Soulpriest: Death/Light

Cantrips [16]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Notes Source
School of Evocation Crusader Strike 1 action SM* Self 1 round Homebrew
School of Evocation Flash 1 action VS 10 feet Instantaneous Homebrew
School of Evocation Frostbite 1 action VS 60 feet Instantaneous XGE 156
School of Evocation Frostbolt 1 action VS 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 271, SRD
School of Evocation Frost Strike 1 action VM* Self 1 round Homebrew (Velameestra)
School of Divination Guidance 1 action VS Touch (C) 1 minute PHB 248, SRD
School of Necromancy Heart Strike 1 action SM* Self Instantaneous Homebrew (Velameestra)
School of Conjuration Infestation 1 action VSM 30 feet Instantaneous XGE 157
School of Evocation Light 1 action VM Touch 1 hour PHB 255, SRD
School of Transmutation Mending 1 minute VSM Touch Instantaneous PHB 259, SRD
School of Abjuration Resistance 1 action VSM Touch (C) 1 minute PHB 272, SRD
School of Evocation Sacred Flame / Smite 1 action VS 60 feet Instantaneous Warcraft: Does holy damage PHB 272, SRD
School of Necromancy Spare the Dying 1 action VS Touch Instantaneous PHB 277, SRD
School of Transmutation Thaumaturgy 1 action V 30 feet Up to 1 minute PHB 282, SRD
School of Necromancy Toll the Dead 1 action VS 60 feet Instantaneous Warcraft: Does shadow damage XGE 169
School of Evocation Word of Radiance 1 action VM 5 feet Instantaneous XGE 171

1st-Level Spells [31]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Notes Source
School of Enchantment Bless 1 action VSM 30 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 219, SRD
School of Necromancy Carrion Beetle 1 action VSM Touch 1 minute Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Abjuration Ceremony 1 hour VSM($) Touch Instantaneous XGE 151
School of Enchantment Command 1 action V 60 feet 1 round PHB 223, SRD
School of Necromancy Corruption 1 action VS 90 feet 5 rounds Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Transmutation Create or Destroy Water 1 action VSM 30 feet Instantaneous PHB 229, SRD
School of Necromancy Cure Wounds 1 action VS Touch Instantaneous PHB 230, SRD
School of Divination Detect Evil and Good 1 action VS Self (C) 10 minutes PHB 231, SRD
School of Divination Detect Magic 1 action VS Self (C) 10 minutes PHB 231, SRD
School of Divination Detect Poison and Disease 1 action VSM Self (C) 10 minutes PHB 231, SRD
School of Necromancy False Life 1 action VSM Self Instantaneous PHB 239, SRD
School of Necromancy Flash of Light / Swiftmend / Healing Surge 1 bonus action V 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 250, SRD
School of Evocation Guiding Bolt 1 action VS 120 feet 1 round PHB 248, SRD
School of Divination Guiding Hand 1 minute VS 5 feet (C) 8 hours UA: Starter Spells
School of Conjuration Harvesting Hands 1 minute SM 10 feet Varies HHHv2
School of Enchantment Heroism 1 action VS Touch (C) 1 minute PHB 250, SRD
School of Enchantment Hex 1 bonus action VSM 90 feet (C) 1 hour PHB 251
School of Abjuration Ice Barrier 1 action VSM Self 1 hour PHB 215
School of Evocation Ice Knife 1 action SM 60 feet Instantaneous XGE 157
School of Evocation Ice Lance 1 action SM 90 feet Instantaneous Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Necromancy Inflict Wounds 1 action VS Touch Instantaneous PHB 253, SRD
School of Abjuration Inner Fire 1 bonus action VS 60 feet (C) 10 minutes Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Conjuration Moonglaive 1 action VS 20/60 feet Instantaneous Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Abjuration Protection from Evil and Good 1 action VS Touch (C) 10 minutes PHB 270, SRD
School of Enchantment Puppet 1 action S 120 feet Instantaneous UA: Starter Spells
School of Transmutation Purify Food and Drink 1 action VS 10 feet Instantaneous PHB 270, SRD
School of Necromancy Ray of Sickness 1 action VS 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 271
School of Abjuration Sanctuary / Blessing of Salvation 1 bonus action VSM 30 feet 1 minute PHB 272, SRD
School of Abjuration Shield of Faith 1 bonus action VSM 60 feet (C) 10 minutes PHB 275, SRD
School of Enchantment Sleep 1 action VSM 90 feet 1 minute PHB 276, SRD
School of Evocation Wrathful Smite / Seal of Wrath 1 bonus action V Self (C) 1 minute PHB 289

2nd-Level Spells [38]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Notes Source
School of Abjuration Aid / Power Word: Fortitude 1 action VSM 30 feet 8 hours PHB 211, SRD
School of Divination Analyze Blood 1 action VSM Touch Instantaneous Homebrew (Velameestra)
School of Divination Augury 1 minute VSM($) Self Instantaneous PHB 215, SRD
School of Transmutation Blessing of Sanctuary 1 bonus action VS 30 feet 1 minute Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Evocation Branding Smite / Seal of Command 1 bonus action V Self 1 minute PHB 219, SRD
School of Transmutation Brittle 1 bonus action VS 15 feet (C) 1 minute Knuckleheads
School of Evocation Continual Flame 1 action VSM($) Touch Until dispelled PHB 227, SRD
School of Transmutation Cripple 1 action VS 60 feet (C) 1 minute Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Necromancy Curse of Agony 1 action VS 90 feet (C) 1 minute Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Necromancy Curse of Weakness 1 action VS 60 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 271, SRD
School of Transmutation Elemental Weapon 1 bonus action VS Touch (C) 1 hour PHB 237
School of Transmutation Elune's Grace 1 bonus action SM Self (C) 1 minute Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Transmutation Enhance Ability 1 action VSM Touch (C) 1 hour PHB 237, SRD
School of Divination Fortune's Favor 1 minute VSM($) Touch 1 hour EGW 186
School of Evocation Frost Nova 1 action VSM 90 feet Instantaneous XGE 165
School of Transmutation Frozen Flame 1 minute VSM Touch 8 hours Knuckleheads
School of Necromancy Gentle Repose 1 action VSM Touch 10 days PHB 245, SRD
School of Necromancy Ghoul Touch 1 action VS Touch Instantaneous Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Enchantment Hold Creature 1 action VSM 60 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 251, SRD
School of Evocation Howling Blast 1 action SM Self (15-foot cone) Instantaneous FTD 21
School of Abjuration Icicle Trap 10 minutes VSM 15 feet Until dispelled or triggered Knuckleheads
School of Divination Locate Target 1 action VSM Self (C) 10 minutes Combined
School of Illusion Magic Aura 1 action VSM Touch 24 hours PHB 263, SRD
School of Evocation Moonfire 1 bonus action VSM 90 feet Instantaneous Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Necromancy Ossein Mend 1 bonus action VSM 60 feet Instantaneous Homebrew (Velameestra)
School of Necromancy Prayer of Healing 10 minutes V 30 feet Instantaneous PHB 267, SRD
School of Abjuration Protection from Poison 1 action VSM Touch 1 hour PHB 270, SRD
School of Abjuration Restoration 1 bonus action VSM Touch Instantaneous PHB 255, SRD
School of Evocation Seal of Light 1 bonus action V Self (C) 1 minute Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Enchantment Soothe 1 action VS 60 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 221, SRD
School of Evocation Spiritual Weapon 1 bonus action VS 60 feet 1 minute PHB 278, SRD
School of Necromancy Transfusion 1 action VS Touch Instantaneous HHHv2
School of Divination Enhance Vision 1 action VSM($) Touch 1 hour PHB 284, SRD
School of Necromancy Unholy Frenzy 1 action VSM 30 feet (C) 1 minute Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Necromancy Wandering Plague 1 bonus action VS 60 feet Instantaneous Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Abjuration Warding Bond / Blessing of Sacrifice / Spirit Link 1 action VSM($) Touch 1 hour PHB 287, SRD
School of Necromancy Wither and Bloom 1 action VSM 60 feet Instantaneous SCC 38
School of Enchantment Zone of Truth 1 action VS 60 feet 10 minutes PHB 289, SRD

3rd-Level Spells [39]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Notes Source
School of Necromancy Animate Dead 1 minute VSM 10 feet Instantaneous PHB 212, SRD
School of Necromancy Aura of Vitality 1 action V Self (30-foot radius) (C) 1 minute PHB 216
School of Abjuration Beacon of Hope 1 action VS 30 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 217, SRD
School of Necromancy Bestow Curse 1 action VS Touch (C) 1 minute PHB 218, SRD
School of Evocation Blinding Smite / Seal of Radiance 1 bonus action V Self (C) 1 minute PHB 219
School of Necromancy Blood Sight 1 action VS Self (C) 10 minutes Homebrew (Velameestra)
School of Divination Clairvoyance / Far Sight 10 minutes VSM($) 1 mile (C) 10 minutes PHB 222, SRD
School of Evocation Consecration 1 action VS Self (15-foot radius) (C) 1 minute Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Necromancy Corpse Explosion 1 action VS 60 feet Instantaneous Homebrew
School of Necromancy Curse of Undeath 1 action VS 90 feet (C) 1 minute Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Evocation Daylight 1 action VS 60 feet 1 hour PHB 230, SRD
School of Necromancy Death Coil 1 action VS 30 feet Instantaneous Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Abjuration Dispel Magic 1 action VS 120 feet Instantaneous PHB 234, SRD
School of Necromancy Feign Death 1 action VSM Touch 1 hour PHB 240
School of Abjuration Glyph of Warding 1 hour VSM($) Touch Until dispelled or triggered PHB 245, SRD
School of Evocation Holy Word: Chastise 1 bonus action V 30 feet Instantaneous Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Necromancy Life Tap 1 bonus action VSM Self Instantaneous Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Necromancy Life Transference / Shadow Mend 1 action VS 30 feet Instantaneous XGE 160
School of Abjuration Magic Circle 1 minute VSM($) 10 feet 1 hour PHB 256, SRD
School of Necromancy Mass Flash of Light / Mass Swiftmend 1 bonus action V 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 258, SRD
School of Abjuration Power Word: Shield 1 bonus action V 60 feet 3 rounds Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Abjuration Protection from Energy 1 action VS Touch (C) 1 hour PHB 270, SRD
School of Necromancy Recomposition 1 minute VSM Touch Instantaneous HHHv2
School of Abjuration Remove Curse 1 action VS Touch Instantaneous PHB 271, SRD
School of Necromancy Renew 1 action VS 60 feet 3 rounds Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Necromancy Revivify 1 action VSM($) Touch Instantaneous PHB 272, SRD
School of Abjuration Shadow Protection 1 action VS Touch (C) 1 hour Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Necromancy Shadow Word: Pain 1 action VSM 90 feet 3 rounds Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Necromancy Shivering Touch 1 action VS Touch (C) 1 minute Knuckleheads
School of Conjuration Sleet Storm 1 action VSM 150 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 276, SRD
School of Necromancy Speak with Dead 1 action VSM 10 feet 10 minutes PHB 277, SRD
School of Conjuration Spirit Guardians 1 action VSM Self (15-foot radius) (C) 10 minutes PHB 278, SRD
School of Necromancy Spirit Shroud 1 bonus action VS Self (C) 1 minute TCE 108
School of Necromancy Summon Undead 1 action VSM($) 90 feet (C) 1 hour TCE 114
School of Divination Tongues 1 action VM Touch 1 hour PHB 283, SRD
School of Divination Trace Aura 1 minute VSM($) Touch 3 days Homebrew (Velameestra)
School of Necromancy Vampiric Touch 1 action VS Self (C) 1 minute PHB 285, SRD
School of Transmutation Water Breathing 1 action VSM 30 feet 24 hours PHB 287, SRD
School of Transmutation Water Walk 1 action VSM 30 feet 1 hour PHB 287, SRD

4th-Level Spells [21]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Notes Source
School of Abjuration Aura of Life 1 action V Self (30-foot radius) (C) 10 minutes PHB 216
School of Abjuration Aura of Purity 1 action V Self (30-foot radius) (C) 10 minutes PHB 216
School of Abjuration Banishment 1 action VSM 60 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 217, SRD
School of Necromancy Blight 1 action VS 30 feet Instantaneous PHB 219, SRD
School of Evocation Blizzard 1 action VSM 300 feet Instantaneous PHB 252, SRD
School of Necromancy Bone Shield 1 action VSM Self 10 minutes Homebrew (Halno)
School of Abjuration Cold Storage 1 action VSM 60 feet (C) Varies HHHv2
School of Necromancy Curse of Shadow 1 action VS 90 feet (C) 1 minute Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Abjuration Death Ward 1 action VS Touch 8 hours PHB 230, SRD
School of Necromancy Devouring Plague 1 action VS 60 feet 5 rounds Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Divination Divination 1 action VSM($) Self Instantaneous PHB 234, SRD
School of Enchantment Dominate Creature 1 action VS 60 feet (C) 1 minute Combined
School of Evocation Exorcism 1 action VS 30 feet Instantaneous Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Abjuration Blessing of Freedom / Freedom of Movement 1 action VSM Touch 1 hour PHB 244, SRD
School of Conjuration Guardian of Faith 1 action V 30 feet 8 hours PHB 246, SRD
School of Evocation Holy Light 1 action VS 30 feet Instantaneous Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Abjuration Holy Shield 1 action VSM Self 10 minutes Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Abjuration Invigorate 1 action VSM($) Touch 8 hours Knuckleheads
School of Evocation Molten/Frost Armor 1 action VSM Self 10 minutes PHB 242, SRD
School of Evocation Staggering Smite / Seal of Justice 1 bonus action V Self (C) 1 minute PHB 278
School of Necromancy Unholy Aura 1 action V Self (30-foot radius) (C) 10 minutes Warcraft only Homebrew

5th-Level Spells [33]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Notes Source
School of Abjuration Antilife Shell 1 action VS Self (10-foot radius) (C) 1 hour PHB 213, SRD
School of Transmutation Blessing of Kings 1 bonus action VS 30 feet 1 minute Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Transmutation Blessing of Wisdom 1 bonus action VS 30 feet 1 minute Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Divination Borrowed Knowledge 1 action VSM($) Self (C) 1 hour SCC 37
School of Conjuration Carrion Swarm 1 action VSM 300 feet (C) 10 minutes PHB 254, SRD
School of Conjuration Cloudkill 1 action VS 120 feet (C) 10 minutes PHB 222, SRD
School of Divination Commune 1 minute VSM Self 1 minute PHB 223, SRD
School of Necromancy Commune with Dead 1 minute VSM Self 1 minute Homebrew (Velameestra)
School of Evocation Cone of Cold 1 action VSM Self (60-foot cone) Instantaneous PHB 224, SRD
School of Conjuration Conjure Creature 1 action VSM 30 feet Instantaneous HHHv2
School of Necromancy Contagion 1 action VS Touch 7 days PHB 227, SRD
School of Necromancy Danse Macabre 1 action VS 60 feet (C) 1 hour XGE 153
School of Evocation Dawn 1 action VSM($) 60 feet (C) 1 minute XGE 153
School of Necromancy Death Pact 1 action VSM Touch Instantaneous Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Abjuration Dispel Evil and Good 1 action VSM Self (C) 1 minute PHB 233, SRD
School of Necromancy Drain Life 1 action VS 60 feet (C) 1 minute XGE 155
School of Necromancy Drain Soul 1 action VS 60 feet (C) 1 minute Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Enchantment Geas 1 minute V 60 feet 30 days PHB 244, SRD
School of Abjuration Hallow 24 hours VSM($) Touch Until dispelled PHB 249, SRD
School of Evocation Holy Weapon 1 bonus action VS Touch (C) 1 hour XGE 157
School of Divination Legend Lore 10 minutes VSM($) Self Instantaneous PHB 254, SRD
School of Necromancy Mass Cure Wounds 1 action VS 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 258, SRD
School of Necromancy Negative Energy Flood 1 action VM 60 feet Instantaneous XGE 163
School of Abjuration Planar Binding 1 hour VSM($) 60 feet 24 hours PHB 265, SRD
School of Necromancy Raise Awakened Undead 1 hour VSM (150gp/use) Touch Instantaneous Homebrew (Velameestra)
School of Enchantment Regal Presence 1 action VSM Self (C) 1 minute PHB'24 343
School of Necromancy Resurrection 1 hour VSM($) Touch Instantaneous Combined
School of Divination Scrying 10 minutes VSM($) Self (C) 10 minutes PHB 273, SRD
School of Transmutation Skill Empowerment 1 action VS Touch (C) 1 hour XGE 165
School of Conjuration Summon Celestial 1 action VSM($) 90 feet (C) 1 hour TCE 110
School of Conjuration Summon Giant 1 action VSM($) 90 feet (C) 1 hour Homebrew
School of Evocation Sunfire 1 action VSM 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 242, SRD
School of Evocation Wall of Light 1 action VSM 120 feet (C) 10 minutes XGE 170

6th-Level Spells [25]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Notes Source
School of Abjuration Anti-Magic Shell / Globe of Invulnerability 1 action VSM Self (10-foot radius) (C) 1 minute PHB 245, SRD
School of Conjuration Astral Recall 1 action V 5 feet Instantaneous PHB 289, SRD
School of Conjuration Blade Barrier 1 action VS 90 feet (C) 10 minutes PHB 218, SRD
School of Necromancy Circle of Death 1 action VSM($) 150 feet Instantaneous PHB 221, SRD
School of Transmutation Create Steward 1 hour VSM($) Touch Instantaneous XGE 152
School of Necromancy Create Undead 1 minute VSM($) 10 feet Instantaneous PHB 229, SRD
School of Divination Find the Path 1 minute VSM($) Self (C) 1 day PHB 240, SRD
School of Abjuration Forbiddance 10 minutes VSM($) Touch 1 day PHB 243, SRD
School of Evocation Freezing Sphere 1 action VSM 300 feet Instantaneous PHB 263, SRD
School of Transmutation Frost Aura 1 action VS Self (C) 10 minutes XGE 159
School of Necromancy Grave Stride 1 action VS 10 feet 1 round Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Necromancy Harm 1 action VS 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 249, SRD
School of Necromancy Heal 1 action VS 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 250, SRD
School of Conjuration Heroes' Feast 10 minutes VSM($) 30 feet Instantaneous PHB 250, SRD
School of Evocation Holy Fire 1 action VS 90 feet Instantaneous Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Conjuration Ice Block 1 reaction VS Self 1 round Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Conjuration Lightwell 1 action VSM($) 30 feet 10 minutes Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Necromancy Magic Jar 1 minute VSM($) Self Until dispelled PHB 257, SRD
School of Transmutation Metamorphosis 1 bonus action VSM($) Self (C) 1 minute Warcraft: Setting-based forms TCE 116
School of Conjuration Planar Ally 10 minutes VS 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 265, SRD
School of Necromancy Soul Cage 1 reaction VSM($) 60 feet 8 hours XGE 165
School of Necromancy Soulstone / Reincarnation 10 minutes VSM($) Touch Until dispelled Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Conjuration Summon Heroic Spirit 1 action VSM($) 90 feet (C) 1 hour UA: Wonders of the Multiverse
School of Evocation Sunbeam 1 action VSM Self (60-foot line) (C) 1 minute PHB 279, SRD
School of Evocation Wall of Ice 1 action VSM 120 feet (C) 10 minutes PHB 285, SRD

7th-Level Spells [13]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Notes Source
School of Conjuration Altar of Kings / Altar of Storms 1 hour VSM($) 120 feet 24 hours XGE 167
School of Conjuration Conjure Celestial 1 minute VS 90 feet (C) 1 hour PHB 225, SRD
School of Necromancy Create Homunculus 1 hour VSM($) Touch Instantaneous Warcraft: Creations are undead ROTF 318
School of Evocation Crown of Stars 1 action VS Self 1 hour XGE 152
School of Evocation Divine Word 1 bonus action V 30 feet Instantaneous PHB 234, SRD
School of Transmutation Etherealness 1 action VS Self Up to 8 hours PHB 238, SRD
School of Necromancy Finger of Death 1 action VS 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 241, SRD
School of Conjuration Plane Shift 1 action VSM($) Touch Instantaneous PHB 266, SRD
School of Enchantment Power Word: Barrier / Luminous Barrier 1 action V 60 feet Instantaneous UA: Playtest 8
School of Enchantment Power Word Pain / Shadow Word: Suffer 1 action V 60 feet Instantaneous XGE 163
School of Necromancy Regenerate 1 minute VSM Touch 1 hour PHB 271, SRD
School of Abjuration Symbol 1 minute VSM($) Touch Until dispelled or triggered PHB 280, SRD
School of Necromancy Tether Essence 1 action VSM($) 60 feet (C) 1 hour EGW 189

8th-Level Spells [7]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Notes Source
School of Abjuration Antimagic Field 1 action VSM Self (10-foot radius) (C) 1 hour PHB 213, SRD
School of Necromancy Clone 1 hour VSM($) Touch Instantaneous PHB 222, SRD
School of Necromancy Hex of Weakness 1 action VSM 150 feet Instantaneous Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Abjuration Holy Aura 1 action VSM($) Self (C) 1 minute PHB 251, SRD
School of Necromancy Horrid Wilting 1 action VSM 150 feet Instantaneous XGE 150
School of Evocation Sunburst 1 action VSM 150 feet Instantaneous PHB 279, SRD
School of Necromancy Vampiric Aura 1 action VSM Self (30-foot radius) (C) 10 minutes Warcraft only Homebrew

9th-Level Spells [12]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Notes Source
School of Necromancy Astral Projection 1 hour VSM($) 10 feet Special PHB 215, SRD
School of Evocation Comet Storm 1 action VS 1 mile Instantaneous Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Necromancy Death and Decay 1 action VSM 90 feet (30-foot radius) (C) 1 minute Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Conjuration Gate 1 action VSM($) 60 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 244, SRD
School of Evocation Holy Nova 1 action VSM Self (30-foot radius) Instantaneous Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Evocation Holy Word: Sanctify 1 action VS 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 258, SRD
School of Enchantment Holy Word: Serenity 1 action V Touch Instantaneous PHB 266
School of Enchantment Shadow Word: Death 1 action V 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 266, SRD
School of Conjuration Starfall 1 action VS Sight (C) 1 minute Warcraft only Homebrew
School of Necromancy Time Ravage 1 action VSM($) 90 feet Instantaneous EGW 189
School of Necromancy True Resurrection 1 hour VSM($) Touch Instantaneous PHB 284, SRD
School of Conjuration Vengeance 1 action VSM($) 60 feet (C) 1 minute Warcraft only Homebrew