A • B • C • D • E • F • G • H • I • K • L • M • N • P • R • S • T • U • V • W • Z
- A
- B
- C
- Call Lightning
- Carrion Swarm
- Cause Fear
- Cenarion Ward
- Circle of Power
- Clairvoyance / Far Sight
- Cloud of Daggers
- Cloudkill
- Cold Storage
- Compulsion
- Confusion
- Conjure Animals
- Conjure Celestial
- Conjure Elemental
- Conjure Fey
- Conjure Minor Elementals
- Conjure Trap
- Conjure Woodland Beings
- Consecration
- Control Water
- Control Weather
- Control Winds
- Cripple
- Crown of Madness
- Crusader's Mantle
- Curse of Agony
- Curse of Recklessness
- Curse of Shadow
- Curse of the Elements
- Curse of Tongues
- Curse of Undeath
- Curse of Weakness
- D
- E
- F
- H
- I
- M
- P
- R
- S
- Scrying
- Seal of Fury / Compelled Duel
- Seal of Light
- Seal of Righteousness / Divine Favor
- Seal of the Crusader
- Sense Emotion
- Shackling Smite / Frostbite Weapon
- Shadow Blade
- Shadow Bolt Volley
- Shadow Protection
- Shadowform
- Shield of Faith
- Shivering Touch
- Shutdown
- Sickening Radiance
- Silence
- Skill Empowerment
- Sleet Storm
- Slow
- Soothe
- Spider Climb
- Spike Growth
- Spirit Guardians
- Spirit Shroud
- Staggering Smite / Seal of Justice
- Starfall
- Starfire
- Sting
- Stinking Cloud
- Stoneskin
- Storm of Radiance
- Storm of Vengeance
- Storm Sphere
- Suggestion
- Summon Aberration
- Summon Beast
- Summon Celestial
- Summon Construct
- Summon Dragon
- Summon Elemental
- Summon Fey
- Summon Fiend
- Summon Greater Demon
- Summon Lesser Demons
- Summon Shadowspawn
- Summon Undead
- Sunbeam
- Swift Quiver
- Synchronicity
- System Backdoor
- T
- W