed there she could be of service to her people, and in the process she happened upon the activities of Heigan Capless and the Cult of the Damned. Through a series of possessions, she sought to infiltrate Heigan's circle in order to uncover and disrupt whatever it was he was trying to accomplish. In the process, she crossed paths with Velameestra Windrunner and her companions at the Silent Auction at the estate of Harold Kirtonos, who were also investigating Heigan Capless. Vel had identified it was a banshee that was passing through various people, but unaware of Aelthalyste's motives, she interfered by biting the foot of one of the banshee's hosts. Aelthalyste quickly realized that Vel was one of the sin'dorei, and she introduced herself. Recognizing the name, Vel lowered her guard and Aelthalyste and the young san'layn entered a private room to speak.
It became rapidly evident that they were both after the same thing, and Vel allowed Aelthalyste to tap into the telepathic bond that she was maintaining for her companions. Remnii also volunteered herself as a host for Aelthalyste, and the banshee was happy to get to know her, especially after she realized she was friends with her adopted niece, Liadrin Everpost. She assured Maraad, who was suspect of the entire situation, that no harm would come to his companion.
By using Remnii as a host, Aelthalyste was able to successfully possess an auctioneer as she had originally intended, so that she could use their magical monocles to identify which items Heigan Capless was bidding on. When the group made their plans to infiltrate the necropolis of Naxxramas by using the delivery of Heigan's prizes as a cover, she once more returned to Remnii so that she could be carried into the facility as well.
As the conflict emerged in the necropolis, Aelthalyste continued to use her possession abilities to leap between cultists and further aid her companions. She was delighted to see that her niece had also arrived to help, and once Heigan Capless was destroyed and the necropolis secured, she piloted a cultist to the peak of Naxxramas to inform the group that all the cultists loyal to Heigan had been dealt with, with the one she had possessed and summarily sent over the edge of the floating fortress when she released the possession being the last one. She had a gleeful reunion with Liadrin, who was stunned to see her aunt as a banshee, but ultimately started to process the revelation. Liadrin asked what had happened to her, but Aelthalyste simply replied it was a long story and they'd have time to catch up later.
She accompanied the group back to Venetia where she was also given a room in Velameestra's conjured manor. While she had little need for one as a banshee, she was delighted by the thought and the space for privacy. The following morning, when plans were being made, she voiced that she would like to also return to the Bulwark so that she could speak with Lor'themar Theron and Sylvanas Windrunner, as while she had kept in contact via magic, she had yet to reveal her true state and if Kael'thas and the others planned to come out of the shadows, she wished to as well. She opted to accompany the other religious folk to one last sermon put on by Billy Bright so that Remnii and Uther Menethil could speak to the pastor, and the only commentary she could offer was that the performance was "spirited".
When everyone went their separate ways, Aelthalyste joined the other elves that were going ahead to the Bulwark, where she rode along in Liadrin to mask her presence. She manifested to Lor'themar and Sylvanas when Liadrin was called in to offer her own opinions on what the sin'dorei should do going forward, and while both Lor'themar and Sylvanas tensed upon seeing her, she assured them they could calm themselves as the only reason she was present was to listen and lend aid, just as all clergy of the Church of Belore ever did, and she wished to offer her support to Velameestra and the other san'layn present as ultimately they all sought to pave a future for their people. She was satisfied to see that Lor'themar was receptive to investigating the path laid before them, and Sylvanas had ultimately decided to relent upon seeing which way the wind was blowing.
Appeared In
Chapter Five: Civil War
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Nine
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Four
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Five
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Six
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Nine
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Fifty
- Aelthalyste's introduction to Velameestra's companions
- Greetings everyone, my name is Aelthalyste Everpost. It’s a pleasure to meet all of you. I’m here to help you destroy the person that is threatening my people.
- Addressing Lor'themar and Sylvanas about her duty
- Calm yourselves. I am simply here to listen and to aid. That is ever the purpose of the Church of Belore, to enlighten and to bring light that can keep out the darkest shadows, but understanding those shadows is how one can navigate them safely.
- While most ghosts were tied to certain locales, Aelthalyste was unique in that she could travel freely, but was restricted to locations where she could somehow serve her people. As a result, she could rely on a quiet pull to know where she was most needed.